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AMHE Headquarters: Brooklyn, New York - Phone: (718) 245-1015

Open letter to the Prime Minister Ariel Henry - English

Honorable Dr. Ariel Henry:

The Haitian Medical Association Abroad (AMHE) is writing to express great sorrow by the
current situation in the country and especially want to highlight the continued deterioration of
living conditions in Haiti in recent weeks. There are three major areas of concern that we would
like to express:

● The deplorable economic conditions

● The war on crime
● The lack of access to healthcare

The deplorable economic conditions

The Haitian Medical Association Abroad is acutely aware of the recent measures taken by your
government to increase fuel prices. The increase in fuel prices adds an additional strain on the
daily lives of the citizens who are already struggling with meeting the demands of basic needs.
AMHE struggles to comprehend the argument that your government depends on the fuel subsidy
for social services. Our research has indicated otherwise. In fact, we are aware that there are
other sources of revenue from public funds tied to regular tax collection.

The war on crime

It is in no small measure that the terror created by the gangs is having an adverse effect on the
lives of the citizens. Your government seems to have an underwhelming response to criminal
elements that is permeating the country at this time. We are steadfast in our belief that until these
criminal activities are under control, the nation will remain in a state of paralysis with the
economy being greatly affected.

The lack of access to healthcare

The dispensation of already precarious health care in the country is now seriously compromised
both in terms of availability and accessibility. Community health programs are stopped. Patients
can no longer receive the care required by their condition in institutions. As a doctor, you cannot
remain insensitive to the adverse effects of this chaotic situation in the country. This physical,
psychological and social suffering that runs through Haitian communities is unspeakable and
cannot leave us indifferent.

Mr. Prime Minister, we urge you once again to show magnanimity to find a compromise and
stop this descent of the nation towards the abyss. It is imperative to review the decisions of your
government and take concrete actions to resolve this crisis which has lasted far too long. We
hope that our cry of distress will resonate with you.

Patriotically Yours,

Roosevelt Clérismé Karl Latortue

Dr. Roosevelt, Clérismé Dr. Karl Latortue
Board Chair, AMHE President, AMHE

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