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Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.

Prk. Atis, Nat’l Highway, Brgy. Sto. Niño, Panabo City

PAASCU Accredited School Level 1



In partial fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research 1 Subject
A Qualitative Research Paper is Submitted and Presented
to the Senior High School Faculty of
Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.,
Academic Year 2022-2023

Submitted to:
Mr. Kent Ivan C. Romeo, LPT

Submitted by: 

Espinosa, Joel Edolph

Felisco, Joanna Mae M.
Gonzales, Luke David D.
Onez, Cassandra Grace T.

January, 2023
Chapter 1


Trying to work and study at the same time is quite tricky. In addition to dealing with

problems at work, students also have a variety of assignments from school. Over the

years, a significant increase in the number of students who work and study

simultaneously has been observed. Achieving a "work-study balance" has been a

constant challenge for working students. While there may be other elements at play,

financial hardship continues to be why students work part- or full-time jobs. Running

from school to work, balancing extracurricular activities and side gigs, and managing

your family, friends, and romantic relationships are challenging (Nucum, 2018).

Students not only in the Philippines but also all over the world frequently balance their

academic and professional lives by working part-time jobs alongside their studies.

Juggling both of these responsibilities at the same time can have an impact on specific

aspects of a student's life. Students choose to work for various reasons, from integrating

themselves into the job market to filling their spare time with productive activities. Some

students hold jobs to contribute financially to their families, enabling them to better

provide for their fundamental requirements (such as food, shelter, and education).

Based on the studies and bodies of knowledge gathered, an International study talks

about many students find balancing working part-time and attending school challenging,

but it is possible with careful planning and commitment. We examine a student's attempt

to strike a balance between work and school while examining the challenges of doing
both simultaneously. Student employment has become a widespread phenomenon

across many European countries and a common practice among university students

(König, 2018). It is more complicated to be a working student. It can occasionally

become overwhelming trying to balance work and school. However, it does not have to

be so difficult. Working and studying simultaneously can be a daunting challenge for

any student. With long hours, intense workloads, and managing commitments to school

and work, it is no wonder many students feel overwhelmed. To survive in today's

society, everyone must work. Whether you are supporting your family or yourself, it is

crucial to have a source of income. Some students find this difficult because they must

balance work and school simultaneously. Despite not having children, many students

understand that they must look after other people (such as their parents, grandparents,

etc.). After that, many seniors in high school had trouble juggling a part-time job with

their classes (König, 2018).

A National Study research stated that Filipino working students are said to support their

studies and their unprivileged families. According to the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED), Around 216,000 understudies in the Philippines are juggling school

and work. 872,000, or 2.8%, were working (PSA, 2021). Working students are expected

in a country like the Philippines; otherwise, young people will only perpetuate the

poverty they were born in. However, poverty is not the only 'qualification' for working

students. To face the challenge, one must be tenaciously determined and possess

strong personal qualities. A working student must lead two lives simultaneously: one as

a worker and one as a student. The worker must be good at what they do. The student
requires income to cover the costs of attending school. Moreover, the student must

perform competently at school to justify the hard-earned money spent on their studies.

Employment opportunities for students are prevalent in the Philippines. It should not

come as a surprise to encounter working students in a classroom, particularly in higher

education institutions like colleges and universities, because a sizeable portion of the

student population holds part-time jobs. In addition to the standard jobs like working as

student assistants, they find work in a wide range of businesses, primarily in customer

service, sales, and entertainment, but also the food service industry. A significant

number of college students attempt to balance schoolwork and employment obligations,

which results in a wide range of difficulties for the students. Students who work part-

time while also pursuing their education encounter several obstacles and challenges,

including issues in time management, a decline in academic performance, health

problems, and personal and social problems as they strive to balance the two—the

distinction between working students and those who do not have jobs to pay for their

education. Non-working students have much time to study or meet their requirements in

school or for their Academic work, such as looking well, making reports, and so on. In

contrast, working students have to manage their time to do their academic work and still

get good grades while working and studying simultaneously (IPL, n.d.). Filipino students

work just to be able to support themselves, even if they have financial problems. Once

again, it takes a strong person to handle two significant life endeavors simultaneously.

