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School Library
A school library is a space within a school dedicated to the collection, organization, and circulation
of books and other educational materials. It is typically managed by a librarian orother library
staff who are responsible for maintaining the collection, organizing events and programs, and
helping students and teachers find and use the resources they need. The kinds of books in our
school library vary widely, ranging from classic literature to contemporary fiction, non-fiction, and
reference materials. We have a diverse collection of genres and formats, including paperbacks,
hardcovers, e-books, and audiobooks. In addition to books, our library also has a collection of
magazines, newspapers, and online resources such as databases and e-journals. The use of our
school library is multifaceted. It serves as a resource for students and teachers to find and borrow
materials for research and leisure reading, as well as a place for students to study, collaborate, and
participate in library programs and events. The library also plays a key role in supporting the
school's curriculum and teaching goals, as it provides access to a wide range of materials and
resources that can be used in the classroom. There are many ways to use our school library.
Students and teachers canvisit the library during regular hours to browse and borrow materials, or
they can request materials through the library's online catalog or by speaking with a librarian.
Additionally, thelibrary can be a great place for students to gather, collaborate, and work on
projects or assignments together. Overall, the school library serves as a vital hub of learning and
activity within the school community.

Early Rising
Early rising means the habit of getting up from bed early in the morning. This habit is very useful
to a man in various ways. If anybody wishes to enjoy the charms of the morning, he mustget up
early in the morning. There is a proverb that early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise. The man who rises early in the morning finds time to make exercise in the
morning air. The morning air refreshes both his mind and body. This habit also enables a man to
begin his day’s work early. A student gets plenty of time to perform his studies. Early risers can
take the advantages of a beautiful time. They can go out for a morning walk. They can hear the
songs of birds, see the smiling leaves and flowers and can inhale the pure morning air. They can
perform their morning prayer. All these help them enjoy a healthy life physically and mentally
because the nature is completely calm and quiet then. This habit gives us an opportunity to enjoy
the beauty of nature. The beautiful gifts and colorful nature remindseverybody of the almighty
creator. The natural beauty stimulates our feelings.. On the other hand, a person, who does not
get up early generally faces some problems. He may be late for office, may miss schedule or even
fail to perform his daily work timely. He also suffers from badhealth. He cannot enjoy the fresh air
of the morning So, we should create the habit of early rising for the happiness and prosperity of
our life. It is said that an hour’s sleep before twelve is better than three hours of sleep after twelve.
We should all follow the wise saying, ‘early to bed and early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy
and wise.’
A Tea Stall
A tea stall is a small, informal establishment that sells tea and other refreshments. They are
commonly found in Bangladesh, particularly in urban areas such as markets, bus stations, andon
busy streets. A tea stall typically contains a few tables and chairs for customers to sit and drink
their tea, as well as a counter or countertop where the tea and other refreshments are prepared
and served. Tea stalls are usually run by a single person or a small group of people, who are
responsible forpreparing and serving the tea and other refreshments. They may also be
responsible for keeping the tea stall clean and organized. Tea stalls are often open for long hours,
sometimes from early in the morning until late at night. In addition to tea, tea stalls may also sell a
variety of other refreshments such as biscuits, snacks, and soft drinks. Some tea stalls may also
serve simple meals such as sandwiches or friedsnacks. Tea stalls play an important role in the
social and cultural life of Bangladesh. They are a place where people can gather and socialize over
a cup of tea, and they often serve as a hub for informal business meetings or casual
conversations. Tea stalls are also an important source ofemployment for many people in
Bangladesh, particularly those who may not have formal education or other job skills. Overall, tea
stalls are a vital and integral part of the local culture and economy, providing a simple but
essential service to the community. They are a common sight in cities and towns throughout the
country, and they continue to be a popular destination for people of all ages.

A Book Fair
A book fair is a fair where publishing companies gather to exhibit and sell their classic and latest
books to readers and writers. More than 40 book fairs are held in different regions across
Bangladesh throughout the year. The Ekushe Book Fair, the national book fair of Bangladesh, is
arranged each year by Bangla Academy in Dhaka and takes place for the whole month of
February, in dedicationto the language martyrs of 21st February. It is the largest and most popular
book fair in Bangladesh. It takes place in Bangla Academy premises and Suhrawardi Udyan. More
than300 publishing houses take part in the fair, selling their books in their own stalls. Besides
Ekushey Book Fair, Dhaka International Book Fair is also one of the most prominent book fairs in
Bangladesh. It is organized every year in December. Publishing houses from variousforeign
countries participate in the fair. A book fair is held in a large premise and typically consists of rows
of book stalls, each representing a publishing house. A book stall displays the books ,facing front
side up andarranged side by side, and interested customers gather around to examine the books
andbuy them. As book fairs are becoming more and more popular in Bangladesh, they must have
the capacity to support large crowds. For this reason, various refreshment stalls areset up in book
fairs nowadays. Cultural programmes, meetings, discussions, seminars arealso held. Readers also
get the chance to spend time with the attending of authors their favorite books. The main
purpose of a book fair is not sale, rather it offers a rare opportunity to assess theadvancement
made in publication of books. It helps to create new writers as well as new readers. It inspires
people to form the habit of reading books. A book fair bears the testimony of the refined tastes
and national culture of a country. A book fair reminds usthat books are our best companions.
They change our outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. Again we get these best
friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.
A Village Fair
A village fair is usually held in small towns or rural areas on a specific date each year. It is a
celebration that brings the entire community together, with people from all walks of life coming to
participate and enjoy the festivities. The fair typically includes a variety of activitiessuch as carnival
rides, games, food stalls, and cultural performances. I had the opportunity to visit a village fair a
few years ago with a group of my friends. We arrived at the fairgrounds early in the morning and
were immediately drawn in by the vibrant atmosphere and the excitement of the crowd. We spent
the day exploring the various stalls andtrying our luck at the carnival games. We also enjoyed
watching the cultural performances, which included traditional dance and music from the region.
Overall, I think everyone in our group enjoyed the fair equally. We all had a great time trying out
the different activities and experiencing the unique culture of the community. Even though we
were all from different backgrounds, the fair brought us together and allowed us to connectwith
each other in a fun and festive setting. In addition to providing entertainment and community-
building opportunities, village fairs alsoplay an important role in the local economy. They bring in
tourism and revenue for the community, as well as providing a platform for local businesses and
artisans to showcase and sell their products. Overall, village fairs are a vital and integral part of
rural life, bringing peopletogether and helping to sustain and support the local economy.

