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Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia

Introduction …………………………………………………………….. 3
Presentation Unit 1 ……………………………………………………. 4
Presentation Unit 2 ……………………………………………………. 6
Presentation Unit 3 ……………………………………………………. 7
Competencies/skills …………………………………………………. 9
 Class 1: Programming design ……………………………… 10
 Class 2: Programming Software…………........................... 15
 Class 3. Low and High level programming ……..……….. 23
 Class 4: Type of servers I……………………………………. 31
 Clas 5: Type of servers II …………………………………….. 38
 Class 6: Types of Arduino ………………………………….. 43
 Class 7: Arduino Components ………………………..……. 52
 Class 8: Types of Raspberry ………………….…………….. 61
 Class 9: Raspberry Components ……………………….….. 67

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia

The goal of the language and communication programs at Santa Cecilia School is
to provide students with the communication skills they need to become and remain
competitive. Because English is used so extensively in science and international
business, the English program aims to build comprehensive language competence
by developing the key skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - in a rounded

Our goal is to enable students to work with English-language materials and to

interact with classmates in both formal and informal contexts, ranging from small talk
and casual written correspondence to presentations and technical reports.
The Technical English modules are designed to improve both students’ general
English and their specialized knowledge of the language in order to help them to
communicate more confidently and more effectively in a professional environment

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Unit 1 Presentation

Unit 1

This course is aimed at introducing students to the subject of computer programming and
enabling them to develop computer programs for problem solving at a basic level.

Lesson 1. Programming design


 Create interest of students in computing background.

 Get new technical vocabulary refering to Windows background.
 Identify the main elements a GUI must have at the time of developing a software.

Lesson 2. Programming Software


 Identify basic vocabulary about programming.

 Describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions.
 Understand the software life cycle and its importance to a programming

Lesson 3: Low and High level programming

 Identify and explain the two types of programing language

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
 Explain the two categories of low-level language
 Define 'compiler' and 'interpreter' and explain what each is
 Provide examples of interpreter and compiler language

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Unit 2 Presentation

Unit 2

To complement the practical understanding of how networks of computers are

structured, this lesson reviews basics of computer networks and server-based
computing in the service of scientific synthesis. In particular, the lesson reviews how
computers are connected in networks, the relationship between networks, computer
addresses, and web site domain names, and the utility of remote computing and
computing in the ‘Cloud’ for speeding up scientific analysis.

Lesson 4: Types of Server I


 To understand the basic architecture of computing networks.

 To conceptualize how computer hosts relate to web sites.
 To learn vocabulary and accronyms related to the topic.

Lesson 5: Types of Server II


 To understand the basic architecture of computing networks.

 To conceptualize how computer hosts relate to web sites.
 To learn vocabulary and accronyms related to the topic.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Unit 3 Presentation

Unit 3
Controller Boards UNIT OBJECTIVES

To learn and consolidate the basic technical vocabulary in the field of electrical
engineering and - application-oriented - grammatical structures. Furthermore, the
receptive linguistic skills of listening and reading comprehension are trained.

Lesson 6: Types of Arduino


 Learn vocabulary about circuits, computers, and software coding.

 Learn the basics of using an Arduino by getting information from manuals.
 Identify the hardware used in a circuit.

Lesson 7: Arduino Components


 Identify the parts o fan Arduino.

 Learn vocabulary about components of the Arduino.
 Define the functions of each part of the Arduino.

Lesson 8: Types of Raspberry


 Learn vocabulary about teh diferente type of Raspberry Pi.

 Learn the basics of using a Raspberr Pi by getting information from manuals.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
 Identify the hardware used in a Raspberry circuit.

Lesson 9: Raspberry Components


 Identify the parts of a Raspberry Pi.

 Learn vocabulary about components of the Raspberry Pi.
 Define the functions of each part of the Raspberry Pi.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia

1. Understand the main idea of technical texts and documentaries as well as the

supporting information
2. Use critical thinking skills to describe, analyze, and evaluate a chosen text /

documentary / topic and discuss their conclusions

3. Speak coherently on more complex technical topics using a wide range of

vocabulary and grammar

4. Inform, persuade, and direct through speaking and writing in more complex

5. Demonstrate familiarity with common document formats and follow standard

layout and paragraphing conventions

6. Write a summary/abstract that conveys the main idea and relevant details of a

technical documentary
7. Use critical thinking skills to provide peer feedback

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Programming design 1 LESSON

Task 1. Vocabulary
Match these words to A-L in the screenshot below.

1 scroll bar ____

A 5 title bar ____
B 9 left-hand pane ____
2 menu ____ 6 K
icon ____ E
10 tab ____
3 “minimise” button ____
F 7 folder ____
11 check box ____
4 “maximise” button ____
G 8 filename ____
C 12 radio button ____

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 2. Explanation

What Is a GUI?
The Graphical User Interface is a description of the way users interact with a device
using clickable icons, menus, graphical representations, and a clicking device,
commonly a mouse for computers. Graphical User Interface is abbreviated
as GUI and is commonly used in computers, smartphones, tablets, and many other
Components of GUI
 A pointer that occur as a small angled arrow and you move it to select object

on your display screen is the pointer and basic component of GUI.

 A device from which you pointing the objects and which enables you to select

specific and required object on the screen such as mouse or trackball are the
pointing devices.
 Small pictures to represent any file or document are the icons which is also

one of the important component of GUI. You can represent the real objects
using icons that are responsive.
 The area on your computer screen where all the icons group together is

referred to as desktop because icons represent real objects.

 Window is also important and basic component of GUI in which a single

screen is divided into different areas and each window running different
program. You can change the size of your window by maximizing and
minimizing it.
 Menus are basically a list of items from them you can choose according to

your requirement and most GUI let you to execute commands by selecting
choice from the menus.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 3. Listening
Watch and listen the video and answer the following questions. For watching the
video click the link below.

1. How the GUI has evolved through the years?

2. How the UX changed since the GUI appeared?
3. What was the main purpose by developing a GUI?
4. What were the drawbacks that appeared at the developing of
the GUI?
5. What was the influence that Steve Jobs had?

