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Lasers in Medical Science


Cutaneous vascular lesions in the pediatric population: a review

of laser surgery applications and lesion-specific device parameters
Thomas Vazquez 1,2,3 & Mahtab Forouzandeh 2 & Pooja Gurnani 1,2 & Shifa Akhtar 1 & Keyvan Nouri 2

Received: 2 February 2020 / Accepted: 1 June 2020

# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2020

Laser surgery is becoming an increasingly efficacious and customizable treatment modality for the management of pediatric
vascular lesions. Proper use requires a thorough understanding of the scientific principles of laser surgery and knowledge of the
various lasers available. Moreover, each laser has a multitude of settings that can be employed to properly target the lesion at
hand. Each patient will present with unique challenges and variations in the presentation of their vascular lesion. This requires
understanding of the most effective laser to use for each lesion and the factors that may alter the desired device settings. Using key
search terms, a literature search was conducted on laser surgery for pediatric vascular lesions using PubMed/MEDLINE and
Embase for articles published in English or French. Ultimately, 52 articles met our search criteria. The laser indications,
limitations, and settings utilized for each type of vascular lesion were compiled for the purposes of this summative review.
Laser surgery is an effective and appropriate option for the treatment of certain pediatric vascular lesions. Knowledge of optimal
device parameters in every setting is essential to good clinical practice.

Keywords Pediatric . Dermatology . Vascular tumor . Vascular malformation . Laser . Laser surgery

Introduction development. An individualized approach to these vascular

lesions requires careful consideration of many factors such
The management of vascular lesions in the pediatric popula- as age, Fitzpatrick skin type, lesion type, location, depth,
tion can become complex, requiring an interdisciplinary ap- and clinical progression. Consideration of all of these factors
proach and meticulous treatment considerations. Among the will aid in the selection of the appropriate laser and corre-
treatment modalities available, laser surgery has gained rec- sponding device parameters, such as wavelength, pulse dura-
ognition as an effective and minimally invasive treatment op- tion, fluence, and spot size, as well as the recommended num-
tion in the management of pediatric vascular lesions. ber of treatment sessions.
Accordingly, it is important that dermatologists who are This review aims to guide clinical practice by providing
treating vascular lesions in the pediatric population are aware dermatologists with an outline of the laser options available
of the multiple laser options available to them and their re- to them in the treatment of various types of pediatric vascular
spective indications, limitations, and recommended device pa- lesions, with special attention given to laser indications, de-
rameters. There is a wide variety of distinct vascular lesions, vice settings, and limitations seen with each type of lesion,
and each kind of lesion may present during different stages of according to the current literature.

