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PROPOSAL: Design an

SDR based AM transceiver 3 Demodulation(Receiver)

which transmits an AM signal The demodulation is simple as modulation for
in real time and receives the coherent demodulation but for evelope detection
same signal after application A +m(t)>0 , here we will be using coherent
demodulation .
of denoising filters. The
denoising is to be carried out Once the signal is recived on receiver side than it
using Fourier analysis. is passed from demodulator block simply ready
for noise removal.

4 Filter(using fft)
Abstract Transforms and filters are tools for processing
and analyzing discrete data, and are commonly
ProPOSEL is purpose-built to integrate and used in signal processing applications and
design an SDR based AM transceiver which computational mathematics. When data is
transmits an AM signal in real time and receives represented as a function of time or space, the
the same signal after application of denoising Fourier transform decomposes the data into
filters. The denoising is to be carried out using frequency components. The fft function uses a
Fourier analysis. This can be done simply by fast Fourier transform algorithm that reduces its
using adalm pluto and coding and simulating on computational cost compared to other direct
matlab to show the result. implementations. For a more detailed introduction
to Fourier analysis, see Fourier Transforms.
1 Introduction The conv and filter functions are also useful tools
The carrier wave used by radio frequency for modifying the amplitude or phase of input
(RF) transmissions doesn't carry much data using a transfer function.
information itself. To include speech or data,
another wave has to be superimposed on fft(X) computes the discrete Fourier
the carrier wave, thus changing the shape of transform (DFT) of X using a fast Fourier
the c((arrier wave. The process of doing so transform (FFT) algorithm.
is called modulation. To transmit sound, the
audio signal must first be converted into an  If X is a vector, then fft(X) returns the
electric signal, using a transducer. After Fourier transform of the vector.
conversion, it is used to modulate a carrier  If X is a matrix, then fft(X) treats the
columns of X as vectors and returns
The multiplication of the same signal on the Fourier transform of each column.
reciving side makes the signal demodulated  If X is a multidimensional array,
and we can get the actual message , what then fft(X) treats the values along the
we have sent . but in the cep , denoising
block also used to remove the noise which first array dimension whose size does
comes during the transmission. not equal 1 as vectors and returns the
This simply can be done using adaptive Fourier transform of each vector.
digital filters.

2 Modulation(Transmitter)
There are many ways to modulate a signal on 5 Refrences
matlab we can simply multiply it with carrier
frequency or y =
modulate(x,fc,fs) modulates the real
message signal x with a carrier frequency fc and
sample rate fs. If x is a matrix, the modulated
signal is computed independently for each
column and stored in the corresponding column
of y.

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