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An FAQ for BoardGameGeek

Collected and written up by Brackwater

Version 2.0
Table of Contents

1 Setup 1
1.1 Expansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What expansions for the 7th Continent can I use? . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Should I sort the expansions for other curses into the game? . . . . . . 1
Should I sort the Repentance–expansion into the game? . . . . . . . . . 1
Should I sort the Devourer- and Elements-expansions into the game? . 2
Can I use standees instead of miniatures for the devourers? . . . . . . . 2
Can I use standees instead of miniatures for flying roots? . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Sleeving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Should I sleeve cards from the 7th Continent? Which? . . . . . . . . . . 2
What size of sleeves do I need? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
What type were the sleeves from the 1st Kickstarter campaign? . . . . 2
1st Kickstarter: is the box large enough for the whole game sleeved? . . 3
2nd Kickstarter: are the boxes large enough for the whole game sleeved? 3
2nd Kickstarter: Does the whole game fit in both boxes with recom-
mended cards sleeved? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2nd Kickstarter: How many sleeves do I need when only sleeving recom-
mended cards? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1st Kickstarter: How many sleeves do I need when only sleeving recom-
mended cards? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
What should I use the 204 sleeves from the 1st Kickstarter campaign on? 4
What should I use the 204 sleeves on if I own all the expansions . . . . 4

2 Discovering the Continent 8

2.1 Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Is performing the pathfind action considered movement? . . . . . . . . 8
Do I have to engage a revealed exploration card immediately? . . . . . 8
Do I automatically move onto a tile after discarding the exploration card? 8
2.2 Adventuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Table of Contents

I had to pick a golden card with a green one still in the deck. Wrong? . 9
What does getting prompted to ’wait’ a bit mean? . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
I drew a certain number several times and no card is left. What now? . 9
I can’t find an adventure card with the correct number. What now? . . 9
I drew a card asking for language skills. What now? . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Lifting Curses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
We lifted the last curse in our game. Do we keep anything for next time? 10
We lifted a curse in our game, but not the last. What now? . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Do I have to use energy for each terrain card I’m passing? . . . . . . . 11
Do effects on tiles I’m passing through affect me? . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Does the character bonus walking skill stack? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Does the character bonus walking skill work for all movement types? . 12
2.5 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Do we have to keep track of who built a fire? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
If somebody helps me build a fire, can we use their fire miniature? . . . 12
I revealed a card with the fire resource. Does my movement perk apply? 13
Can I keep a fire miniature if it’s on my tile when saving? . . . . . . . 13
Can I replenish the whole deck just with a skill like Gourmet? No food? 13

3 Crafting and handling items 14

3.1 Getting ideas for items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
I drew an item from the action deck. Can I immediately use that item? 14
Despite hand limit, can I keep an item card if I craft it immediately? . 14
3.2 Crafting items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Can I craft an item without the needed resources? . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Can I use a crafted item as resource for another item? . . . . . . . . . . 15
Can I just give items to another player if I want? . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Can any player who is part of a crafting action receive the item? . . . . 15
Do I have to craft items that I discover when exploring? . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 Combining items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
I can only combine items with at least one shared keyword, right? . . . 16
Is it possible to combine two items I have in my inventory? . . . . . . . 16
Can I attach an item gained from trading to one in my inventory? . . . 16
Can I put an item card back into my hand when it breaks? . . . . . . . 16

Table of Contents

3.4 Disassembling items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Can I just take items out of item stacks whenever I want to? . . . . . . 17
I have to discard an item card. Must I discard the whole stack? . . . . 17
I’m allowed to discard an item card. Must I discard the whole stack? . 17
I discarded a top card and keywords don’t match anymore. What now? 17
Can I repeatedly use one-use items like meat when attached to stacks? 18
3.5 Discarding items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Where do I discard an item found in the wilderness? . . . . . . . . . . 18
Where do I discard an item crafted from an idea found in the wilderness? 18
3.6 Using items and skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Do I have to reduce durability for each used item in stack? . . . . . . . 18
How does the "does not lower durability"–effect work in item stacks? . . 19
Can I use a brown pictogram to perform the action depicted? . . . . . 19
An item shows the same brown icon twice. Both usable simultaniously? 19
Do item stacks possess all keywords in them or only the top card’s? . . 19
Can I use stars and sevens on the left strip of cards not drawn? . . . . 20
Does the multiplayer bonus (-X cards, +X stars needed) work either way? 20

4 State cards 21
4.1 Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
I have drawn a state card. How do I get rid of it? . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2 Paranoia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
My character got paranoid but is already alone. Can I ignore it? . . . . 21

5 Experience 22
When no green experience cards are left, can I just draw golden ones? . 22

6 Character Skills 23
6.1 Keelans Botanist skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
How does Keelan’s special ability work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2 Dimitris Sixth Sense skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Dimitri’s skill Sixth Sense seems very powerful. Is this on purpose? . . 23

7 Errata 24
7.1 Editions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
I only have the 1st edition of the 7th continent. Do I need the errata? . 24

Table of Contents

I got the 2nd edition of the 7th continent. Do I need the errata? . . . . 24
I have the upgrade pack from the 2nd campaign. Do I need the errata? 24

Appendix 28
B Important links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
C Official errata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Base box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Icy Maze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Forbidden Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Swamp of Madness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
D Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
V2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
V1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
V1.1B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
V1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