Water Pollution
Water is called the "elixir of life" because it is essential for the survival of all living things. All plants
and animals need water to survive, and it plays a crucial role in the Earth's ecosystem. Humans
also rely on water for a variety of purposes, including drinking, cooking, bathing, irrigation, and
the production of goods. There are many ways that humans contribute to water pollution. One of
the primary sources of water pollution is the release of untreated sewage and waste into bodies of
water. Agricultural runoff, which can contain pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals, is another
common sourceof water pollution. Industrial plants also contribute to water pollution through the
release of toxic chemicals and waste products into the water supply. In addition, oil spills and the
improper disposal of hazardous materials can also contaminate water. Industrial plants are a
significant source of water pollution because they often release large amounts of chemicals and
waste products into the water supply. These substances can includeheavy metals, toxic chemicals,
and other pollutants that can have serious consequences for theenvironment and human health.
Industrial plants may release these substances directly into bodies of water or through the use of
inadequate treatment systems. There are several measures that can be taken to prevent water
pollution. One of the mosteffective ways to reduce water pollution is through proper wastewater
treatment and the proper disposal of sewage and waste. The use of Best Management Practices
(BMPs) can alsohelp to prevent agricultural runoff from contaminating water supplies. In addition,
the properdisposal of hazardous materials and the implementation of regulations to limit the
release of toxic substances from industrial plants can help to prevent water pollution. Finally,
individual actions, such as properly disposing of household chemicals and conserving water, can
also make a significant difference in reducing water pollution.
COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoign global
pandemic of COVID-19 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2).
The virus was first identified from an outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. After failed
attempts to contain the outbreak, it spread to other areas of Asia and later worldwide. The World
Health Organization(WHO) declared the outbreak a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Asof today, the
pandemic had caused more than 641 million cases and nearly 7 million confirmeddeaths, making
it one of the deadliest pandemics in history. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever,
dry cough, and fatigue. Elderly patients are most at risk of severe illness from COVID-19. It
transmits when people breathe in air contaminated by respiratory droplets and small airborne
particles contianing the virus. Transmission can also occur if contaminated fluids reach the eyes,
nose or mouth. COVID-19 vaccines have been approved and widely distributed in various
countries since December 2020, due to which an additional 14.5 to 20 million deaths in 185
countries were prevented from December 2020 to December 2021. Otherrecommeded preventive
measures include social distancing, wearing masks, improving ventilation and air filtration, and
quarantining those who have been exposed or are symptomatic. To mitigate transmission in
public spaces, the measures include travel restrictions,lockdowns, business restrictions and
closures, workplace hazard controls, quarantines, testing systems etc. which together with
treatments, can bring about the control and eventual end ofthe pandemic. The pandemic has
caused severe social and economic disruption around the world, including the largest global
recession since the Great Depression. Widespread supply shortages, including food shortages,
were caused by supply chain disruption. Educational institutuions and public areas were partially
or fully closed in many jurisdictions. Bangladesh has also been affected by the pandemic, with 2
million total cases and 30 thousand deaths. However, the government of Bangladesh has taken
significant steps such as lockdown, quarantine, vaccination programmes etc. to mitigate the
pandemic and protect the healthsafety of the people.