Task 4. Grammar

 Past Simple and Present Perfect

Verb Tense Review: The Past Simple

 I washed my clothes yesterday. (yesterday is finished)

 I met her in 2009. (2009 is finished)
 I woke up at 7 a.m. this morning. (this morning is finished)

This actions happened in the past, they are finished, and there is no connection with

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Verb Tense Review: The Present Perfect

(tiempo indefinido) || already - still - yet ||

 I have paid my rent this month. (this month = a period that is not finished yet)
 I have gone to the doctor twice this year. (this year = unfinished)
 I have been to Japan twice in my life. (your life = unfinished)
 I have flown in an airplane.*

Past Simple / Present Perfect Simple

A Choose the correct answer.
1. I’m really hungry. I (haven’t eaten / didn’t eat) yet.

2. They (arrived / have arrived) a week ago.

3. We (have worked / worked) here for three years.

4. They (didn’t recognise / haven’t recognised) me at yesterday’s meeting.

5. Our neighbour (was / has been) in hospital since Friday.

6. (Have you travelled / Did you travel) abroad many times?

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use
the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple.
1. John (not call) me recently. John hasn't call me recently
2. They (buy) a new car last month. they bought a new car last month
3. The teacher (not return) the tests yet. the teacher hasn't return the test yet
4. How long ........................... she (know) about this problem? has ..... known
5. ........................... you ever (hear) such an unbelievable story? have...... hear

6. When I was a child, I (live) in England for two years. lived

7. He (buy) me a beautiful gift for my birthday. bought

8. I am so excited to have a dog. I (always / want) one. have always wanted

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 5. Reading Practice
Study this diagram of the Windows Desktop and answer these questions about its

1 What does Outlook Express let you do? This feature can be used to send electronic mails.
2 Which feature shows you current programs? The taskbar.
Pause the mouse pointer over the status/time
3 How do you read the date? box and a pop up box tells you the date.
4 What is My Briefcase for? it's for organize your files and documents.
5 Which background colour is most common? the green-blue.
6 Which feature shows other computers networked with yours? My network places.
7 Which feature lets you see which files are stored on your PC? My computer.
8 What is the program that helps you get on the Internet? The internet connection wizard
9 How do you delete files permanently? Empty the recycle bin

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Software Programming 2 LESSON

Task 1. Tuning-In
Scan the QR code for introducing yourself to the topic; here is explained what are the
differences by Programming and Coding. Based on the information provided answer the
following questions.

1. What is programming? process to developing specific task to specific purposes

2. What is the difference by coding and programming? Is an act of translation, it writes the users
instructions in the form of a computer

Task 2. Definitions
It is compiled a handy list of programming languages that are in-demand across the tech
industry, so you’ll know where you should be directing your studies while you train up. It is
also included a list of other coding languages so that you can get an idea of what else is out
there and what other options you have when it comes to completing more specialized tasks.


We begin this list by combining two different programming languages under a single header.
That’s because while HTML and CSS certainly aren’t the same thing, they are
complementary languages that function best when used in tandem — so learning them both
is a great place to start. HTML and CSS are commonly used in web development. HTML
(HyperText Markup Language) dictates the content and structure of a webpage, while CSS
(Cascading Style Sheets) modifies the overall visual design and aesthetic of the HTML

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
elements. Both are extremely useful when creating webpages and both make a great
introduction to coding.


Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. This is, in part,
thanks to its versatility. Python is considered a multi-paradigm coding language, which
means that it allows programmers to take different approaches to achieve their goals,
including procedural, functional, and object-oriented programming. One thing that really adds
to Python’s popularity is its readability. Python emphasizes intuitive syntax, simplifying the
coding process overall.


From server-side applications to Android mobile games, Java is a powerful code that any
programmer would benefit from learning. Java’s motto is “write once; run anywhere.” What
does that mean? It means that Java is a useful option for cross-platform coding. Java is
supported by a robust community and set of tools. If you want to focus on design and
structure but don’t want to spend as much time on memory management or system details,
then Java may be the right language for you.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia

In terms of popularity, you really can’t do better than JavaScript. Outpacing even HTML
among professional developers, JavaScript is useful for both frontend and backend
development. Additionally, JavaScript is also becoming a go-to language for Internet of
Things (IoT) development. Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is considered a core
technology that powers the World Wide Web. In fact, JavaScript is often used as a client-
side scripting language written into an HTML page.


Want to program for Macs? Then Swift is an absolute must. Swift was developed by Apple
specifically for use with macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. And because Apple is such a big
player in the mobile device arena, Switch has also become an essential part of the IoT stack.
Swift is backed by Apple’s near-limitless resources, so when you work with this language,
you’ll have access to libraries and infrastructures that take a lot of the effort out of coding.


Designed to function as a more powerful version of the original C language, C++ (computer
programming names are just like that) takes the advantages of C and adds classes. This
multi-paradigm language supports procedural, generic, and object-oriented programming,

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
along with data abstraction. C++ is extremely fast and has become a popular choice in
applications, gaming, and animation software development.


Made to resemble Java in many respects, C# (pronounced C sharp) is a language designed

for developing apps on the Microsoft platform. C# is part of the .Net framework on Windows
and is a general-purpose language that is flexible, powerful, and easy to learn. Like C++ ,
C# is often used in game and app development. Unlike C++, C# is targeted specifically
toward the Windows OS, making it less useful as an all-purpose programming language.


More commonly known as Go, Golang was created by developers at Google and is loosely
based on the syntax of the original C language. Go is highly specialized and can be a difficult
starting language for new programmers. That said, those with some programming
experience who wish to broaden their own skillset may find that Go is actually fairly simple
and straightforward… once you get the hang of it. This is because Go only uses 25 keywords.
Projects that involve distributed networks, cloud services, and other complex backend
technologies may benefit from Go.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 3. Reinforcement
Below are listed some more definitinios and categories. In your notebook enlist the programming
languages that belong to each category.