1 Setup

1.1 Expansions
1 What expansions for the 7th Continent can I use?
In addition to the basegame [7thC] and the first expansion set What Goes Up, Must
Come Down [UD] there is now a total of 8 mini expansions available from the two
Kickstarter campaigns. Three of those, The Icy Maze [IM], Swamp of Madness [SoM]
and The Forbidden Sanctuary [FS], add another curse and corresponding exploration
cards to your game. The other five: Fear the Devourers [FtD], Facing the Elements [FtE],
the Flying Roots [tFR], Path of Repentance [PoR] and Comfort Creatures [CC], add new
mechanics to the game. Fear the Devourers adds a new set of creatures prowling the 7th
continent, Facing the Elements adds weather effects to the game, Path of Repentance
adds effects and flavour to resting,[1] the Flying Roots adds cards to your action deck
to encounter mysterious plants[2] and Comfort Creatures a pet raising aspect.[3]

2 Can I sort the expansions for other curses into the game even if I am not
playing with them yet? I dont want to make the game harder
Yes, you can sort them with the rest of the game. The added cards will either be only
accessible when you are playing with the corresponding curse or are gated behind a
"If you have a golden card of this number in your adventure deck, use that instead"–
mechanism. When you get to such a card while not playing with an expansion curse,
you might be in the wrong area.

3 Can I sort the Repentance–expansion into the game even if I dont want
to play with it yet? I dont want to make the game harder.
You can sort the Path of Repentance expansion into your game without worrying about
it: if you dont use the pocket watch that comes with that expansion, youll have no access
to this expansion during your game. The effects of this expansion are mainly beneficial
to your survival.

1 Setup

4 Can I sort the Devourer- and Elements-expansions into the game even if
I dont want to play with them yet? I dont want to make the game harder.
After sorting in the other two expansions it is possible for you to draw exploration cards
setting in motion the corresponding specific mechanics. If you dont want to play with
those you can just set them aside and draw another exploration card of the same area.
The effects of these two expansions are well balanced and include cards beneficial and
detrimental to your survival.

5 I don’t like using miniatures and use the standees for the explorers included
in the basegame. Are standees for the devourers included in their expansion?
Unfortunately no official standees are included in the Devourers–expansion. However
there is a fan made pdf-file by BoardGameGeek user scotherns which you can use to
build your own standees.[4]

6 I don’t like using miniatures and use the standees for the explorers included
in the basegame and the What Goes Up, Must Come Down expansion. Are
standees for the flying Roots included in their expansion?
Unfortunately no official standees are included in the Roots–expansion. However there
may be a user created file available on Board Game Geek in the future.

1.2 Sleeving
7 Should I sleeve cards from the 7th Continent? Which?
Yes, you should definitely consider sleeving oftenly used and shuffled cards like the
action deck and the state cards. Other cards you should consider sleeving journal cards,
hunt result cards, meat cards and experience cards.

8 What size of sleeves do I need?

The cards used in the 7th Continent are squared and have a side length of 80 mm.[5]

9 I want to get more sleeves like the ones from the Kickstarter. What type
do I need?
The sleeves are for square cards with a side length of 80 mm. They are premium sleeves
with a thickness of 90 µm (90 microns).[5]

1 Setup

Figure 1.1: All available cards up to and including the 2nd Kickstarter campaign sorted into the
two official boxes. The cards are sleeved according to the recommendationa in this document. The
most used cards are stored in the right most tray for quick access. Storing the adventure deck and the
exploration deck in different boxes makes sharing card picking duties easier.

10 Is there enough room in the box to fit the whole game sleeved?
No, sleeving all the cards with the sleeves offered in the 1st Kickstarter campaign will
lead to the game not fitting in the original box.[6] However, nobody is stopping you
from using other, bigger boxes to store your game. Some people have reported that the
game fits completely sleeved when thin sleeves are used.

11 Does everything fit sleeved into the basegame and expansion box?
Yes, the boxes from the basegame and the "What Goes Up, Must Come Down"–
expansion together will fit the whole game sleeved, even when you are using the thicker
sleeves that were available during the 1st Kickstarter campaign (see question 9).[7]

12 Does everything fit into the basegame and expansion box if I sleeve only
the recommended cards?
Yes, the boxes from the basegame and the "What Goes Up, Must Come Down"–
expansion together will fit the whole game sleeved, even when you are using the thicker
sleeves that were available during the 1st Kickstarter campaign (see question 9).[7] So
naturally they also fit the whole game if you sleeve fewer cards. A possible layout for
this case is shown in picture 1.1.

1 Setup

13 How many sleeves do I need when only sleeving recommended cards from
all the content available in both Kickstarter campaigns and the Board Game
Geek promotion?
With all the cards available (both Kickstarter campaigns and the Board Game Geek
promotion) you will need 171 sleeves for the action deck (see table 1.1) and 251 for the
recommended cards from the adventure deck (see table 1.3). If you also want to sleeve
the exploration deck, you will need another 294 sleeves (see table 1.2) for a total of 716

14 How many sleeves do I need when only sleeving recommended cards from
only the 1st Kickstarter campaign?
With all the expansions combined and the cards from the Board Game Geek promotion
you will need 132 sleeves for the action deck (see table 1.4) and 251 for the recommended
cards from the adventure deck (see table 1.6). If you also want to sleeve the exploration
deck, you will need another 202 sleeves (see table 1.5) for a total of 490 sleeves.[8]

15 I only have 204 sleeves from the Kickstarter campaign. What should I
use these on?
If you own all the expansions I’d recommend using the sleeves on the action deck (132
cards), the 45 status cards and the 22 hunt result cards for a total of 199 cards (see
tables 1.3, 1.1 and 1.2). If you only own the base game I’d recommend using the sleeves
left over to also sleeve the journal cards for a total of 204 sleeved cards.