A Farmer

A farmer is a person who grows crops and raises livestock for a living. They work on their own farm
or on someone else's land, using their knowledge and skills to cultivate and harvest their crops.
Farmers typically start their day early in the morning, often before the sun rises. They spendmost
of their days working in the fields, tending to their crops and animals. This can involveplanting
seeds, watering and fertilizing the crops, weeding, and taking care of any pests or diseases that
may arise. Farmers also have to ensure that their animals have enough food, water, and shelter, as
well as providing medical care if necessary. Despite the hard work and long hours, many farmers
lead fulfilling lives. They take pride in theirwork and the products they produce, which provide
nourishment for people around the world. Farmers also play a vital role in the economy of a
nation, as they contribute to the production of food, fuel, and other essential goods. They are
also responsible for maintaining the land and preserving natural resources, which helps to protect
the environment and ensure a sustainable future. However, the life of a farmer can also be
difficult and challenging. Many farmers face financialstruggles due to the unpredictable nature of
agriculture, as well as rising costs and declining prices. They may also face issues with natural
disasters, such as droughts or storms, which candevastate their crops and animals. To improve the
conditions of farmers, governments and organizations can offer support and resources, such as
financial assistance and education programs. Consumers can also play a role by supporting local
and sustainable agriculture, and by purchasing products directly from farmers at farmers markets
or through community-supported agriculture programs. By workingtogether, we can help to
ensure that farmers are able to continue their important work and lead fulfilling lives.
Deforestation is the removal of forests, whether through cutting down trees or converting landto
non-forest use. It is a major environmental issue that affects many parts of the world, particularly
in tropical regions.There are several causes of deforestation, including the demand for timber and
paper products,the expansion of agricultural land, and the extraction of minerals and oil.
Deforestation is also driven by urbanization and infrastructure development, as well as the
increasing demand for biofuels. The impacts of deforestation on climate are significant and far-
reaching. Forests play a crucialrole in regulating the Earth's climate, and their removal can lead to
an increase in greenhousegases in the atmosphere. This, in turn, can contribute to global warming,
as well as other climate-related issues such as drought, flood, and storms. Deforestation is closely
related to global warming, as forests absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
helping to mitigate the impacts of greenhouse gases. When forests are removed, this carbon
storage capacity is lost, leading to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and a further
warming of the planet. It is important to prevent deforestation for a number of reasons. Forests
provide vital ecosystem services, such as the regulation of water cycles, the provision of habitat
for a widerange of species, and the protection of soil and water quality. The loss of forests can
have negative impacts on these services, as well as on the people who rely on them for their
livelihoods. Additionally, deforestation contributes to the loss of biodiversity, as many speciesare
adapted to and depend on forests for their survival. To protect the environment and address
global warming, it is essential to reduce deforestation and promote reforestation efforts.

A School Magazine

A school magazine is a literary magazine published annually or bi-annually by theMagazine

Committee of a school. A school magazine consists of literary works such as poems, short stories,
essays, jokes, plays and riddles etc. written by the students and teachers of the school. It also
containsmany necessary articles to assist both the teachers and the students. A school magazine is
managed by a magazine committee. The committee consists of members from the teachers and
the students. The Headmaster is the chief patron. Some senior teachers are selected as advisors by
the Headmaster. A teacher or a student of the senior most class is made the editor. He is assisted
by the assistant editors and other members selected from among the students. The committee
works according to the advice and guidance of the advisors. The editor, atfirst, invites writings
from the students and teachers through a notice. The interested students and teachers submit
their literary works within the time limit. The committee selects the best writing works to publish
in the magazine. These are edited and proof-readby the editors, and at last sent to the press for
printing. There is a magazine fund in every school .The students also collect fund by selling space
inthe magazine for advertisement. A school magazine plays an important role in the lives of
students.The magazine helps thestudents to express their feelings and thoughts. Thus it becomes
a training ground in literary composition and talents can be discovered even in the most
unexpected quarters. A student feels proud and happy when he finds his writing in print. In fact,
the school magazine is the first stepping stone for future writers. Moreover, it creates a link
betweenthe past and present students of the school. The ex-students can rightly remember the
school with all the happy memories of their childhood days when a copy of the schoolmagazine
reaches their hands.
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a chronic disorder characterized by the compulsive use of drugs despite
negative consequences and a strong desire to stop. It is a complex disease that affects both the
brain and behavior, and it often has genetic, environmental, and social contributing factors. There
are many possible causes of drug addiction, including a desire to escape from problemsor stress,
a need to fit in with certain social groups, or a desire to experience the pleasurable
effects of drugs. In some cases, drug addiction may develop as a result of mental health issues,
such as depression or anxiety, or as a way to cope with trauma or other difficult experiences. Drug
addiction can have serious and lasting effects on young people, particularly during theircritical
developmental years. It can lead to problems with school and work, relationships, mental and
physical health, and financial stability. It can also increase the risk of accidents,injuries, and even
death. It is important for young people to be aware of the dangers of drug addiction and the
potentialconsequences of using drugs. They should also be educated about the signs of addiction
and where to seek help if they or someone they know is struggling with substance abuse. To
overcome drug addiction, it is essential to seek professional help from a qualified addiction
treatment center. This may include therapy, medication, and support groups to help individuals
understand the root causes of their addiction and learn how to manage their cravings and make
healthy choices. It is also important for individuals to have a strong support network of friends
and family to help them through the recovery process. By seeking help and committingto a
recovery program, it is possible for individuals to overcome their addiction and lead a fulfilling and
healthy life.

Street Accident
Street accidents have become common place in Bangladesh. We find news of street accidents in
newspapers everday. The situation of street accidents in Bangladesh is quite severe. Once I
witnessed a street accident taking place before my very eyes. It was when I was a student of class
10. On the evening of that day, my friend Ratul and I were sitting on the high grass embankment
beside the main road near my house, playing the game of correctly identifyingthe make of
passing vehicles. The cars that passed by normally travelled fast on that straight stretch of road.
As far as my eyes could see, I noticed two cars racing at breakneck speed downthe road. One was
trying to overtake the other. They whizzed past where we sat at what I estimated to be 130 km/h.
From the opposite direction a huge lorry suddenly appeared. I heara loud screeching noise as the
car that was trying to overtake skidded and knocked into the other car. The driver of the former
car must have panicked and applied the brakes on seeing the lorry. The two cars moved together
for a short distance before they ploughed into the grassverge. One of the cars climbed up the
embankment for a while before it lost momentum and toppled backwards, landing on its roof and
crumnling it. The other car grazed along theembankment for a while before coming to rest with
its right side completely ripped off. Suddenly all was quiet. The smoke filled air smelled of burnt
oil and rubber. I could see flameslicking beneath the bonnet of one of the crashed cars. For a
while we were spellbound the scene. Then we came to our senses and ran down to the scene, but
there was no sign of life there. We could do nothing but watch and wait. After a while, the police
and ambulance came. We gave our statements to the police while the ambulance took the injured
bodies to thehospital. It seemed that one of the victims was still alive but received significant
Tree Plantation

