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Activity on D.I.S.

What is the importance of symbols/language to society? How are our
interactions with others affect our sense of self? What will happen in our
world if there were no symbols and language?

In our world, symbols and language are very important. It is very likely for
other worlds and societies (if there are any) to be very important to them also, as
language and symbols are tools in communication. Firstly, symbols are things that
are used to represent other things; it can be visual, auditory, or a literary
representation that denotes something different. Language on the other hand, is a
system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar, according to
Cambridge dictionary; It is symbolic system of communication. By these
definitions, we will see how these are prominent in the society.
Symbols and languages are tools of communication. We use these to exchange
information, and to express our thoughts and notions. We also use these in
academics up to our everyday lives. Since the prehistoric ages, symbols and bodily
languages are ways of primitive humans to communicate with each other. As time
went on, the form of symbols and languages evolved and broadened, that it had
become more modern and relevant in the digital era. This shows the predominancy
of the use of symbols and languages in the world since the past.
Being a key element, symbols and languages portray a big role in the society. It is
a basic factor on an establishment of a civilization. They unite the people, as they
help in the understanding of one another. It also gives harmony within the
people, //forming the society in an orderly fashion //

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