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e Mathematics Teaching Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy of Pre-Service and In-Service Primary Education Teachers Jaime Segara Came Fulia* * Unverin Rovin Vii, Unser Roi Vig Digan of Congas Scere nd Madama, Taragns, Cooks pt ected fr publication nA, 3498 Ase afer encom 40 200 “Pep aor Cla te Ones Great ABSTRACT ‘Background: Given the importance of studies the mathematics teaching sel-efficacy and ‘outcome expectancy of preservice teachers, novice teachers (up to 10 years of experience) and ‘experienced teachers (more than 10 yeas of experience), itis important to research the behaviour of thetinee grows proposed Objectives: Compare the mathematics eachineself-ficacy nd outcome ‘expectancy of prezervice and m-service Primary Education teachers. Design: The Mathematics ‘Teaching Esficacy Beef Instnment (MTEBD is uoed to carry out the study. The MTEL comprize: ‘wo subscales: Personal Mathematics Teaching Efficacy (or teaching self-efficacy) (PMTE) and ‘Mathematics Teaching Outcome Expectancy (MTOE). Setting and Participants: The fast up ‘of purtcipant consists of 419 pre-sarvice tenchers exzolled st the bachelor degree in Primary ‘Edhcstion, the second group of participants consi:ts of 69 novice teachers and the let goup ‘consists of 176 experienced teachers. Data collection and analysis: Students of all the years of ‘the bachelor’s denies were invited to ancwer the MTEBL Therefore, the paripation wae optional ‘and completely anonymous, Directors of Primary Education schools in the city were sent the ink of te auvey curing the second timectr of 2018-19 acadamic year. They shared th link 20 chat novice and experienced teschers were sble to ancwer it confidentially. Results: The comparison reveal: that experienced teachers have the highest scores in PMTE subscale. The preservice ‘teacher: onthe contrary, give the lowest scores inthis subscale. In the MTOE subscale the Lowest ‘value: ae obtnined in the case of novice teacher: Additionally, he tatistcal analysis chow that there ze significant differences between the three groups in both the PMTE and MTOE subscales. ‘Conclusions: The findings of the cunent study provide: infarmation that would be wef for teacher ‘educators to desimn or modify courssin order to enforce the mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs of preservice and in-service Primary Echeatic teachers. een mma ang cum sonny pase hes ‘Conesponang autor Jame Segara, Emat flmerago segaragureca| ‘Acta Sc. (Canoay, 22(9, 89-108, Nov/Dec. 2020

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