16 I got all the new content available during the 2nd Kickstarter campaign
but didn’t get any extra sleeves apart from the 204 from the first Kickstarter.
What should I use these on?
What Goes Up, Must Come Down and The Flying Roots add another 39 cards for the
action deck, bringing the total of sleeved cards in that category up to 171. This leaves
only 33 sleeves from the original 204 sleeves which is enough to sleeve the hunting result
cards but not the status cards.

1 Setup


Curse 8 5 1 1 1 – – – – – –
Basic Skill 35 – – – – – – 4 – – –
Character Skill 35 15 – – – – – – – – –
Advanced Skill 40 3 3 3 3 – – – 1 – –
Prodigy – 5 – – – – – – – – –
Traitor – 7 – – – – – – – – –
Other1 1 – – – – – – – – – –
Subtotals 119 35 4 4 4 – – 4 1 – –
Total 171

Table 1.1: Cards recommended for sleeving from the action deck (blue card back) from all the cards
available in both Kickstarter campaigns and the Board Game Geek promotion cards. Card numbers
taken from the official card list.[8]
You’ll know when you get it. Sleeve it when you draw it.

Zone Type 7thC UD IM FS SoM FtD FtE tFR PoR CC BGG

I 11 4 – – – 1 1 1 1 – –
II 23 4 – – – 2 2 1 1 – –
III 18 4 – – – 1 3 1 1 – –
IV 19 4 – 3 – 2 – – 1 – –
V 6 2 – – – – – 1 1 – –
VI 15 4 – – 1 3 3 1 1 – –
VII 15 4 – 1 2 – 1 – 1 – –
VIII 14 4 – – – 2 2 1 1 – –
IX 14 4 1 – – 2 3 – 1 – –
X – – 21 – – – 1 1 – – –
XI – 24 – – – – – 1 – – –
XII – 17 – – – – – – – – –
C – 9 – – – – – – – – –
Subtotals 135 84 22 4 3 13 16 8 9 – –
Total 294

Table 1.2: Amount of cards in the exploration deck per expansion (foggy card back) from all the cards
available in both Kickstarter campaigns and the Board Game Geek promotion cards. Card numbers
taken from the official card list.[8]

1 Setup

Type 7thC UD IM FS SoM FtD FtE tFR PoR CC BGG Card No.

Hunting Results 21 1 1 – – – – – – 1 – 150 + 250

Total 24

Status 45 17 – – – – – – – – – 100 – 108, 750, 800

Journal Cards 19 2 2 1 1 – – – 1 – – 050
Fishing Results 22 – – – – – – – – – – 200 + 300
Meat Cards 26 5 – – – – – – – – – 001 – 002
Experience Cards 11 – – – – – – – – – – 003
Grave Cards 3 – – – – – – – – – 1 666
Level Up Cards 2 – – – – – – – – – – 000
Items 12 4 1 – – – – – – – 1 350
Glyphs – – – 4 – – – – – – – 450
Balloon – 5 – – – – – – – – – 700
Golem – 5 – – – – – – – – – 600
The Dead – 5 – – – – – – – – – 850
Time – – – – – – – – 10 – – 500
Roots – – – – – – – 22 – – – 815, 829, 837, 846
Subtotals 161 44 4 5 1 – – 22 11 1 2
Total 251

Table 1.3: Cards recommended for sleeving from the adventure deck (green card back) from all the
cards available in both Kickstarter campaigns and the Board Game Geek promotion cards. Use the
upper part of the table when limited to the 204 sleeves from the Kickstarter campaign. The lower part
of the table is sorted by importance of sleeving if you have sleeves left over. Card numbers taken from
the official card list.[8]

Type 7thC IM FS SoM FtD FtE PoR BGG

Curse 8 1 1 1 – – – –
Basic Skill 35 – – – – – – –
Character Skill 35 – – – – – – –
Advanced Skill 40 3 3 3 – – 1 –
Other1 1 – – – – – – –
Subtotals 119 4 4 4 – – 1 –
Total 132

Table 1.4: Cards recommended for sleeving from the action deck (blue card back) from all the cards
available in the 1st Kickstarter campaign and the Board Game Geek promotion cards only. Card
numbers taken from the official card list.[8]
You’ll know when you get it. Sleeve it when you draw it.

1 Setup

Zone Type 7thC IM FS SoM FtD FtE PoR BGG

I 11 – – – 1 1 1 –
II 23 – – – 2 2 1 –
III 18 – – – 1 3 1 –
IV 19 – 3 – 2 – 1 –
V 6 – – – – – 1 –
VI 15 – – 1 3 3 1 –
VII 15 – 1 2 – 1 1 –
VIII 14 – – – 2 2 1 –
IX 14 1 – – 2 3 1 –
X – 21 – – – 1 – –
Subtotals 135 22 3 4 13 16 9 –
Total 202

Table 1.5: Amount of cards in the exploration deck per expansion (foggy card back) from all the
cards available in the 1st Kickstarter campaign and the Board Game Geek promotion cards only. Card
numbers taken from the official card list.[8]

Type 7thC IM FS SoM FtD FtE PoR BGG Card No.