* Thomas Vazquez Methods
Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University, A literature search of PubMed/MEDLINE and Embase was
Miami, FL, USA conducted using key search terms, including “pediatrics
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of [Mesh],” “skin abnormalities [Mesh],” “vascular,” “lasers/
Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA therapeutic use [Mesh],” “lasers/utilization [Mesh],” “lasers
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1475 NW 12th Ave., 2nd [Mesh],” “hemangioma,” port wine stain,” “glomuvenous,”
Floor, Unit 2099, Miami, FL 33136, USA and “blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome.” “Blue rubber bleb
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nevus syndrome” and “glomuvenous” were included as intervention [10, 11]. It should be noted that 25 to 40% of
search terms due to their underrepresentation in the prelimi- conservatively managed facial IH result in esthetically
nary search results. Our search was limited to articles in displeasing results [3].
English and French published between 1988 and 2018, yield- Both PDL and the neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum
ing 205 results. Every manuscript published in English and garnet (Nd:YAG) laser have been shown to be efficacious
French was comprehensively screened for inclusion. for treating IH. Laser therapy of IH is most commonly used
Manuscripts that included the pediatric population and the for ulcerated IH refractory to medication as well as for residual
use of laser surgery for any type of vascular lesion were in- telangiectasias or scarring after primary treatment or involu-
cluded in this review. Several older articles were included due tion [12–16]. In patients who elect to undergo medical therapy
to the lack of recent developments in the laser treatment of first, PDL can be an efficacious adjuvant therapy. In one
certain lesions. Moreover, some of these earlier studies con- study, 75% of patients who were refractory to propranolol
tain more extensive information regarding the associated ad- were treated secondarily with PDL [1]. The treatment param-
verse effects. All article types were included due to the relative eters for PDL typically are 595 nm, 6 to 9 J/cm2, 1.5 ms, and
lack of randomized trials on this topic. Articles that lacked 10-mm spot size, with epidermal dynamic cooling.
clear outcomes, failed to explain the laser technique used, or Furthermore, selection of the most appropriate energy density
that recommended outdated treatment modalities were exclud- should be based on the patient’s purpuric threshold [2, 3, 10,
ed. Manuscripts that focused on non-cutaneous vascular le- 17]. Alternatively, Dementieva and Jones attempted to reduce
sions (i.e., oral, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and vaginal) were IH color and volume after treatment with propranolol with
excluded. Manuscripts focusing on interstitial or endovenous moderate success using a diode laser (940 nm, 450 to 500
laser therapy were also excluded. Ultimately, 52 articles met Dg/cm2, 10 to 100 ms pulse duration, 500 ms between pulses
our search criteria. The specific laser indications, limitations, and pulse mode) [14].
and settings utilized in each manuscript were recorded, along PDL is often the laser of choice for the treatment of IH and
with their reported outcomes. When several, similar laser set- is indicated frequently for telangiectasias and fibrofatty resid-
tings for one type of lesion were employed, the settings are uum, after natural involution, to aid in the healing of involut-
reported as a range (Table 1). ing IH and for ulcerated IH [2–4, 9, 17]. There is a general
consensus that IH should be managed in their early macular
phase when they are most amenable to therapy [2, 10]. Burns
Results et al. restrict their treatment of IH with PDL to the early flat,
macular phase, which is superficial enough for PDL to be
Infantile hemangiomas effective. PDL has a maximum depth of penetration of
1.2 mm [13]. Energy penetration varies depending on laser
Infantile hemangiomas (IH) are the most common pediatric parameters including wavelength, pulse duration, fluence,
tumor and are frequently treated conservatively with a wait- spot size, and epidermal cooling system [17–21].
and-watch mentality [1–3]. The American Academy of In a 2002 randomized controlled trial by Batta et al., 121
Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management infants with superficial early uncomplicated hemangiomas
of Infantile Hemangiomas currently classifies laser surgery were treated with biweekly PDL (585 nm, 6.0–7.5 /cm2,
as a grade C, moderate recommendation [4]. IH appear in 0.45 ms, 3- to 5-mm spot size) versus a wait-and-see approach
infants and never re-appear later in life [5]. Slaughter et al. [22]. Their data showed no difference in complete clearance or
elaborate on a detailed treatment algorithm describing the ap- minimal residual signs between the two groups at 1 year (p =
proach and treatment of choice for IH in various locations and 0.92). Subjects in the treatment arm did demonstrate reduced
stages of evolution [3]. The most commonly utilized treat- redness at 1 year (p = 0.002). Thirteen percent of children in
ments for IH are propranolol or topical timolol, intralesional the treatment group experienced subjective, parent reported
steroids, lasers, and surgical excision [5–8]. Studies that com- discomfort for 2–4 days after treatment, and crusting was ob-
pare PDL surgery to β-blockers and combination therapy served in 32% of children. Similar rates of hypopigmentation
demonstrated greater efficacy with combination therapy than and atrophy were seen in both groups.
β-blocker monotherapy [9]. Although many IH regress with Burns et al. concluded in their review that Nd:YAG
age, there are cases where management should be more asser- (1064 nm, 80 J/cm2, 50 ms, 6-mm spot size) pulses should
tive [10]. IH with ulcerations or in high-risk areas such as the be spaced 2 to 6 mm apart. Moreover, they stress the impor-
eyelid and ear should be managed more aggressively; howev- tance of dermal cooling in conjunction with laser treatment to
er, IH should be assessed long before ulceration occurs [1, 10]. minimize the risk of skin atrophy and hypopigmentation [18].
In addition to the risk for ocular occlusion, IH on the eyelid (as It is recommended that growing IH be treated every 2 to
well as the nasal tip) display an unpredictable clinical course 3 weeks and quiescent IH be treated every 4 to 6 weeks [2,
and should be monitored closely for the potential need for 3, 19]. Nd:YAG therapy is also indicated in periocular IH
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Table 1 Current laser techniques for pediatric vascular lesions