Trees provide numerous benefits for us and the environment. They absorb carbon dioxide from
the air and release oxygen, helping to reduce air pollution and mitigate the effects of climate
change. Trees also provide habitat for wildlife and help to regulate the local climate by providing
shade and reducing the amount of rainfall that runs off the land, leading to less erosion and
flooding. Additionally, trees can increase property values, reduce energy costs, andprovide mental
health benefits by providing a sense of calm and connection to nature. If there were no trees, the
consequences would be dire. The lack of trees would result in higher levels of air pollution and an
increase in greenhouse gases, exacerbating the impacts of climate change. The loss of trees would
also have a devastating effect on wildlife, as many species rely on trees for habitat and food.
Additionally, the loss of trees could lead to more frequent naturaldisasters, such as flooding and
erosion, as the trees are no longer able to regulate the local climate.To save mankind, it is crucial
that we take action to protect and restore trees. This includes planting new trees, protecting
existing forests, and promoting sustainable land use practices.By taking these steps, we can make
the Earth greener, cleaner, and safer for all living beings. People have a crucial role to play in
protecting trees and promoting forestation. Individuals can plant trees in their own yards or
participate in community tree planting events. They can also advocate for policies that protect
trees and forests, such as supporting organizations that work to preserve natural habitats and
promoting sustainable land use practices. By working together,we can create a brighter, healthier
future for ourselves and the planet.

A Visit To A Place of Historical Interest

A historical place means a place which bears the testimony of history. It surely has some important
relics of the past that are indicative of notable events or heritage of our society. A visit to a
historical place is not only interesting and exciting but also educative. It is my spontaneous habit to
visit the historical places of our country whenever I get time and chance because it gives me much
pleasure. Last winter, I visited Bagerhat, a historical place. The place is famous for the Shat Gombuj
Mosque and the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. I along with my two friends started our journey on the
fixed day, and reached the destination after an eight hours journey. When we reached there it was
night. So we spent the night at a residential hotel in Bagerhat. Next morning we went out to visit
the Shat Gombuj Mosque and the Majar of Khan Jahan Ali. It is three miles away from Bagerhat and
we reached there by rickshaw. We were surprised to see the architectural structures of the mosque.
It stands on sixty pillars and has seventy seven exquisitely curved domes. The area of mosque is
very large and charming. There is a long tank near the mosque named ‘Ghoradighi’. The mosque
has been declared as a world heritage site. In fact, this mosque is one of the greatest tourist
attractions of Bangladesh. We came to know that this mosque was used not only as a prayer hall
but also as a court of justice. We also felt ecstasy to see the unique design of the Mazar of Khan
Jahan Ali. It stands on a raised ground. The tomb is made of cutting stone. On the tomb there are
inscriptions in Arabic. An inscription says that he died on 25th October 1459. There is a small
mosque nearby. On the night of the full moon of the Bangla Month Chaitra a big fair is held beside
the Mazar. There is a big tank in front of the mazar, which contains crocodiles. We were amazed to
see the crocodiles respond to the call of the caretaker and come near to him. Later we visited many
social works of Khan Jahan Ali such as roads, public buildings etc. It was a great pleasure for me to
be at Bagerhat. It was indeed a rewarding visit. The sweet memory of this visit will remain ever
fresh in my mind.
Traffic Jam
Traffic jam is a common occurrence in urban areas where the number of vehicles on the road
exceeds the capacity of the road to handle them. It can be defined as a condition where the flow
of traffic is slowed or stopped completely due to an excessive number of vehicles. Trafficjams can
occur on any type of road, from small residential streets to major highways. There are several
causes of traffic jam, including an increase in the number of vehicles on theroad, construction or
roadwork, accidents, bad weather, and inadequate road infrastructure. When there are more
vehicles on the road than the road can handle, traffic slows down and can come to a complete
stop. Roadwork or construction can also cause traffic jams as lanes may be closed, limiting the
amount of space available for vehicles to move. Roads may be temporarily closed down due to
street accidents. Bad weather, such as heavy rain or snow, canalso cause traffic jams as it can
make driving conditions difficult and cause accidents. Inadequate road infrastructure, such as
narrow lanes or a lack of traffic signals, can alsocontribute to traffic jams. The effects of traffic jam
can be significant, including increased travel time, frustration, and stress for drivers, as well as
increased fuel consumption and emissions. Traffic jams can also have economic consequences, as
they can cause delays for businesses and increase the cost oftransportation. Traffic jams generally
occur during peak hours, when there is the highest volume of traffic onthe road. This can be
during rush hour in the morning and evening, or on weekends when there are more leisure
travelers. There are several ways to remove traffic jam, including increasing the capacity of the
road by adding lanes or improving the road infrastructure, improving public transportation,
promotingcarpooling and the use of alternative modes of transportation such as biking or
walking, and implementing intelligent transportation systems such as traffic lights and variable
speed limits.Reducing the number of vehicles on the road can also help to reduce traffic jams.