Status 45 – – – – – – – 100 – 108

Hunting Results 21 1 – – – – – – 150 + 250
Subtotals 66 1 – – – – – –
Total 67

Journal Cards 19 2 1 1 – – 1 – 050

Fishing Results 22 – – – – – – – 200 + 300
Meat Cards 26 – – – – – – – 001 – 002
Experience Cards 11 – – – – – – – 003
Grave Cards 3 – – – – – – 1 666
Level Up Cards 2 – – – – – – – 000
Items 12 1 – – – – – 1 350
Glyphs – – 4 – – – – – 450
Time – – – – – – 10 – 500
Subtotals 161 4 5 1 – – 11 2
Total 184

Table 1.6: Cards recommended for sleeving from the adventure deck (green card back) from all the
cards available in the 1st Kickstarter campaign and the Board Game Geek promotion cards only. Use
the upper part of the table when limited to the 204 sleeves from the 1st Kickstarter campaign. The
lower part of the table is sorted by importance of sleeving if you have sleeves left over. Card numbers
taken from the official card list.[8]

2 Discovering the Continent

2.1 Exploration
17 I used the pathfind action on an exploration card. Is this considered
No, you are still located on the same terrain tile as before. You were only looking for a
way off that tile to a certain direction and found something on the path.[9]

18 Do I have to engage a revealed exploration card immediately?

That depends:

• If it is a temporary event the effects of the revealed card will happen at the
moment of flipping it and may have to be dealt with right then. After this the
card is replaced by the adventure card indicated on the tile you are on.[10]

• If it is an item, it can be put into the inventory of a participating character. After

this the card is replaced by the adventure card indicated on the tile you are on.[10]

• If it is a permanent event, it can be left alone and be dealt with when the explorers
are ready. The card will stay in play and will not be replaced by the adventure
card indicated on the tile you are on until it has been dealt with.[10]

19 I have revealed an exploration card, dealt with its consequences and

replaced it with the correct adventure card. Do I automatically move towards
the new tile now?
No, you only checked the path, got rid of possible obstacles and had a superficial look
at the neighbouring tile. Actually moving there is an extra action.[9]

2 Discovering the Continent

2.2 Adventuring
20 I discarded a green adventure card and replaced it with a golden one, but
there is still a green card left with the same number. Did I do something
No, this mechanic is often used for hunting- or fishing grounds or multiple outcomes
for a permanent event. This is meant to simulate game or fish getting scarce or people
not being home . After saving and loading the game, which means waiting a while, you
will be able to draw a green card at this spot again.

21 A card tells me it might be useful to wait for a while. What does this
Some adventure cards are put into the game by other adventure cards which then get
banished. The game state will not change however, as long as the invoked card stays
in play. The game tells you this by mentioning waiting which is short for saving and
reloading the game. When you explore the same tile again, you will not be able to draw
the banished card. This results in a golden card being drawn with an event that will
happen chronologically later.

22 I have to draw a card from the adventure deck but, after having already
drawn several cards of the same number, none are left. What should I do
This situation calls for a soft reset of the game. You take all the cards from the past and
sort them back into the adventure deck.[10] If you want to save time and not return all
the cards from the past at that moment, only pick the cards with the needed number
from the past, shuffle them, sort them back into the adventure deck and draw one. Keep
in mind that this is a house rule to keep the sorting break short.

23 I have to draw a card from the adventure deck but cant find one with
the correct number. What should I do now?
If the card you are looking for is a terrain or permanent event card with a number you
havent used before, check if you have missorted the card or accidentally put it into the
past or banished it. If you find the card in the past, sort all the cards from the past back
into the adventure deck.[10] If you cant find it after thoroughly checking your cards you

2 Discovering the Continent

might want to contact Serious Pulp and ask for a replacement.[11]

24 I have revealed an adventure card giving me a choice: if I speak a certain

language Im supposed to draw a certain card, if I dont, another. How do
I know which character speaks what language? Should we pay attention to
that when picking characters?
Cards like these dont ask for the characters skills but rather the players. The card drawn
from the first option will be in the language mentioned before. You need to be able to
understand it to follow its instructions.

2.3 Lifting Curses

25 We just lifted the last or only curse in our game. What, if anything, do
we keep for the next round?
This game is now over and, apart from cards that explicitely state otherwise, you sort
all cards from your hands, inventories and journal, aswell as those banished or from the
past back into their respective decks. Except for cards explicitely excluded from that
process and the things you, the players, have learnt or cartographed, nothing carries
over into your next game.

2 Discovering the Continent

26 We just lifted a curse in our game but are still afflicted with one or more
curses. What do we do now?
You follow the instructions on the card you were prompted to draw when you lifted
the curse. It is important that you only banish the clue card from your journal, not the
curse card associated with the curse you lifted from your action deck or discard pile.
The game stays harder even if you lifted one of the curses you were afflicted with.[12]

2.4 Movement
27 I want to move to a tile a couple of cards away. Do I have to add the
energy cost of all the tiles Im passing?
No, you only need to pay the energy cost of the terrain card youre starting your move-
ment from, as long as there is no connecting permanent event in the way.[9]

28 Between the terrain card Im starting on and the one Im going to during
a movement action I have to pass a tile with an effect that does something
when I leave it or prevents me from leaving it. Do I have to apply that
No, you are not considered to be on that tile. During your movement action the only
tiles you will be considered on are the one you left from, to determine the type and cost
of your movement, and the one youre moving onto, for possible effects for moving onto
that tile. Keep in mind that the distance between these two tiles may be important for
certain global effects. This has been confirmed for rockworm effects and is presumably
the same for other effects of this kind.[13]

2 Discovering the Continent

29 Does the movement bonus for moving onto a tile with another explorer
or fire miniature present stack?
Yes, when moving towards a tile that has an explorer or a fire miniature on it, all
explorers participating in the movement action can apply one or more cards in their
inventory and/or hand to help with the action.[14] This includes the special walking
ability to reduce the cost of the action by 1. So three explorers moving onto a tile with
a fire miniature could reduce the cost of the walking action by 3 just by using their
special ability.[15]

30 Does the walking bonus for moving onto a tile with another explorer or
fire miniature work for all types of movement?
No. As the symbol on the character cards indicates it only works for regular walking
actions, not for walking through snow or swimming.[16]

