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Visage of the Orisha (Obfuscate 3, Presence 3)

Many Serpents of the Light serve as priests to their mortal community and herd in a religious
sense. They are ridden by the various Loa and Orisha to grant insight and answers to a variety of
powers. As priests to their gods, the Serpents often find the need to present themselves as such
to others. This combination discipline was created by members of the bloodline by combining
the arts of Obfuscate and Presence to present a more divine image to others.
System: When using the power Mask of a Thousand Face the characters gains the Social Traits
Divine x3. These traits may not be used against any character who sees through your mask of a
thousand faces.
XP Cost: 6

Dance of Gehenna (Animalsim 5, Auspex 4)

Members of the Ravnos Antitribu bloodline created this power based off their experiences during
the Week of Nightmares. As Ravnos attacked Ravnos in a blood frenzy; those who survived
decided to use that knowledge to create this ability. By combining their skills with Animalism
and subtly effecting the targets mind in a frenzy; they can direct their victims to unleash their
frenzy on whomever they desire.
System: Once the character has successfully used Drawing Out the Beast on a target they may
then spend 1 willpower and engage the same target in a contested Social Challenge. If they
succeed they may tell the target who their frenzy is targeted against. The target will then direct
all their frenzy actions on the target designated by this power until the frenzy ends.
XP Cost: 8

The Beast Within (Animalism 2, Fortitude 2)

Your affinity with the animalistic side of the Kindred gives you some power over it in others. In
particular, you can draw upon a victim's bestial nature and force him to give in to this darker
side. Members of the Ravnos Antitribu developed this combination discipline to draw out their
enemies greatest fears and force them to the surface.
System: This Discipline allows you to activate one of an opponent's Derangements (the victim
chooses which one) if you can defeat him in a Social Challenge. You need not know any of your
target's Derangements, but if you do, you need not risk one of your Social Traits when trying to
activate that particular Derangement (knowing his Derangement takes the place of your Social
Trait during your initial bid). If you should fail in the attempt to use Beast Within against a
target, you may not try to use it again on her that evening.
XP Cost: 4

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