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Pigganto, Kathleen


Activity 1.
Quotations on Morality
The following are quotations on morality. Read all of them. And pick one
that appeals to you the most. In a short paragraph, explain your ideas or
interpretation of the quotation.
“We are all born as empty vessels which can be shaped by moral values.” -Jerry
- My interpretation for this quotation is that as we are born being an empty
space of course we have known nothing in this world. But as the time goes
by, the time that we are growing, the time that we are developing is the time
we are adopting values where in the environment teach us how moral it is. It
is us who will claim if we are going to shape it to ourselves.

Activity 2: Making a Moral Decision

Following is a hypothetical example illustrating how people think or behave in the
face of a dilemma. Read the text and accomplish the tasks that follow.
Allan is dying of cancer and is in extreme pain. His brother, Dr. Frank,
knows the agony that he is going through and feels so much pity for him. Dr.
Frank is aware that there is no hope for his brother to live much longer, and that
any time at any day, he will go. One day, Dr. Frank has witnessed Allan's great
discomfort and struggle. Wanting to end Allan's suffering, he is tempted to
remove his brother's life support. Dr. Frank is torn between his role as a brother
and as a doctor. He loves Allan and wishes that his suffering would end. On the
other hand, Dr. Frank faithfully adheres to medical ethics.

A. Answer the following questions:

1. If you were Dr. Frank, what would you have done?
-If I am in the situation of Dr. Frank, instead of seeing my brother suffering from
his severe illness I will not make him suffer anymore. Also I will ask permission to his
family that we will just let him rest for the rest of his life. I’m not thinking for the bills but if
there is no any hope to make him live but just the life support then let’s just stop the

2. Cite your reasons for your decision and identify the corresponding orientation
according to Kohlberg's theory

Reasons Corresponding Orientation

Not to make him suffer Pleaser/ pain Orientation
B. State the level of reasoning of the following hypothetical reasons for Dr.
Frank's decision.
1. He could not have removed the life support because he believes in the value of
human life.
- Principled or post conventional morality
2. He could have removed the life support because he loves his brother and pities
Pre conventional morality
3. He could not have removed the life support because he just wants to let things
happen as they come.
- Principled or post conventional morality
4. He could not have removed the life support because ne afraid he might be
stripped of his license to practice
- Conventional morality
5. He could not have removed the life support because he is aware of society's
- Principled or post conventional morality

C. Write your philosophy of life by considering the following points and share
your output with someone close to you:
»Goal in life
-My goal in life is of course to finish my study and have a degree of desire
profession. Payback all sacrifices of my parents while I’m still studying and have a
prosperous life in the future.
»What you hold dear and important in your life
- Of course my beloved family, it is because from being a child up until I’m a
grown up women, they become my foundation in life. They are the one who
guide me on my path. And they are always there as supporter on every
challenges I will encounter.
»What you expect to happen in your life in about 10 years
- In about 10 years, I expect that my life will become more successful. Having a
great husband and good children. If there is a chance, I will have a successful
business too.
»What ways, mechanisms, or strategies you should do to achieve your goal
- Number 1 is to have the desire, confidence and perseverance that can help to
achieve my goal.
- Number 2 is asking for a supporter or a motivator that can give me inspiration.
- And as for inspiration, think all the struggles and challenges, no matter what
happen don’t choose to give up. If you’re tired then rest, after you rest

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