2.5 Fire
31 I’m playing with friends and it says we each take a fire miniature. Is it
important to keep track of who already built a fire when building a second
Yes, in multiplayer games you need to keep track of who already built a fire. This is
easily done by giving each player a fire miniature as the rules state. If one player wants
to start a new fire alone while their fire miniature is already in play, any one of the fire
miniatures on the board needs to be moved to the new location. However, this miniature
is not required to be the one originally in the active player’s possession. This applies
even if other players are still holding on to unused fire miniatures.[17] However, when
getting help while starting a fire any one player participating in the action can use their
fire miniature for the new fire, if still in possession of it.[18]

32 My fire miniature is already in use but I want to build another fire with
a flint. If somebody helps me build the fire, can we use their fire miniature?
Yes, the fire is built together and any unused fire miniature of any participating player
can be used.[18] If no player participating in the action is in possession of an unused fire
miniature, remove any fire miniature already on the board and place it at the location
you just started a new fire (see question 31).[17]

2 Discovering the Continent

33 I found something burning and it says I have the fire resource there. Does
this mean I can use this exactly like a fire miniature?
No. While both the fire resource from a terrain card and from the fire miniature offer
the same advantages for cooking, the explorers movement bonus only applies for fire
miniatures, as stated on the explorers’ character cards.[15]

34 Can I keep a fire miniature if it’s on my tile when saving?

No, the fire will go out and will not be there when you load the game the next

35 Can I replenish the whole deck just with a skill like Gourmet? No food?
No, the Gourmet skill shows a white on brown eating icon. This is considered an action
modifier and can only be applied when you are performing an eat action, which is black
on white, from another card, like meat.[20][21]

3 Crafting and handling items

3.1 Getting ideas for items

36 I drew an item from the action deck. Can I immediately use that item?
No, you just drew the idea on how to craft an item. The drawn card gets put into
your hand, which is a representation of the ideas your explorer is thinking about at the
moment. To use the idea as an item you need to craft it first.[22]

37 I drew the idea for an item into my hand. This idea puts me over my hand
limit, but I want to craft the item immediately after the action is completed.
Can I do this without discarding anything from my hand?
This is not allowed: the crafting action happens after the action during which you drew
the item idea has been completed. Part of that completed action is discarding your hand
down to the allowed number of cards. So you have to discard a card during the Hand
Size Limit step of the first action and then start a new action to craft the item.[14]

3.2 Crafting items

38 I want to craft an item but one or more of the materials on the item are
not present on the terrain Im on or on permanent events attached to it. Can
I not craft this item now?
You can still craft the item, but looking for the needed materials will require more
energy. The materials present on your terrain tile are just so abundant that gathering
them is effortless, resulting in a reduces energy cost for crafting the item.[22]

3 Crafting and handling items

39 I crafted an item that needed resources for crafting, as depicted next to

the crafting icon on the card. Can I use these resources to make crafting
another item easier?
No, the icons on top of item cards are only relevant for that card. These resources can
not be used for crafting other items. However some items might provide a resource for
crafting: however, this would be explicitely stated in the main body of that card.[22]

40 I crafted an item and my inventory is now full. Another explorer has no

items. Can I just give them an item?
You can give an item to another explorer or switch one of your items with one of theirs,
given that they are on the same terrain tile as you. However, to do this you need to
move two cards from the action deck into the discard pile. Keep in mind that this is
not an action and the participating explorers neither will be able to take one of the
discarded cards into their hands nor use cards to reduce the amount of energy needed
for this.[22]

41 I initiated an action to craft an item and another player helped me. Can
that player receive the item as the result of the action or does it go into my
inventory, so that I have to give it to them afterwards?
If a crafting action is performed by more than one character, any one of them can
receive the successfully crafted item. You place it in their inventory without discarding
any additional cards like mentioned in questions 40 as this is not a trade but the result
of the performed action.

42 I drew an item card from the adventure deck when exploring. Do I have
to craft this before I can use it?
That depends: some adventure cards with items represent ideas, others are found already
built. If there is no crafting action on the top of the card the item already exists. If
there is, you need to build it.[22]

3 Crafting and handling items

3.3 Combining items

43 I can only combine items with at least one shared keyword, right?
Wrong! You can combine all items as long as the resulting item stack is not larger than
allowed. However, when attaching an item that shares a keyword with the top item of
the stack, its durability gets added to the item stacks durability. If no keyword is shared
the durability of the item stack doesnt change when attaching the new item.[22]

44 Is it possible to combine two items I have in my inventory?

No; combining items is only possible at the moment you craft an item or you find an
artifact on the 7th continent. At that moment you can decide to attach it to an existing
item in your inventory or to open a separate stack for the new item, as long as you are
not at your inventory limit.[22]

45 Can I attach an item I got from another explorer during trading to one
of the items in my inventory?
No; only items you crafted yourself or you put into your inventory after finding them
on the 7th Continent can be combined with items you already had in your inventory.
This can only happen at the moment of acquisition.[22]

46 I crafted an item and used it until it broke. Do I take the idea of this
item back into my hand?
No; you discard the destroyed item onto the discard pile. The moment an explorer crafts
an item, the idea of how to do this leaves their hand. They forget how to craft this item,
so to speak. They will need to get the idea again by remembering or drawing the card
randomly later again.[14]

3 Crafting and handling items

3.4 Disassembling items

47 I attached an item to another item stack and the item stack is at the
maximum size allowed. Can I just rip one of the attached items off to make
room for another one?
No, you cannot decide to just disassemble item stacks to make room for other items you
want to attach to them.[22] Effects that allow you to discard a card from your hand or
inventory circumvent this rule, though (see questions 48 and 49).[23]