In the manner of locality, there is a study of the life of a working student in Panabo City.

The student needed to earn money since she was the one who provided all her needs,
especially for her studies. She had limited time to devote to her studies because she

had to balance her academic pursuits and professional obligations. She kept in mind the

significance of continuing one's education while working. She doubled her time to earn

money and fulfill all of her necessities, especially for her studies, because she grew up

in a broken family and became an independent woman at an early age. However,

despite the mountain of challenges that stood her way, she decided to do both.

Because of her adversity, she has developed into a more robust version of herself. She

could overcome all her challenges thanks to her enthusiasm and commitment to gaining

knowledge while instructing. Self-determination and effective time management have

served as her sword and shield, becoming her weapon in the struggle against

depression and other challenges (Costan, n.d.).

Another related literature in the locality studies the central issue of the Department of

Education (DepEd) in the Davao Region, which is the low study completion rate. There

are findings that the declining achievement rates of both elementary and high school

students in Davao City were caused by poor study habits or weak study skills, a lack of

motivation and parental guidance, and, most importantly, being in the labor force.

Consultations and meetings are used to monitor solutions to these problems closely.

The low educational attainment of students in Davao City was caused by a low salary,

which forces students to combine working and studying. As a result, students with

financial difficulties spend more time working than studying, resulting in poor grades and

performance in school (Abenoja et al., 2019). Most studies on working students are

conducted at universities. Developed countries, but those studies need to learn how

they work and deal with problems in their daily lives. On the other hand, working at a
young age proves to be a positive economic factor. The high rate of working students

may contribute to the profit gaps observed later in life (Abenoja et al., 2019). Self-

determination and time management are like a thread that connects all hopes in the

quest for scarcity and tribulations. A student's life involves self-discovery, school

errands, and educational milestones. However, not all students can attend school and

meet their basic needs. As a result, becoming a working student is now the norm.

This study investigates how students make the most of their time in and outside the

classroom. In addition to that, this study intends to examine the students' working

experiences. We start by discussing how challenging their experiences, circumstances,

and the problems they face in their everyday life. Then, what are the implications, and

how do they deal with, balance, and manage such difficulties in their social life. Finally,

discover and provide a solution that will assist working students later in their strategies

for success and how they can manage their workload and academics.The significance

of this study lies in the fact that it aims to determine whether or not today's students are

equipped to handle the responsibilities that come with being students and performing

well academically while working. This study will assist us in recognizing the capabilities

of the respondents, particularly in terms of the competencies and accomplishments

regarding the respondents' academic performance while working, if they can balance

and overcome it.

Purpose of the Study

           This phenomenological study aims to assess working students' experiences.

This research aims to determine the possible factors and themes for these working

students' occurrences in their chosen life. On that wise, we will include a range of

details on what has been extensively explored in this research.

          Uncertainty can lead to unnamed emotions, which can hinder students' academic

performance because they may feel unmotivated to do academic tasks or lose their

interest in the process because they are too focused on working, which can be an issue

or a phenomenon existing. This uncertainty can be a significant shortcoming in students'

capacity to acquire knowledge. The problem mentioned above has a substantial impact

on higher education. Working students were caught up in these other experiences. They

try to adjust and induce their time management, which is an excellent factor in working

while studying. The possibility of doubt could risk their performance as they fulfill their

obligations as students and workers.

           Additionally, this study's pursuance regarding the difficulties of a working student

is to positively impact the students concerning their cope ups in these experiences. The

researchers are hopeful to provide a light of hope to students that despite the

hindrances of being a working student and the dilemma they are facing, they may still

have the courage and will to continue and grasp their dreams by coping with this

situation. This study aims to learn about working students' difficulties and how they can

manage their time between academic responsibilities and social life. This is to know and
understand working students' perspectives and assess their competency as they deal

with education while working. Furthermore, the study's goal is to learn about working

students' motivations, comprehend the working student's experiences fully, and assist

students in quickly understanding what it takes to work. 

