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These two are connected to each other, the only thing is that leisure is the time that recreation

which are activities where being done by an individual. Recreation is an activity held by an individual

during his free time with the purpose of enjoyment, relaxation, refreshment, and another positive feeling

while doing that certain activity. This free time is the leisure time of an individual that he can spend on

his chosen activity. The recreation and leisure contribute to the holistic development of the person

because it doesn’t only help them to gain emotional strength but also physical strength.


There are different classifications of recreation according to their participation, level of activity,

objective, and settings. On the participation, there are two types namely spectator where people spend

their time to watch event and derive enjoyment from it, and the participant type where people do not

gain enjoyment by just only watching because they must join on it. The second one is the level of the

activity; the active type recreation is where people have to function effectively in performing the action

and the passive type recreation where people have no excessive movement in performing the action.

Third is the objective, it contains the physical activity where people exert efforts and bodily functions in

performing the action and the mental activity in where the mind is doing the functions with less body

movement. Lastly, the settings which are the indoor or the comfort in confinement of enclosed facilities

and the outdoor or the open area for enjoyment or fun. Other classifications of recreation are the arts,

culture, crafts, fitness, sports, and technology based.


The active and passive recreation has their main point to be done. In passive recreation, it includes
the usage of facilities or equipment to do such activity. It involves hiking, jogging, zumba, rock
climbing, and more. This focus on being human oriented, connecting with others while acquiring
good benefits. While in passive recreation which doesn’t involve the usage of facilities, it mostly
focused on the environment and humans. It gives a much more peace of mind, you can reflect on your
own, and can make more time for yourself. Also, for the environment since there’s no need for the use
of such facilities and equipment then we are more prone to preserve the habitat and protection to the
nature. This includes recreation such as reading, fishing, singing, gardening, and more.

There are several benefits to acquire on active and passive recreation. In active recreation
which requires the use of facilities gives us mostly physical health, development of our skills, improve
mental health, and those goods benefits that contributes in our concentration or learning. Now the
benefits that we can get on passive recreation are mainly for our environment because it doesn’t need
the use facilities. It protects, restore, and maintain the habitats of the animals, also the whole
ecosystem. You can manage your time and less to think about the place on where to do the activity. It
also gives you more peace and good ambiance because you’re more focus on the activity that you
want to do. Lastly, it provides more community gathering spaces and leading to further community


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