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02/09/2023 MYOB / Excel 14:56:58


Jl. Senopati No. 14 A Depok

Statement of Cash Flow

August 2012

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Net Income Rp62.198.330,00

Asuransi Dibayar Dimuka Rp708.300,00

Sewa Dibayar Dimuka -Rp3.000.000,00
Piutang Dagang -Rp18.600.000,00
Cadangan Kerugian Piutang Rp735.000,00
Persediaan Barang Dagang Rp195.087.500,00
Perlengkapan Toko Rp2.000.000,00
Perlengkapan Kantor Rp1.200.000,00
Akum Peny Gedung Rp10.000.000,00
Hutang Dagang Rp9.050.000,00
Hutang PPh Rp2.200.000,00
Hutang Gaji Rp8.000.000,00
PPN Keluaran Rp48.660.000,00
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities Rp318.239.130,00

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Tanah -Rp50.000.000,00
Akum Peny Peralatan Toko Rp3.000.000,00
Akum Peny Peralatan Kantor Rp2.500.000,00
Akum Peny Kendaraan Rp8.000.000,00
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities -Rp36.500.000,00

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Hutang Hipotik 10% Rp500.000,00
Hutang Obligasi 5% Rp166.670,00
Hutang Bank Jangka Panjang Rp2.750.000,00
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities Rp3.416.670,00

Net Increase/Decrease for the period Rp285.155.800,00

Cash at the Beginning of the period Rp185.000.000,00
Cash at the End of the period Rp470.155.800,00

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