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CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature

during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining
conflicts; various purposeful listening and viewing strategies;
difference between literal and figurative language; ways to extract
and condense information based on library sources; verbal and
non-verbal cues in oral communication; and types of phrases,
clauses, and sentences.
PERFORMANCE The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in
STANDARD literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library
resources; extracting information and noting details from texts to
write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between
and using literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal
cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and
COMPETENCY MELC 14: Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts
and vice-versa
I. OBJECTIVES  Identify linear and non-linear text;
 Distinguish the different types of non-linear texts; and,
 Value the benefits of transcoding informations from linear to
non-linear texts.


Materials: English Module, English CG, PowerPoint presentation

References: MELCs (Softcopy), Grade 7 Module Quarter 3
A. AWARENESS  Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Checking of classroom condition
 Checking of assignment
 Review
Read the following statements below. Put a check mark (√) if the
statement is correct and mark (X) if the statement is wrong.
1. Analogy can show comparisons between unrelated
2. Analogy is just another term for simile.
3. Analogy can be used to explain a point.
4. Some analogies compare relationships.
5. Analogy can be used to describe unfamiliar concepts.
(Answers: 1. √; 2. X; 3. √; 4. √; 5. √)

B. ACTIVITY: Motivation
Group the following pictures according to their similarities.
Connect the picture to its appropriate group. Each group is
labeled as A (Pictures with texts) and B (pictures that do
not need to be read from beginning to end).

Answer the following questions:

1. How did you find the activity?

2. What is the difference between the two groups?
3. Which of the following group lets you get the idea
fast? Why?
4. Which of the following group takes ample timr for
you to get the idea?
C. ANALYSIS (A short video presentation of the topic will be played after
the teacher shows the guide questions:)
 What is a linear text?
 What are it’s examples?
 What is a non-linear text?
 What are it’s common examples?
 What is the key difference between the two?
D. ABSTRACTION Presentation of the lesson

Based on our activity, the pictures on group A are linear texts, on

the other hand, the pictures on group B are non-linear texts.

Understanding the differences between linear and non-linear texts

is an essential skill as we encounter these texts almost every day.
The main difference between the two lies in the way the text is
read or processed by an individual. Experts call this pattern of
reading a material as reading path. Let us differentiate linear text
from non-linear texts using the table below.


DEFINITION It refers to It refers to texts

traditional texts that do not need to
that need to be be read from
read from beginning to the
beginning to the end.
READING PATH There is only ONE There are multiple
reading path, which reading paths. They
is decided by the are determined by
author. the reader.
EFFICIENCY It may take time to It does not take
find the time because it
information readers allows readers to
are searching for. find more
EXAMPLES Novels, poems, Tables, pie charts,
letters, textbooks, flow charts,
news reports, pictures, diagrams,
essays character maps,
sequence charts
Process Questions:

1. What is the difference between linear text from non-linear text

in terms of reading path?

2. Based on the examples, in what subject areas can we usually see

linear texts? What about non-linear texts?
1. LINE GRAPH is a graphical display that uses line to
represent the data on continuously changes over a specific
amount or period of time.

2. BAR GRAPH is a graphical representation of data that uses

bars to compare data according to given categories. Such
bars may run either vertically or horizontally.

3. PIE GRAPH is a circular statistical tool that uses portions or

slices to representnumerical proportions orpercentages of
a given whole.

4. VENN DIAGRAM uses overlapping shapes (usually circles)to

show or represent the similaritiesand differences between
two or moreitems or concepts. In using Venn diagram, first
write down the topics being compared on the top of each
circle. Next, write down the differences or unique
characteristics inside its own sector,avoiding the
overlapping area. Lastly, list the similarities in the common
5. SEQUENCE CHART is a graphic sequence organizer that
helps visualize the order of steps of a process or a timeline
of events, etc. In using sequence chart,first, identify the
steps in the process and then arrange these steps in
sequential order.

