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One on One

The One-On-One Column provides scientifically

supported, practical information for personal trainers
who work with apparently healthy individuals or
medically-cleared special populations.


Exercise Program
Guidelines for Persons
With Chronic Nonspecific
Low Back Pain
Peter Ronai, MS, RCEP, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D1 and Paul Sorace, MS, RCEP, CSCS*D2
Exercise Science Department, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut; and 2Hackensack University Medical
Center, Hackensack, New Jersey

SUMMARY (PA) guidelines for apparently healthy (e.g., hypertension and type 2 diabetes)
adults can apply to individuals with may be present in this population. Cli-
CNSLBP and provide exercise profes- ents should complete a thorough pre-
sionals with evidence-based tools and activity screening with an exercise
DEBILITATING CONDITION. THE scientific rationale to help their clients professional (1). Exercise professio-
MAJORITY OF U.S. CITIZENS WILL adopt a more physically active lifestyle nals should determine client’s risk(s)
EXPERIENCE LOW BACK PAIN (1,3,19). This column will discuss PA/ according to the guidelines set by
THAT MAY BECOME CHRONIC AT exercise program recommendations the American College of Sports Med-
SOME TIME IN THEIR LIVES. HOW- for medically cleared clients with icine (1). Depending on their level of
EVER, EXERCISE TRAINING HAS CNSLBP who have been discharged risk, the client may need a medical
MANY BENEFITS AND CAN BE from formal physical therapy and reha- examination and/or a physician-
WELL TOLERATED WITH SOME bilitation. Exercise professionals who supervised graded exercise test before
MODIFICATIONS. THIS COLUMN ignore their client’s reports of new or being medically cleared to begin an
WILL DISCUSS EXERCISE PRO- worsening symptoms or fail to refer exercise program.
GRAMMING FOR PERSONS WITH them to their physician and/or health
CNSLBP. care provider can be held negligent. EXERCISE TESTING
Clients with CNSLBP can participate Preactivity exercise testing helps exer-
in and benefit from the same types of cise professionals determine their cli-
ersons with chronic nonspecific ent’s physical fitness, physical activity

exercise programs as persons without
low back pain (CNSLBP) often CNSLBP (7–11,15,17). tolerance levels, functional capacity,
experience physical activity and establish realistic PA/physical fit-
intolerance, physical deconditioning, PREACTIVITY SCREENING ness program goals (1). Client symp-
and follow a more sedentary lifestyle Because many persons with CNSLBP toms, tolerance and comfort should
than individuals without CNSLBP are sedentary and experience physical dictate which exercise testing modes
(6,17,18,20). New physical activity activity intolerance, other health issues and protocols are selected (5,15,17).

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One on One

Table 1
Physical activity and exercise guidelines for apparently healthy adults

Fitness Mode Frequency Intensity Time/duration Sets Repetitions


Cardiorespiratory AT—Walking, $ 5 d/wk Moderate 30– Moderate

fitness cycling, Moderate 60% of $30 min/d or
stepping, intensity, $3 V̇O2Reserve or $150 min/wk,
NuStep, d/wk vigorous vigorous vigorous
recumbent intensity, or $60% $20 min/d or
cycling a combination V̇O2Reserve $75 min/wk
of both or
a combination
of both
moderate and
vigorous to
achieve a total
of 500–1,000
MET min/wk
Resistance Machines, free 2–3 d/wk or 2–3 Novice: 60–70% #1 h 2–4 Exercise Strength: 8–12.
training weights, days per of 1RM. sets per major Endurance:
resistance muscle group Advanced: muscle group 15–20.
tubing, body if using a split $80% of (can be done Middle aged
weight. 8–10 routine 1RM. Middle as either one and older
Exercises for all protocol. aged and exercise or individuals:
major muscle Allow $48 h older more than 10–15
groups. rest between individuals one exercise
Multiple and workouts for 40–60% of for that
single joint each muscle 1RM. muscle group.
exercises are group Exercises Single set
recommended should be protocols are
performed to effective for
fatigue but novices
not failure.
Flexibility training Either static $2–3 d/wk Stretch to point Hold each Preceded by 2–4 per stretch
stretching, of light stretch for either passive
dynamic pressure $10–30 s, 30– or dynamic
stretching, or 60 s for older stretching,
proprioceptive adults and a warm-up
neuromuscular accumulate at activity
facilitative least 60 s per
stretching stretch
Neuromotor Gait, balance, $2–3 d/wk 20–30 min per
training yoga and tai session
chi activities
AT 5 aerobic training; MET 5 metabolic energy; 1RM 5 one repetition maximum.

Adapted with permission from American College of Sports Medicine (3) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (19).

