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Sinus Bradycardia Sinus Tachycardia

Characteristics Characteristics
Normal sinus rhythm with a Normal sinus rhythm with a heart
heart rate <60 bpm rate of >100 bpm
Consistent P wave Consistent P wave
PR: 0.12-0.20 PR: 0.12-0.20
QRS: <0.12 QRS: <0.12
QT: <1/2 R to R QT: <1/2 R to R

Physical Manifestations Treatment Physical Manifestations Treatment

Sinus tachycardia is always a
May be asymptomatic Treat symptomatic bradycardia:
Subjective: feeling of anxiety, symptom of something else: treat
Lightheaded Atropine
racing heart, or chest pain the underlying cause
Syncope Epinephrine
Objective: decreased BP, Encourage rest
Chest pain External Pacemaker in an
Administer CCBs like Cardizem or
Hypotension emergency

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Flutter

Characteristics Characteristics
A lot of ectopic cells in atria A lot of ectopic foci synchronized
causing it to be "irregularly with each other. SA node firing
irregular." over and over again. No pause for
Paroxysmal or persistent QRS
Random QRS spacing HR: <200, no P wave, skinny QRS
No clear P wave Regular saw tooth wave pattern

Physical Manifestations Treatment Physical Manifestations Treatment

Because of the increased risk
of clots you want to give blood Give Heparin and amiodarone
Irregular fast heart rate LOC changes
thinners like heparin Cardiovert back into sinus rhythm
Patients may feel like their Irregular fast heart rate
Control HR: give CCBs Long-term: Beta
heart is racing, or chest pain Patient may feel like their heart
(Cardizem), amiodarone blockers(metoprolol), CCBs
is racing, chest pain (Cardizem)
Cardioversion in extreme cases
Supraventricular Tachycardia Ventricular Tachycardia
Characteristcs Characteristics
HR >100 (faster than sinus tach Fast PVCs, no atrial kick
Skinny QRS, lump in middle Paroxysmal
Paroxysmal HR: 150s, fast but not as fast
Sinus node is not getting a as SVT
chance to fire No P wave

Physical Manifestations Treatment Physical Manifestations Treatment

Pulseless: code, CPR, Defib
1: Vagal Maneuvers (like a deep
Fainting, dizziness Cardiac Arrest!! Unstable w/ pulse:
chest pain SOB, chest pain, dizzy, cardioversion (keep filling pulse)
2. Stable: give Adenosine rapid
Rapid pulse lightheaded, nausea Stable: Try vagal maneuver and
IV push (6-12-12)
diaphoretic Palpitations adenosine. Amiodarone,
3. Unstable: Cardioversion

Ventricular Fibrillation Idioventricular

Characteristics Characteristics
A lot of ectopic foci in HR: slow, 40-60
ventricles No P wave
No P, QRS, T QRS: abnormal wide shape (>.12)
Basically a wavy line SA node does not fire, AV node
Lethal takes over

Physical Manifestations Treatment Physical Manifestations Treatment

No pulse! CPR Syncope, dizziness, lightheaded Atropine
Cardiac arrest Defibrillation SOB Epinephrine
(No one is awake or has a Decreased LOC External pacemaker
pulse in Vfib) Cyanosis, dyspnea, poor perfusion Needs a permanent solution
Premature Ventricular Contractions Asystole
Characteristics Characteristics
Wide weird shaped QRS
Premature complexes, no P
Absence of rhythm or electrical
before it
Ectopy- cell in ventricles
Can be caused by hypoxia,
stress, CAD

Physical Manifestations Treatment Physical manifestations Treatment

DO NOT SHOCK (Defibrillation
Decreased O2 sats Unconscious will not work)
HR <60 Absent pulse Epinephrine IV push1 mg q 3-5
Avoid triggers like stimulants
Decreased LOC No respirations min or
Anxiety, stress Vasopressin 40 units IV

1st Degree AV Block 3rd Degree AV Block

Characteristics Characteristics
Prolonged PR interval (intervals Atria and ventricles do not
are the same length >.20) communicate, so two conduction
AV node conduction time systems are happening at the same
time (P and QRS unrelated)
Inconsistent P wave, QRS weird shape
Slow HR

Physical Manifestations Treatment Physical Manifestations Treatment

SOB Do not shock!
Usually Asymptomatic Usually no intervention required Dizzy, lightheaded Call code
Slow pulse rate Do not shock Chest pain Needs a pacemaker
Slow pulse, hypotension
2nd Degree AV Block Type I
PR interval gradually increases
overtime until one QRS gets
Only blocks one per cycle
AV node fatigue

Mobitz I or Wenckebach
Physical Manifestations Treatment
Fainting, dizzy, lightheaded
Chest pain Do not shock!
SOB Pacemaker
Slow HR Treat underlying issue
Usually asymptomatic

2nd Degree AV Block Type II

Occasional failure from SA node to
P normal size, some not followed
by QRS, PRs are all equal
High grade block: more Ps than
Mobitz II
Physical Manifestations Treatment
Usually asymptomatic Do not shock
SOB, dyspnea, fatigue Has to be paced
Chest pain

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