Lesion type (n. of references) Laser type Wavelength Fluence Pulse duration Spot size Notes

Infantile hemangioma (26) Diode Laser 940 nm 450–500 Dg/cm2 10–100 ms Pulse mode
PDL 595 nm 6–9 J/cm2 0.45–3 ms 3–10 mm With epidermal dynamic cooling,
every 2–3 weeks for growing
IH and 4–6 weeks for quiescent
IH1, 5–7 treatments2
Nd:YAG 1064 nm 80 J/cm2 50 ms 3–4 mm Pulses spaced 2 to 6 mm apart
Telangiectasia (3) PDL or KTP 595/532 nm 9.5–11 J/cm2 1.5 ms 5–7 mm Dynamic cooling, wavelength not
reported, only 1 treatment
typically required
Pyogenic granuloma (5) PDL 585 nm 6–14 J/cm2 0.45–3 ms 5–7 mm With dynamic cooling, every
2–4 weeks2
Nd:YAG3 120–165 J/cm2 10–80 ms 3 mm
Port wine stains (15) PDL 585–595 nm 4.8–8 J/cm2 0.45–1.5 ms Every 2–3 months, 6 sessions
have also been used (fractionated
to tolerance)
PDL 595 nm 7–8.5 J/cm2 1.5 ms 10 mm Fitzpatrick skin type IV and V,
with dynamic cooling, 2–3
sessions, once a month4
Nd:YAG 1064 nm 100 J/cm2 10–10 ms 3 mm For hypertrophic PWS
Venous malformation (3) Nd:YAG 1064 nm 80–160 J/cm2 3–6 mm Epidermal cooling, every 8–12 weeks
BRBNS (1) Nd:YAG 1064 nm 250 J/cm2 50 ms 4 mm Epidermal cooling, 4-week intervals2
glomuvenous Nd:YAG 1064 nm 50–240 J/cm2 30 ms 3–12 mm Epidermal cooling, every 2–6 months
malformation (7) PDL/Nd:YAG 595/1064 nm 6–9/50–110 J/cm2 0.5/20 ms 10/10 mm Every 6–12 weeks
Lymphatic malformation (3) PDL 595 nm 7–10 J/cm2 1.5 ms 7 mm Five sessions, every 2–4 months
Fractional CO2 10,600 nm 12 W 1.5 ms 7 mm One session after PDL

BRBNS: Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome, PWS: Port Wine Stain
The same treatment spacing has been used for Nd:YAG surgery for IH
The number of treatments should be titrated to the clinical response and account for development of adverse treatment outcomes, non-responsive
lesions generally should not receive more treatments
See Fernandez-Vozmediano et al. (2010) for more customized settings
Stier et al. recommend waiting 3–6 months between treatments to allow post inflammatory hyperpigmentation to resolve

