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Experiment Name: Different types of folder use in apparel industry.

A folder is an attachment to a sewing machine for bending and folding the fabric previous to
sewing. It belongs to the category of work aids (Additional devices that can be added to basic
sewing machines) generally used in situations where fabric must be fold prior to sewing. Can be
used for folds ranging from simple to complex. Different types of folders available in different
size and thickness. The thickness of the folder is selected depends on the type of fabric.

• It helps to improve the productivity.

• Improve or maintain quality standards.
• Reduce training time of operator.
• Reduce fatigue of the operator.

Types Of Folders –

➢ Belt loop folder.

➢ Binding folder.
➢ Tape folder.
➢ Hemming folder.
➢ Cuff joining folder.
➢ Waist band joining folder.
➢ Shoulder joining folder.
➢ Box placket folder.
➢ Lapped folder.
➢ Piped folder.
➢ Bound folder.
Belt Loop Folder

It is used for preparing belt loop by using a single needle lock stitch machine. Here stripe of
fabric inserted on the folder.

Binding Folder

It is used for cover the raw edge by using a single needle lock stitch machine. Here stripe
of fabric inserted on the folder. It binds the fabric edge evenly.
Tape Folder

• Loosen the two wing nuts. Push the two stainless plates and upwards.
• Fold/crease half a meter of the tape precisely in the middle.
• Insert the folded/creased tape into one of the slots. Use the narrow slot for tapes lighter
than 280gr/sqm, and the wider slot for tapes heavier than 280gr/sqm. The fold should
point towards the stainless plate.
• Push the stainless plate down against the folded tape. Tighten the wing nuts again.
• Pull the tape straight through the tape folder.

Hemming folder
It is excellent for continuous hemming on automatic sewing operations. It’s
suitable for double needle lockstitch machine. Used to make narrow hems, on
prior to ruffling, curtains, and other straight hemming operations.
Cuff setting folder

• industrial sewing machine: This is a wonderful accessory for industrial sewing machine.
• walking foot: This is a wonderful replacement accessory, mostly for the old or broken
walking foot.
• lock stitch: Can use this lock stitch to make holes into the leather, braided or line
threaded hole.

Waist band joining

Binding of waist band without interlining. Used with 2- or 4-needle waist band machine.
It is used for attaching waistband by using double needle lockstitch machine. It binds seam on
the waistband.
Shoulder joining folder

Box placket folder

Sew box pleat. 2- Needle machine is used.

Lapped folder
• Suitable for most of flatbed double needle lockstitch or chainstitch machines.
• It attaches to the 2 screw holes
next to the needle plate

Piped Folder

It is used for preparing piping seam by using a single needle lock stitch machine.

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