48 I failed an action and am prompted to discard a card with a certain

keyword from my hand or inventory. I only have an item in a stack with this
keyword. Do I need to discard the whole stack?
No, you only have to discard the item card with the keyword, not the whole stack. If
the card you discard is the top card of the stack, the first card below it will become the
new top card and have the durability die put onto it. The durability of the item stack
doesnt change.[23]

49 I succeeded when performing an action and am allowed to discard a card

with a certain keyword from my hand or inventory for a beneficial result.
I have an item in a stack with this keyword. Am I allowed to discard this
card without discarding the whole stack?
Yes, you can discard the item card with the keyword, while keeping the rest of the
stack. If the card you discard is the top card of the stack, the first card below it will
become the new top card and have the durability die put onto it. The durability of the
item stack doesnt change.[23]

50 I discarded the top card from a stack but the new top card doesn’t share
a keyword with one of the other cards. Does this have any effect on the
integrity of the remaining stack?
The only difference between removing the top card of an item stack and one in any
other position is that in this case the second card in the stack becomes the new top
card and you move the durability die on top of it. A mismatch of keywords due to this
process has no effect on the durability of the remaining stack. However, for the stack
to receive the durability bonus, items added to the stack at a later point will of course

3 Crafting and handling items

have to match the keywords of the card being on top of the item stack at that time.

51 I attached a piece of meat to an item stack. Can I just keep using the
meat until the stacks durability runs out?
No; some items, for instance meat and flints, are considered one use items ans have
to be discarded when they are used. This is mentioned in the description on the card.
However, when using an item like this within an item stack you don’t have to discard
the whole stack, but only the item card you just used. The durability of the stack is
then lowered by 1. If the item discarded was the top card of the stack, the card directly
below it will become the new top card and have the durability die put onto it.[22]

3.5 Discarding items

52 I used up an item I found in the wilderness. Where do put it when its
used up?
Its an adventure card, so, unless stated differently on the card, you discard it into the
past. Putting it into the discard pile wont work, because the card doesnt have a blue

53 I used up an item that I crafted from an idea I got in the wilderness.

Where do put it when its used up?
Its an adventure card, so, unless stated differently on the card, you discard it into the
past. Putting it into the discard pile wont work, because the card doesnt have a blue

3.6 Using items and skills

54 I have an item stack consisting of several items. Do I need to reduce the
durability of the stack by 1 for each item card I want to use in the stack?
No; when using an item stack you reduce its durability by 1 and can use any or all
applicable item modifiers in that stack during this action.[14]

3 Crafting and handling items

55 I have an item stack including a card that doesn’t lower durability of the
item but has to be discarded when used. Can I use this item stack unlimited
times? Do I have to discard the card when using the item stack for other
When using an item stack including a card that does not lower item durability but has
to be discarded when used, the outcome depends on wether you use any of the card’s
effects during the result step. If you don’t use any of the effects of the card you will
lower the durability of the stack as you usually would and can use all or any of the
effects of the other cards in that stack. If you do use the card in question, though, the
durability of the item stack will not have been lowered during the item step. You can
then use all or any of the effects included in the item stack and you will discard the
card in question from the item stack during the discard step, leaving the rest of the
item stack intact.[24]

56 I have an item depicting a brown symbol with the rest symbol. Can I
just use this as an action to rest?
No; brown icons are not actions you can take but modifiers for actions you can take
due to other reasons. In this case, when you are performing a rest action you can use
this item to modify the energy cost or successes for that action.[20]

57 I have an item that shows the same action modifier symbol twice, once
allowing me to discard fewer cards, the other to add stars to the result. It
says and/or between the two. Do I need to choose one of the two? Why
arent they in one box?
As it says and/or between the two boxes you can use both at the same time. One of
the two boxes also works for another type of action, while the other one doesnt. They
split the icons up this way to save space on the card.[22]

58 I have a bonus card I can use on an item with a specific keyword and
I have a card that has this keyword within an item stack. Can I apply the
bonus card to the item stack even if the card with the keyword is not the
top card of the stack?
For the purpose of applying a bonus card to an item stack the stack is considered to
possess all the keywords present in it. For example, a bonus card applicable on an item

3 Crafting and handling items

with the keyword "Viking" will be usable on an item stack with that keyword, even if
that keyword is not present on the top card of the stack.[25] Keep in mind that in case
of combining items only the added item’s and the top card’s keywords may be taken
into account (see question 43). Also, when discarding a card from an item stack due to
a "discard a card with the keyword..."–effect that card has to possess the keyword and
not just share a stack with another card with that keyword (see questions 48 and 49).

59 When performing an action, can I use stars and sevens on the left side
of cards in my hand or inventory?
No, these stars and sevens are only relevant when the card is revealed from the action
deck or discard pile during the result step of an action and sometimes during the
consequence step.[14]

60 When performing an action with assistance, can we use the bonus to

draw more cards with fewer stars needed?
No, this bonus only works in one direction: making actions harder to pass but reducing
the amount of cards needed to be drawn. Something close to the opposite effect is
the ability to draw more cards when performing actions, albeit without a reduced star
requirement. However, keep in mind that both the multiplayer bonus and drawing extra
cards is prohibited in actions with a lock icon.[20][14]

4 State cards

4.1 Fundamentals
61 I have drawn a state card. How do I get rid of it?
That depends on the type of state card you drew. Most state cards either depict an
action you can perform to rid yourself of them or give you information on other require-
ments that enable you to discard them. There are also items and skills that can help
you with discarding certain state cards.