[23]. However, the use of Nd:YAG lasers for IH is generally Eyelid IH, as mentioned above, should be managed aggres-
not recommended due to concerns regarding potential sively with ophthalmological evaluation and possible steroids
hypopigmentation, scarring, ulceration, and lack of efficacy or surgical debulking. Lasers are not indicated for eyelid IH
[13, 24]. [3].
Ulcerated IH should be treated with pulsed dye laser (PDL)
1 to 2 weeks after failure of conventional therapy. Timolol or
propranolol are effective when used adjunctively [13, 17, 20]. Telangiectasia
Bleeding IH, which are frequently also ulcerated, can also be
treated with PDL [25]. PDL can both reduce pain and promote A PDL (595 nm) laser and a fractional KTP (532 nm) laser
rapid re-epithelialization in ulcerated IH refractory to medical have demonstrated efficacy in treating telangiectasias [29].
therapy; however, ulceration may worsen in patients with seg- Typically, telangiectasia only requires one treatment with
mental lesions [26, 27]. Additionally, well-developed IH that PDL for complete resolution. This is consistent across various
are not completely involuting may be refractory to treatment forms of telangiectasia. When selecting the appropriate spot
with PDL [28]. size, it should correspond with the vessel diameter [20].
There are several relative contraindications to laser surgery Furthermore, patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiec-
for IH. Children with numerous (> 3) IH should be evaluated tasia may be managed with PDL (9.5 to 11 J/cm2, 1.5 ms, 5- to
for visceral involvement, which may prompt treatment with 7-mm spot size with dynamic cooling, wavelength not report-
systemic modalities such as propranolol or corticosteroids. ed) [30].
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Pyogenic granulomas should be treated with Nd:YAG for better treatment depth
(1064 nm) [17]. Nd:YAG has also been reported to be more
PDL can be used for pyogenic granulomas that are small and effective in clearing hypertrophic PWS on the lips (064 nm,
slightly raised [20, 31]. There has also been reported success 100 J/cm2, 10 to 20 ms, 3-mm spot size, with cooling) [41].
with treating hemorrhagic pyogenic granulomas using PDL When available, combined PDL/Nd:YAG (595/1064 nm) la-
(585 nm, 6 to 14 J/cm2, 0.45 to 3 ms, 5- to 7-mm spot size, sers are preferred for hypertrophic and nodular PWS due to
with dynamic cooling) [25, 32]. Despite some success with combined efficacy and penetration [17]. Residual scarring af-
lasers for pyogenic granulomas, recurrence is common after ter Nd:YAG is a common complication, and Nd:YAG should
laser surgery [31]. Pyogenic granulomas have also shown to be avoided when possible [26].
be susceptible to Nd:YAG lasers. Fernandez-Vozmediano Despite laser treatment options, such as argon and
et al. reported efficacy and safety after treating 10 patients. Nd:YAG lasers, PDL is preferred because it often results in
Nd:YAG was used on PGs in different locations with effective near total clearance with minimal adverse effects [38].
removal of the lesions after laser therapy. Various laser set- Generally, lesions on the face are the most responsive to
tings were attempted [33]. PDL therapy, whereas those on the lower extremities tend to
respond poorly. Central forehead PWS have the most effica-
Capillary malformations/port wine stains cious results, followed by the periorbital area, peripheral face
and neck areas, and lastly central facial area. Another impor-
In contrast to vascular tumors, which can involve both the tant factor to consider is the variability in vessel diameter
dermis and subcutis, port wine stains (PWS) are typically throughout the lesion that affects the laser parameters used
confined to the papillary and superficial reticular dermis [24, [18, 20, 38]. Despite having a good safety profile, pyogenic
34]. While most PWS are initially macular, their surface may granulomas and scarring have been reported in capillary
become thickened and nodular during adulthood [24, 35, 36]. malformations treated with PDL and other lasers [26, 42].
The approach to laser surgery on these superficial low-flow PDL pulses should be spaced with a 10 to 20% target