Our National Flag

A flag that represents and symbolizes a country is called a national flag. Every country has its own
national flag, which is flown by its government and citizens to indicate their independence and
sovereignty in the international community. Bangladesh also has a national flag. We got our
national flag through the Liberation War of 1971 at the cost of an ocean of blood. It was first raised
by A.S.M Abdur Rob, the then VP of DUCSU on the premises of the University of Dhaka on the 2nd
March 1971. It symbolizes our national integrity, solidarity and sovereignty.
Late artist Kamrul Hassan designed our national flag. The design consists of a red disc ontop of a
bottle-green rectangular area. The disc represents the sun rising over Bangladesh and the blood of
our freedom fighter. The green area stands for the greenness of the land of Bangladesh. The
length and width of our national flag are in theproportion of 10:6. The fabric of our national flag is
made of cotton, linen or silk. Everyday, it is hoisted on our government offices and educational
institutions. Besidses,it is hoisted everywhere on Independence Day and Victory Day. It is also
flown at half-mast on the 21st February, National Shahid Day and National Mourning Day.
Our national flag, the symbol of our nation, the pride of our people, could not have been obtained
without the supreme sacrifice of our freedom fighters. So, it is our duty and responsibility to uphold
the prestige and dignity of our national flag. We can uphold the honour of our national flag by
doing our duties to the nation properly.

Street Hawker
A street hawker is a person who sells goods or services on the streets, usually without a fixed
storefront. In Bangladesh, street hawkers are a common sight in urban areas, where they can often
be found selling a wide variety of goods such as fruit, vegetables, clothing, and household items.
Street hawkers typically live in crowded, urban areas, often in slums or informal settlements. They
may also live in small, cramped apartments or shared accommodation, as they are usuallyunable
to afford more spacious or comfortable living quarters. The goods that street hawkers in
Bangladesh sell can vary widely, depending on the location and the needs of the local community.
Some hawkers may specialize in a particular product, such as clothing or fresh produce, while
others may offer a more diverse range of items. Street hawkers earn their livelihood by selling
their goods or services on the street. They can be found almost anywhere in the city, from busy
marketplaces and street corners tothe sides of major roads and highways. They often set up their
stalls or carts in the early morning hours and stay until late in the evening, trying to attract as
many customers as possible. They often have to work long hours and deal with the challenges of
operating abusiness in a busy and often chaotic urban environment. To attract customers, street
hawkers often use a variety of techniques, such as shouting to attract attention, displaying their
products prominently, or offering special deals or discounts. Some hawkers may also use music or
other forms of entertainment to draw in potential buyers. The lifestyle of a street hawker is often
hard and precarious. They work long hours in difficultconditions, exposed to the elements and
often facing competition from other street vendors. They have little protection from the
authorities and are often subject to harassment and extortion. Despite these challenges, many
street hawkers in Bangladesh are able to eke out aliving and provide for their families through
their hard work and determination.

A Winter Morning
Winter is one of the six seasons in Bangladesh. It comes before spring. A winter morning is usually
misty and cold. Everything is shrouded in dense fog so hardly anything can be seen clearly at a
distance. Dewdrops fall at night on the leaves and blades of grass. They look like glittering pearls
when the rays of the morning sun land on them. Nature looks dark and melancholy in a winter
morning. The chirping of birds is not heard. Cows and other domestic animals do not come outside
due to the cold, so they remain inside their sheds. The nights are longer and the days are shorter.
The sun rises late. People generally get out of bed late, as they find it difficult to leave the warmth
and comfort of their blankets behind and face the shivering cold. In the morning, the winter cold is
distressing to the village children and poor people who hardly have warm clothes. They bask in the
sun or make fire with dried leaves and keep themselves warm. Many students do not like a winter
morning as they still have to wake up early to get ready for school. There is every chance of fatal
road accidents when the morning is very much foggy and misty. As the drivers cannot see the roads
clearly, they have to drive with difficulty. In the winter morning, people enjoy eating native cakes or
pithas and drinking date juice. The scene of the winter morning vanishes as the day advances. The
sun rises up and the fog begins to melt. The cold dissipates a little and becomes somewhat
tolerable under the warmth of the sunlight. The rich generally enjoy the winter morning while the
poor suffer from it. However, a winter morning is enjoyable in many respects for all people.
A Railway Station
A railway station is a transportation hub that serves as a terminal for trains to and from
different locations. It is a place where trains stop to pick up and drop off passengers, and also load
and unload cargo. The use of a railway station is to connect different parts of a city, state,or
country by providing a stable means of transportation for people and goods. Passengers at a
railway station can be seen doing a variety of things, such as purchasing tickets,waiting for their
trains to arrive, or catching up on work or leisure activities. Many stations also have amenities
such as food courts, shops, and restrooms to accommodate the needs of travelers. When a train
arrives at a station, it is usually a busy and chaotic scene. People rush to board thetrain, while
others are trying to disembark. The station is usually crowded with people and luggage, and there
may be a lot of noise and activity. Similarly, when a train leaves the station, there is usually a rush
of people trying to get on the train, and the station becomes quieter as the train departs. The
significance of a railway station lies in its role as a transportation hub that connects peopleand
places. It serves as a link between different parts of a city, state, or country, and allows for the
exchange of goods and ideas. A railway station is an important part of a city's infrastructure, and
it plays a vital role in the economy and social fabric of a community.

