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S. Y. 2022-2023

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Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from among the given choices. Write
the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. What is the purpose of the sample report?

A. It is a periodic report of a student’s academic performance
B. It is the monitoring of the a student’s activities in school
C. It keeps track of the subject taken by the student
D. It provides internal information about an organization
2. What is the structure of the sample report?
A. It is a formal report because it is in a tabular form
B. It is an informal report because it is short and written in casual language
C. It is a semi-formal report because there are figures and tables involved
D. It is somehow a formal report because it is given to the parents every quarter
3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a report?
A. It analyses a situation or problem, often making recommendations for future action
B. It is a factual paper and needs to be clear and well-structured
C. It is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose
D. It requires the figurative description of an event by using rhetorical devices
4. What do you write in the body of a report?
A. It includes the concluding statement
B. It is the section where recommendations are written
C. It is the section where research findings are presented
D. It is the part where the entire report is summarized
5. It is a kind of reports that uses formal and structured language?
A. Informal report B. Formal report C. Progress D. Sales report
6. This report communicates information using a free-flowing, casual and short formats about
routines or everyday business.
A. Informal report B. Formal report C. Progress D. Sales report
7. In this section you explain the rationale for undertaking the work reported, including what you
have been asked or chosen to do, and the reason for doing it?
A. Appendices B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Recommendation
8. It holds additional information that may help the reader, but is not essential to the report’s main
A. Appendices B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Recommendation
9. What word does NOT describe a report?
A. Factual B. objective C. Orderly D. Persuasive
10. These are usually reports, monthly financial reports, and reports on annual budget that carry
objective information from one area of an organization to another.
A. Analytical B. Informational C. Proposal Report D. Recommendatory
11. This type of report presents attempts to solve problems.
A. Analytical B. Informational C. Proposal Report D. Recommendatory
12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good questionnaire?
A. Broad B. Clear C. Reliable D. Valid
13. Which of the following refers to a paper and pen data gathering method wherein the subject or
respondent answers a series of questions?
A. Case study C. Focused Group Discussion
B. Interview method D. Questionnaire
14. Which of the following refers to the characteristics of a survey questionnaire that determines the
degree of consistency of a survey questionnaire? A questionnaire attaining a high degree of this
characteristic produces a stable result for a research.
A. Consistency B. Introduction C. Reliability D. Validity
15. When a test actually measures what it’s supposed to be measured, we can say that it has good
A. Consistency B. Introduction C. Reliability D. Validity
16. What type of survey question is the example below?
“Why did you like this product?”
A. Close-ended question C. Multiple Choice Question
B. Likert Scale Question D. Open-ended Question
17. In this data collection method the researcher distributes a list of questions to a respondent
whether online in person or over-the-phone.
A. Experiment B. Observation C. Research D. Survey
18. A good questionnaire should be .
A. biased C. have two or more questions in one sentence
B. have embarrassing questions D. short simple and concrete
19. In testing your questionnaire, why is it necessary to observe where the respondents changed
their mind in answering?
A. It will help the researcher understand why the items might be confusing.
B. It will reveal some items that might be confusing so they hesitated or changed their minds
C. It will show what the items need revision
D. All of the above
20. Why you should avoid using double-barreled questions in survey?
A. They are too abstract
B. They confuse respondents by asking about two different things
C. They make the questions too long, so respondents lose interest
D. They make the questions too simple and concise


S. Y. 2022-2023

Name: Rating:
Grade/Section: Date:

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from among the given choices. Write
the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. What type of academic writing that presents the writer’s stand or viewpoint on a particular issue by outlining
arguments and proposing the course of action?
A. Concept Paper B. Critique Paper C. Position Paper D. Research Paper
2. It is a document or letter publicly declaring the position or program, a set of ideas, opinions, or views and can also lay
out a plan of action and is often political in nature.
A. Abstract B. Book Review C. Manifesto D. Research Paper
3. It represents the writer’s thoughts and opinions about an issue
A. argument B. counterclaim C. reason D. stand/claim
4. These are the claims of the opposite side or those who disagree with the author’s/ person’s stand on the issue.
A. arguments B. claims C. counterclaims D. opinions
5. In which part of a manifesto or a position paper where the writer expresses his/her stand about an issue which is
strongly supported by evidence?
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Reference
6. In which part of a manifesto or a position paper where the writer’s vision about the issue are stated ending with a
powerful call for action?
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Reference
7. Which of the following can be used as supporting evidence?
A. factual knowledge B. hearsays C. personal opinion D. suggestion
8. Which of the following should NOT be included in the introduction of a position paper?
A. background information C. topic
B. claims D. thesis statement
9. The following situations can be used to express a position, EXCEPT:
A. Gossips B. Intriguing issues C. Social issues D. Recurring issues
10. What is the ideal minimum number of paragraphs in a position paper?
A. five paragraphs B. four paragraphs C. three paragraphs D. two paragraphs
11. It is the proof from credible sources used to support the writer's claims.
A. Argument B. Claim C. Counter Argument D. Evidence
12. How can you make your paper convincing?
A. record findings and post on any social media platform C. support opinions with evidences
B. sources are cited properly D. none of the above
13. What is the best definition for claim?
A. An opinion C. A statement you believe to be true
B. A statement you believe to be false D. Evidence that proves something right
14. What are good examples of evidence to help support your stand on an issue?
A. Expert Opinions C. Research and Survey results
B. Interview of an Ordinary citizen D. All of the above
15. The following are essential in writing the position paper, EXCEPT:
A. Assert the thesis
B. Introduce the topic
C. Provide background on the topic to explain why it is important
D. Provide explanation but not the evidence
16. What does “reasonable argument” mean?
A. An explanation that connects your evidence back up to the claim
B. An opinion you believe in
C. A statement
D. A written response to a claim
17. The following are asked to present a strong argument, EXCEPT:
A. Are you personally interested in advocating one of these positions?
B. Can you identify at least two distinctive positions?
C. Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and uncertainty?
D. Is this a lengthy issue?
18. Which statement is relevant evidence?
A. I believe that Safeguard is the most effective soap brand to kill bacteria.
B. In a recent study, 90% of students prefer modular learning delivery.
C. My family has a computer at home.
D. My son loves Star Wars.
19. The nutritional facts show that Coke has less sugar than Pepsi. This statement is an example of…
A. Claim B. Counter Argument C. Evidence D. Thesis Statement
20. Champorado or chocolate rice porridge is Filipino’s most favorite food for breakfast. The statement is an example of…
A. Claim B. Counter Argument C. Evidence D. Thesis Statement
21. Which of the following is the best example of an argument?
A. Have you ever wondered what makes Philippines susceptible to earthquake?
B. How COVID Patients Survive: Five Surprising Facts
C. Milk is healthier than soda.
D. Video gamers should play Fortnite because it increases mental agility and you can make new friends.
22. Which one is an example of a reason to support a claim?
A. I need a larger allowance.
B. I need a larger allowance because I don't have enough money for lunch or transportation.
C. My parents say I don't need more allowance, but they don't realize what my expenses are.
D. Students allowance should be increased.
23. Which of the following is the best claim/stand for increasing legal driving age?
A. I believe the legal driving age should remain at eighteen.
B. No, the legal driving age should not increase.
C. The legal driving age is 18.
D. The legal driving age should be increased to 20 so you have less accidents.
24. Which piece of evidence could be used to BEST support this claim: High school students should be required to wear
A. A student reported, "Allowing us to wear our own clothes gives us a chance to show our unique style and
B. School uniforms display identity and depict discipline.
C. Studies have shown that the schools which required students to wear uniforms, attendance rates went up, and
behavior incidents went down.
D. When adding everything up, a school uniform could end up costing more than P 1,000.00.
25. Which piece of evidence could BEST be used to defend this claim: The government SHOULD decide what students
eat for lunch.
A. School canteen should prepare healthy lunch for students.
B. School lunches, on average have only about 550 calories; however, lunches brought from home have about
850 calories.
C. Report said that students refused to eat school lunches for three weeks.
D. The rules make lunches cheap for students, but they cost schools money.

Test II. Directions: Identify the statement which supports the following claims.
26. Kids are super spreaders of Covid 19 virus.
A. A US study published in the Journal of Pediatrics show that children have higher level of virus compared to
B. Children are required to wear masks.
C. Children need not to be vaccinated.
D. Kids love chatting with friends.
27. Pollution is seen as a major world problem.
A. People get water, power, and oxygen from the environment.
B. Some of the lands disappearing beneath rising seas.
C. The earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life.
D. The word Environment is derived from the French word “Environ” which means surrounding.
28. Reforestation is a long ranges answer to massive flooding.
A. Forest serves to keep the water in the mountains.
B. Health facilities have been damaged due to heavy flooding.
C. Strong typhoons can disrupt power supply.
D. The effects of tropical cycles include heavy rain, strong wind and large storm surges.
29. Mental health is not just a millennial’s issues or senior citizens, but of everyone.
A. A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent.
C. A high salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
D. Being far from family alone, not knowing where to get the family’s next meal, and other nasty things on
social media can trigger one’s anxiety.
B. Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body.
30. Digital technology played a key role as the economy started reopening.
A. Developments in biotechnology could allow anyone even amateur biologist, to develop a tool that kill
B. Employees began working remotely and use work collaboration tools to ensure productivity
C. Data security is risky as digital technology can be hacked, transmitted by several ways.
D. People are now more into virtual communication rather than cherishing what have in real life.

28. Reforestation is a long ranges answer to massive flooding.

A. Forest serves to keep the water in the mountains.
B. Health facilities have been damaged due to heavy flooding.
C. Strong typhoons can disrupt power supply.
D. The effects of tropical cycles include heavy rain, strong wind and large storm surges.
29. Mental health is not just a millennial’s issues or senior citizens, but of everyone.
A. A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent.
C. A high salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
D. Being far from family alone, not knowing where to get the family’s next meal, and other nasty things on
social media can trigger one’s anxiety.
B. Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body.
30. Digital technology played a key role as the economy started reopening.
A. Developments in biotechnology could allow anyone even amateur biologist, to develop a tool that kill
B. Employees began working remotely and use work collaboration tools to ensure productivity
C. Data security is risky as digital technology can be hacked, transmitted by several ways.
D. People are now more into virtual communication rather than cherishing what have in real life.

28. Reforestation is a long ranges answer to massive flooding.

A. Forest serves to keep the water in the mountains.
B. Health facilities have been damaged due to heavy flooding.
C. Strong typhoons can disrupt power supply.
D. The effects of tropical cycles include heavy rain, strong wind and large storm surges.
29. Mental health is not just a millennial’s issues or senior citizens, but of everyone.
A. A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent.
C. A high salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
D. Being far from family alone, not knowing where to get the family’s next meal, and other nasty things on
social media can trigger one’s anxiety.
B. Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body.
30. Digital technology played a key role as the economy started reopening.
A. Developments in biotechnology could allow anyone even amateur biologist, to develop a tool that kill
B. Employees began working remotely and use work collaboration tools to ensure productivity
C. Data security is risky as digital technology can be hacked, transmitted by several ways.
D. People are now more into virtual communication rather than cherishing what have in real life.

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