Application and program development

Application and program development involves programs you work with on a daily basis. For
example, the Internet Browser you are using to view this web pages is considered a program. If
you are interested in developing a program, consider the following languages:

Artificial intelligence development

Artificial Intelligence or related fields involve creating the character interactions in computer
games, portions of programs that make decisions, chatbots, and more. If you're interested in
developing an AI, consider the following languages:

Database development
Database developers create and maintain databases. If you're interested in creating or
maintaining a database, consider any of the following languages:

Game development
Game development involves creating computer games or other entertainment software. If you're
interested in developing a game, consider the following languages:

Internet and web page development

Internet and web page development are the essence of the Internet. Without developers, the
Internet would not exist. If you're interested in creating web pages, Internet applications, or other
Internet-related tasks, consider the following languages:

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 4. Grammar

 Comparatives and Superlatives

A Comparative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to another

noun. Comparative adjectives typically end in ‘er’ and are followed by the word ‘than’.
A Superlative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to two or more
nouns to the highest or lowest degree. Superlative adjectives typically end in ‘est’ and are
preceded by the word ‘the’.

One syllable adjectives

Add -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative. If the adjective has a consonant +
single vowel + consonant spelling, the final consonant must be doubled before adding the

Two syllables
Adjectives with two syllables can form the comparative either by adding -er or by preceeding
the adjective with more. These adjectives form the superlative either by adding -est or by
preceeding the adjective with most. In many cases, both forms are used, although one usage
will be more common than the other.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Three or more syllables
Adjectives with three or more syllables form the comparative by putting more in front of the
adjective, and the superlative by putting most in front.

Irregular comparatives and superlatives

These very common adjectives have completely irregular comparative and superlative

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 5. Reading Comprehension
Scan the QR code below for reading the article “Pioneers of Computer Programming”.
Besides you have to complete some tasks presented on the website.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Low and High level

Task 1. Tuning-In
Look at the words below and provide definitions for all of them.
 Programming language  Assembly language

 Machine language  Compiler

 Machine code  Interpreter

Listen the audio and complete the following questions

A language which have an understanding

1. Whats is a high level language? more easy for the programmer.
PHP, JavaScript, c, C++, among
2. Which are some examples of high level languages? others.
The translation between the programming
3. How the process of compilation is? language and the binary code.
4. What are low level languages? Those which are more easy to a machine to
execute than a programmer to understand
5. What is assembly code?
Is the result output of translate the
high level language to a machine.

Task 2. Explanation

Main features of programming languages

The popularity of a programming language depends on the features and utilities it

provides to programmers. But, what are the main features of programming
languages? Here are the main features that a programming language must
possess to stand out from all the rest:

 Simplicity: the language must offer clear and simple concepts that are easy
to understand, facilitating learning and application. But simplicity can be a

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
difficult balance to strike without compromising the overall capability of the
 Capability: apart from being easy to use, the language must be well-
equipped with a robust set of features to perform a wide range of tasks. If a
programming language was designed to be used in a specific area, it must
provide the necessary means (operators, structures, and syntax) to achieve
ideal results.
 Abstraction: it is the language’s ability to define and use complicated
structures or operations while ignoring certain low level details.
 Efficiency: programming languages that can be translated and executed
efficiently help avoid the excessive consumption of memory and time.
 Structuring: the language allows programmers to write their code according
to structured programming concepts to avoid creating errors.
 Compactness: a language with this characteristic can express operations
concisely without having to write too many details.

Types of programming language

1. Low-level programming language

Low-level language is machine-dependent (0s and 1s) programming language. The

processor runs low- level programs directly without the need of a compiler or
interpreter, so the programs written in low-level language can be run very fast.

Low-level language is further divided into two parts -

i. Machine Language

Machine language is a type of low-level programming language. It is also called as

machine code or object code. Machine language is easier to read because it is
normally displayed in binary or hexadecimal form (base 16) form. It does not require

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
a translator to convert the programs because computers directly understand the
machine language programs.

The advantage of machine language is that it helps the programmer to execute the
programs faster than the high-level programming language.

ii. Assembly Language

Assembly language (ASM) is also a type of low-level programming language that is

designed for specific processors. It represents the set of instructions in a symbolic
and human-understandable form. It uses an assembler to convert the assembly
language to machine language.

The advantage of assembly language is that it requires less memory and less
execution time to execute a program.

2. High-level programming language

High-level programming language (HLL) is designed for developing user-friendly

software programs and websites. This programming language requires a compiler
or interpreter to translate the program into machine language (execute the program).

The main advantage of a high-level language is that it is easy to read, write, and

High-level programming language includes Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C#, C++,
Objective C, Cobol, Perl, Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, and Swift programming

A high-level language is further divided into three parts -

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
i. Procedural Oriented programming language

Procedural Oriented Programming (POP) language is derived from structured

programming and based upon the procedure call concept. It divides a program into
small procedures called routines or functions.

Procedural Oriented programming language is used by a software programmer to

create a program that can be accomplished by using a programming editor like IDE,
Adobe Dreamweaver, or Microsoft Visual Studio.

The advantage of POP language is that it helps programmers to easily track the
program flow and code can be reused in different parts of the program.

ii. Object-Oriented Programming language

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language is based upon the objects. In this

programming language, programs are divided into small parts called objects. It is
used to implement real-world entities like inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, etc
in the program to makes the program resusable, efficient, and easy-to-use.
The main advantage of object-oriented programming is that OOP is faster and easier
to execute, maintain, modify, as well as debug.

iii. Natural language

Natural language is a part of human languages such as English, Russian, German,

and Japanese. It is used by machines to understand, manipulate, and interpret
human's language. It is used by developers to perform tasks such as translation,
automatic summarization, Named Entity Recognition (NER), relationship extraction,
and topic segmentation.
The main advantage of natural language is that it helps users to ask questions in
any subject and directly respond within seconds.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 3. Grammar

Verbs + Infinitives / Verbs + Gerunds

Verbs that are followed by other verbs can take either the gerund or the infinitive. A
gerund is a verb ending in "ing" that functions as a noun. An infinitive is the basic or
root form of a verb, typically preceded with "to." Understanding how these words
function is a crucial step in developing your English skills. The following lists of verbs
followed by other verbs will help you practice using gerunds and infinitives within
simple sentences.

In English, if you want to follow a verb with another action, you must use a gerund
or infinitive. For example:

We resumed talking. (gerund – verb + ing)

I want to see a movie. (infinitive – to + base verb)

There are certain verbs that can only be followed by one or the other, and these
verbs must be memorized.

