Excel Revision Sample Year 11 - Exam 1

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Somple Yeor I I exo,rifff,t'!-

Time allowed: 3 hours Total marks: 1OO

sEcTloN I


1 tt 1x1 = 3x2 - x, f(t) =

\U @2 e)B @16
2 i,,r,=
\J' @ 32a o9e @ 92a

3 I,ru"= 1
6 tan 65' @ cos 65o C sin 65' @

4 What is the gradient of any l.ine perpendicutar to I =lx + Zl



o -3 @)3

5 Which must be true if a particte is stationary?

@ displacement is zero @ vetocity is zero o acceleration is zero @ aL[ of these

6 m3
1, 1
m' m'
T; o --
tl m'
@ ;-;
7 The diagram shows a sketch of the graph ofy = f(x), 3
v = f(x)
for0(x{2r.f(x)= 2

@ ! =3 cosZx @ ! =2 cos3x -1 T
li 2rx
x^^x-2. (E
O -zt, Y=zcos; -3

8 In a certain group of peopLe the probabiLity of red hair is i,

"5 is ? and the
the probabiLity of btue eves

probabiLity of both red hair and btue eyes is l. it a person is chosen at randlom from the group, what is the
probabitity that they have red hair or blue eyes?

\_:/ @L
\z/ 60 O+
v 60 @1'!
G.iventhattheaxisof symmetryof theparabota !=4x2+8x-3isx=-L,whatarethecoordinatesof the

@ (-1, e) @ (-1,1) c) (-1, -7) @) (-1, -15)
lO What is the derivative of (8 - x2)17

@ 7(8-x,)6 @ 1.4(8-*)6 @ 1.4x(8-x'?)6 @ -1'4x(8-x2)6

Chopter 6-somple Yeor l'l exominolions 161

Somple Yeor I I exominotion I


Question 11 1+ marks)
Si m p Lify:

3x 1. m'-3m m'-4m
b 2 marks each
x' 9 x._3 m'-4 m'-6mt-B

Question 12 (2 marks)
Find the values of o and b if
:atbJj 2 marks

Question l3 (2 marks)
Find the centre and radius of the circte x2 + 2x + y, - By +1=0 2 marks

Question 14 (4 marks) 2 marks each


a the value of [09,5 to three decimal places b the exact vatue of Log,

Questionl5 Thesketchontherightshowsthefunction !=4x-x2for0(x( 5. (5marks) y

a Find the range of this functjon. 3 marks v =4x-x2

0 X

162 Excel ESSENTIAL SKILLS Year 1 '1 li4athematics Advanced Revision & Exam workbook
Somple Yeor I I exominotion I
b If this function is part of an odd function V = f(x) c If this function is part of an even function y = g(x)
defined for -5 4 x <15, sketch y = f(x). 1 mark defined for -5 '1 x /-5, sketch y = g(x). 1 mark
v v

X x

Question 16 (+ marks)


a Find the exact value of cos 0. 2 marks b Hence find the exact value of sin 0. 2 marks

Question 17 Differentiate: (10 marks)

2 marks b v'4 x' 2 marks
5x *2

c 3x'z(Zx + l)a 3 marks d
(2- x)'
3 marks

Chopter 6-somple Yeor 11 exominolions

Somple Yeor I I exominotion I
Question 18 A box contains 10 identical l.ooking pens, two of which have black ink and the rest of which have
red ink. Jack chooses one at random, puts it aside and then chooses another. (6 marks)
a Draw a tree diagram to show the b Find the probabil.ity that both the pens are
possibte outcomes. 2 marks bLack. 1 mark

c Fjnd the probability that at least one pen is

black. 2 marks

d Jack uses one of the pens and finds that it is

btack. What is the probabiLity that the other pen
is alsoblack? 1 mark

Questjon 19 The temperature I("c) of a cooting object is given by I= 120e-0ooer - 20 where f is the tjme in
minutes from when it begins to cooL. (3 marks)
a What was the initial temperature of the b After approximateLy how many minutes wiL the
object? 1 mark temperature of the object be 50"? 2 marks

Question 20 From a point Q the angle of elevation of the top of a tower is 23o. T

From R, a point 100 m closer to the base of the tower, the angte of
etevation is 32'. (5 marks)
a Find the size of IRTQ. 1 mark
5 R 100m 0

b Use the sine rule in ITQR to find an expression c Find the height of the tower to the nearest
for the length of IR. 2 marks metre. 2 marks

164 Dxcel ESSENTIAL SKILLS Year 11 lt4athematics Advanced Revision & Exam Workbook
Somple Yeor I I exominotion I
Question 21 1+ marks)
a Find the derivative from first principtes ofy = x2 + x. 3 marks

1 mark
b what is the gradient of the tangent to y = x? + x at the point where x = 3?

Question 22 (s marks)
a Simptifo 2logrr2 + logrr3. 2 marks b Solve ZLn x = Ln (6 + x). 3 marks

Question 23 1z marks) D

Find the exact length of the arc PQ 2 marks

8 crn

Question 24 1+ marks)

The table shows an incomplete probabil.ity distribution. X is the number of btue tickets drawn in a


X 0 1 2 3 4

L6 96 21.6 81
P(n 625
625 625 625

a What is P(X = 3)? 2 marks b What is the expected number of btue

tickets? 2 marks

Chopter 6-Somple Yeor l l exominolions

Somple Yeor I I exominotion I
Question 25 (s marks)
a Find the equation of the normal to the parabola b Find the point where this norma[ cuts the parabota
y-8 at the point where x = 4. 3 marks again. 2 marks

Question 26 (4 marks)
a Solve2m2-3m-2=0 2 marks b ( x(
Find a[[ values of x, 0 Ztr, for wh.ich
2coszx-3cosx=2. 2marks

Question 27 The change jn the [eve[ of sound, in decibe[s, between two sound signals is given by
L = 70,on,r|.4j where P, is the power of the first signal and Prthe power of the second. (4 marks)
a If the power of the second signal is five times that b If there is a diflerence of 6 dB between two of the
of the first, what is the increase in sound to the sounds, how many times greater is the power of
nearest decibel? 2 marks the louder sound? 2 marks

Question2A G marks)
a Sketch y = lx - 4l and y = lx + 1l on the same diagram. 2 marks
b How many solutions are there to the equation lx - +l= lx+ 1l?
Justifo your answer, giving any solutions. 2 marks

166 Dxcel ESSENTIAL SKILLS Year 11 Mathematics Advanced Revision & Exam workbook
Somple Yeor I I exominotion I
Question 29 Cards numbered from 1to 60 are placed in a hat. One card is drawn at random. What is the
probabitity that the card is: (3 marks)
a either less than 20 or a muttiple of 5? 1 mark b less than 20 given that it is a muttiple
of 5? 2 marks

Question 3O Giventhat/(x)=(x-1)'?andg(x)=x'-1'findinsimplestform:(4marks)
f(x\ 2 marks b g(f(x)) 2 marks

Question 3t 1: marks)
Find the size of IBAC to the nearest degree. 3 marks A

7.4 n


Question 32
1l marks)
As shown in the diagram, y = f(x) and y = g(x) ate
reflections of each other in the line ! = x. v = f(x)

a Given that/(x) = d, what is g(x)? 1 mark 4

b show that the tangent to y = d atx = 0 is para[[e[ v = s(r)

to the line Y = 1'. 2 marks
-2 2

Chopier 5-somple Yeor I I exominollons


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