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A Project Report on

“Study of employee job satisfaction with special reference to

Aditi foods, Nerle.”
In partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of
Submitted by,
(Enrolment No. 2045080)
Under the guidance of
Prof. Arjun c. Thorat

The Director
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)
Rajaramnagar (Sakharale), Islampur, Dist- Sangli

Academic Year

This is to certify that the project work entitled

In Partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of


“Study of employee job satisfaction with reference to

Aditi foods,Nerle.

Submitted by,

Mr. Gautam Dilip Raigandhi

(Enrollment No. 2045080)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Arjun C. Thorat

(, MBA, SET.)
This project is submitted through the Director,
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar
during the academic year 2021-2022


Head Director,
Dept. Of. Management Studies Rajarambapu Institute of
Technology, Rajaramnagar

I declare that this report reflects my thoughts about the subject in my own words. I have
sufficiently cited and referenced the original sources, referred, or considered in this work. I
have not submitted the same work for the award of any other degree. I also declare that: I
have adhered to all principles of academic honestly and integrity and have not misrepresented
or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand that any
violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute.

Sr. No Student Name Roll no Signature

1. Gautam Dilip Raigandhi 2045080

Place: RIT, Rajaramnagar

I take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed in the successful Completion
of Mini Project at “Employee job satisfaction” sincerely wish to express my gratitude, and
encouragement and kind cooperation throughout the Project work. I am greatly indebted to
him for his help throughout the internship work. I am greatly indebted Dr. Pratibha Jagtap
Head of the Department, Management Studies for providing necessary facilities, guidance,
and support.

I am extremely thankful to her and her all staff especially Prof. Arjun Thorat Sir and others
for providing me such a nice support and guidance.

I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support Department,

which helped me in successfully completing internship. Nevertheless, I express my gratitude
toward my family members for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped me
in the completion of this internship.

Gautam Dilip Raigandhi

BBA III 2045080
Sr. No Contents Page No.


Human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organization. It is the
sum-total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents
and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise executives, supervisors and the rank
and file employees. It may be noted here that human resource should be utilized to the
maximum possible extent, in order to achieve individual and organizational goals. It is
thus the employee's performance, which ultimately decides, and attainment of goals.
Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy
and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures purport that
employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and
positive employee morale in the workplace. Employee satisfaction, while generally a
positive in your organization, can also be a downer if mediocre employees stay because
they are satisfied with your work environment.

The term relates to the total relationship between an individual and the employer for which
he is paid. Satisfaction does mean the simple feeling state accompanying the attainment of
any goal; the end state is feeling accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its

This project report mainly focused on a study on employee's satisfaction, Aditi foods.
Employee satisfaction is an important factor which will influence the growth and
profitability of the firm. Employee satisfaction is terminology used to describe whether
employees fulfilling their desire and need at work many measures purport that employee
motivation, employees goal achievement and positive employee morale in the work place.

Job satisfaction survey can give the most valuable information the perceptions and causes.
For satisfaction/dissatisfaction among the employees attitude towards job satisfaction may
be either positive or negative. This positive feeling can be re-in forced and negative
feelings can be rectified. This survey can be treated as the most effective and efficient
way, which makes the workers to express their inner and real feelings undoubtedly.

For any future course of action or development, which involves employee's participation,
is considered. The management will get a picture their employee's acceptance and
readiness. This survey also enables to avoid misinterpretations and helps management in
solving problems effectively. It is observed during study some

of the employees accepted the proposal survey research.

A perfectly contentment and satisfaction motivates an employees to be confident with a

high morale, it is an asset to organization as a whole. Thus the high motivation and morale
of an employee make him to remain in the organization and encourage him to face cut
throat competition and gives him enough dynamism to face challenges.

Every human being possess him own unique resource, if properly channels it by
supportive and supplement, ultimately for achieving organization goals. As proper
breathing and diet is necessary to healthy human being so as is contentment to the job
satisfaction. This contentedness ultimately acts as a key factor to human resource
Everyone from managers, retention agents to HR need to get a handle on employee loyalty
and satisfaction - how committed is the workforce to the organization and if workers are
really contented with the way of things for gauging their likelihood to stay with the
company. One of the main aspects of Human Resource Management is the measurement
of employee satisfaction. Companies have to make sure that employee satisfaction is high
among the workers, which is a precondition for increasing productivity, responsiveness,
and quality and customer service. The litmus test is to study turnover and average length
of service. If turnover is on the rise, loyalty levels are low and vice-versa.
Comparing them to industry averages gives good idea of attrition probabilities. Staff
attendance, compliance with policies and confidence in leadership are other indirect
indicators of allegiance while excessive theft and sabotage spell obvious lack of
The term Job Satisfaction was brought to limelight by Hoppock (1935). He reviewed 32
studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 & observed that job satisfaction is a
combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a
person to say. "I am satisfied with my job". Locke defines job satisfaction as a
"pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job
experiences". To the extent that a person's job fulfils his dominant need & is consistent
with his expectations & values, the job will be satisfying.
Job satisfaction of employees helps the organisations to maintain standards and increase
productivity by motivating the employees. Human resource is the most important resource
for any organisation and so the study of join satisfaction of employees helps to know the
level of employee satisfaction towards the Job, factors that affect the job satisfaction of
employees etc. job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation. As such it
cannot be seen, it can only be inferred. Job satisfaction is often determined by how well
outcome meet or exceed expectations. For instance, if organisation participants feel that
they are working much harder than others in the department but are receiving fewer
rewards hey will probably have a negative attitude towards the work, the boss and co-
workers. On the other hand, if they feel they are being treated very well and are being paid
equitably, they are likely to have positive attitudes towards the job.