Gerunds are often used when actions

are real, concrete, or completed.
For example: I stopped smoking.
(The smoking was real and happened
until I stopped.)

Gerunds are often used after

For example: We look forward to seeing

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Gerunds are used after certain verbs
(avoid, admit, deny, risk, postpone,
suggest, propose etc.)
For example: You risk losing your job.

Gerunds are used at the beginning of

sentences unless they express a
For example: Smoking is a hazard to
(vs. To be fit, you need to do sports).

Gerunds are used after certain

phrases (it is worth, it is no good, I
cannot stand, there is no point)
For example: The book is not worth

Infinitives are often used when actions

are unreal, abstract, or future.

For example: I stopped to smoke.

(I was doing something else, and I

stopped; the smoking had not happened

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 4. Practice

Task 1: Complete the following text putting the verbs into the gerund or the to-

Dear Ms Walters,

Thank you for your application for the diploma in marketing but I regret __________
(inform) you that this course is now full. Should you wish to take the course
elsewhere, I would advise you __________ (apply) to Central College. They started
__________ (run) a course in marketing a year ago and I would recommend you
__________ (consider) __________ (enrol) on that course rather than __________
(wait) another year to do a course here. If you prefer __________ (wait) for this
course, then I would encourage you __________ (try) __________ (find) some work
related to marketing so that you can start __________ (acquire) some relevant

Task 2: Complete the sentences by using a preposition and the words in

parentheses. You may need to add an indefinite or definite article.

Jack decided on German instead (read/maths).

Jack decided on German instead of reading maths.

1. I'm interested (enrol/course) taught by Mr Ward.

2. He apologized (submit/essay) after the deadline.
3. I certainly can't blame you (not/want) to join the course.
4. She's thinking (study/England).

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
5. We are really very excited (open/course) this coming autumn.

6. Katherine isn't really used (study/hard).

7. We thanked them (help/us) with the research.
8. Could you please tell me who is responsible (accept/applications)?

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Types of servers I

Task 1. Key Words and Terms

The following words and terms will become important pieces of your networking
vocabulary. Let’s define al lof them

backplane Internet Small Computer Systems

blade server Interface (iSCSI)
disk mirroring interrupt request (IRQ)
duplexing logical unit number (LUN)
error correction memory address assignment
fabric switch Network Address Authority (NAA)
fault tolerance network attached storage (NAS)
Fibre Channel parallel processing

What is Server?

Is a computer that serves the data to other computers and users. It

can be a computer, a hardware device, or a computer program that
is loaded so that it can send data and any information to other
computers. The device that receives requests, and responses from
the server, is called a client.

How does Server work in simple words??

A server is like a computer and there are many different types of

servers that have different capacities in the world. If we install the
program of the server on a normal computer or laptop, then that
computer will also work as a server.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
Task 2. Explanation
The following is a list of all the main types of servers:

1. Web Server

A web server is a server that runs on websites. It is also called a computer program.
The main function of web servers is to store, process, and deliver.

Whenever we search on the internet through web browsers like chrome, Mozilla,
internet explorer, etc, receives the request for the URL and then web server sends
the data according to the need of the user. These types of servers mainly show the
data in format like images, text, video, etc.

A web server program uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which serves files
for users that create web pages. Dedicated computers and applications are also
known as web servers.

2. Email Server

The email server provides the facility of sending emails to the receiver and to receive
emails from the sender as well as stores all the details and messages of the users’
account on the server. The email server is also called mail server transfer agent
(MTA) or internet mailer.

Whenever you mail or send a message to someone, it first accesses to SMTP

(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and then identifies the address of the person whom
you want to send mail and then mail goes to the recipient. In short, these types of
servers act as a virtual post office.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
3. Application Server

Application Server is a framework, it is an environment where applications run.

Application Server includes a server operating system (OS) and server hardware
that provides computing-intensive operations and other services to the application.

These application types of servers can be used to develop and run a web-based
application. There are many different types of Application Servers including PHP,
Java, and .NET Framework.

Key features of an application server include data redundancy, data/application

security, high availability, user management, load balancing, and a centralized
management interface.

4. Database Server

A database server is a computer system that provides services related to accessing

and retrieving data from databases to other computers. Database server access can
be from the “front end” running on the user’s machine or “back end” running on the
database server accessed from the remote shell.

After accessing the information inside the database, it gives the output of data
requested by the user.

These types of servers are similar to a warehouse, where the website’s data and
information are stored and maintained. Many companies use a database server for
the storage of their data. Users access the data using query labels related to the
database. SQL is an example of a query language.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
5. FTP Server

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a very old Internet service that helps users
to transfer files from one place to another via the Internet very securely. When a
client requests a web page on a web browser, the server uses the protocol to display
your file.

In short, If you create a web page on your computer using an editor for your site, you
have to upload it to the server where your site is hosted. FTP also provides file
security, transfer control, and organization of files to the server.

6. File Server

A file server is a network that helps to transfer stored files. The file server stores and
manages all the files in a computer and sends a copy of the file to the other computer
on the request of the users. It shares the storage of computer files such as
documents, sound files, photographs, images, databases, etc. These types of
servers is used mainly on the local network.

7. Proxy Server

Proxy server commonly called “proxy”. It acts as a gateway between users and the
internet. These types of servers are used for performance enhancement, privacy,
and anonymous surfing. When a client connects to a proxy server and requests a
service, its accessing IP address changes.

For example, for a web-page, it evaluates how to simplify and control the complexity
of the request. A proxy acts as a mediator between a client program and an external
server for network connection sharing, network data filtering, and data caching.
Proxy in other words, “providing indirect service to someone“. VPN (Virtual Private
Network) is quite similar to the Proxy server.

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Task 3. Reading Practice

Read the text below. Then answer the comprehension questions that follow the

Basic Networking

In the simplest explanation, networking is just computers talking to each

other. They do this by sending data packets using various protocols and
transmission mediums such as ethernet cable or Wi-Fi connections.
Computers must also know how to find other computers on the network.
To put it briefly, every computer on the network needs a unique address so
messages know where to go after they are sent.

Networks exist for many reasons including:

 distributed computing in a client-server or peer-to-

peer networking architecture
 centralized data security and authentication
 elimination of risk of computer downtime.

