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School Santiago City National High School Grade Level 9

Teacher Elysa B. Micu Learning Area English
Time & Quarter 3rd Quarter

Students will be able to: a. provided the correct W/H word to complete the question
(Remembered when to appropriately use each W/H question
c. constructed at least 1 question in each WH question (games the
teacher will give the answer then the students will race in giving the
WH questions fort that answer)
d. Collected information from a fellow student using the WH
questions by conducting an interview
A. Performance Standards
B. Learning Competencies
a. Topic: WH questions
b. Reference: Curriculum Guide for English
c. Learning Materials Box with questions inside, PowerPoint presentation, papers
1. Prayer
Before we start our class, Krizia kindly lead
the prayer Krizia: Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be
Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us; and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

2. Greetings/ Attendance
Good morning class!
Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the
pieces of paper under
your chairs.
You may take your seats now. Good morning ma’am!
Group leaders, did you check the attendance
of your members? Are
all present?

Wow! Very Good! Keep up the good job


Group Leaders: Yes ma’am.

A. Motivation (5 mins.)
Yes, Ma’am!
Today we will be having a mini game
before we start our discussion. It will surely  (the student holding the box picks a question inside it
awaken the excitement within you. Are you and answers it.)
Okay! This game is entitled “The magic box
and the My story questions.”

I have here a box that contains mystery

questions.I will give this to you and as the
music plays you will pass this carefully to
your seatmate. When the music stops, the
person holding the box will pick one question
and answer it. This is not just a simple game
because it comes with a twist. In each
question, there is a mystery task that needs
to be done before answering it and also,
bear in mind not to drop the box or else the
person who drop sit will be the one who will
pick a question and answer it.

Is the instruction clear?

Let’s have a trial first! “I think it involves asking something ma’am!”
(the teacher gives the box to the student at
the back, plays the music, pauses the music)

We answered questions so I think it is all about

(Game starts) asking questions

(Game ends)

The game that we just had is a part of our

lesson today. What do you think will be our
topic for today based from the game that we
had? Yes,Virgo?

You are almost there! Thank you for that

wonderful idea Virgo. Any other ideas?

Brilliant Ysabelle! You are right! Today’s topic

will be about the WH questions.
B. Presentation of the Lesson (20 mins.)

Who has any idea about what WH question

is?Yes, Aurelio?Very good, Aurelio. You may
now take your seat.Any other idea?
Michigan?Very nice answer, Michigan?

A WH-question is the type of question that

Okay, Very good! requests for information, Ma’am!

 A WH-question cannot be answered by yes or no.

But before we start our lesson, I have here a. provided the correct W/H word to complete the
our objectives for today. Who will volunteer question (Remembered when to appropriately use
to read?
each W/H question
b. constructed at least 1 question in each WH
question (games the teacher will give the answer
then the students will race in giving the WH questions
fort that answer)
c. Collected information from a fellow student using
the WH questions by conducting an interview

To sum it up, a WH question is a question

in English that is a request for
Wh-question usually start with a word
beginning with

When are we going to use each WH

The interrogative word “what” is used if you
are asking for information about something.

For example:
“What is your name?” I will ask that question to
You are curious about the name of your new
him/her, ma’am!
classmate. What question will you ask
him/her? Yes, April?

Very good, April! Since you are asking for

information, you should use the word WHAT
then add what information you are looking for.

Another example, what if you needed to know

the favorite color of your sister as a reference
“What is your favorite color?”
for the gift you are planning to buy? What will
be your question? Amelia?

Wonderful answer, Amelia.

What makes you beautiful, Ma’am?
Now who can give me an example of a WH
question starting with “WHAT”? Avril?

Amazing answer Avril! More volunteer?

What is your favorite food?
Very good, Mario!

Now let’s proceed with the next Wh word.


The interrogative word “WHO”

This is used when you want to inquire about a
person or about people.

Who is the best football player in the world?
Who are your best friends?
Who is that strange guy over there?

WHEN is used to refer to a time or an
occasion. (= I want to know the time)

When do the shops open?

When is his birthday?
When are we going to finish?

WHERE is used when referring to a place or
location. (= I want to know the place)

Where is the library?

Where do you live?
Where are my shoes?

WHY is used to obtain an explanation or a
reason. (= I want to know the reason)

Why do we need a nanny?