It is said that satisfied employee is a productive employee. Any kind of grievance relating

to organisational of personal to a greater extends influence on the job. Soo every

organisation is giving higher priority to keep their employees with satisfaction by

providing several facilities which improves satisfaction and which reduces dissatisfaction.

Job satisfaction is considered as key issue by the entrepreneur where efforts are taken and

programs are initiated.

If an employee is not satisfied with the job there are chances for absenteeism, low

turnover, lower productivity, committing of mistakes, diverting energy for different types

of conflicts etc. keeping this thing in view all organisations are trying to identify the areas

where satisfaction to be improved to get out of the above dangers. Satisfied employees are

also more likely to be creative and innovative and come up with breakthrough that allows

a company to grow sad change positively with time and changing market conditions.

Job satisfaction describes how happy and individual is with his or her job. The happier

people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be, logic would dictate that

the most satisfied (“happy”) workers should be the best performers and vice versa. This is

called the “happy worker” hypothesis is not well supported, as job satisfaction is not the

same motivation or aptitude, although they may be clearly linked. A primary influence on

job satisfaction and performance using methods such as job rotation, job enlargement, job
enrichment and job re-engineering. Other influences on satisfaction include management

styles and culture, employee involvement, empowerment, and autonomous work position.

Job satisfaction studies continue to emerge, and the results are often valued for both

humanistic and financial benefits. When employees are satisfied, they end to care more

about the quality of their work, they are more committed to the organisation, they have

higher retention rates, and they are generally more productive. Job satisfaction data is

helpful in evaluating the emotional wellness and mental fitness of employees and that

organisations can use the information to improve departmental policies and practices

where dissatisfaction is expressed. Training programs at higher learning institutions also

value the research for evaluating their practices and addressing areas of dissatisfaction

with practicing professionals in the field.

The success of any company basically depends upon its ability to attain goals and

objectives. Among the five M’s namely man, machine material, money and method,

human resources of an organisation without satisfying its manpower. Now a day it is a

widely accepted fact that a happy worker is an invaluable asset to any organisation

contributing to prosperity.

Job satisfaction means a function which is positively related to the degree to which one’s

personnel needs are fulfilled in the job situation. Employees are most satisfied and highly

productive when their job offers them security from economic stain, recognition of their

effort, clear policy of grievances, opportunity to contribute ideas and suggestions,

participation in decision making and managing the affairs, clean definitions of duties and

responsibilities and opportunities for promotion fringe benefits, sound payment structure,

incentive plans and profit sharing activities, health and

safety measures, social security, compensation, communication system and finally

atmosphere of mutual trust respect.

As the employees are the precious asset of and organisation, the satisfaction of all

employees in their work is very important. Job satisfaction is a part of life satisfaction. Is

the favourableness within which employees view their work. It expresses the amount of

agreement between one’s expectation of the job and the reward that the job provides. Soo

it is the result of employee’s perception of what the organisation provides.

Employers have a need to keep employees from leaving and going to work for other

companies this true because of the great costs associated with hiring and retraining new

employees. The best way to retain employees is by providing them with job satisfaction

and opportunities for advancement in their carriers’. Employees that are satisfied and

happy in with their jobs are more dedicated to doing a good job and taking care of

costumers that sustain the operation. Job satisfaction is something the working people seek

and a key element of employee retention.

Every person will have hops or her definition of what it means to be satisfied with a job.
Studies show that employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more productive,

creative, and be more likely to be retained by the company.

Research has shown that there may be many environmental features that can be created
and maintained to give employees job satisfaction. Pay and benefits, communication,
motivation, justice and leisure time all seem to play a part as to whether employees are
satisfied whit their jobs, according to studies.

1.2 management problems:

 An employee’s overall satisfaction with his job is the result of a combination of
factors and financial compensation is only one of them. Management’s role in
enhancing employees’ job satisfaction is to make sure the work environment is
positive, morale is high and employees have the resources they need to accomplish
the tasks they have been assigned.
 Because employees spend so much time in their work environment each week, it’s
important for companies to try to optimize working conditions. Such things as
providing spacious work areas rather than cramped ones, adequate lighting and
comfortable work stations contribute to favourable work conditions. Providing
productivity tools such as upgraded information technology to help employees
accomplish tasks more efficiently contributes to job satisfaction as well.

1.3Statement of research problems:

 The study deals with the job satisfaction of employees in Aditi foods, Nerle. Here the
study is undertaken in order to find out the problems relating to the satisfaction level.
If there is any reason for dissatisfaction proper steps are undertaken.
 It is said that satisfied employee is a productive employee, any kind of grievance
relating to organizational or personal to a greater extend influence on the job. Soo
every organization is giving higher priority to keep their employees with the
satisfaction by providing several facilities which improves satisfaction and which
reduces dissatisfaction.
 Job satisfaction is considered as a key issue by the entrepreneur where efforts are
taken and programs are initiated. If an employee is not satisfied with the job there are
chances for absenteeism, job turnover, lower productivity, committing of mistakes,
diverting energy for different types of conflicts keeping this thing in view all
organizations are trying to identify the areas where satisfaction to be improved to get
out of the above dangers.

