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• The cardiovascular system is transport Blood Cells

system of body
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

▪ Erythrocytes - Red Blood Cells

• It comprises blood, heart and blood
▪ Leucocytes – White Blood Cells
▪ Thrombocytes – Platelets
• The system supplies nutrients to and
▪ Plasma - the fluid portion
remove waste products from various
tissue of body. HEART
• The conveying media is liquid in form of
blood which flows in close tubular • Is four chambered
system. • Hollow muscular organ
• Approximately the size of your fist

o Superior surface of diaphragm
o Anterior to the vertebral column,
✓ Transport nutrients, hormones
posterior to the sternum
✓ Remove waste products
✓ Gaseous exchange
✓ Immunity
✓ Blood vessels transport blood
✓ Carries oxygen and carbon dioxide
✓ Also carries nutrients and wastes
✓ Heart pumps blood through blood
Functions of the Heart Classification Blood Vessels
Generating blood pressure ➢ Conducting Vessels
➢ Distributing Vessels
Routing blood
➢ Resistance Vessels
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

Heart separates pulmonary and systemic ➢ Exchange Vessels

circulations ➢ Capacitance / Reservoir Vessels

Ensuring one-way blood flow ARTERIES

Heart valves ensure one-way flow ✓ Blood vessels that carry blood away
from the heart are called arteries.
Regulating blood supply ✓ They are the thickest blood vessels
Changes in contraction rate and force match and they carry blood high in oxygen
blood delivery to changing metabolic needs known as oxygenated blood (oxygen
rich blood).
BLOOD VESSELS ✓ Accompanied by vein and nerves
o an closed network of tubes ✓ Lumen is small
o includes: arteries, capillaries, veins ✓ No valves
✓ Repeated branching

Classification of Arteries
➢ Arteries (Distributing channel) o Elastic- e.g. (Aorta & its Major
o Thick-walled tubes branches)
o Elastic Fibers o Muscular -e.g. (Renal, Testicular, Radial,
➢ Circular Smooth Muscle Tibial etc.)
o Capillaries (Microscopic vessels) o Arterioles (<0.1 mm)
o One cell thick • Terminal arterioles
o Serves the Respiratory System • Meta-arterioles
➢ Veins (Draining channel) • Thoroughfare
General Structure • Channel/ Preferred

1. Tunica intima (Inner layer) CAPILLARIES

2. Tunica media (Middle layer) ▪ The smallest blood vessels are

capillaries and they connect the arteries
3. Tunica adventitia (Outer layer) and veins.
▪ 5-8 Microns
▪ This is where the exchange of nutrients
and gases occurs.
➢ The rarest and “leakiest” type of
➢ Allow for the exchange of large
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

molecules, even cells. They’re able to

do this because they have many larger
gaps in their capillary wall.
➢ liver, spleen, bone marrow,
suprarenal, parathyroid etc.

Two Kinds of Capillaries

o They contain small gaps in between
their endothelial cells
o skin, lung, smooth muscle, connective

▪ Blood vessels that carry blood back to the
heart are called veins.
▪ They have one-way valves which prevent
blood from flowing backwards.
▪ They carry blood that is high in carbon
dioxide known as deoxygenated blood
(oxygen poor blood).
o Are “leakier” than continuous
▪ Thin Walled
capillaries. They contain small pores,
▪ Large irregular lumen
in addition to small gaps between
▪ Have valves
cells, in their walls that allow for the
▪ Dead space around
exchange of larger molecules.
▪ Types:
o pancreas, endocrine glands, small
✓ Large
intestine, choroid plexus, cilliary
process etc. ✓ Medium
✓ Small

Veins Without Muscular tissue

▪ Dural venous sinuses
▪ Pial Veins
▪ Retinal
▪ Veins of erectile tissue of sex organs
▪ Veins of spongy bones
Factors Responsible for Venous Return Functional end artery
✓ Muscle contraction ✓ Arteries whose terminal branches do
✓ Negative intrathoracic pressure anastomose, but the anastomosis is
✓ Pulsation of arteries not sufficient to maintain the blood
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

✓ Gravity supply.
✓ Valves ✓ E.g., arteries supplying Coronary
o irregular tubular space for the
passage of blood
o taking the place of capillaries and
veins in the liver spleen, and bone
▪ The joining together of vessels.
▪ When two or more blood vessels The system supplies nutrients to and remove
converge so as to provide alternate waste products from various tissue of body.
blood supply routes to the body tissue
organs, it is called anastomoses. The conveying media is liquid in form of
▪ Provides collateral/alternate channels blood which flows in close tubular system.
through which blood can flow if one Circulation
vessel becomes blocked or damaged.
o Arterial Anastomosis – Includes 2 o Coronary circulation – the circulation of
or more arteries that converge to blood within the heart.
supply the same body region.
o Venous Anastomosis – Includes 2
or more veins draining blood
from the same region.
o Arteriovenous Anastomosis –
Blood is transported from artery
directly into a vein bypassing
capillary bed. Also called shunts.
Types of End Arteries
True end artery
o Pulmonary circulation – the flow of
✓ Arteries that do not have precapillary
blood between the heart and lungs.
anastomoses with their neighbouring
✓ E.g., arteries supplying Kidneys, Brain,
and Retina.
Vena Cava Descending aortic artery
∞ Large Veins ❖ Leads downward through the
∞ Carries de-oxygenated blood to the diaphragm and chest…and into the
right atrium abdomen.
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