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 combining computers into a single domain to
facilitate groupware applications and system administration tasks
 communication and fun!

The types of networks you deal with on a daily basis include local area
networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).

Many people today have LANs in their schools, offices, and even their
homes. LANs are especially good for sharing Internet access and
commonly used files and databases.

Users can also connect to wide area networks ( WANS ) as well, which
are just large LANS spread out over several physical locations. The
Internet itself is basically a large WAN, with each node on the network
having it's own unique IP address.

As you may have read in books or seen in movies, security

considerations play a large role when designing networks. Technology
such as firewalls can both block and filter unwanted network traffic.
Virtual private networks (VPNs) are used to connect remote users to
office networks without jeopardizing security. VPNs use strong
data encryption to hide data as it is moving between routers over the

Networking is not something you can master in a week or even a month.

Hundreds of books have been written about the subject and many more
hundreds will come in the future as technologies mature and evolve. If
you work on networks for a living, you are called a network engineer,
and you will probably take certification exams by networking companies
such as Cisco.

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There are other kinds of networking as well which are not always between
PCs and servers. An example is Bluetooth technology, which is optimized
for networking between common consumer electronics such as mobile
phones, mp3 players, and similar devices.

Okay that's it for now! This is just a basic introduction to networking. You
will find a lot more networking vocabulary to master in other units of English
4 IT, and many more on the way.

1. Distributed computing and client servers only work in WANs.



2. Peer-to-peer works by sending data packets using various protocols.



3. Without Bluetooth, it’s not possible to connect to any node in your LAN.


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Type of servers II 5 LESSON

Task 1. Introduction
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What are some typical services that servers provide?

2. What is a thin server and what applications can it be used for?
3. What is a thin client server and what applications can it be used for?

For adding more information to the topic, please, scan the QR code below.

Task 2. Extra Information

Server components

Physical servers are made up of the following parts:

 Motherboard: A motherboard connects all parts of a server. A motherboard's
size dictates the amount of storage and the number of hard drives that can
connect to a server.
 Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU controls the overall functions of a
server. It's the center for all processing within a server device. CPUs are
measured by processing speed.

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 Memory: This part of a server dictates the amount of storage available.
Memory needs to be compatible with the motherboard.
 Hard drives: A hard drive stores both user and software data for a computer.
It uses a controller card for optimum processing functions. A server housing
large amounts of data may need multiple hard drives.
 Network connection: A server needs to connect to a network in order to
function. A good network connection will ensure a server is able to receive
and respond to user requests. Many motherboards already contain a network
adapter however, if they don't, the server will need an external network
connection installed.
 Power supply: Servers that provide data to large numbers of clients need a
bigger power supply than a typical personal computer. Most servers need a
power supply of at least 300 watts.

What is server architecture?

Server architecture is the design of how a server functions. Server architecture refers
to the layout of a server in its operational capacity.
A server's architecture can be defined by:

 How it communicates with other devices

 The types of operating systems it uses
 Hardware and software components
 Storage and computing capabilities
 The security functions within its systems

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Task 3. Explanation
The following is a list of all the main types of servers:

8. Streaming Server

With the help of Streaming Servers, the ability in multimedia applications comes so
that they can broadcast or even live on websites like youtube and ott platforms like
Netflix and Amazon Prime. Multimedia streaming is a way of transporting data.
These types of serves technology have also increased a lot due to the continuous
growth of Internet audiences.

Streaming is a very good solution for users who don’t have the facility to download
large multimedia files. When the client or user receives the data and forwarded by
the websites in the form of a steady stream. It also has the process to converts it to
sound and pictures in their desired format.

9. IRC Server (Internet Relay Chat)

The full name of IRC is an ‘Internet Relay Chat’. It is an application layer protocol
that is used to communicate over the Internet as a text message in real-time. In
simple words, “internet relay chat is a service through which users can chat with
each other online.” The Internet relay chat that works on the client/server networking

In this, users need to have to install IRC clients on their system so that they can
connect to the IRC server. The most famous IRC clients are – mIRC for Windows
and OS X for textual Mac.

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If you want to chat or connect with other IRC users then you must have an IRC client
and internet access. The IRC client is a program that runs on the computer and
receives and sends messages from the IRC server. And the IRC server has the
responsibility that the messages should reach to all the users.

10. Fax Server

A fax server is a software system capable of receiving the incoming faxes, sending
faxes and distributing faxes over a computer network. These types of Servers are
commonly used in large scale organizations. Because the Fax Servers saves time
and reduces incoming and outgoing telephone resources which help the business
by saving time and money.

11. Groupware Server

A groupware server is a computer server. The main purpose of creating this server
was that it allows users to work jointly with ease. The number of clients connected
to this server basically depends on the nature of the project. There is a need to install
software onto the various client computers to allow for better communication
between the clients and access to the server.

A groupware server can be used to reduce unnecessary communication between

team members and to increase efficiency and productivity. Thus a collaborative work
can be done simultaneously in the environment.

12. News Server

News Servers are software or a computer system used to share and deliver the
news. It manages the storage and routing of messages as well as control access to
newsgroups in a Usenet. It is a primary part of Usenet and is also responsible for

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handling various operations. News servers may function as a reader server or a
transit server sometimes both.

13. List Server

List servers are a great way to handle mailing lists that are statements, newspapers,
or publicity. A mailing list server is a program that handles subscription requests for
a mailing list and distributes new messages, newsletters, news, or other postings
from the list’s members to the entire list of subscribers. These list servers are
included in interactive discussions that are open to the community.

14. Telnet Server

Telnet is a simple, text-based network protocol that is used to access remote

computers over the Internet such as TCP / IP networks. Telnet is a protocol that
connects you to a Remote Computer (Host) over a TCP / IP network (such as the

Using Telnet Client Software on your computer, one can create a Connection to
Telnet Server (ie Remote Host). These types of servers are most commonly used
for remote-management, but sometimes for the initial setup of some devices,
especially networks, hardware such as switches, Access Point, etc.

Task 4. Wrap-Up
Answer the following questions in your notebook:

What is a client-server network?


What is meant by a peer-to-peer network?