Environmental Pollution
Environment pollution refers to the contamination of the natural environment by harmful
substances or waste. The elements of the environment include air, water, soil, and living
organisms such as plants and animals. These elements can be polluted in many different ways.
Industrial and agricultural activities can release pollutants into the air, water, and soil.
Transportation, such as cars and airplanes, can also contribute to air pollution. Waste disposal
practices, such as improper handling and disposal of hazardous materials, can lead to soil and water
contamination. In addition, natural disasters such as oil spills and volcanic eruptions can also
contribute to environmental pollution. Environment pollution can have serious negative impacts
on human health. Air pollution, for example, can lead to respiratory problems, heart disease, and
other serious health issues. Water pollution can contaminate drinking water and lead to diseases
such as cholera and typhoid. Soil contamination can lead to the contamination of crops and the
food supply, leading to health problems for those who consume contaminated food. Noise
pollution can also have negative effects on health, such as hearing loss and stress. To get rid of
environmental pollution, it is important to take steps to reduce our impact on the environment.
This can include reducing our use of fossil fuels, properly disposing of waste, andusing
environmentally-friendly products. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to
play in protecting the environment and reducing pollution. By working together, we cancreate a
cleaner, healthier planet for ourselves and future generations.
A Rainy Day
A rainy day is a day when it rains in torrent all day long. On this day, the sky remains cloudy which
makes the day seem dark and gloomy. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs and most often it drizzles
the whole day. Often thunderis heard in the sky. Birds are hardly seen to fly. They remain standing
on the branches of the trees in the midst of leaves. The cattle remain in their sheds. Nature gets a
refreshing appearance as trees are bathed by rainfall. People either get pleasure or become very
disappointed on a rainy day. Students get drenched with the rain water when returning home.
They don't like to stay in their housesall day, rather they play football in the field with much
pleasure and excitement. The calm and refreshing mood of a rainy day makes rich people
participate in a variety of leisurely activities in the comfort of their homes. Rainy days cause
inconvenience to daily labourersand office workers. Due to heavy rainfall on this day, they become
unable to set out for their workplaces and earn their livelihood. Slum dwellers suffer a lot on a
rainy day, as rainwater mixing with the dirt and wastes on the roads, gathers in their slums. The
slipperyand muddy roads caused by heavy downpour make moving around difficult for
pedestrians. People are seen moving in the roads by folding their lower clothes and holding their
shoes in the hands. Sometimes on a rainy day, traffic jam which occurs in thenarrow roads makes
it difficult for passers-by to cross roads. Nevertheless, a rainy day inspires the poets to compose
poems. The mood of a rainy day isvery favourable to an introvert or a bookworm. A rainy day
brings blessings for the farmersby providing them with moderate rainwater that ensures bumper
crops for them. So, a rainy day is both a blessing and curse to different people.

A Rickshaw Puller
The man who earns his livelihood by pulling a rickshaw is called a rickshaw puller. He is, so to
speak, a poor day-labourer. He carries passengers and goods from one placeto another on
payment. He hires a rickshaw from the owner on a daily basis. There are a few who can pull their
own rickshaws. A rickshaw puller is basically very poor. He can hardly afford to live in a good
house. So, helives in the slum to minimize his living cost. A rickshaw puller works from dawn to
midnight, but his income is so meagre. A rickshaw puller usually depends on daily incometo
maintain his family. He has no other source of income. Moreover, due to ignorance, he fails to
keep his family size small. He has to maintain his large family with his limited income. As a result,
he has to lead a miserable life. In inclement weather, he can hardly pull his rickshaw. He cannot
even pull his rickshaw when he falls sick. The day he fails to pull his rickshaw, he has no income
that day. In thesecases, he suffers most. Sometimes, he along with the members of his family have
to starve. Moreover, a rickshaw puller has to work very hard ignoring the severe heat of the sun
orthe downpour of heavy rain. The work of a rickshaw puller is very risky in a busy town where
numerous buses, trucks and cars run all day long. He has to ride his rickshaw verycarefully all the
time. Very often rickshaw pullers are not well paid by passengers. Sometimes they also bargain
with the passengers and even misbehave with them. But generally, they behave very gentlywith
the passengers. Thus we see that the life of a rickshaw puller is very miserable.
Load Shedding
Load-Shedding means the discontinuation of the supply of electricity. The incident of load-
shedding occurs when there is a shortage of power supply that cannot meet up the demand. There
are several factors behind this crisis. Inadequate generation of power, unplanned distribution,
illegal connections, and shortage of production are mainly responsible for the shortage of power
supply which ultimately causes authorities to temporarily cut off distribution of electricity to certain
areas in order to reserve electricity for more important facilities. It causes great trouble for the
people who depend on electricity to lead a normal life. It creates problems that have far-reaching
consequences on the socio-economic development of the country. Because of load shedding, the
entire lifestyle, both domestic and industrial comes to a standstill. The impact of this crisis is most
severe in the industrial sector. Productions in mills and factories is halted. Load-shedding
sometimes proves most fatal to the critical patients who need immediate operations. Sometimes
these patients die due to the failure of timely operation caused by load-shedding in the hospital.
Often in the city shops, markets and other public places at night, people have to face problems due
to the disruption of electricity. Moreover, students also suffer a lot, especially at exam time. They
cannot study and fail to get good preparation for their examinations. In fact, load-shedding causes
serious loss to the country’s economy and immense troubles to the people. By establishing more
powerhouses and power plants and taking legal steps against giving illegal connections, the
government can put significant effort to ensure electricity for everyone at all times. Besides the
government, normal people should be aware of saving this national asset. Awareness of saving
electricity should be raised in all the people to make them careful in avoiding the misuse of
electricity. Then we can expect an undisturbed supply of electricity in the country and load-
shedding free days.