 Employee satisfaction mediates the relationship between customer value and

customer loyalty.

 Employee satisfaction and loyalty have significant reciprocal effects on each other.


1. To know employee opinion about the working environment in the organization.

2. To derive and analyse the satisfaction level of the employees in the company.

3. To analyse relationship of employee relation with employer and peer group.

4. To know the employee satisfaction towards the infrastructure facilities.

5. To evaluate how human resource factors (general factors) affect the satisfaction level
of employees in ADITI FOODS.

6. To determine the various facilities provided by ADITI FOODS.


1. To understand the level of satisfaction.

2. Improve the relationship between producers and costumers.

3. Evaluating the industry for carrying out further improvement.

4. To be describe overall quality of products of the industry.

5. This stud enables the company to understand the real picture of the industrial

 The company can analyse the level of employee satisfaction in their organization.
 The company can improve the working conditions, environment and other policies to
satisfy the employees.
 The company can implement my valuable suggestions to overcome many problems
faced by organization.
 This study is to understand how the organization works and can get more insight on
the concept of job satisfaction.
 This study is undertaken to provide suggestions.


Research methodology

It is systematic way of studying the problems. It deals with the way in which data are
collected for the research project. Bothe primary and secondary data are used for the study.

 Primary data
Data collected through survey, and discussion and with the help of questionnaire, each
question in the questionnaire must satisfy the objective of the study.

 Secondary data
Secondary data are those which have been collected by some other persons for his
purpose and published secondary data collected through journals and annual report of
the company.

 Nature of sample
The study was conducted among the sample of 50 respondents.

 Tools used for analysis

A sample survey is conducted among employees of the company. A questionnaire
was used for data collection.

 BrikendAziri Management Research and Practice 12/2011;

Employee Satisfaction is one of the most complex areas facing by today managers
when it comes to managing their employees. Many studies have shown an unusually
large impact on the job satisfaction and the motivation of workers, while the level of
motivation has an impact on productivity, and hence also on performance of business
organizations unfortunately our region. job satisfaction has not still received the
proper attention from anyone, 2 neither scholars nor managers of various business

 Allen and Meyer, 1996; Karrasch 2003;

Organization commitment can be defined as affiliation of employees to the
organization and involvement in it. In general there are three dimensions of
commitment which are continuance commitment, affective commitment and
normative commitment.

 Goyal (1995) Determined the extent of employee satisfaction experienced by textile

workers due to primarily the statutory labour welfare facilities provided in the private,
public and co- operative textile sectors in Punjab, the awareness and implementation
of these labour welfare facilities and their correlation with job satisfaction, including
the relationship between labour welfare and job satisfaction.

 Srivastava (2004) The Impact of Labour Welfare on Employees Attitudes and Job
Satisfaction, a comparative study was conducted on workers in the private and public
sectors of Kanpur city. The researcher attempted to assess the quality of labour
welfare activities measure the degree of job satisfaction of workers provided with
labour welfare facilities in private and public sectors and evaluates the attitudes of
Workers towards management in both the sectors.

 Alamsageer, Dr. SameenaRafat, Ms. Puja Agarwal ISSN: 2278-487X Volume 5,

Issue 1 (Sep- Oct. 2012), Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe
whether employees are happy, contended and fulfilling their desires and needs at
work. Many measures support that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee
motivation, employee goal achievement and positive employee morale in the work
place. Basically employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with
their job and working environment. In this paper various variables responsible for
employee satisfaction has been discussed such as Organization development factors,
Job security factors, Work task factors, Policies of compensation and benefit factor
and opportunities which give satisfaction to employees such as Promotion and career
development abo has been described This paper also deals the various ways by which
one can improve employee satisfaction
 Cranny, Smith & stone (1992) Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to
describe whether employees are happy, contended and fulfilling their desires and
needs at work. Many measures support that employee satisfaction is a factor in
employee motivation, employee goal achievement and positive employee morale in
the work place. Susan M.Heath field (About.Com defined ES as the "combination of
affective reactions to the differential perceptions of what he/she wants to receive
compared with he/she actually receives.

 According to Moves, Shao & Newsome (2008) the employee satisfaction may be
described as how pleased an employee is with his or her position of employment. As
Spector (1997) defined job satisfaction as all the feelings that a given individual has
about his/her job and its various aspects. Employee satisfaction is a comprehensive
term that comprises job satisfaction of employees and their satisfaction overall with
company policies, company environment etc." The history of job satisfaction stems
back to the perspective on job satisfaction. This perspective states that satisfaction is
determined by certain characteristics of the job and characteristics of the job
environment itself. This view has been present in the literature since the first studies
by Hauser, Taylor and the various projects at the Western Electric plants in

 (Cranny, Smith & Stone 1992). These studies follow the assumption that when a
certain set of job conditions are present a certain level of job satisfaction will follow.
The Hawthorne Studies are considered to be the most important investigation of the
human dimensions of industrial relations in the early 20th century. They were done at
the Bell Telephone Western Electric manufacturing plant in Chicago beginning in
1924 through the early years of the Depression. The Hawthorne plant created an
Industrial Research Division in the early work on morale and designed to identify
salient aspects of behaviour has the consequence of changing the behaviour it is
designed to identify. The initial Hawthorne effect referred to the observation that the
productivity of the workers increased over time with every variation in the work
conditions introduced by the hen people realize that their behaviour is being watched
they change how they act. The development of the Hawthorne studies also denotes the
beginning of applied psychology, as we know it today. These early studies mark the
birth of research on job satisfaction relating to design and productivity.