Research Questions:

1. What are students’ perceptions of working while studying?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working while studying?

3. What challenges do students face when working and studying, and how do they

overcome these problems?

Theoretical Lenses

This section will provide a brief overview of the principal theories found across various

academic fields and offer support for a connection between student employment and

later educational outcomes. These hypotheses contribute to an explanation for the

findings. Studies that examine this relationship are primarily interested in determining

whether or not working. In contrast, studying is a supplement to or a substitute for

education, and consequently, whether or not it improves or worsens educational

attainment. In the following paragraphs, we will outline in chronological order the most

prominent theories that support both of these points of view. It's becoming increasingly

common for students to work part-time or full-time alongside their academic pursuits.

Students' work experience will eventually help them become proficient in their chosen

fields. This study will use theories to analyze and justify data from ordinary experiences.
This study uses P.F. Strawson's Moral Responsibility Theory, Becker's Human

Capital Theory, Theory of the Allocation of Time, and Zero-Sum Theory,

Sociobiology Theory by Edward Wilson, and lastly, the Existential theory.

P.F. Strawson's (1962) book, "Moral Responsibility Theory," outlines the

repercussions of one's actions in a pros and cons format. According to philosophical

definitions, it is the state of being morally deserving of praise, reward, blame, or

punishment for an act performed or neglected by one's moral obligations, along with the

three necessary elements of responsibility for one's actions, the freedom to choose

one's actions, and the potential for praise or blame for one's efforts.

The theory influences the pros and cons that working students face. Part-time work was

seen as necessary for respondents to make it through today's higher education system,

(Watts and Pickering, 2000). However, academic demands, such as completing

assignments on time and financial insecurity, can stress a student. These hardworking

students are sleep-deprived from work and schooling, which increases the risk factors

for insomnia and brain damage. Despite a good salary, working students whose

workloads are too heavy will experience adverse effects on their health and happiness.

Second, according to Becker's Human Capital Theory (1964), having a student job

can benefit one's education because it allows one to acquire new skills and knowledge

in the workplace. There are many possible explanations for why the work done by

students could result in such a significant increase in human capital. To begin, having a
job as a student makes it possible to gain new general and transferable skills, such as

work values, communication skills, and the ability to manage one's time effectively

(Rothstein, 2007;Staff & Mortimer, 2007;Buscha, Maurel, Page, & Speckesser, 2012).

Second, students may have the opportunity to put what they have learned in the

classroom into practice if they combine their academic and professional pursuits (Geel

& Backes-Gellner, 2012; Hotz et al., 2002). Third, having a job during college can help

students become more future-focused and encourage them to put in more effort in the

classroom to achieve their professional aspirations (Oettinger, 1999; Rothstein, 2007). 

On the other hand, building on the Theory of the Allocation of Time (Becker, 1965),

the Zero-Sum Theory suggests that student employment and education are

substitutes. It is argued that student employment strongly constrains students' use of

time: time spent working for crowds out time spent on activities that enhance academic

performance (e.g., studying, doing homework, and attending classes; Bozick, 2007;

Kalenkoski & Pabilonia, 2009; 2012). As the reduced time spent on the last activities

worsens academic performance (Arulampalam, Naylor, & Smith, 2012; Stinebrickner &

Stinebrickner, 2004; 2008), student employment may have a detrimental effect on

educational attainment. However, spending one hour more on student work does not

necessarily translate into spending one hour less on study activities (Triventi, 2014).