vascular malformations is, therefore, unique. Currently, PDL overlap. When treating PWS, treatment endpoints include pur-
(585 to 595 nm, 4.8 to 8 J/cm2, 450 μs to 1.5 ms, 10-mm spot pura that develops instantly and a gray center in some cases.
size) is considered the gold standard treatment for PWS [18, Purpura typically persists for 7 to 14 days after treatment [19].
20, 24, 34, 37]. Development of a gray center indicates deeper laser penetra-
PWS in the pink macular phase tend to exhibit the best tion, which can lead to post treatment scarring. Areas with
treatment outcomes, which explains the superior treatment central, gray clearing should not continue to be treated with
response seen in younger patients [35, 36, 38]. The edges of the PDL [18].
PWS tend to demonstrate more efficient clearance than central In general, treatment of PWS with PDL requires 8 to 10
regions after PDL, making smaller lesions with a high surface treatments spaced 2 to 3 months apart [19]. Burns et al. rec-
area to total area ratio amenable to laser surgery [20]. ommend additional treatments with increasing fluence (0.5 to
Traditionally, PDL has been more effective for the treat- 1 J/cm2 increases) and pulse width (increased to 2 ms) [18].
ment of PWS in patients with lighter skin types. Concerns for Similar to cases of IH, post-regression telangiectasias can be
using PDL in darker skin types include the potential for light managed with 1 or 2 treatments of PDL [19].
absorption by epidermal melanin, which can result in a higher
risk of dyspigmentation as well as decrease the efficacy of the Venous malformations
laser by reducing its capability of penetrating vessels in the
dermis. However, Bae et al. reported two cases of patients Patients seek treatment for venous malformations for a variety
with Fitzpatrick skin type IV and V using PDL (595 nm, 7 of reasons; these include relief from pain and intravascular
to 8.25 J/cm2, 1.5 ms, 10-mm spot size, with dynamic cooling) clotting, as well as cosmetic reasons. Nd:YAG is currently
with favorable results [17, 39]. Increasing the wavelength al- the laser of choice for the treatment of venous malformations,
lows for less absorption of the laser energy by melanin, aiding especially thick or compressible lesions (1064 nm, 80 to
in not only increased penetration but also more selective 160 J/cm2, with diffuse, non-overlapping spot size and
targeting of oxyhemoglobin [39]. In a reported 10-year fol- cooling) [18, 40]. The wavelength of Nd:YAG specifically
low-up of a patient treated with PDL, the treatment results targets blue vessels, increasing the effectiveness for treating
improved even more than the results seen immediately after venous malformations [40]. The longer pulse widths utilized
treatment [37]. also preferentially target thermocoagulation of larger vessels
Although PDL is excellent for red predominant lesions, which are not able to dissipate heat as readily as smaller ves-
purple PWS tend to be refractory to PDL surgery [34]. sels [43]. Burns and Navarro utilized a 6-mm spot size for
Purple lesions may be managed more effectively with deeper vessels and a 3-mm spot size for more superficial ves-
Nd:YAG [40]. Additionally, hypertrophic or nodular PWS sels. The desired endpoints are immediate shrinkage/
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disappearance or vessel thrombosis, both of which may be a case of biopsy-proven LC after surgical excision [52].
rather striking; dermal nodularity should not be seen as an Marked improvement was observed after 3 months. A second
endpoint as this is a risk for scarring [18]. treatment was performed 3 years later after several small ves-
icles reappeared, and the patient again responded well to laser
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome surgery. Lasers can also reduce the sequelae of lymphatic
malformations such as bleeding and lymphorrhea; however,
The success of Nd:YAG with venous malformations has also infected lesions should not be managed with lasers [10, 52].
been shown to extend to the rare blue rubber bleb nevus syn-
drome (BRBNS). Moser and Hamsch demonstrated regres-
Tufted angiomas
sion of cutaneous BRBNS with one laser treatment for smaller
lesions and several treatments for larger ones (1064 nm, 250 J/