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world's
economies, cultures, and populations. It is driven by advances in technology, transportation, and
communication, which have made it easier for people and businesses to connect and interact with
one another across national borders. There are several advantages to globalization. It can lead to
increased economic growth anddevelopment, as businesses and individuals have access to a wider
range of markets and opportunities. It can also promote cultural exchange and understanding, as
people from different countries and cultures are able to learn from and interact with one another.
However, globalization also has its drawbacks. It can lead to income inequality, as some
individuals and businesses are better able to take advantage of the globalized economy than
others. It can also contribute to environmental degradation, as businesses may prioritize economic
growth over environmental concerns. Rich countries can help poor countries by providing aid and
development assistance, as well aspromoting fair trade policies that allow poorer countries to
participate in the global economy on a more equal footing. The prospect of globalization in
Bangladesh is a complex one. On the one hand, globalizationhas the potential to bring economic
and cultural benefits to Bangladesh. On the other hand, there are concerns about the potential
negative impacts on the country's economy, culture,and environment. It will be important for
Bangladesh to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of globalization as it moves
Child Labour
Child labor is the employment of children in any work that is likely to be hazardous or harmfulto
their health, safety, or development. Children who are engaged in child labor are known as child
laborers. Child laborers can be found in many countries around the world. They may be required
to do avariety of tasks, depending on the industry in which they work. They may work in factories,
mines, or on farms, performing tasks such as assembly line work, mining, or fieldwork. They may
also work as domestic helpers, performing tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and taking careof
children. They may work long hours for low pay, and they often do not have access to education
or other opportunities that would allow them to improve their lives. The problems of child labor
are numerous and serious. Children who work instead of attendingschool miss out on the
education and opportunities they need to succeed in life. They are also at risk of physical harm
and exploitation, as they may be required to perform dangerous tasks or work in hazardous
conditions. They may be paid very little for their work, and they often do not have access to basic
necessities such as food, water, and medical care. Child labor can also have negative effects on
the overall economy, as it can lead to a lack of skilled labor and a decrease in productivity. To
protect the rights of child laborers and stop their suffering, it is important for governments,
businesses, and individuals to take action. This can include implementing and enforcing laws that
prohibit child labor, providing education and other opportunities for children, and supporting
initiatives that aim to end child labor and improve the lives of children around theworld. It is also
important for consumers to be aware of the products they buy and the conditions under which
they are made, and to support companies that respect the rights of children and adhere to fair
labor practices.


Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation to achieve political or ideological goals. It is often
carried out by non-state actors such as extremist groups, and can target civilians, military
personnel, and government officials. Terrorism can take many forms, including bombings,
hostage-taking, assassinations, and cyber attacks. There are many potential causes of terrorism,
including political, economic, and social factors. Some terrorists seek to spread fear and chaos as a
means of achieving their goals, while others may be motivated by a desire for revenge or by a
belief in a particular ideology. When terrorism prevails, it can have serious consequences for both
individuals and society as a whole. It can cause physical harm and loss of life, as well as damage to
infrastructure and the economy. It can also create a climate of fear and mistrust, and undermine
the rule of law and civil liberties. There is no one-size-fits-all remedy for terrorism, as each
situation is unique and requires a tailored response. However, there are a number of strategies
that can be effective in combating terrorism, including intelligence gathering and analysis, law
enforcement and military action, and efforts to address the underlying drivers of terrorism. To
prevent terrorism, it is important for governments, law enforcement agencies, and communities to
work together to identify and address potential threats. This may involve efforts to counter
radicalization and extremism, improve security and intelligence capabilities, and build resilience
and resilience within communities. It may also require addressing the root causes of terrorism,
such as poverty, political instability, and social exclusion.
Gender Discrimination
Gender discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender,
typically involving discrimination against women. This type of discrimination can take manyforms,
including but not limited to unequal pay, lack of access to education and job opportunities, and
discrimination in the workplace or at home. Women suffer from gender discrimination for a
variety of reasons, including cultural, social, andeconomic factors. In many societies, women are
still not seen as equal to men and are often denied the same rights and opportunities. This can
lead to a lack of access to education and jobopportunities, as well as a lack of representation in
decision-making positions. Women who suffer from gender discrimination may also experience
physical or verbal abuse, aswell as discrimination in their personal lives. This can include domestic
violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of mistreatment. To overcome the problem of
gender discrimination, it is important for people to recognize and challenge their own biases and
stereotypes. This can involve educating oneself about the issueand advocating for change within
one's own community. It is also important for people to support and empower women in their
own lives, whether through mentorship, financial support,or simply listening and offering a
supportive environment. The media can play a crucial role in creating social awareness against
gender discrimination by shining a light on the issue and amplifying the voices of women who
have experienced discrimination. This can involve reporting on instances of discrimination and
injustice, as well as providing a platform for women to share their stories and advocate for
change. By bringing attention to the issue, the media can help to raise awareness and inspire
people to take action against gender discrimination.