 (Hackman & Oldham, 1975),Supervision, the second facet, is measured in such ways
assignments .Co- workers, the third facet, are measured in terms of social support,
networking, and possible benefits attached to those relationships (Cranny, Smith &
Stone, 1992). Pay, the fourth facet, is an important source of satisfaction because it
provides a potential source of self-esteem as well as the generic opportunity for
anything money can buy (Brockner, 1988). Obviously satisfaction with pay is
measured primarily by current income but also by opportunities for salary increases.
Promotion is the final facet and the one that the JDI explicitly assesses how
perceptions about the future can.

 Employee satisfaction is considered to be a critical success factor for organizations.

The concept of employee satisfaction has gained a special concern from both
academicians and practitioners. This study aims to provide a framework for employee
satisfaction and determine the critical factors of employee satisfaction and to measure
their effect on overall evaluation of employee satisfaction in small and medium sized
enterprises (SME) based on the data collected from Turkey. Data analysis revealed
that there is a positive relationship between the each factor of employee satisfaction
which are named satisfaction from pay and benefits (P&B), satisfaction from peers
(P), satisfaction from management (M), satisfaction from working environment (WE),
satisfaction from superior (S) and overall employee loyalty in SMES. Furthermore,
relevant recommendations and measures for improving the employee satisfaction are

 Judge, Timothy A.: Thoresen, Carl J.; Bono, Joyce E: Patton, Gregory
K.Psychological Bulletin Vol 127(3), May 2001, A qualitative and quantitative
review of the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is provided.
The qualitative review is organized around 7 models that characterize past research on
the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Although some models
have received more support than have others, research has not provided conclusive
confirmation or discontinuation of any model, partly because of a lack of assimilation
and integration in the literature.

 According to Nancy C. Morse (1997) Satisfaction refers to the level of fulfilment of

one s" needs, wants and desire. Satisfaction depends basically upon what an
individual wants from the world, and what he gets." Employee satisfaction is a
measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. It is sure
that there may be many factors affecting the organizational effectiveness and one of
them is the employee satisfaction. Effective organizations should have a culture that
encourages the employee satisfaction, Blatti & Qureshi, (2007)

 According to Hunter & Tietven, (1997), Employees are more loyal and productive
when they are satisfied and these satisfied employees affect the customer satisfaction
and organizational productivity, Potter field, (1999). There is no limit for the
employees to reach the full satisfaction and it may vary from employee to employee.
Sometimes they need to change their behaviours in order to execute their duties more
effectively to gain greater job satisfaction, Miller, (2006). Having good relationships
with the colleagues, high salary, good working conditions, training and education
opportunities, career developments or any other benefits may be related with the
increasing of employee satisfaction.
1. Dr.Chandrakant Verma (2017) examined importance to employee
motivation and job satisfaction. The main purpose of this study to understand
the impact of HRM policies and practices on employee motivation and job
satisfaction and Explore the challenges to motivation and job satisfaction
result there is increase in employees leaving the organization in search of
better places to work effective leadership and management is required to
appreciate employees

2. Dr. Ankur Jain (2019) studied Effects of Motivation and satisfaction at

workplace and Identify the Approaches used to motivate employees and
Identify the Employee participation in decision making the research conclude
that Motivation is an important aspect within any organization and
consequently ought to be overseen appropriately if high profitability in the
association is normal. Authoritative administrators should in this manner
target impacting positive representative directs through inspiring them to
guarantee that they submit their endeavors towards hierarchical achievement.

3. ElizabethBoye Kuranchie (2015) conducted that employees of the four large

scale mining companies are motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors
with particular emphasis on pay or remuneration. Good paywas identified to
be the best motivating factor for employees at the mining industry.

4. AbrihamEbabuEngidaw(2021) studied effect of motivation on employee

engagement in public sectors purpose of this study To explain the effect of
intrinsic motivation on employee engagement in selected city administration
employees.describe the effect of extrinsic motivation on employee
engagement in selected city administration off employees the research
concluded that study also examined the effect of intrinsic extrinsic motivation
on employee engagement.

5. Nduka Obiekwe(2016) studied the impact of employee motivation on the organization the different
types of motivation and motivate the employee to do better work for the overall benefit of the
organization the research concluded that it can be concluded that it is surely potential to motivate
employees to work well for an organisation and that it is vital task for managers. It appear to be that
there exist a self-rewarding circular correlation amongst the performance, satisfaction and motivation
of an employee; an employee ac-complish a high performance.

