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Question: Using the example of your category, analyze efforts made by either
the media or civil society using ICTs to promote/protect Human Rights in
For the purpose of this assignment, Gay/Lesbians is my category. A

lesbian is a woman who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to other

women. Some non-binary persons identify with this phrase as well and also

in various cultural contexts, this term refers to males who are romantically,

erotically, and/or emotionally attracted to other guys. Because not all males

who participate in same-gender sexual conduct identify as gay, this label

should be applied with caution. However homosexuality is criminalized in

Cameroon under the Penal Code 2016, same-sex sexuality or romantic

relationships are prohibited. Violation of this law attracts a maximum penalty

of 5 years imprisonment and also fine. It has not always been like that as the

initial Penal Code in 1965 did not criminalize same-sex acts however its
amendment in 1972 added it’s criminalizing homosexuality which has been

retained ever since then till now. In recent times the law has been enforced

and people have been arrested for engaging in a same sex act. The Law on

Cybersecurity and Cybercrime (Law No. 2010/012 of December 21, 2010)

criminalizes same-sex sexual offers made online. According to Article 83(1),

anybody who makes sexual solicitations to a person of their sex through

internet communications faces imprisonment for one to two years as well as a

fine. In recent years, there has been continuous reporting of widespread and

systemic discrimination and violence against LGBT individuals, including

assault, harassment, threats, extortion, torture, and murder. In 2014 the

Cameroonian officials defended the criminalization of homosexuality

claiming that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the African

Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights permit countries to limit freedoms in

the interests of preserving public order and that individuals have a duty to

preserve African values and morals. Cameroon "now prosecutes consenting

same sex activity more aggressively than practically any other country in the

world" as of 2020.

The flow of information through media including television, movies,

music, publications, and a variety of other mediums stimulates interaction

and communication across groups and even beyond national lines. Gordon

Allport, a well-known psychologist, is frequently mentioned in scholarly

study for his contact thesis, which states that, given the correct

circumstances, interpersonal interaction is one of the most effective strategies

to lessen discrimination amongst majority and minority groups. "Imagined

interaction," even with characters from a TV program, can affect people's

opinions about out-groups. The media and technology is used to educate the

entire state and to explain that homosexuals are also full citizens with rights

and not outsiders hence needed to be treated with respect and fair too.

In Cameroon, activist for gays and lesbians fought for the release of

two men who were arrested based on the fact that they dressed like girls, they

were arrested on the assumptions and suspicion of being gays. Some activist

for lesbians and gay protested for their release as they also humans and

deserves to be given such rights and freedoms by the use of social media as a

tool to fight as against the judicial injustice. They trended a hashtag on social

media which amplified their voice and made their struggle big to the rest of

the world which aided in seeking justice for the men thence being granted

In conclusion, the media and internet technology has proven critical to

the survival of the women's rights and LGBTQI movements. The legislation

and practices of Cameroon are discriminatory, making it difficult for lesbians

and gay people to enjoy their basic rights freely hence the use of technology

and the media will help break the people’s prejudistic mindset.

Gloppen, Siri; Rakner, Lise (2020). "LGBT rights in Africa". Research
Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and the Law. p. 196. ISBN 9781788111157.
Mendos, Lucas Ramón (2019). State-Sponsored Homophobia (PDF).
Geneva: ILGA. p. 312.
Loi n°2010/012 du 21 decembre 2010 relative a la cybersecurite et la
cybercriminalite au Cameroun.

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