Early Marriage
Early marriage refers to the practice of marrying at a young age, typically before the age of 18.In
Bangladesh, early marriage is a common and persistent problem that affects both girls and boys,
although girls are disproportionately affected. There are many causes of early marriage in
Bangladesh, including poverty, social pressure, andcultural traditions. In some cases, parents may
arrange marriages for their children at a young age in order to secure financial or social benefits
for the family. In other cases, young people may be pressured to marry early in order to conform
to cultural or religious expectations. The consequences of early marriage in Bangladesh are
significant and far-reaching. Girls who marry at a young age are often denied the opportunity to
complete their education, which canhave long-term negative impacts on their personal and
professional development. Early marriage can also lead to health problems, including
complications during pregnancy andchildbirth, as well as an increased risk of domestic violence
and abuse. The main victims of early marriage in Bangladesh are young girls, who are often forced
into marriage against their will and without the opportunity to make informed decisions about
theirown lives. Boys are also affected by early marriage, although to a lesser extent. To prevent
early marriage in Bangladesh, a number of preventive steps should be taken. Thesemay include
education and awareness campaigns to educate people about the negative consequences of early
marriage, as well as legal measures to raise the minimum age for marriage. It is also important to
address the underlying causes of early marriage, such as poverty and social pressure, in order to
create a more supportive and enabling environment foryoung people
A Fisherman
A fisherman is a person who makes a living by catching fish and other seafood from the oceanor
other bodies of water. Fishermen may work on small boats, trawlers, or other vessels, and they
may use a variety of techniques to catch fish, including nets, traps, lines, and hooks. The life of a
fisherman is often one of hard work and long hours. Fishermen typically spend long periods of
time at sea, sometimes for days or even weeks at a time. They work in all kinds of weather and
face many challenges, including rough seas, storms, and other hazards. Despitethese challenges,
fishermen are dedicated to their work and are skilled at navigating the oceanand finding fish.
Fishermen rely on their catch to provide for their families and make a living. They often have to
work long hours and face uncertain pay, as the size and value of their catch can vary widely. Many
fishermen also struggle with poor working conditions and limited access to educationand other
resources. Despite these challenges, fishermen play a vital role in the economy of their
communities and countries. They provide a valuable source of food and nutrition, and their work
supports many other industries such as processing, transportation, and distribution. In many parts
of the world,fishing is a major contributor to the local economy and helps to support the
livelihoods of millions of people. Overall, the life of a fisherman is one of hard work and
dedication, but it is also a deeply rewarding and meaningful way of life. Fishermen play a vital role
in the world's food supply andcontribute to the economic and cultural fabric of their communities

A Good Citizen
A good citizen is someone who actively contributes to the well-being and betterment of their
community, country, and society as a whole. The qualities of a good citizen are responsibility,
respect, honesty, justice, empathy, fairness, tolerance etc. A person can become a good citizen by
being responsible and reliable, taking ownership of their actions and fulfilling their duties and
obligations. They show respect for others and theirproperty, as well as for the laws and rules that
govern their community. They are honest and truthful, and they strive to do what is right and fair.
They have empathy and compassion for others, and they are willing to help those in need. They
actively participate in their communities, volunteering their time and resources to help make a
positive difference. To become a good citizen, it is important to develop these qualities and to
actively contribute tothe well-being of your community. A good citizen helps to build up a
developed country by actively contributing to the growthand prosperity of their community and
by being a responsible and engaged member of society. Good citizens help to create a strong and
cohesive community, which is essential for the overall development of a country. Our duties and
responsibilities as good citizens include following the laws and rules that govern our
communities, being respectful and considerate of others, and actively participatingin the life of
our communities. We should also be willing to give back to our communities by volunteering our
time and resources, and by working to make a positive difference in theworld.
Pahela Baishakh

Pahela Baishakh is the first day of the Bengali year. It is a traditional festival day in the life of
Bengalis, celebrated on 14th April in Bangladesh. The origin of this festival can be traced back to
the time of Mughal rule. Some say that it was introduced as a tradition in Bengal by Mughal
Emperor Akbar to time the tax year to the harvest. The festival is celebrated with processions, fairs
and family time. The traditional greeting for Bengalis in the new year is "Shubho Noboborsho". The
festive Mangal Shobhajatra is organized in Bangladesh During Pahela Baishakh, people visit their
families and friends and spend time together. Haal Khata is celebrated on the occasion of Pahela
Baishakh in order to complete all the account reckonins of the last year and open a new ledger. It
is observed by Bengali businessman, shopkeepers and traders. On this occasion, males are seen
wearing red or white Punjabi with traditional designs on them. Women and young ladies wear
read and white saree with blouses and put on flowercrowns on their heads. Girls also dress in
salwar kameez. They are seen wearing traditionalornaments and accessories along with their
dresses. Usually, Bengalis eat Panta Bhat in the morning. It is popularly eaten with Hilsa fish and
other curries. Baishakhi rural fairs are held in local areas where many different things ranging from
booksto special dishes are sold. Traditionally, they were under huge Banyan trees and traders from
far across the areas would gather with their goods and toys in the fair. Some rides such as
Nagordola, are set for kids. Different types of traditional foods are sold out in thestalls such as
Jilipi, Sandesh, Batasha, Khoi etc. Pahela Baishakhi is a brilliant, colourful festival which Bengalis
celebrate wholeheartedly through fairs, processions and cultural programmes to welcome the new
year and its joys and blessing

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