6.M.A.Bawa(2017) has studied relationship between employee motivation and organizational

productivity. The research conclude that literature review was carried out on the impact of motivation
on productivity, by using Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and how to apply it at different levels of
employees' career path by identifying their life styles and expectations and adopting appropriate
strategies to motivate and satisfy them.
7. Danish Ahmed Siddiqui(2019) studied in Impact of motivation on employees performance in
Pakistan.and found the effects of internal and external motivations on employee performance. To
study other structures that may affect employee performance. The research concluded that the purpose
of this paper was to examine the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation over employee
performance. So, this paper was attempted to study the relationship and hence the results showed that
intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation affects the employee performance.

8. Tinh Hoang Huu(2016) examined Effects of Motivation on Employees Performance at

PetrovietnamNghean Construction Joinst Stock Corporation purpose of this study To Describe the
importance of certain factors that motivate employees, concluded that The study has shown that every
motivational factor is important. It emphasizes that the degree of importance of each motivational
factor depends on the type of motivational theory that is adopted. The study has also established that
both the employer and the employee must.
1.3 Objectives :
1) To study the concept of employee's motivation.

2) To know which kinds of motivation techniques are implemented by 'Sudhir

Industries, Islampur.

3) To study the effect of monetary & non-monetary benefit provided by the

organization on the employee's performance.

4) To evaluate the motivational factors & motivational level of the employees

by 'Sudhir Industries.

1.4 Hypothesis

 Null Hypothesis:
There is relation between Promotional Activities and emploee motivation.
 Alternative Hypothesis:
There is No relation between Promotional Activities and employee motivation.

1.5 Scope of the study:

1. Conceptual scope: The conceptual scope is limited to the concept of Employee


2. Geographical scope: The geographical scope is limited to one private organization,

"Sudhir industries, Islampur.

3. Analytical scope: Analysis scope is limited to the use of interpretation.

1.6 Importance of the Study

1)It helps to increase knowledge about employee's motivation organization procedure.

2)It helps to know problems that managers face in organization & how they overcome
those problem

3)Various research has understood responsibilities of the manager while dealing with

1.7 Research Methodology

Research definition:

The definition of research given by Creswell is "research is a process of steps used to collect
and analyze information to increase our understating of a topic or issue."

Primary Data:

Primary data is first-hand data, which is collected by the researcher himself, is called primary
data. Primary data collected through interviews, questionnaires, observation with authority
and observations. For the study the questionnaire method has been used to collect the primary

Types: Questionnaire.

2. Theoretical Background
2.1 Meaning:

Motivation is the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviours, it
iswhat causes you to act whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a
book to gain knowledge. motivation involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive
forces that activate behaviour. In everyday uses, the term "motivation" is frequently used to
describe why a person does something. It is the driving force behind human actions.

motivation doesn't just refer to the factors that activate behaviours, it also involves the factors
that direct and maintain these goal-oriented actions (thought such motives are rarely directly
observable), as a result, of we often have to infer the reasons why people do the things that
they do based on observable behaviours


"Motivation is mainly psychological. It relates to those forces operating within the

individual's employee or subordinates which impel him to act of or not to act in certain ways"

Dalon E McFarland.

"Motivation is a general inspirational process which gets the members of the team to pull
their weight effectively. 10 give their loyalty to the group, to carry out property the task they
accepted & generally to play on effective part in the job that the group has undertaken." -
E.FL. Brech.

2.2 Advantages of Motivation:

1. It is helpful in increasing the productivity and efficiency of operation.

2.It is helpful in decreasing the tiredness & absenteeism.

3.Help in decreasing the opposition to changes being affected for better organizational


4.Helps in decreasing the friction between workers themselves and between the management

and workers. Instead, it improves the relations.

5.Help in decreasing the wastages & accidents.

6. Helps in decreasing no. of complaints grievances thereby reducing the loss is man-hour.

Disadvantages of Motivation:

1.Unmotivated employees do not take an interest in their organization.

2. They include in spreading rumors.

3. There is no co-operation from unmotivated employees.

4. The threats of strikes, demonstration etc.

2.3 Types of Motivation:

There are two types of motivation. There is as follows-

1.Positive Motivation:

Such a reward may be financial or non-financial monetary motivation may achieve it. People
are said that to be motivated positively. When they are shown a reward and they find way to
achieve it. This way includes different incentives wage plans, productive bonus schemes etc.
Non- monetary motivation may include praise for the work, participation in management,
promotion, leadership, welfare in factory; social organization etc. monetary incentives
provide the workers a better standard of life. While non-financial incentives satisfy. The ego
of man positive motivation seeks to management create & optimistic atmosphere in the

2.Negative Motivation: -

This motivation has got several limitations. By installing fear in the in the mind of people one
can get the desired work done. In this method of motivation fear of consequences of doing
something keeps the workers in the desired direction. Fear creates frustration, a hostile state
of mind an unfavorable attitude towards the job8. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions: Participation
in trade fairs and exhibitions is an important element of promotion mix. The main benefits of
trade fairs and exhibitions are that product demonstrations are possible, close observation of
competitors, immediate booking of orders from customers etc.

Motivation is concerned with the strength and direction of behavior and the factors that
influence people to behave in certain ways.  Motivating yourself is about setting the
direction independently and then taking a course of action that will ensure that you get there.

