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While inspecting any construction sites, the geotechnical engineer seeks answers to some basic
1. How suitable is the in-situ formation for the designated function?
2. What are the design criteria based on existing or modified soil properties?
Essentially, the geotechnical engineer first defines the problem and then scrutinizes possible
solutions. The details related to the actual design of foundations are invariably tied to the stratum
that supports these foundations. Following are some of the questions that may be in need of answers
in this regards:

 How well will the strata serve under in-situ conditions?

 Is the soil subject to significant alterations from imposed conditions?
 By what means can one improve on the undesirable characteristics of a given formation?
 Might replacing an undesirable formation with a new one be a viable alternative?
The answers to some of these questions are closely tied to physical and index properties of the soil.

#1. A soil in its natural state has a void ratio of 0.65 and a water content of 21 per cent. Specific
gravity of solids is 2.65. How many additional liters of water per cubic meter of soil is needed to
make it a saturated soil with no change in void ratio?
Using equation: , the saturation water content of soil is

= 0.245 or 24.5 %

The total density of soil at 21 % water content using equation

= 1.943 g/cc
The saturated density of soil at 24.5 % water content =
= 2 g/cc
The increase in density is only due to the addition of water. Additional water required per cubic
centimeter of soil to saturate it = (2 – 1.943) = 0.057 cc

Therefore, for 1 cubic meter of soil, additional water required =

= 57 liters.

#2.A land development project requires construction of compacted fill. The potential borrow areas
are site A and site B. The in-place properties of soil at these sites are as below:
Site A Site B
In-place void ratio 0.79 0.65
In-place water content, % 18 15
The fill at the end of construction will have a total volume of 40,000 m 3, a total density of 2 t/m3,
and a placement water content of 21 per cent.
Soil from either site is to be excavated and transported to the site in trucks of 10 m3 capacity.
During excavation and placing of soil in truck the soil bulks in volume by 10 per cent. At the site
the required amount of water is added and compacted to the required extent using rollers.
The cost of excavation of soil, its transportation, and its compaction excluding water charges is Rs.
225 per truck for site A and Rs. 260 per truck for site B. water charges per truck is Rs. 100. Specific
gravity of solids is 2.65.
Which of the two sites is more economical?

Data for the fill at the end of construction:

Total weight of the soil = γt X V = 2 X 40,000 = 80,000 T
Total dry weight of soil solid = γd X V
= = 66,115 T
Weight of water = 80,000 – 66,115 = 13,885 T
Cost of using site A as borrow area:

Volume of soil needed from site A for 66,115 T of dry soil = = 44,658.8 m3

Total number of truck trips required to transport 44,658.8 m 3 of soil with 10% allowance for
bulking = = 4913
Amount of water present in 44,658.8 m3 of soil = w Ws = 0.18 X 66,115 = 11,900.7 T
Additional amount of water needed = 13,885 – 11.900.7 = 1984.3 T
Number of truck trips required to transport water = 1984.3/10 = 199
Cost of excavating, transporting and placing of soil excluding water charges = 4913 X 225
= Rs. 11,05,425
Cost of transporting water = 199 X 100 = Rs. 19,900
Total cost of using soil from site A = Rs. 11,05,425 + Rs. 19,900
= Rs. 11,25,325
Cost of using site B as borrow area:

Volume of soil needed from site B for 66,115 T of dry soil = = 41,165.9 m3

Total number of truck trips required to transport 41,165.9 m3 of soil with 10% allowance for
bulking = = 4529
Amount of water present in 41,165.9 m3 of soil = 0.15 X 66,115 = 9917.25 T
Number of truck trips required to transport water = (3967.75)/(10) = 397
Cost of excavation, transporting, and placing of soil excluding water charges = 4529 X 260
= Rs. 11,77,540
Cost of transporting water = 397 X 100 = Rs. 39,700
Total cost of using soil from site B:
= Rs 11,77,540 + Rs 39,700 = Rs 12,17,240
site A is more economical than site B
The saving in cost in using site A is = Rs 12,17,240 – Rs 11,25,325 = Rs 91,915

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