Another theory about this is the Sociobiology Theory by Edward Wilson (1975) and

discussed the connection between Charles Darwin's Evolution Theory and social

behavior, which will also be used in this study at some point. It focuses on the concept
that natural selection impacts an individual's behavior, even if in a little way. Natural

selection is a process in which certain biological qualities become more common or

uncommon depending on a particular trait's influence. This process may take place

across generations. In addition, sociobiology explores and exhibits the notion that an

individual's behavior may be attributable to the genes inherited from their parents.This

theory shapes this study so that it helps offer a valid point over the circumstances

surrounding the research participants, which have urged the decision to be a working

student to afford education. In other words, this theory offers a valid point over the

circumstances that have guided the decision to be an active student. It will also help in

understanding the students' conduct as they adapt to a pertinent issue to fit that specific

societal shift, regardless of whether their decision is handed down genetically or results

from external circumstantial factors. According to this idea, the participants' past

experiences and qualities are given meaning and significance in their decision-making


Lastly, the Existential theory by Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche (1800),

which is a subfield of Philosophy that focuses on the meaning of life, will be used in this

study. Existential theory, commonly known as existentialism (Merriam, 1828), is a

philosophical theory that may be interpreted to suggest that the development of an

individual is contingent on the individual's choices, and it emphasizes the idea that

everyone is accessible and accountable for their actions. The perspective of human

beings defines the meaning of life for them, and while living in an illogical environment,

they strive to make sensible choices. 

The Existential Theory may be viewed from two different points of view: the first is a

religious point of view, which contends that individuals' beliefs impact their free will.

Second, a psychological viewpoint asserts that everyone has a unique mind and will

and is solely responsible for their decisions. Regarding this research, working students

have legal rights and can act according to their will. The existential theory will assist in a

deeper understanding of situations such as students who may even stop studying to

continue working, students who may start looking to cease working, and students who

may routinely do both studying and working simultaneously. Existentialism has a

particular item to concentrate on in terms of human will, and it supports the variables

that impact the choices and perspectives of working pupils.

Significance of the study

The researchers highly believe that the findings of this study provide actual

circumstances that are organized in a logical order and have no biases or preconceived

notions associated with them. The perspectives of working students are being sought

for this study. Nevertheless, this study provides positive outcomes and will be

beneficiary to people. This study will be beneficial to the following: 

To the Working Students. This study will motivate them to manage their

responsibilities towards the school and work so that their academic performance will not

be affected in favor of their work or vice versa. This ensures that their academic

performance will not be involved in favor of their work.

To the Students. This study may assist them in determining the factors that have

contributed to their delays. Students are at the center of attention in this matter because

of their challenges and ambiguities. It has the potential to assist them in releasing the

tensions brought on by the experiences they have had. The students will gain a better

understanding of the significance of education as a result of this study.

To the Parents. Parents of working students stand to benefit from this study. They will

better understand what it means to be a working student and can adjust how they

should treat their children while coping with the challenges their children have faced.

This study's results will give parents an idea of working students' challenges. They will

be more motivated to support their children and understand their needs.

The Researchers & Future Researchers. The findings of this research can also

benefit researchers in the future. This study may assist them as they continue to

investigate the same matter. They can elaborate on the concept at the heart of this

issue to generate more information and attract the attention of aspiring researchers

interested in developing a sustainable solution in the future. They will be able to use this

as a source and a guide for their research in the future, and the future researchers who

come after them will benefit from the study.

Definition of Terms

The researchers consider that providing definitions of words is vital for the aim of this

research. This will allow for a more in-depth comprehension of the concepts that have

been applied in this study.

Academic Performance. (Tadese et al., 2022) Academic performance or achievement

is how well a student, teacher, or institution has met their short-term or long-term

educational goals. This can be measured by a continuous assessment or a cumulative

grade point average. In this study the term is defined as the outcome of how well

students do on activities, examinations, assignments, projects, and tests administered

throughout the semester.