4.2 Paranoia
62 My character got paranoid, but there is no other explorer on my tile or
on adjacent ones. Do I just ignore the state card?
No. Being alone is not an effect that prevents getting paranoid, but only lets you
discard the state card after you applied the consequences: You draw the state card and,
if it depicts the discard symbol, discard cards from the action deck into the discard
pile according to the rules. Once you have done this, you check if there are no other
adventurers on your tile or on adjacent ones. If there arent you discard the paranoia
state card.[10]

5 Experience

63 I have 6 experience points and am instructed to draw two more experience

cards. Only golden ones are left. Do I draw 2 golden experience point cards
for a total of 14 experience points gained?
No, the golden experience point cards instruct you to immediately return 6 green expe-
rience point cards so that the net experience gain per golden card is still only 1 point of
experience. Doing this, after having drawn the first golden experience point card there
are 6 green experience point cards left in the adventure deck to draw the second card
from, for a total of 2 experience points gained. Your experience point total is then 8,
instead of 20.

6 Character Skills

6.1 Keelans Botanist skill

64 I dont understand Keelans special ability written on her character card.
Where do I find these botany cards?
Botany cards are special Journal cards that teach you about the uses of certain plants
you can find on the 7th continent. These plants are depicted on the terrain cards and,
once you have knowledge about them in your journal, offer certain benefits. Keelans
ability lets her discard a vigilance card when on a terrain tile with a plant you have
a card of in your journal to apply the use of any other botany card you have in your
journal instead, without the plant depicted on that botany card being present.[26]

6.2 Dimitris Sixth Sense skill

65 I played with Dimitri and drew the card Sixth Sense. I used it a lot to go
through the whole action deck and basically fish for cards I wanted to get.
This cant be right, can it?
No, this is in fact an error mentioned in the official errata. Dimitris Sixth Sense is
missing the extra line Discard this.[27]

7 Errata

7.1 Editions
66 I only got the 1st edition of the 7th continent that was part of the first
Kickstarter campaign. Do I need the errata?
Yes, some cards from the 1st Kickstarter campaign have errors on them. If you didn’t
get the upgrade pack or the 2nd edition of the 7th continent from the 2nd Kickstarter
campaign, your cards will include these errors. The upgrade pack will also be available
from the Serious Poulp online store.[7][28]

67 I got the 2nd edition of the 7th continent that was part of the second
Kickstarter campaign. Do I need the errata?
Most cards that are a part of the errata for the content available in the first Kickstarter
campaign of the 7th continent are already corrected in the 2nd edition of the game.[7] An
exception of this are two cards from the Forbidden Sanctuary expansion. [29] Also keep
in mind that with the content new to the second Kickstarter campaign new corrections
may be added to the errata.

68 I got the upgrade pack from the second Kickstarter campaign or from
the official shop. Do I need the errata?
No, the upgrade pack includes corrected versions of the cards described in the errata.[7]
Once you have sorted these into your 1st edition of the 7th Continent you won’t need
the errata anymore. However, keep in mind that with the release of the content new to
the second Kickstarter campaign new corrections may be added to the errata.


[1] Serious Poulp, “The 7th continent – official homepage: Contents,” online, 2017. [Online].

[2] ——, “The 7th continent – what goes up must go down – kickstarter campaign page,” Kickstarter,
Oct. 2017. [Online]. Available:

[3] ——, “The 7th continent – what goes up must go down – kickstarter campaign page,” Kickstarter,
Oct. 2017. [Online]. Available:

[4] S. Scothern, “Devourer standees,” pdf-file, Oct. 2017. [Online]. Available: https://boardgamegeek.

[5] G. Bolan, “Relayed answer from bruno sautter concerning the type of sleeves available
in the 7th continent kickstarter campaign.” Kickstarter post, Oct. 2017. [Online]. Avail-

[6] Serious Poulp, “The 7th continent – kickstarter faq,” Kickstarter, Oct. 2015. [Online].

[7] ——, “The 7th continent – what goes up must go down – kickstarter campaign page,” Kickstarter,
Oct. 2017. [Online]. Available:

[8] ——, “The 7th continent – official card list,” 2017. [Online]. Available: https://the7thcontinent.

[9] L. Roudy and B. Sautter, “Exploring the continent,” in The 7th Continent, Official Rulebook.
Serious Poulp, 2017, pp. 18–19. [Online]. Available:

[10] ——, “Consequences of actions and events,” in The 7th Continent, Official Rulebook.
Serious Poulp, 2017, pp. 14–17. [Online]. Available:


[11] Serious Poulp, “The 7th continent delivery (part 6),” Kickstarter, Aug. 2017. [Online].

[12] Firebird, “Multiple curses and "death is lurking" cards,” Forum Post, Sep. 2017. [Online].

[13] B. Sautter, “Do rockwurm models block fast travel?” Forum Post, Aug. 2017. [Online]. Available:

[14] L. Roudy and B. Sautter, “Action resolution,” in The 7th Continent, Official Rulebook.
Serious Poulp, 2017, pp. 11–13. [Online]. Available:

[15] Serious Poulp, “7th continent character cards,” 2017.

[16] ——, “7th continent player aid,” 2017. [Online]. Available: https://the7thcontinent.seriouspoulp.

[17] Firebird, “Fire,” Forum Post, Sep. 2017. [Online]. Available: https://the7thcontinent.seriouspoulp.

[18] B. Sautter, “Le feu de camp,” Forum Post, Aug. 2017. [Online]. Available: https://

[19] Wiedewiet (translator), “Is fire use on a per character basis,” Forum Post, Aug. 2017. [Online].