There are three major components to motivation: activation, persistence, and intensity.
2.4 Scope of Motivation:

1.Helps is evaluated yourself: -

In order to motivate, encourage and control your staff is behaviors, it is essential to

understand, encourage and control your own behaviors as a manager.

Work upon utilizing your strengths and opportunities to neutralize and lower the negative
impact of your weakness and organizational threats

2. Motivation provide the employees certain benefits:.

Give your staff some financial and other benefits. Give them bonuses, pay them for overtime,
and give them health and family insurance benefits. Make sure they get breaks from work.
Let's them enjoys vacations and holidays. helps the staff to be motivated: -

The staff member are keen to know how they are performing. Try giving a regular and
constructive feedback to your staff. This will help in boosting employee's morale and will
thus motivate the staff.

2.5 Methods of Motivation:

Management can employ a variety of techniques or methods to motivation his staff. Some
important techniques or methods for motivation are as follows:

1.Monetary Techniques:-

This is based on this popular belief that a man works for money. Therefore, an attractio
getting more money will prove to be the most powerful motivator. Incentives like more fringe
benefits, security of tenure, conditions of service etc. are some good and approp example of
the monetary technique's motivation.
2.Job-based Techniques: -

These types of techniques are based on social human and psychological beliefs, Job
simplification and freedom in planning for work, sense of recognition, responsibility and
achievement are some examples of such techniques.

3.Supervisory Techniques:-

This is also called "Leadership' styles. This technique plays very important role in motivation
of employee. Autocratic, democratic & free rein techniques of leadership are important styles
as they have their own implications of employee motivation, morale and productivity. The
different circumstances for different employee.

4.Group Based Techniques:

Heber Banner a well-known author an management and motivation has advocated group-
based techniques for motivation the employee. The management should faster group
consciousness and co-activeness among individual employee by laying down general norms
and guidelines of work for the group as a whole.

5. Training Techniques or T-Groups: -

In this the sensitivity training is imparted to make the managers understand themselves better,
becoming more open-minded developing insight into group process and cultivating a
systematic approach towards the problem of motivation. A manager thus trained is supposed
to She communicate with his sub-ordinates inspire them to contribute their best to the
common goals & objectives.


M/s Sudhir Industries is a partnership firm having registered office at plot no. - C-15 &
(Part), MIDC, Islampur, Tal. Walwa, Dist. Sangli. Sudhir Industries is manufacturing unit of
PP woven bags (cement & sugar) at mentioned address.

Sudhir industries is a transformer manufacturer and repairer as well as maintenance of and

distribution Transformer Company led by MR. AbhijeetSudhirpise. Systems are de and
supervised by a team of qualified engineers having more than 35 years of experie provide
best quality equipment leading to total customers' satisfaction. Our range is pr with the Indian
standard specification. We are also specialized in transformer oil filtra per the is

Brief History of The Organization and Present Position:

The proposed industry will mainly manufacture Poly propylene bags used for packing
fertilizer, sugar, cattle feed, cement, spinning mills &other chemical Industries. Fresh
vegetables. Oil seeds, salt, starch, pesticides, detergents & many other item serial so being
packed in woven sacks. The project use Poly propylene (PP), Low density polythene (LDPE)
& Calcium carbonate (CaCo3 also called filler) as the raw materials.


To be among top three leaders in ferrous casting industry in India by 2021.



Satisfaction by offering quality products with completive price at right time.


Develop skilled, self-motivated and satisfied workers.

Department /Section in Organization:

1.Marketing Department:

The workforce in this department is responsible in identifying customer need and creating
product to satisfy them. The marketing mainly are involved in the following activities.

2. Operation Department:

The operation department combines two or more components (among attractions.

transportation, intermediaries, destination, accommodation, and activities) to create a packa
and sell it to the consumer.

3. Finance Department:

The finance department is responsible for acquiring and utilizing money for financing the
activities of the business the finance people assess short term and long-term capital

4. Sales Department:

This department is solely responsible for selling the relevant product to the consumers. The
sales person in the business itself and the consumer.

5. Human Resource Department:

This department is responsible for recruiting skilled, and experienced manpower according to
the positions at vacancies of different department. 6. Purchase Department:
Product/Service Offered:

The project produces 80,000 to 90,000 bags per day depending upon the denier of the fabric.
The processes to be carried are very simple. Firstly, Raw Material i.c., PP. LDPE & filler in
granule form is extruded through the machinery to form the tape/String Then it is put through
the machine, which is known as circular weaving. Here, the yarn is converted into cloth by
warp and weft weaving. Then the bags are formed with the help of Sewing and cutting
machine and sent for printing.

Manufacturing Process:


In this process raw material like PP & filler is mixed in desired quantity in plant hopper.
Later the material is passed through extrusion barrel & dye. A liquid film is formed, which is
then passed through cutter blades. Tapes are formed of width 2 to 2.5 mm which are later
wound on winders and bobbins.


Once the tape is winded on bobbins, they are loaded on circular looms. Rolls are wound
around core pipes. Circular looms make fabric with vertical & horizontal tapes in mesh form
Rolls are prepared approximately of 200-210 kgs. Rolls are then removed from looms & new
core pipes are introduced on looms, for further rolls.