Why are they always late?
Why does he complain all the time?
Normally the response begins with

HOW is used to describe the manner that
something is done. (= I want to know the

How do you cook lasagna?

How does he know the answer?
How can I learn English quickly?
With HOW there are a number of other
expressions that are used in questions:

How much – refers to a quantity or a price

(uncountable nouns)

How much time do you have to finish the

How much is the jacket on display in the
How much money will I need?

How many – refers to a quantity (countable


How many days are there in April?

How many people live in this city?
How many brothers and sister do you have?
Read more about How much vs. How many.

How often – refers to frequency

How often do you visit your grandmother?

How often does she study?
How often are you sick?

How far – refers to distance

How far is the university from your house?
How far is the bus stop from here?
Yes, Ma’am!
Is everything clear?
None Ma’am
Any questions from the class?

Activity ( Students participate in the activity)

Okay, class let’s have some activity. But

beforethat, let me divide the class into 4
groups. I have incomplete questions. You
need to provide the correct WH question. I
will give you a piece of cartolina, chalk and
tissue. You write your answers there. Wait
for my signal before you raise your answer.
The group who gains the most number of
points will be the winner.

________ is your mother (who)

________ is your birthday (when)
________is your favorite singer? (who)
________ strong are you? (how)
________ is the Eifel tower (where)
________ is your favorite fruit (what)
________ does Natasha live does
Natasha live (where
________ wants an apple (who
________ did you hurt your arm? (why)
________ makes you beautiful? (what)
________ far is the library from here?
________ old are you? (how)

Congratulations to the winner!

Did you enjoy the activity, class?

Now, it’s time for you to practice your

critical thinking! Let’s do some analysis.

Kindly get your activity notebook. And

answer page 33 and 34.

So you’re going to read a story and after

that there are questions that you’re going to

Nutty Trivia

For centuries hand ground peanuts were

1. Who invented the peanut mill.
made into a paste and eaten by the
Peruvian Indians and African tribes.
2. What did the Peruvian Indians make ground
Ambrose Staub, a St. Louis doctor,
peanuts into?
invented a peanut mill in 1903 to make
butter for erderly patients with weak teeth.
3. Where did Ambrosia Staub practice medicine?
Eventually, the idea caught on and these
nutritious staple in the American diet.
4. When was jelly added to peanut butter to make a
However, no one is quite certain who the
first person was to combine peanut butter
with jelly to make the now famous peanut
5. What type of patients did Dr. Staub care for?
butter and jelly sandwich.
6. Why did Dr. Staub’s patients need peanut butter?

7. When was the peanut mill invented?

Tracking Time

How was a year defined in Prehistoric

times? No one knows for sure, but it is
1. Who introduced the Julian calendar?
thought that people might have used
a. Pope Gregory XIII b. Julius Caesar c. prehistoric
monuments, such as stonehenge in
England, to track the sun’s position in the
sky in order to measure the length of a
2. What might monuments like Stonehenge have
been used for?
a. To track the moon b. to track the earth c. to track
The early Romans created a calendar
the sun
based on the cycles of the moon. However,
when Julius Caesar became Emperor of
3. Why did Pope Gregory XIII appoint a team of men
Rome around 45 B.C., he introduced the
to revise the calendar?
Julian calendar. This calendar marked time
a. He didn’t like Caesar b. no reason c. for accuracy
by measuring the Earth’s revolution around
the sun.
4. When did we stop using the Gregorian calendar?
a. In prehistoric times b. in 45 B.C c. We still use it
A few centuries later, Pope Gregory XIII
appointed a team of learned men to help
make the Julian calendar more accurate. It
5. Where is Stonehenge located?
become known as the Gregorian calendar,
and it is the system we still use today to
chart the passage of a year,

a. In Rome b. in England c. in the U.S.A

Generalization (10 mins.)

Class, I want you to look for a pair. You are

going to interview each other. You can list 5
questions that you want to ask to your
partner. I will give you 10 minutes to do

(After 10 minutes)

Okay, Pass your papers in front.

Create a WH question from the following

I wake up at 7:30 am.
When do you wake up?

1. My name is Freisha.
2. I am 13 years old.
3. My birthday is on the third of
4. I am angry because I did not
pass my exam.
5. I live in Maramag, Bukidnon.
Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:


Teacher III

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