Phil History

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Pigganto, Kathleen P.

Philippine History

Lesson 1: Learning History

Activity 1:
1. What is history? How is your understanding of history different from what is
explained in this lesson?
- History is the study of the past. Events occurring before the invention of writing
systems are considered prehistory. "History" is an umbrella term that relates to past
events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and
interpretation of information about these events. Actually from what is being discussed,
there is no different in my understanding of history because we all known that history is
all about the past. It’s just on how we reflect it to ourself.
2. What does a historian do? As a student of history, what do you think will be your
- Historians may spend much of their time researching and writing reports. Historians work in
museums, archives, historical societies, and research organizations. Some work as consultants
for these organizations while being employed by consulting firms, and some work as
independent consultants. And as a student of history of course learning a lot about what happen
in the past. Learning how can the past relate to our present.

3. What role does history take in the study of Philippine society, culture, and identity?
- One can understand the Filipinos,
their society and identity by studying their history which is why it is imperative that history
should be taught especially to young people in their formative years. Under this course the
student had to study, analyze and critique documents in Philippine history. Also history helps us
know why we are who we are, or in this case, why Philippine society, culture, and identity are
what they are. History gives us a preview of how everything worked in the past like culture,
politics, beliefs, governments, etc

4. What is the main distinction between primary source and secondary sources?
- Primary sources are thing that being provided or produced by the person or
group who is being involved in the event or the eyewitness of the event. For example
photographs, diaries, official documents and more while secondary sources is something
that relates to or demonstrates the primary source. Example is that journals, reference book,
textbooks and more.

5. Why is primary source important in the study of history?

- Primary sources help students relate in a personal way to events of the past and
promote a deeper understanding of history as a series of human events. Because primary
sources are incomplete snippets of history, each one represents a mystery that students can
only explore further by finding new pieces of evidence. Primary sources help students develop
knowledge, skills, and analytical abilities. When dealing directly with primary sources, students
engage in asking questions, thinking critically, making intelligent inferences, and developing
reasoned explanations and interpretations of events and issues in the past and present.

6. What is the purpose of a secondary source?

- secondary source of information is one that was created later by someone who did not
experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you're researching. Secondary
sources are being used for the purposes of a historical research projects.

7. Why should official records of the government be made accessible to the public?
- Official government records should be made public to the every citizen. It is the
constitutional right of every citizen to access official government records for any reason, ranging
from investigations and even keeping in touch. It is the thing that every person has this Freedom
of Information according their valid reason. Thus, contributes to government openness and
accountability, and represents an important instrument to prevent and combat corruption. It
can also help increase government efficiency and responsiveness, along with civic trust.