Once rolls are removed from looms, they are cut into desired sizes & sem for printing.
Printing is made with help of rubber stereos Bill of 500 bags are made & dispatched.
Human Resource Scenario of Organization:

The managing human resource in the organization is an important task. Human resource
department is doing the management of human resource in the organization. Sudhir industries
follows a system HR department that each authority comping under the general manager
(worker) has to report directly to general manager (worker) in the hierarchy this will help to
speed up the communication flow in the organization.

Operation Management of Organization:

Operation management is the process that generally plan, control & supervises manufacturing
& production process and service delivery. Operations management is important in a business
organization because it helps effectively manage control & supervise goods, services &
people. Operation management cuts across every sector & industry as it may concern.
Operation management finds use in every business through some might not be obvious. For a
production or manufacturing company to be successful, operation management is major unit
that must first stand.

Marketing Scenario of Organization:

The marketing situation in Sudhir industries is good. They use a number of ways to set up
through advertising as well. This management is important in a good marketing setting in
Sudhir industry, marketing condition are important for small business due to the influence of
individual business factors.

Important Statistics Information:

1) Deal With Uncertainties by Forecasting seasonal cyclin and general economic fluctuations.

2) Helps is sound decision making by providing accurate estimates about, costs, demand,
prices, sales etc.

3) Helps in business planning on the basis of sound predictions and assumptions.

4) Helps in measuring variations in performance of product, employees, business units etc.


Findings and observations:


1) 40% employees agree that they are functioning with this organization from last 8 year,
28.33% employees agree that they are functioning with this organization from last 4 year and
21.66% employees agree that they are functioning with this organization from last 6 year.
10% employees agree that they are functioning with this organization from last 2 year.

2) .53.33% employees think that their manager and supervisor directly affect their job

3) 69.16% employee's performance is affected by their level of motivation.

4) 63.33% employees are sufficiently motivated by superiors.

5) 51.66% employees agree that they are management interested in motivating the

6.) 36.66 employees agreed sometimes that there opinions are taken into consideration 7.35%
employees says responsibility their motivate the employee must.

8) 31.66% Employees think Salary increase are factor motivates them

9) 56.66% employess level of motivation is increased by training.

10).59.16 employees agreed that company security of good attributes.

11) .52.5% employee's personal relationship with co-workers and management are
employees' motivation relation

12) .40.83% employees says that financial incentive provided by the management.

13). 50% of respondents agreed that medical organization satisfactory.

14) 42.5 Employees are motivate with the financial incentive motives them.

15) .44.16% respondents level of satisfaction with the work culture.




1. Organization can have to promote well qualified and educated persons in the higher post.

2. Organization can try different types of motivational method to increases the satisfaction
level of employee

3. Organization should identify employees dissatisfied with welfare facility and provide the
required facility.

4. Organization should provide healthy work culture for employees.

5. Organization should identify employee dissatisfied with medical facility and provide them
the same.

 Conclusion:

With the help of this study researcher conclude that the motivation is wide spread concept
that it is not only way to boost employee to perform more but it creates the bound and affinity
between the organization employee and their work.

The studied organization to do same thing with the help of qualified labour officer and other
commercial concern firms so that it results in more and more profit and development in the

Through this study companies will be able to understand better ways to motive employees
and the importance of employees motivation at the workplace. As a result, the job satisfaction
of employees will increase then they will get motivated at the workplace.


1. Kothan C.R., Research Methodology, New Delhi: New Age International Publication,
second edition.

2. Ashwatha pa K., Human Resource Management (third edition), Tata Mc Graw

HillPublication Company Ltd. Page no. 81-136,171,179,267,284,

3. Chhabra, T. N, Human Resource Management, Dhanpat Rai SCo(P) Ltd,



 Varma, C. R. (2014). Building high performance organization culture creating an

employer brand with reference to Indian banking industry.
 Varma, C., & Chavan, C. R. Envisioning Organization Culture & Human Resource
Management with Organization Strategy-Creating a Competitive Advantage through
People. Jbims, 74.
 WANDA ROOS, RENÉ VAN EEDEN 2008, The relationship between employee
motivation, job satisfaction and corporate culture, SA Journal of Industrial
3. Company Profile


Visionary leader and ex-president of Maharashtra congress committee, shri.

Rajarambapu Patil was instrumental in establishing education society, sugar factory, spinning
mill, consumer stores and co-operative bank in this regain. He had a vision of developing the
rural areas for which he recognized the need of banking on 29-09-1981. Rajarambapu Patil
was leading of the bank he saw that the bank provides services to small and needy person. It
was he endless endower to cater to the needs of poor farmers for this area throughout his life.
Sad demise of Rajarambapu Patil on 17-01-1984 was a big setback for this regain. His
followers and board members of various organization handed over leadership to Shri.
Jayantrao Patil. In him they saw spark of dynamism. It was unanimously decided to rename
Walwa Sahakari bank as Rajarambapu Patil is the chief founder members of the Rajarambapu
Co-operative bank ltd. The bank is run under the guidance of board of directors.

 Registration number: - (SAN/BNK/158/1981)


The area of operation of the Rajarambapu sahakari bank ltd. Peth in Satara, Sangli,
Pune, Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Solapur etc.