List the advantages and disadvantages of peer-to-peer and client-server


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Types of Arduino 6 LESSON

Task 1. Introduction
Open the following comic, read it, and answer the following questions below on a
separate piece of paper.

For opening the comic, click on the following link:

1. Explain the difference between Digital Information and Analog Information
2. What is the difference between a switch and a sensor?
3. What is voltage, current, and resistance?
4. How do you launch the Arduino Software?
5. What are sketches?
6. What is the difference between Setup and Loop?
7. What is the purpose of a breadboard?
8. What do you need to connect from an Arduino board to a Breadboard in order to
bring power to the breadboard?
9. What is the difference between anode and cathode?
10. What two buttons need to be selected to input your program on the arduino?

Task 2. Concepts and Useful definitions

What is a microcontroller?

A microcontroller (MCU for microcontroller unit) is a small computer on a single

metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuit (IC) chip. A microcontroller

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contains one or more CPUs (processor cores) along with memory and
programmable input/output peripherals.

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source hardware and software platform designed for computer

programmers, industrial artists, professionals and those interested in developing
interactive devices and applications specific to an interactive development

What can you do with Arduino?

◆Make a line-following robot

◆Make a fluffy toy that lights up
◆Make your phone ring when you receive an e-mail
◆Make a Metroid-style arm cannon
◆Make a coffee maker that sounds an alarm when your coffee is ready
◆Make device that can record your heart rate when you ride your bike

Arduino Functions

Visit the following web address and complete the questions. You just need the
A. Arduino DigitalWrite Function
1. What is the name of the function?
2. What does it describe (ie: What does it do?)
3. How do you write it (ie: What is it’s Syntax?)
4. What is it’s parameters (ie: What information can you put inside of it?)

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5. When would you use the function?
6. Create an example digitalwrite function

B. Arduino AnalogWrite Function

1. What is the name of the function?
2. What does it describe (ie: What does it do? HINT: Read the first two sentences)
3. How do you write it (ie: What is it’s Syntax?)
4. What is it’s parameters (ie: What information can you put inside of it?)
5. When would you use the function?
6. Create an example analogwrite function.

C. Arduino PinMode Function

1. What is the name of the function?
2. What does it describe (ie: What does it do?)
3. How do you write it (ie: What is it’s Syntax?)
4. What is it’s parameters (ie: What information can you put inside of it?)
5. When would you use the function?
6. Create an example pinMode function.
D. Arduino digitalRead Function
1. What is the name of the function?
2. What does it describe (ie: What does it do?)
3. How do you write it (ie: What is it’s Syntax?)
4. What is it’s parameters (ie: What information can you put inside of it?)
5. When would you use the function?
6. Create an example digitalRead function.

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Task 3. Explanation
Look at the pictures, in this section will be explained the types of Arduino.


The arduino board is an open-source device used to make almost all types of
electronics projects. It consists of microcontroller and a part of the software to runs
on your PC, used to uploads and write computer code to the physical. The Arduino
plateform has become very famous with designers just starting out with electronics.
In the starting programmable circuit boards, the Arduino does not require a separate
hardware. The Arduino IDE uses a basic version of C++that make it simpler to learn
the program.

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What is the difference between them?

To know more about the types of Arduino scan the QR below

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Task 4. Wrap-Up

What is arduino software (IDE), and how use it ?

The arduino software (IDE) is an open source software, which is used to programme
the Arduino boards, and is an integrated development environment, devlopped by Allow to write and upload code to arduino boards. And it consiste of many
libraries and a set of examples of mini projects.

arduino software (IDE) is compatible with different operating systems (Windows,

Linux, Mac OS X), and supports the programming languages (C/C++)

Arduino software interface:

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Menus section:

Menus are the main menus of the program, and they are 5 menus (File, Edit, Sketch,
Tools, Help), and they are being used to add or modify the code that you are writing.
Toolbar section:

The toolbar is the most important section in the Arduino software, because it contains
the tools that you will use continuously while programming the Arduino board. These
tools are:

1. Verify: this button use to review the code, or make sure that is free from
2. Upload: this button is use to upload the code on the arduino board.
3. New: this button use to create new project, or sketch (sketch is the file of the
4. Open: is use when you want to open the sketch from sketchbook.
5. Save: save the current sketch in the sketchbook.
6. Serial monitor: showing the data which have been sent from arduino.

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Code editor section:

Code editor is liberator of codes, is the white space in the program, in which codes
are been writting, and modifying on it.

Status bar section:

Status bar is a space can be found down the code editor, through it showing the
status of operation’s completion (compiling, uploading, … etc)

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Program notifications section:

Program notifications this program showing you the mistakes of codes, and some
problems that can be face you during the programmation process. And clarifies to
you the type of the mistake or the problem which happened and it reason.

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Arduino Components 7 LESSON

Task 1. Introduction
Look at the following vocabulary, try to define the concepts for each word.

 Arduino Uno Board

 Breadboard
 Circuit
 Microcontroller
 Resistor
 Tinkercad

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Task 2. General Information

Arduino Shields

Arduino shields are boards that will expand the functionalities of your Arduino. You
just need to plug them over the top of the Arduino board. There are countless types
of shields to do countless tasks.

1. Ethernet Shield

The Ethernet Shield allows you to connect your Arduino to the internet . You just
have to plug the shield onto the Arduino board and then, connect it to your network.
Pretty simple.

2. Relay Shield

The Relay Shield is a module with 4 mechanical relays that provides you an easy
way to control high voltage.

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3. ProtoShield

The ProtoShield is a prototyping Shield that makes it easy to prototype. It allows for
easy connections between the breadboard and the Arduino.

4. Motor Shield

This Shield allows an easy control of motor direction and speed. It makes it easy to
incorporate a motor into any of your projects.

5. LCD Shield

This Shield makes it easy to use a 16×2 Character LCD. With this, it is possible to
control a 16×2 Character LCD, up to 3 backlight pins and 5 keypad pins using only
the two I2C pins on the Arduino.

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SIK Components

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Task 3. Wrap-Up
Read the following passage carefully. Then complete the exercises that follow.

