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The traditional love theme in the Elizabethan age is the unrequited love and frustrated love.

Moreover, poets of this age uses simile and metaphors to reflect this unsuccessful love. In addition,
the separation in their poems usually because of the frustrated love like Astrophil and Stella ;this
sonnet sequence representing the Astrophile’s,which refers to Philip Sidney himself , unrequited
love for Stella ,which refers to his beloved Penelope contrast , John Dunne is totally
different. As he employs his poetry to express his deep link with his wife although his separation
from here for the reason that he had to travel for a long distance. He tells her through “Valediction”
that even though the bodies will be separated lover souls can find each others .

Valediction theme is a little bit different from the poetry of the previous one hundred years of
its publication. He starts his poem with the image of a “virtues man" at his last moment in his
life ,but this man is so quit and comfort what makes his friends around him wander if he is dying or
not .more over, through this image he tells his wife to make their farewell as quiet as the death of
good people passing contrast with several poems ,”Valediction” shows that farewell
shouldn't be with grief. Whereas , Phillip Sidney represents the speaker frustration about his
separation from Stella showing that she is so arrogant. Throughout the entire poem represents his
frustration and sadness through the image of the “moon" with a “wan" face rising the sky slowly .
More and less the moon mirrors Philip Sidney’s sadness and broken heart. Nevertheless, the
separation in Philip Sidney’s poem is a complete one . Whereas ,in John Donne’s is only a physical
one. As there souls never separated considering them as one soul so when he leaves it is not a
separation but only “an expansion” like the “airy thinness beat” . The idea of the true love of
Shakespeare's “sonnet116" that the true love only that lasts forever is highly represented in this
poem .as even though they are physically separated but there soul is united and can find each
others. Considering their love as a lunar one that can not be separated whereas philip sidney asking
the moon about women there “do they love to be loved”. Here philip sidney highly loses the trust in
earthly women’s love and wandering about the lunar one.

John Dunne uses one of the most significant metaphors about love that has ever used. He
compares himself and his wife like to legs of a compass that his wife is the fixed one that does not
move until the other moves .this highly shows the deep link between their souls .as they are two but
shapes a one soul. In contrast ,Thomas Whytt compares his beloved to a fair wild deer .through the
poem he tries to show how much he is tired to catch her ,the woman he loves, but all in vain. The
woman he loves doesn't love him .it is not for him as the deer finally says for “ceaser’s iam".
“Ceaser” maybe refers to king Henry the first that married Lady Anne Boleyn .

All in all, “a valediction” is a unique poem represents love in it’s best picture, and farewell as it
had to be. In addition the true love which Shakespeare talks about in “Sonnet116" it strongly goes
for John Donne and his wife love not that physical earthly love but the unearthly love.
Whereas ,Philip Sidney shows his grief that his beloved lift him. Finally and not the final Tbomas
whyt shows his in vain attempts to reach his beloved heart. To conclude,the main thing that all of
this poems share is the unrequited love ,but for “valediction” it is a true love which lasts for ever
even after the death defeat the whole world their love will remain .

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