Following is the objectives of Rajarambapu Co-operative bank ltd.

 The bank wishes to cater to all types of needs of entire family the whole country.
 Systematic approach for reducing net NPA level.
 To increase saving deposits.
 The bank also wishes to customer by giving maximum services.
 Its dream is one family one bank.


 We will strive to become easy to do business with (E T D B W) bank to our customers

by providing best.
 We will ensure consistent growth in profile as well as net worth to fulfill shareholders
 Our employees will take provider work with at most preferred co-operative bank.

3.4 Services Provided by Bank:

 Deposits- Bank accepts various types of deposits for the purpose of leading of
 Loans – Bank provides finance for industrial purpose agriculture and educational
purpose bank advancing loan in the form of short term, middle term, term cash, credit,
overdraft facility. Discounting of bills cleans loans, secured loan money at call and
short notice.
 Clearing – Bank collects bills, cheque, drafts from debtors on behalf of their
customers and credits the accounts of customer.
 Demand and draft facility – Demand and draft facility is provided by bank in the main
cities bank issue the draft on the nominal commission.
 E-banking – E-banking electronic banking this facility provides bank for convenient
for customer and banking employee. Bank provides better facility and better services
for customer.
 ATM services – The bank has provided on ATM services to the customers. ATM
means all-time money. In this service customer get his money anytime and anywhere
which are deposited in bank. Bank of Maharashtra provides the ATM services in the
selected centres.

3.5 Board of Directors:




Following is mentioned the organization chart which shows the organization structure as per
management level. We know that every organization has 3 levels. Vice top level, middle
level, and lower level.








1. Gender
 Male
 Female
Chart Title







Male Female

2. Are you customer of Rajarambapu Bank

 Yes
 No
Chart Title
Customer of the Bank

Yes No

3. What Type of Product Do you use

 Saving A/c
 Current A/c
 Deposits
 Loan
 Other

Chart Title




Type of account

Saving A/c Current A/c Deposits Other

4. Have you come across any bank advertisement

 Always
 Most of Times
 Rarely

Chart Title






Bank Advertisement

Always Most of Times Rarely

5. What Type of advertisement you have seen

 TV
 Radio
 News Paper
 Banners
 Wall Painting

Chart Title





TV Radio News Paper Banners Wall Painting

6. Does these types of advertisement attract you

 Always
 Most of Times
 Rarely

Chart Title








Always Most of Times Rarely

7. What type of promotional activities you have come across

 Minimum charges account
 Zero balance account
 Low interest rate and loan
 High interest rate and deposit
 Low interest on farming

Chart Title




Promotional activities

Minimum charges account Zero balance account Low interest rate and loan
High interest rate and deposit Low Interest

8. What type of offers are provided by bank

 Discount on online shopping
 offline on discount shopping from Flipkart or Amazon
 Cash back offer
 None

Chart Title





Type of offers

Discount on online shopping offline on discount shopping from Flipkart or Amazon

Cash back offer none

9. Did the promotional activities attached motivated you to buy the service
 Always
 Most of the time
 Rarely
 Ever

Chart Title







Always Most of the time Rarely Ever

10. Do you feel advertisement of bank are attractive and motivate to use
 Always
 Most of times
 Rarely
 Ever

Chart Title







Always Most of Times Rarely Ever

11. Does the bank provide online service

 Yes
 No
 cannot say

Chart Title







known about online services

Yes No cannot say

12. Which type of online bank services are provided

 Net banking
 Mobile banking
 Mobile app banking

Chart Title




Services Provided

Net Banking Mobile Banking Mobile app Banking UPI

13. Online banking motivates to use banking service
 Always
 Most of time
 Rarely
 Ever

Chart Title





online banking motivation

Always Most of Time Rarely Ever

14. Are you satisfied with online banking facility
 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Highly dissatisfied

Chart Title





Highly satisfied satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
15. Would you recommend to your friend
 Yes
 No
 cannot say

Chart Title








Yes No Cannot say

16. Over all how satisfied are you with bank services
 Highly satisfied
 satisfied
 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Highly dissatisfied

Chart Title






satisdaction by using bank Services

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
1. In this Survey we discovered that Most of the customers are using saving account
services followed by current account and other services. 75% customers are using
saving account services.
2. 60% of customers are always watching banks advertisements.
3. Bank are using various kind for advertisement such as TV, Radio, News paper etc.
25% of customers are listened radio advertisement.
4. 75% Customers are saying that they always attracted by these types of
5. 40% of customers are saying that they are using minimum charges account
promotional activity.
6. 70% customers are saying that promotional activities are attracted customers.
7. 50% customers are using cashback offers by the bank.
8. 40% customers are using met banking services and 30% customers are using mobile
banking services.
9. 30% customers are highly satisfied by the banking services.
10. Most of the customers are recommend to their friends. 70% of customers are saying
11. 60% of customers are highly satisfied by the overall banking services.

1. Company needs to focus on its advertisement method. They only use Radio
advertisement. They need to go with social media marketing, electronic media
2. Company needs to promote their Services by visiting the Co-operative shows which
are arranged by various areas.
3. They need to focus on Promotional activities such as free seminars, social activities.
4. Company needs to focus on its Branch Network.

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