Robots: The Face of the Future

ASIMO traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland, for the annual Edinburgh
International Science Festival. The festival takes place in February every year.
Thousands of people came to visit the festival, but most of them came to see
ASIMO. ASIMO is very famous because ASIMO is a robot. It is designed to run,
climb stairs, and kick a soccer ball. It can even conduct an orchestra. In fact,
when Yo Yo Ma, the famous cellist, performed at a concert in Detroit, Michigan,
ASIMO was the conductor. Everyone at the concert was amazed not only by Yo
Yo Ma, but also by ASIMO.
A robot is not a new idea. Scientists developed robots more than 60 years
ago. For many years, robots have worked in factories. They do uninteresting
jobs, such as packaging food or assembling cars. They are often used to do
dangerous work as well. Most of these robots are shaped like machines; they
do not look like people.

However, ASIMO looks like a person. In addition, it is equipped with the ability
to recognize and remember people.
While many countries are developing robots, Japan has the most robots of all.
It is also developing more robots very quickly. In Japan, 20 percent of the people
are over 65 years old. This means that a lot of Japanese people are senior citizens
who no longer work. When people retire, robots can do their work. They can take
care of the senior citizens, too. Japan hopes to have one million robots working in
the country by the year 2025. A single robot can replace, or do the work of, ten
In the future, robots will become more useful and popular. Right now you can’t buy
a robot to do all your work, but you can buy one to help you around the house. A
few years ago, iRobot, an American company, announced that it has robots that
can wash, sweep, or vacuum your floors. Although these robots do not like
People, they can work just as hard!

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Fact Finding

Read the passage again. Then read the following statements. Check (√) whether
each statement is True or False. If a statement is false, rewrite it so that it is true.
Then go back to the passage and find the line that supports your answer.

1. True False ASIMO can play the cello.

2. True False Some robots do uninteresting and dangerous jobs.

3. True False Most robots look like people.

4. True False ASIMO has the ability to recognize people.

5. True False Most people in Japan cannot work.

6. True False One robot can do the work of ten people.

7. True False Now you can buy a robot to clean your floors.

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Reading Analysis

Read each question carefully. Circle the letter or the number of the correct

1. ASIMO traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland, for the annual Edinburgh

International Science Festival. The festival takes place in February

every year.
Annual means
a. scientific.

b. international.

c. every year.

2. ASIMO is designed to run, climb stairs, and kick a soccer ball. It

can even conduct an orchestra.

a. Designed means

1. made.
2. performed.
3. climbed.
b. Conduct means

1. play.
2. lead.
3. perform.

3. Everyone at the concert was amazed not only by Yo Yo Ma, but

also by ASIMO.
a. Amazed means

1. confused.
2. surprised.
3. interested.

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b. Not only . . . but also means

1. however.
2. except.
3. and.
c. Why were the people amazed by ASIMO?

1. It’s a good conductor.

2. It can play the cello.
3. It’s a robot.

4. Scientists developed robots more than 60 years ago. For many

years, robots have worked in factories. They do uninteresting jobs
such as packaging food or assembling cars.
a. Developed means

1. learned about.

2. thought about.

3. made.

b. Something uninteresting is

1. dangerous.

2. boring.

3. difficult.

c. Packaging food is

1. making food for a company.

2. carrying food to a truck.

3. putting food into boxes.

d. Assembling means

1. putting together.

2. driving.

3. checking.

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Types of raspberry 8 LESSON

Task 1. Introduction
Answer the following questions:

 What is the Raspberry Pi?

 What are the differences between software and hardware?
 What are some important pieces of software and hardware a computer
require to work?

Read the following article about setting up your Raspberri Pi, for getting the
information scan the QR below.

Task 2. Explanation

What is a Raspberri Pi?

Is a small, low cost computer designed for schools. This website

contains resources for using, teaching and learning with the
Raspberry Pi, including teaching units, projects for students, links
to online communities, discussion forums and help resources.

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 Unlike a traditional computer, which hides its inner workings in a case, a
standard Raspberry Pi has all its components, ports, and features out on
display – although you can buy a case to provide extra protection, if you’d
prefer. This makes it a great tool for learning about what the various parts of
a computer do, and also makes it easy to learn what goes where when it
comes time to plug in the various extras – known as peripherals – you’ll need
to get started.

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Task 3. Vocabulary and Definitions
Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that seals into a computer monitor
or TV and uses a mouse and standard keyboard; it costs low. It is a little capable
device that enables people of all ages to explore computing and learn how to
program in languages like Python and Scratch. There are different types of raspberry
pi board models. They are

Raspberry Pi 1 model B+
This model B+ is replaced in the place of raspberry pi model B in the year 2014.
Model B+ Rpi is compared with the model B it has.

More GPIO: The GPIO model B+ has 40 pins while retaining the same pinout for the
first 26 pins as the Model A and B.
More USB: It has 4 USB 2.0 ports, compared to 2 on the Model B, and better hotplug
and overcurrent behavior.
Micro SD: The old friction-fit SD card socket has been replaced with a much nicer
push-push micro SD version.
Lower Power Consumption: In the low power consumption the linear regulators
are replaced by switching one and it will reduce the power consumption by between
0.5W and 1W.
Better Audio: The audio circuit has a dedicated low-noise power supply.

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Raspberry Pi Zero

It is a half size of the model A+ with twice a utility and for any project, it has the same
specification like 1GHz, Single-core CPU, 512MB RAM, Mini-HDMI port, Micro-USB
OTG port, Micro-USB power, HAT-compatible 40-pin header, Composite video and
reset headers, CSI camera connector (v1.3 only). The following image shows the
raspberry pi zero.

Raspberry Pi 2

The basic image of the raspberry pi 2 is following and the features of the raspberry
pi 2 are it has quad-core ARM cortex-A7 processor with a 900MHz, the SDRAM is
about the 1GB. It is completely compatible with the raspberry pi 1.

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Raspberry Pi Model B

It is a higher-spec variant of raspberry pi. After this design of this raspberry pi, it has
extended to the next model i.e raspberry pi 2. The specifications of the raspberry pi
model B are following, the raspberry pi model B has two USB ports, having a RAM
of 512MB and its Ethernet port is 100mb. The basic image of the raspberry pi model
is shown in the following.