Tufted angiomas are notoriously difficult to treat.
cm2, 50 ms, 4-mm spot size, with cooling) [43]. Most of the
Accordingly, the treatment of tufted angiomas presents physi-
lesions regressed substantially several weeks after treatment
cians with a unique clinical challenge, regardless of the treat-
with a follow-up period of 4 years.
ment modality chosen. While argon tunable dye and PDL
have been used on tufted angiomas, there has so far been little
Glomuvenous malformations
success [23].
Due to their venous predominant nature, glomuvenous
malformations (GVM), including in PDL refractory lesions,
can be managed with Nd:YAG therapy (1064 nm, 50 to 240 J/ Conclusion
cm2, 30 ms, 3- to 12-mm spot size, with cooling) [44–46].
Similarly, Brauer et al. reported successful treatment of There may be a lack of awareness among dermatologists re-
GVMs using long-pulsed KTP laser (1064 nm) [47]. Trost garding laser surgery utility in the treatment of pediatric vas-
et al. attempted double pulsing on one area of GVM treated cular lesions. This review aims to guide clinical practice by
with Nd:YAG. On follow-up, the test spot was the only focus helping dermatologists understand the different laser options
of scarring [48]. available to them in the management of pediatric vascular
When treating GVMs with Nd:YAG, the immediate treat- lesions. We explored the utility of laser surgery in the treat-
ment endpoint is moderate lightening and flattening of the ment of IH, telangiectasia, pyogenic granulomas, PWS, ve-
lesion [48]. Laser surgery for these lesions may benefit from nous malformations, BRBNS, glomuvenous malformations,
combined PDL/Nd:YAG therapy for combined superficial LC, and tufted angiomas. Moreover, we highlighted the spe-
and deep treatment with lower fluences needed than in mono- cific laser types and settings that have contributed to the most
therapy. Two cases of plaque type GVMs utilized this com- effective laser surgery outcomes in the treatment of each
bined laser therapy over 6 to 10 treatment sessions with no unique type of vascular lesion.
complications (PDL, 595 nm, 0.5 ms, 6 to 9 J/cm2, 10-mm Undoubtedly, vascular lesion treatment outcomes are
spot size, and Nd:YAG, 1064 nm, 15 to 20 ms, 50 to 110 J/ optimized when dermatologists employ careful clinical
cm2, 10-mm spot size and both with dynamic cooling) [49, judgment, good technical expertise, and possess an ade-
50]. quate foundation of knowledge regarding laser indications
and limitations in each particular setting. High-quality,
Lymphatic malformations randomized studies on laser surgery for pediatric vascular
lesions are scant, including the highly characterized laser
A combined form of lymphatic and capillary malformations surgery for IH and PWS. Vascular lesions such as arterio-
known as lymphangioma circumscriptum (LC), or venous malformations, combined complex vascular anom-
microcystic lymphatic malformation, is susceptible to laser alies, kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas, and other rare
therapy. A combination therapy of CO2/PDL/Er:YAG can vascular tumors are lacking reliable studies altogether.
improve LC clearance [10]. These lasers only treat the super- Large, randomized studies are needed to identify which
ficial portion of the lesion, and the deeper portions are not vascular lesions are truly amenable to laser surgery with
affected by laser surgery. In a report by Akkaya et al., PDL much needed clarification of the ideal device parameters.
successfully treated the capillary component of a biopsy- Retrospective and observational studies are particularly
proven LC (595 nm, 7 to 10 J/cm2, 1.5 ms, 7-mm spot size) challenging for certain lesions, such as IH, which display
at 2- to 4-month intervals. One session with fractional CO2 an unpredictable clinical course. Further scientific ad-
laser (10,600 nm, 12 W, 3.5 ms, 300-μm spot size) was per- vances in laser surgery will continue to emphasize the val-
formed to target the lymphatic portion of the LC [51]. Lai et al. ue of this therapeutic option in the treatment of pediatric
utilized PDL (585 nm, 7.25 J/cm2, 450 μs, 7-mm spot size) for vascular lesions.
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