Activity 2
Pause for a few minutes and think about or reflect on your past. Has your past
influenced you in one way or another? How does your past shape your identity and
behavior? Discuss your answers.
Activity 3
Research on what Teodoro Agoncillo, Reynaldo Ileto, and Renato Constantino said
about history. Do you agree with them? Share your findings and opinions with the class.
( video presentation)
Activity 4
Read the excerpts below then do a comparative analysis.
The following readings discuss the findings on the remains of what was then
considered the earliest known human remains in the Philippines-Tabon Man.
Robert B. Fox. The Tabon Caves: Archaeological Explorations and Excavations
on Palawan Island, Philippines (Manila, 1970) p. 40.
Tabon Man - During the initial excavations of Tabon Cave, June and July, 1962, the
scattered fossil bones of at least three individuals were excavated, including a large
fragment of a frontal bone with the brows and portions of the nasal bones.
These fossil bones were recovered towards the rear of the cave along he left wall.
Unfortunately, thee area m which the human fossil bones were discovered had been
disturbed by Magapode birds. I was not possible in 1962 to establish the association of
these bones with a specific flake assemblage. Although they were provisionally related
to either Flake Assemblage lI or III, Subsequent excavations in the same area now
strongly suggest that the fossil human bones were associated with Hake Assemblage Ill
for only the flakes of this assemblage have been found to date in this area of the cave.
The available data would suggest that Tabon Man may be dated from 22,000 to
24,000 years ago. But, only further excavations in the cave and chen1tcal analysis of
human and animal bones from disturbed and undisturbed levels in the cave will define
the exact age of the human fossils.
The fossil bones are those of Homo sapiens. These will form a separate study by a
specialist which will be included in the final site report for Tabon Cave. it is important,
however, because of a recent publication (Scott, 1969), that a preliminary study of the
fossil bones of Tabon Man shows that it is above average in skull dimensions when
compared to the modern Filipino. There is no evidence that Tabon Man was ... a less
brainy individual...Scott (1969) 36). Moreover, Scott's study includes many
misstatements about the Tabon Caves, always the problem when writers work from
William Henry Scott. Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study of Philippine
History (Revised Edition) Quezon Caty, 1984), Pp. 14-15.
Tabon Man-The earliest human skull remains known in the Philippines are the
fossilized fragments of a skull and jawbone of three individuals who are collectively
called Tabon Man after the place where they were found on the west coast of Palawan.
Tabon Cave appears to be a kind of little Stone Age factory: both finished tools and
waste cores and flakes have been found at four different levels in the main chamber.
Charcoal left from cooking fires has been recovered from three of these assemblages
and dated by C-14 to roughly 7,000 B.C., 20,000 B.C., and 28,000 B.C. with an earlier
level lying so far below these that it must represent Upper Pleistocene dates like 45 or
50 thousand years ago.....Physical anthropologists who have examined.
The Tabon skullcap are agreed that it belonged to modern man-that is, Homo
sapiens as distinguished from those mid-Pleistocene species nowadays called Homo
erectus. Two experts have given the further opinion that the mandible is "Australian" in
physical type, and that the skullcap measurements are mostly nearly like those of Ainus
and Tasmanians. What this basically means is that Tabon Man was "pre-Mongoloid,
Mongoloid being the term anthropologists apply to the racial stock which entered
Southeast Asia during the Holocene and absorbed earlier peoples to produce the
modern Malay, Indonesian, Filipino, and Pacific peoples popularly and unscientifically-
called, "the brown race”.
Tabon Man presumably belonged to one of those earlier peoples, but, if decently
clothed in flesh, T-shirt, and blue jeans, might pass unnoticed in Quiapo today,
whatever His Facial features are concerned, nothing can be said about the color of his
skin or hair, or the shape of his nose or eyes-except one thing: Tabon Man was not a
A. Which is the primary source and the secondary source between the two
- The primary source is the second readings and the secondary source is the first
B. Do a credibility analysis of the sources. Who between the two authors is more
credible to talk about the topic?
Activity 5.

Look for the sources used by the Philippines and China in their respective claims of
sovereignty over the Scarborough Shoal and identify which are primary sources. Also
look for the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and explain the reason for its
decision. Present your findings in class.(video presentation).
Lesson 2:
Questions from the topic Magellan’s Voyage Around the World
Activity 1
1. Research who is Antonio Pigafetta? What is his role in the Mgellan- Elcano expedition?
- Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian scholar and explorer. He joined the expedition to the
Spice Islands led by explorer Ferdinand Magellan under the flag of King Charles I of
Spain and after Magellan's death in the Philippine Islands, the subsequent voyage
around the world. During the expedition, he served as Magellan's assistant and kept an
accurate journal which later assisted him in translating the Cebuano language .
2. According to Pigafetta, how did the locals of the island welcome Magellan and his crew?
- According to Pigafetta, locals like Rajah Humabon and his wife Juana welcomed
Magellan and his crewpeacefully. Magellan or one of his crew members were able to cure the
Rajah’s ill grandson, so in return, the latter has allowed some of his followers to be baptized as
christians. However, not all locals were very welcoming as Magellan was soon killed by in a battle
with another native leader, Lapu-lapu.
3. How are the islander’s way of life, Cultural practices, and religious beliefs described?
- Pigafetta first recognized the food the islanders have when some are provided at
thefirst meet. How beneficial coconut is to the Islanders. It's not just Islanders' food
thatPigafetta included in his journal but he also mentioned the Islander's appearance. As
mentioned by Pigafetta, the people who live near the island where they have holes in their
ears quite large that they can pass their arms through them and go naked, with a soft cloth
woven around their pivies from a tree's bark, except for some of the chiefs who w ear
cotton cloth that is embroidered with silk at the ends with a needle.
Inconclusion, the Islanders were the kind of people happy with what they have and they are
very much dependent on nature.The account of Pigafetta showed that the people ofthe Visayan
Islands lived a simple life in the 16th century but they were gradually changing as a
result of the voyagers' influence

4. Based on Pigafetta’s account, how did the battle of mactan start?

- It began when Lapu-lapu, in their village, did not want to comply and follow the
King ofSpain on his intent. Magellan get mad and did not go to Mactan. Magellan didn't want
tofight then, but sent a message to the Moro's natives that if they obeyed the king
ofSpagnia, recognized the Christian king as their sovereign, and paid tribute to them,
hewould be their friend, but if they wanted otherwise, they would have to wait to see
howtheir lances were wounded.