∞ Types: ❖ About 1/5 to 1/3 of the blood passes

▪ Inferior Vena Cava- largest vein through the renal artery into the
in the body kidney.
▪ Superior Vena Cava ❖ The kidney is a filter and takes some
water and waste products out of the
In the lungs, the blood exchanges the carbon
dioxide it is carrying for oxygen.
❖ The kidneys excrete the waste
products and water out of the body as
❖ The descending aortic artery continues
downward into the abdomen. It then
splits into two major branches.

o Systemic circulation – the flow of blood

between the heart and the cells of the
➢ At the arch of the aorta, 3 branches
extend upward.

This split is called the aortic bifurcation. The

two branches are called iliac arteries.

1. The brachiocephalic artery (innominate

The left iliac artery supplies blood to the left
artery) divides into:
pelvis and leg.
✓ right subclavian artery that supplies
The right iliac artery supplies blood to the
blood to the right arm and upper torso
right pelvis and leg.
✓ right common carotid artery that
supplies the head and neck. The iliac artery continues down into the leg
as the femoral artery and its branches.
2. The left common carotid artery supplies
the head and neck.
3. The left subclavian artery supplies the left
arm and upper torso. ‘Subclavian’ means it is
located below the clavicle or collarbone.
∞ The average pulse rate for a person who
is ‘resting’, would be 70. During exercise,
that number might increase to between
130 and 140 beats per minute.
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

∞ Count the number of beats for 15 seconds

x 4 = pulsations per minute.

o Fetal Circulation – The unborn baby’s

distinct blood flow.
Arteries are elastic tubes that carry blood in
∞ Systolic and diastolic blood pressure can
pulsating waves. The blood exerts pressure
be measured in the brachial artery just
against the walls of the arteries as it passes
above the elbow with an instrument
through. The peak pressure occurs during
called a sphygmomanometer (sfig mō
the heart’s contraction and is called systolic
mah MOM ah ter) and a stethoscope. Two
pressure. The minimum pressure occurs
measurements are taken and are
between contractions when the heart
expressed in millimeters of mercury (the
expands and refills and is called diastolic
chemical symbol for mercury is Hg).
pressure. This pressure variation within the
artery produces a pulse. All arteries have a
Common pulse sites used to check
circulation are:
1. TEMPORAL (TEM por ul) - side of forehead
2 & 3. CAROTID (kuh RAH did) - neck
4. BRACHIAL (BRAY kee ul) - inside the ∞ The two blood pressure measurements
elbow are written as a ratio… systolic over
5. RADIAL - thumb side of wrist ∞ In the average adult, systolic pressure
usually ranges between 100 to 140 mm
6. FEMORAL (FEM er all) - groin
Hg. Diastolic pressure usually ranges
7. POPLITEAL (pah plah TEE ul) - behind the between 60 to 90 mm Hg.
knee ∞ A typical blood pressure reading would
be expressed as 120/80… 120 over 80. A
8 & 9. DORSALIS PEDIS (dor SAL us PED reading of 140/90 would be considered
iss) - upper surface of foot ‘high’ blood pressure, and may pose
health risks.
The arteries branch off into even smaller
vessels called arterioles, and then to smaller
vessels yet called capillaries.
Arterioles act like adjustable nozzles in the
circulatory system, so they have the greatest
influence over blood pressure.
Veins are the vessels that are used to
remove blood from the body for analysis.
This procedure is called a venipuncture
(VEEN ah punk chur) and the medical
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

personnel that specializes in this procedure

is called a phlebotomist (flah BOTT ah mist).
The capillaries are the smallest of the blood
vessels, and the walls are so thin that
molecules can pass through them. They
branch out from the arterioles, passing next
to the organs, intestines, and through all the
cellular tissue.
In the cellular tissue, the capillaries provide
the means of exchange, through the process
of absorption.
The capillaries branching away from the
The veins carry the blood back toward the
arteries in the abdomen pass by the liver and
heart. The blood still carries a small amount
intestines, picking up nutrients and water.
of oxygen along with cellular waste, but has
The capillaries in the cellular tissue fairly low pressure compared to blood in
exchange their oxygen, nutrients, and water… arteries. It finally travels through the
and pick up carbon dioxide and other wastes. superior and inferior vena cava, and back
into the right atrium of the heart. Circulation
The capillaries branching away from the is complete and starts over again.
arteries in the lungs absorb oxygen.
Portal Circulation
The capillaries branching away from the
the flow of blood between tow set of
arteries in the lungs absorb oxygen.
capillaries before draining in systemic veins.

The veins have valves that prevent the

backflow of blood. Veins lead back to the
heart. Fetal Circulation
Study Cheat Sheet by Junje Kharylle A. Semeon

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