Process Questions:
1. Why is non-linear texts easier to understand?
2. Which of the following non-linear texts are you familiar
with? Where do you usually see these non-linear texts?
3. As a student, what is the importance of learning linear texts
and non-linear texts?


To transcode means to transform something from one form to

another. Inorder to transcode a linear to a non-linear text or the
other way around, one mustfirst be able to fully understand what
the source text is about. This way, decidingon the proper text type
to be used in the transcoding process will be easier.

To transcode a linear text to a non-linear text, one may follow

these steps:

Step 1. Read and understand the source text to get its main or
central ideas.

Step 2. Extract important details to be included in the visual


Step 3. Remember to use words or phrases only.

Step 4. To be organized, classify information into categories.

Step 5. Make sure to use the appropriate non-linear text in

presenting yourinformation.
E. APPLICATION Group the class into 4 groups. Choose a leader per group
and get a card from your teacher. Be ready to present your
task in class. The task will be graded using the rubric
Group 1

Make a sequence chart based from this paragraph:

What are you going to do if your clothes caught fire

during an emergency situation? Here are the things you
should do: First, stop where you are – moving or running
feeds air to the flames and worsens the fire. Next, drop
to the floor – if you stand up, the fire can burn your face.
Fold your arms high on your chest to protect your face.
Then, roll slowly on the floor or ground, in a rug or
blanket if you can. Afterwards, cool off as soon as
possible with water for first- and second-degree burns.
Finally, to escape fire, get down low and go.

Group 2

Make a Venn Diagram based from this paragraph:

Impressionism and Expressionism are art movements

that appeared around the 20th century in Europe. Both
focus on painting styles. Impressionism emerged during
the late 19th century in Paris whereas expressionism
emerged during the early 20th century in Germany and
Austria. Moreover, impressionist artists paid special
attention to the depiction of the impression of light and
its changing effect, while expressionist artists paid special
attention to the depiction of emotion the subject arouses
in the artist.

Group 3

The bar graph shows the number of coronavirus (COVID-

19) cases in the Philippines as of April 2, 2020 by gender.
Transcode the bar graph into a short paragraph:
Group 4

The pie graph shows the family budget plan of Mrs.

Reyes. Transcode the pie graph into a short paragraph:


DELIVERY 10 points


20 points

IV. ASSESSMENT Read the text below. Answer the following questions provided on a
sheet of paper.

Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory

illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses.Flu viruses can
cause mild to severe illness, including common signs and
symptoms such as fever, or feeling feverish, cough, shortness of
breath, fatigue, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle pain,
headache, and in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea.Typically, a
person develops symptoms anywhere from 1 to 4 days after
infection. On the other hand, COVID-19 seems to cause more
serious illnesses in some people. Other signs and symptoms of
COVID-19, different from flu, may include change in or loss of taste
or smell. In addition, a person with Covid-19 virus develops
symptoms 5 days after being infected, but symptoms can appear
as early as 2 days after infection or as late as 14 days after
infection, and the time range can vary.

1. Based on the text, what is the similarity between influenza

(flu) and COVID-19?
2. What is the difference between influenza andCOVID-19?
3. If the paragraph suggests similarities and differences
between influenza and COVID-19, what non-linear text
should be used to illustrate its similarities and differences?
4. Using the information lifted from the paragraph, transcode
the linear text into Venn Diagram using the statements
lifted from the paragraph.

- Contagious Respiratory Illnesses
- Cause mild to severe illness
- Cause more serious illnesses such as change in or loss
of taste or smell
- Symptoms develop from 1-4 days
- Symptoms develop 5 days after infected

V. ASSIGNMENT In your notebook, write a paragraph about ‘My Daily Study

Plan’. Afterwards, use an appropriate non-linear text for the
said topic. Be ready to share your work to the class.

Prepared by: Noted by: KERWIN L. AGUILAR


Approved by:

Cluster Head

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