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Atom Project

Major grade

Time frame - class and a half…. If get late you will get minus points 10-20 or more
Today is considered ONE HALF class.

You are going to pick 2 atoms ( from 2 bowls)

One bowl contains the atomic numbers 2-20.. You are to pick one
The other bowl contains some bigger atomic numbers.
*** you might want to go to intermet to look up electron arrangemt for these..
I will show you.

You are to tape these cut out atoms to the back of your poster.
And put your Name near them on the BACK

Name the Atom-- Full name and symbol Draw it Show all particles and rings
Color the nucleus ( in the nucleus give numbers) and rings and electrons ( or number) different
colors.. Can put circles instead of electron numbers.
Under this diagram
Give the Atomic number
Average atomic Mass
Proton number, Neutron number electron number and rings

You are to write a short paragraph about each atom… uses etc… dont describe the atomic
number, etc.. you should have already done that.. Tell about uses, where found, etc..The short
paragraph should be a minimum of 5 good sentences.
INCLUDE a reference of where you got this material….

ALSO make a simple drawing of something about that atom… Not the atom diagram.
Color it… describe if needed.

Make an isotope drawing of that atom… Show all particles.. Name the isotope.
Again color the nucleus, rings , electrons different colors

Write a few sentences about the isotopes of that element.. List the references…

.Points--- Each atom is worth 50 points

Alll these apply.. Did you follow directions
Neatness Accuracy of diagrams
Your references
The paragraph about the atoms.. The sentences about the isotopes..

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