Activity 2
1. Visit a famous place in your town and create a five to seven minute travel video. Explain
in the video the relevance of the place. Describe what you see, hear, small and touch. also
try to taste some famous food and delicacies in the area. send your video in my account.
Questions from the topic Custom of the tagalogs
Activity 1
1. Who is Fr. Juan de Plasencia?
- Fr. Juan De Plasencia wrote the custom of Tagalogs born to the illustrious family of
portocarreros in Plasencia in the region of Extremadura. Spain in the early 16thcentury.
He was one of the seven children of Pedro Portocarrero, a captain of a Spanish schooner. he
was a Spanish friar of the Franciscan Order. Hewas among the first group of Franciscan
missionaries who arrived in the Islands He is have arrived to the Philippines in July 2,
1578, after a stopover in Mexico. As soon as he arrived, he joined forces with another
missionary, Fray Diego de Oropesa, and they both started preaching around Laguna de Bay
and Tayabas, Quezon, in Quezon Province, where he founded several towns.
2. How did he describe the hierarchy of people in the Barangay?

- Fray Juan de Plasencia came together with the first batch of Franciscan missionaries in the
Philippines.  In the list of missionaries bound for the Philippine Islands which was dispatched
from the Casa de la Contratacion of Seville, dated May 21 1577, the name Fray Joan de Puerto
Carrero, del  convento  de  Villanueva  de  la  Serena  was mentioned. This name undoubtedly
belongs to Juan de Plasencia.  He was known as a pastoral organizer and Father of the Filipino

The pre-hispanic Filipinos did not possess a high level of social organization.  Although they
lived in small communities called the barangays, this did not guarantee an organized socio-
political and religious network comparable to European standard nor to the Aztecs and Incas of
the Americas.  These communities were scattered all over the many islands of the archipelago.
And the natives were mostly subsistence farmers or fishermen, and occupied an area where they
could easily farm, hunt and fish.

2. Which particular precolonial policy or rule stood out to you? Why?

- Juan de Plasencia was a Spanish friar of the Franciscan Order. He was among the first
group of Franciscan missionaries who arrived in the Islands on July 2, 1578. He spent
most of his missionary life in the Philippines, where he founded numerous towns in
Luzon and authored several religious and linguistic books, most notably the Doctrina
Cristiana, the first book ever printed in the Philippines.
4. What are the reasons of the natives for offering sacrifices?

Questions from the topic kartilya of the katipunan

Activity 1
1. How would you describe the Kartilya in terms of its form/ writing style and content?
What are its main teachings and how are they presented?
- The Kartilya was about the thirteen lessons that serve as the Katipuneros' guide in living
with morals and good values. It was like a code of conduct that shows how to be a true
Filipino in words and action. It presented its concept of virtuous living as lessons for self-
reflection, rather than as direct prescriptions. It asserted that it was the internal, not the
external qualifications that make human greatness. In the third statement, Jacinto
defined true piety (kabanalan) as charity, love for one another, and actions, deeds and
speech guided by judicious reasons (“talagang katuiran”, literally, true reason).

Having a purpose in life is as important as living life as a human being, we are ought to
do the right thing. Kindness is shown through the service and love a Katipunero offers to
other people. The main teachings are It gave highlights to equality, It reminded the
Katipunero on the values that he should have and a Katipunero must value other
people's time.