Cardiorespiratory fitness testing using In addition, the 6-minute walk test has effective tool for measuring current
either a treadmill, bicycle, or step been proven an effective field test of strength levels, determining training
ergometer with either a ramp or incre- cardiorespiratory fitness in persons loads and measuring postprogram
mental protocol has been well toler- with CNSLBP (15). Muscle strength strength increases in clients with
ated and is an effective evaluation testing using a multiple repetition max- CNSLBP (8–10). The use of standard
tool for persons with CNSLBP (5,15). imum has been well tolerated and an ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) or


the OMNI rating of perceived exertion dictate exercise mode selections and strength in persons with CNSLBP that
for resistance exercise (OMNI-RES 10) modifications. were comparable to apparently
can approximate intensity of client healthy individuals (8–10). Clients with
effort during both strength testing RESISTANCE TRAINING CNSLBP are encouraged to follow an
and resistance training (RT), respec- Clients with CNSLBP are encouraged intensity progression protocol similar
tively (1,16). The “timed up and go” to follow RT guidelines for apparently to the “two for two” rule (increase
and multiple repetition sit to stand tests healthy sedentary individuals (1,3,15). intensity after 2 or more repetitions
are appropriate tools for measuring Clients should perform 8–10 exercises, per exercise set are performed beyond
neuromotor performance in older indi- emphasizing all major muscle groups, the goal repetitions for 2 consecutive
viduals (60 years and older) with using a variety of modalities (free sessions) if tolerated (2). Although
CNSLBP. The inability to tolerate pro- weights, machines, resistance exercise single set RT exercise protocols have
longed sitting, standing, frequent bend- tubing, and body weight/calisthenics). produced significant strength in-
ing (trunk flexed postures), and pain Initially, RT should be performed on creases in sedentary and untrained in-
exacerbations can negatively affect cli- 2–3 nonconsecutive days per week dividuals, progressing to a protocol of
ent test tolerance and performance ef- (1–3,15). An initial training intensity 2–4 sets per exercise is recommended
fort(s) (16). that is equivalent to either an RPE of as tolerated (1–3). For additional re-
12–13 (of 20) or 3–5 (of 10) on the sources that discuss both CNSLBP
AEROBIC TRAINING OMNI RES scale is appropriate. If tol- management and back conditioning
Aerobic training (AT) has been well erated, progress to an intensity level exercises refer to McGill (13,14).
tolerated in persons with CNSLBP equivalent to a 14–16 RPE or 4–5
(9,12). Walking, cycling, step ergome- OMNI RES scale. Clients with FLEXIBILITY AND NEUROMOTOR
try, swimming, elliptical and aquatic CNSLBP are advised to use lower TRAINING
exercises are acceptable forms of AT intensity higher repetition protocols A series of flexibility activities for each
(15,17). An appropriate goal for clients to maximize muscular endurance, to major muscle-tendon unit is recom-
with CNSLBP is to try and accumulate avoid exercising initially on unstable mended. Clients should hold each
$30 minutes of moderate intensity AT surfaces (BOSU Balls, etc.) and to stretch for between 10 and 30 seconds
on most ($5) days of the week. Ini- maintain proper exercise technique and accumulate a total stretch time of
tially, this goal might be best tolerated and posture (15). Load and intensity at least 60 seconds per exercise. Lon-
in 10-minute episodes, 2–3 times per progressions should be dictated by cli- ger stretching durations of between 30
day in more deconditioned persons. ent tolerance. Lumbar extension resis- and 60 seconds per repetition may be
Subsequently, total daily time in a single tance exercises increase back extensor warranted for older individuals.
episode can be increased over a few muscle strength and should be included Stretches should be preceded by light
weeks (15). Focus on increasing dura- in conditioning programs for persons aerobic activity (11–13 RPE or 4–5
tion before intensity, building to lon- with CNSLBP (15). Extension exer- OMNI Scale) for 8–10 minutes. Static,
ger periods of sustained aerobic cises can be progressed from easier dynamic, and proprioceptive neuro-
activity (e.g., 30 continuous minutes (lying prone on floor with arms at muscular facilitation stretching are all
or more). An exercise intensity equiv- sides) to more challenging (the swim- acceptable as tolerated (1,3). Ham-
alent to an RPE of between 12 and 15 mer and superman on the floor or a sta- string, hip flexors, and anterior shoul-
(6–20 scale) is appropriate for persons bility ball), to “Bird-dogs” on the floor der girdle muscle flexibility exercises
with CNSLBP. Client pain and dis- in quadruped position (15). Periodized, should be emphasized (1,15). In addi-
comfort, other symptoms, and most progressive, multiple set RT programs tion, clients with CNSLBP generally
comfortable postural positions should have produced significant increases in should:

Table 2
Special exercise considerations for clients with CNSLBP*
! Exercises/activities that are high impact (e.g., running) should be avoided or introduced gradually with caution.
! Trunk exercises (abdominals, back, and hips) should be avoided when acute low back pain is present.
! Consider multiple exercise modes and positions to find what is most comfortable for the person.
! Educate the client on postural exercises to minimize low back stress (e.g., proper gait and seated position).
! Avoid any activity that elicits low back pain.
*Information obtained with permission from Simmonds and Derghazarian (17).

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 35

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