Full-Time Student. (Lucier, 2019) A full-time student usually takes 12 units, credits, or

hours per term at an institution where the average course load is 16 units, credits, or

hours. Students are usually considered full-time if they take more than half of a regular

course load. In this study, the definition of a full-time student is as follows: Studying in a

full-time program running in the University in the respective academic year without

working after class or having financial problems or struggles to study.

Part-Time Student. (Upson, 2022) Undergraduates who go to school part-time take 11

or fewer credits per semester. Most graduate students who only go to school part-time

take less than nine credits. People who have already started a career and are on their

way to being financially independent might want to think about going to school part-time.
You can also take care of your family and work toward a degree simultaneously.

Research by Times Higher Education shows that part-time students get paid more,

learn new skills, and take on more responsibilities at work (Cairns, 2023). In this study,

this refers to students that have a job or are focusing on their career alongside their

studies. Working outside the home to supplement their family's income and help them

meet their basic needs.

Students Perception. (Schunk et al., 2022). Students' thoughts, beliefs, and feelings

about other people, situations, and events are their perceptions. In this study, it refers to

how students see their skills, goals, competence, effort, interests, attitudes, values, and

feelings. Social perceptions are how students see their peers' abilities, self-concepts,

goals, etc., and how they see their teachers' attitudes, competence, goals, and opinions

about their abilities.

Natural Selection. (Darwin, 1859) Natural selection is how populations of living

organisms undergo the process of adaptation and change. The characteristics of

individuals within a population are naturally variable, which means that every member of

the population is unique. Because of this variation, some individuals possess

characteristics better suited to the environment than those owned by others. In this

study, this refers to the process of natural selection that can also affect humans

behavior. Natural selection plays a role in the evolution of behaviors with genetic

underpinnings, such as the capacity of humans to learn a language. The environment

has been altered as a direct result of human activity, which has led to the evolution of

populations through natural selection.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Students Experience

Today's culture, especially in developing nations, is seeing an increase in the

phenomena of working students. The need for financial security, the desire to

obtain practical experience while pursuing higher education, and the rising

expense of education are just a few of the factors contributing to the emergence

of this trend. In particular, the difficulties and advantages of juggling job and

school are the focus of this study's investigation of the experiences of working

students. As there are a lot of students who work while going to school in the

Philippines, the study will concentrate on their experiences there. The results of

this study will advance knowledge of working students' experiences and

potentially influence policies and initiatives aimed at assisting them As stated by

Richard Poole,et al(2023), The major findings paint a mixed picture, showing that

apprentices' study habits and preferences are unique to each individual and are

influenced by occupational workload and access to off-the-job study time.

According to apprentices, a variety of obstacles restrict their ability to utilize the

permitted off-the-job study time, most notably the ability to be released from paid

employment and competing priorities around satisfying academic, business, and

personal obligations.Apprentices claim that it is nearly impossible for them to do

so in reality. spend 20% of their working time studying. Student employment has

become more frequent in many European countries, raising the question of how
working while studying affects student retention. The danger of working long

hours varies dramatically among different types of students, according to the

study, which was conducted on a sample of 47,228 university students in Austria.

Aside from financial necessity, the data indicate that looking for work experience

and coming from a non-academic family background are also significant

predictors of joining time-consuming jobs.Franziska Lessky, Martin Unger.

(2022).According to the findings of this study, working students confront a

number of problems in reconciling their academic and employment duties. Many

people reported feeling overwhelmed by the obligations of both education and

job, and having difficulty finding enough time for both. Furthermore, numerous

individuals reported difficulty finding career possibilities that fit their educational

schedules.Despite these challenges, students who worked during their studies

noted a number of advantages from the experience, including improved financial

security, career advancement, and time management abilities. Many participants

thought that their preparation for the pressures of the workforce after graduation

came from their employment while they were still in school.Overall, the results

show that, although working as a student might be difficult, it can also be a

worthwhile and gratifying experience. In order to help working students make the

most of their experiences and succeed in both the classroom and the workplace,

universities and companies should endeavor to establish more accommodating

and encouraging settings for them.

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