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GOD MATTERS XS IB CLE 2011-2012 Full Name Martin Ibasco 4G Section 2 LC#

Note: This is your digital worksheet. You will nd the instructions for todays module here. Perform the requested tasks using this Pages le. In other words, make it your own. However, submit your worksheet only after converting it into a PDF le. Thank you!

Part One: SELF SURVEY You will be handed a hard copy of a 15-item survey. You have 20 minutes to accomplish it. Part Two: SURVEY ANALYSIS
ITEM 01. mathematical proof 02. origin of the universe 03. music A YOUR RESPONSES MR OO OO B LC MAJORITY MR 5/5 OO 3 OO 2 ER 2 MR 1 MR 4/5 OO 2 ER 1 MR 2 OO 2 MR 2 ER 1 ER 3 MR 3/5 C GROUP CONSENSUS MR OO OO D REASONS + OTHER COMMENTS
No one equation can be used to solve everything, one can be more useful that the other in solving a specific problem. We exist the way we are right now because of the one way the universe was formed. Comparisons between music cannot be made if multiple peoples preferences are compared. In terms of one individual alone, he has his own preferences for music; deciding which is better over another. Crimes may be good or bad depending on the context of the situation. e.g. a poor father steals for the survival of his daughter compared to a person stealing cars for the thrill of it. The brain is a complex mechanism because so, different parts of the brain may be more important than others at given times, and there might also be a coordination amongst parts. Lying is still lying no matter what kind of lie it is. There is still a deception of an individual and there is no excuse for that. Same reason as music, it is only in the context of the individual that a choice is made over another. Language can be learned through different ways just like through television and through instructional learning. No one way can be the best way, but one may be better than the other. It depends on the situation. There may be times that call for individual work and other times that require collaboration. Same as music and books, that it must be in the context of only one individual not two. Both ideas cannot exist side by side, there must be a choice made. History is a subjective thing. It pictures the situation depending on the individual and because each person has biasses one view may be more right than another. We do not know what happens after death so we cannot make assumptions that one is over another and that a view of death is right. There can only be one explanation to this because science is based on facts which are mostly true. Only one of the beliefs are right because no two ideas can co-exist with each other.

04. crime



05. function of the brain



06. lying 07. book 08. learning language



09 people 10. painting 11. population control 12. WW II 13. afterlife 14. atoms 15. God


MR 2/5 MR 3/5 MR 2/5 MR 5/5 ER 3/5 MR 2 OO 2 3/5 ER


Record your response per item under Column A using the following codes: OO: ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT. MR: ONE VIEW CAN BE MORE RIGHT THAN THE OTHER. ER: ONE VIEW CANNOT BE MORE RIGHT THAN THE OTHER. Under Column B, record the responses that obtained the highest frequency in your LC. You may want to put the numbere.g., OO (3/5). Discuss your response per item with your Learning Circle, as well as your reasons for them. Aim for a consensus for every item. Do NOT agree based on sheer numbers. Indicate the consensus answer of your LC under Column C and your reasons (and other remarks) under Column D.

Part Three: CLASS DISCUSSION Part Four: PROCESSING After the class discussion, indicate your epistemological world view (or theory of knowledge) per domain. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Ethics Item #s 1, 5 ,14 4, 8, 12 3, 7, 10 6, 9, 11 Your world view Evaluativist Evaluativist Absolutist Evaluativist Remarks
Scientic evidence and methods may be more useful than another depending on the given situation. Same as natural sciences. This only applies to individuals. There may only be one perception of art for each individual. Ethics depend on the given context and purpose of the situation.

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