2. Research on why Andres Bonifacio, who was then the Supremo or Supreme Leader of the
Katipunan, opted to adopt Emilio Jacinto's Teachings of the Katipunan instead of his own draft
of the Dekalogo ng Katipunan (Katipunan code of conduct). Do you find this decision sound?
How are their perspectives different and alike?
-In 1896, Andres Bonifacio, the father of the Philippine Revolution, and once the
President of the Supreme Council of the Katipunan, penned the Duties of the Sons of the
People, a list of the duties and responsibilities to be followed strictly by every member of the
organization. The rules constituted a Decalogue, and embodied Bonifacio’s passionate beliefs.
In admiration of Emilio Jacinto’s literary style, Bonifacio would later adopt Jacinto’s Kartilya as
the official teachings of the Katipunan. Similar to the Decalogue, the Kartilya was written to
introduce new recruits to the principles and values that should guide every member of the
3.As a student, how will you embody the main teachings and guiding principles of the Kartilya?
Concretize your answer and cite specific lines from the document.
- As a student that is taking a medical field course. I will embody the teaching
and guidelines of the Kartilya by deeply give importance to the right conduct that we
must have and disobeying it is like a crime for me. Love God with all your heart. Bear
always in mind that the love of God is also the love of country, and this, too, is love of
one's fellowmen. A quote from the Kartilya is this “Good work that comes from selfish
desires and not from a true desire for excellence is not kindness.” Work as you will,
without waiting for the payment. Work by your heart and you will be happy serving others
with your whole heart.

Activity 2

1.Rewrite a portion or a condensed version of the kartilya ng katipunan in a way that it can
encourage millennials like you to read practice its teachings. Post it on your Facebook account
and see how your friend will respond to it.

Questions from the topic Speech of Her Excellency Corazon C. Aquino

Activity 1
1. Research the life of Corazon C. Aquino?
- Corazon Aquino, in full Maria Corazon Aquino, née Maria Corazon Cojuangco, (born January
25, 1933, Tarlac province, Philippines—died August 1, 2009, Makati), Philippine political leader
who served as the first female president (1986–92) of the Philippines, restoring democratic rule
in that country after the long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos. Corazon Cojuangco was born
into a wealthy, politically prominent family based in Tarlac province, north of Manila. She
graduated from Mount St. Vincent College in New York City in 1954 but abandoned further
studies in 1955 to marry Benigno Simeon Aquino, Jr., who was then a promising young
politician. Corazon remained in the background during her husband’s subsequent career, rearing
their five children at home. Her husband, who had become a prominent opposition politician,
was jailed by Marcos for eight years (1972–80), and Corazon accompanied him into exile in
the United States in 1980. Benigno was assassinated upon his return to the Philippines in August
1983. This event galvanized opposition to the Marcos government.

When Ferdinand E. Marcos unexpectedly called for presidential elections in February 1986,

Corazon Aquino became the unified opposition’s presidential candidate. Though she was
officially reported to have lost the election to Marcos, Aquino and her supporters challenged the
results, charging widespread voting fraud. High officials in the Philippine military soon publicly
renounced Marcos’s continued rule and proclaimed Aquino the Philippines’ rightful president.
On February 25, 1986, both Aquino and Marcos were inaugurated as president by their
respective supporters, but that same day Marcos fled the country.

In March 1986 Aquino proclaimed a provisional constitution and soon thereafter appointed a
commission to write a new constitution. The resulting document, which restored the bicameral
Congress abolished by Marcos in 1973, was ratified by a landslide popular vote in February
1987. Aquino held elections to the new Congress and broke up the monopolies held by Marcos’s
allies over the economy, which experienced steady growth for several years. But she failed to
undertake fundamental economic or social reforms, and her popularity steadily declined as she
faced continual outcries over economic injustice and political corruption. These problems
were exacerbated by persistent warfare between the communist insurgency and a military whose
loyalties to Aquino were uncertain. In general, her economic policies were criticized for being
mixed or faltering in the face of mass poverty. Aquino was succeeded in office by her former
defense secretary, Fidel Ramos.

2. Watch the speech of Cory Aquino. Describe the scene. How was the speech? How did the
audience react to her halt- hour-long address? What was in her speech that convinced the House
of Representatives to grant two-hundred-million-dollar emergency aid to the Philippines?
3. What were the issues raised or views pointed out in her address?
4. How did the speech affect you as a viewer? In what way would it be rendered relevant to the
current conditions of Our country? Cite specific lines from the speech.
5. What are the points in her speech that you agree and disagree with? Which lines hit home?

Activity 2
Work in groups( you may choose your partner) of 3 members .View the latest state of the nation
address of President Rodrigo Duterte and discuss among yourselves its impact on the different
sectors of the society(i.e., women, youth, labor sector, Health sector, OFW, Government
workers, Farmers, etc.) How is the’’ state of the nation’’ viewed from the perspective of each
sector? (Conduct a research or an interview report your finding in a video presentation)

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