Advantages of Different Raspberry Pi Models

 The size of the raspberry pi is in small of credit card

 The price of the raspberry pi is low
 Gathering a set of raspberry pi to work as a server is more effective than the
normal server.

Applications of Raspberry pi
The different applications of the raspberry pi model are

 Media steamer
 Tablet computer
 Home automation
 Internet radio

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 Controlling robots
 Cosmic Computer
 Arcade machines
 Raspberry pi based projects

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Raspberry components 9 LESSON

Task 1. Starter
Look up the following words and accronyms and try to provide definitions for them.

 IP Address
 Firmware
 Linux
 Partition
 Repository
 Scratch
 Hostname

Task 2. Explanation
Watch the video for getting more information about how the Raspberri Pi works. For
watching the video scan the QR Code below.

Raspberry Pi’s components

Like any computer, Raspberry Pi is made up of various components, each of which

has a role to play in making it work. The first, and arguably most important, of these
can be found just above the centre point on the top side of the board, covered in a
metal cap: the system-on-chip (SoC).

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Raspberry Pi’s system-on-chip (SoC)

The name system-on-chip is a great indicator of what you would find if you prised
the metal cover off: a silicon chip, known as an integrated circuit, which contains the
bulk of Raspberry Pi’s system. This includes the central processing unit (CPU),
commonly thought of as the ‘brain’ of a computer, and the graphics processing unit
(GPU), which handles the visual side of things.

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Raspberry Pi’s random access memory (RAM)

A the top right of the board you’ll find another metal lid covering the radio, the
component which gives Raspberry Pi the ability to communicate with devices
wirelessly. The radio itself acts as two main components, in fact: a WiFi radio, for
connecting to computer networks; and a Bluetooth radio, for connecting to
peripherals like mice and for sending data to or receiving data from nearby smart
devices like sensors or smartphones.

Raspberry Pi’s ports

Raspberry Pi has a range of ports, starting with four Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports
to the middle and right-hand side of the bottom edge. These ports let you connect
any USB-compatible peripheral, from keyboards and mice to digital cameras and
flash drives, to Raspberry Pi. Speaking technically, there are two types of USB ports:
the ones with black parts inside are USB 2.0 ports, based on version two of the
Universal Serial Bus standard; the ones with blue parts are faster USB 3.0 ports,
based on the newer version three.

Raspberry Pi’s USB Type-C power port

Above the HDMI ports is a USB Type-C power port, which you’ll use to connect
Raspberry Pi to a power source. The USB Type-C port is a common sight on
smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices. While you could use a standard
mobile charger to power Raspberry Pi, for best results you should use the official
Raspberry Pi USB Type-C Power Supply.

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Raspberry Pi’s display connector (DSI)

At the top edge of the board is another strange-looking connector, which at first
glance appears to be identical to the camera connector. This, though, is the exact
opposite: a display connector, or Display Serial Interface (DSI), designed for use
with a Raspberry Pi Touch Display

Raspberry Pi’s GPIO header

At the right-hand edge of the board you’ll find 40 metal pins, split into two rows of
20 pins. This is the GPIO (general-purpose input/output) header, a feature of
Raspberry Pi used to talk to additional hardware from LEDs and buttons all the way
to temperature sensors, joysticks, and pulse-rate monitors.

Raspberry Pi’s microSD card connector

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There’s one final port on Raspberry Pi, but you won’t see it on the top. Turn the board
over and you’ll find a microSD card connector on the opposite side of the board to
the display connector. This is Raspberry Pi’s storage: the microSD card inserted in
here contains all the files you save, all the software you install, and the operating
system that makes Raspberry Pi run

Task 3. Reading Comprehension

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow them:

Electronic Gadgets
1. These days, it is not unusual to see people listening to music or using their
electronic gadgets while crossing busy roads or travelling on public transport,
regardless of the risks involved. I have often wondered why they take such risks.
Is it because they want to exude a sense of Independence, or is it that they want
to tell the world to stop bothering them? Or is it that they Just want to show how
cool they are? Whether it is a workman or an executive, earphones have become
an inseparable part of our lives, sometimes even leading to tragicomic situations.

2. The other day, an electrician had come to our house to fix something. We told
him in detail what needed to be done. But after he left, I found that the man had
done almost nothing. It later turned out that he could not hear our directions clearly
because he had an earphone on. Hundreds of such earphone addicts commute by
the Delhi Metro everyday. While one should not grudge anyone their moments of
privacy or their love for music, the fact is iPod oblivion' can sometimes be very

3. Recently, I was travelling with my wife on the Delhi Metro. Since the train was
approaching the last station, there weren't too many passengers. In our
compartment, other than us, there were only two women sitting on the other side
of the aisle. And then suddenly, I spotted a duffel bag. The bomb scare lasted for
several minutes. Then suddenly, a youth emerged from nowhere and picked up
the bag. When we tried to stop him, he looked at us, surprised. Then he took off
his earpieces, lifted the bag, and told us that the bag belonged to him and that he
was going to get off at the next station.

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia
4. We were stunned but recovered in time to ask him where he was all this while?
His answer: he was in the compartment, leaning against the door totally immersed
in the music. He had no clue about what was going on around him. When he got
off, earplugs in his hand, we could hear strains of the song.

1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the
following questions inabout 30-40 words each:
(i) What are people usually seen doing while crossing busy roads or travelling
on public transport?

(ii) Why had the electrician done almost nothing?

(iii) What did the narrator see on the Delhi Metro?

(iv) Where was the youngman all this while and what was he doing?

(v) Why do people listen to music or use their earphones while crossing busy
roads or travelling on public transport?

2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the
(i) It is difficult for us to spend a few days without ……………

(a) books (b) earphones (c) TVs (d) computers

(ii) The bomb scare lasted for several minutes in the Metro Train compartment
because of the duffel bag………..

(a) contained bomb (b) was unattended

(b) (c) was stolen (d) contained some suspicious things

(iii) In paragraph 1, the antonym of is 'common'.

(a) busy (b) often (c) unusual (d) just

(iv) In para 4, the synonym of........... is 'shocked'.

(a) stunned (b) recovered (c) immersed (d) got off

Student’s Guide – Technology I 2022

Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia

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