[20] L. Roudy and B. Sautter, “Icons,” in The 7th Continent, Official Rulebook. Serious Poulp,
2017, pp. 11–13. [Online]. Available:

[21] B. Sautter, “using the gourmet action card.” Forum Post, Aug. 2017. [Online]. Available:

[22] L. Roudy and B. Sautter, “Items,” in The 7th Continent, Official Rulebook. Serious Poulp,
2017, pp. 19–21. [Online]. Available:

[23] B. Sautter, “Deconstructing an item clarification,” Forum Post, Aug. 2017. [On-
line]. Available:

[24] ——, “Items used that don’t lower durability, in a stack.” Forum Post, Nov. 2017. [On-
line]. Available:


[25] Firebird, “Item with the keyword,” Forum Post, Jan. 2018. [Online]. Avail-

[26] B. Sautter, “Understanding keelan mccluskey starting skill card,” Forum Post, Aug.
2017. [Online]. Available:

[27] Serious Poulp, “The 7th continent – official errata,” 2017. [Online]. Available: https:

[28] ——, “Official serious poulp homepage,” Webpage, 2018. [Online]. Available: https:

[29] B. Sautter, “Will the new items in errata version 2.0 be fixed in the 2018 printing?” Forum Post,
Jan. 2018. [Online]. Available:


B Important links
The forum thread corresponding to this FAQ. That forum post uses a more thematic
approach and offers examples for the questions answered in this list. Please feel free
to ask questions there and suggest things to be added to this file and the forum post.
Please point out any mistakes aswell.
The official errata by Serious Poulp on the official homepage for the 7th continent.
A list of all cards included in the game. Useful for checking if you are missing certain
adventure cards or if they are actually not included in the game.
The official rulebook of the game.


C Official errata
The following corrections are taken directly from the official errata V2.0 from the official
Serious Poulp homepage.[27] Spoilers may be present. Keep in mind that the official
errata may have been updated while the changes are not yet included in this file.

Base box
Action card Sixth sense" (ID: A0083) – front

Should read: "Look at the top 2 cards of the Action Deck, then put them back in any
order either both on top of it or both on the bottom of it. Discard this."

Green Adventure card no. 028 (ID: A0349) – back

The number in the "thumbs up" box should be 008, instead of 023.

Green Adventure card no. 048 (ID: A0374) – back

Should have 2 "thumbs up" box with number 127 and number 164 on it.

Green Adventure card no. 170 (ID: A0585) – front

ENE: add +1 to current value

Green Adventure card no. 235 (ID: A0673) – back

Should read: "If any one involved character has a [violet flag symbol] card in their
inventory, you may apply..."

Green Adventure card no. 240 (ID: A0679) – front

The flavor text in the black section (failed action) should read: Opening the chest a
little too brutally, you accidentally activate a protection system that destroys whatever
was inside.

Green Adventure card no. 331 (ID: A0810) – front

To the South, should read "320" instead of "259"


Green Adventure card no. 420 (ID: A0918) – front

This card should be a Quest Item (notebook icon) and not a Bonus (green hand icon).

Gold Adventure card no. 425 (ID: A0924) – back

Should have a "thumb up" box with number 417 on it + fluff text should match both
cases (failure in green 425 or new attempt after victory in 425).

The Icy Maze

Green Adventure card no. 456 (ID: B1014) – back

Should read: "If any one involved character has a [blue flag symbol] card in their inven-
tory, you may apply..."

Green Adventure card no. 538 (ID: B1055) – back

Should read: "If any one involved character has a [blue flag symbol] card in their inven-
tory, you may apply..."

The Forbidden Sanctuary

Green Adventure card no. 546 (ID: C1119) – front

There should be an arrow to the West [514] (IV)

Gold Adventure card no. 546 (ID: C1120) – front

There should be an arrow to the West [514] (IV)

Green Adventure card no. 558 (ID: C1130) – back

Should read: What looks like a mechanical golem is stomping in your direction. You
can only imagine how it is able to move.

Swamp of Madness
Green Adventure card no. 609 (ID: D1185) – front

To the East, should read "602" instead of "601"


D Changelog
• Added Items (Adventure Deck 350) and Glyphs (Adventure Deck 450) to the
recommended cards to sleeve in the content of the original Kickstarter campaign.

• Added cards recommended to be sleeved from the content from the 2nd Kick-
starter campaign in the existing categories and added some new categories

• Sleeving advice tables are now present for both people who only participated
in the first KS-campaign and those who also got the new content. It should be
obvious which ones are which but please keep this in mind

• Added a picture of my personal box setup with all the recommended cards sleeved.
Warning: colour picture

• Added a question about characters being involved in an item crafting action

• Added short descriptions of the new mini expansions to question 1

• Added information about two Swamp of Madness cards that are still faulty to
question 67

• Added numbering to the questions for easier referencing when printed

• Added two questions concerning lifted curses (questions 26 and 25)

• Changed the question concerning possession of fires on board in accordance with

a newer ruling (question 31)

• Added a question concerning item stacks including items that do not use durability
when used (question 55)

• Added two questions about keywords affecting stacks in certain situations (ques-
tions 58 and 50)

• Added questions about certain stars and resources being unavailable during ac-
tions (questions 59 and 39)


• Added a question about devourer standees and a reference to the DIY file uploaded
to the 7th continent file section at BoardGameGeek by user Scothern (question

• Added errata–related questions to the document (questions 66 to 68)

• Added the official errata to the document

• Corrected some typos and changed some words to be more concise

• Fixed some issues with the table of contents not linking to correct places

• Added information about size of the needed sleeves and the thickness of the sleeves
from the kickstarter campaign

• Added Promo cards to the sleeving advice section

• Added fishing results and grave cards to the sleeving advice section

• Added sources for rules when known

• Added a question about discarding one-use items

• Added questions regarding fire

• Added details for which cards to sleeve depending on expansions owned


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