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The Saxons, Vikings, Normans and Plantagenets ruled in England…

meanwhile elsewhere…
the Rurik dynasty ruled Kievan Rus.
Key information

The Rurik dynasty began in __________. Prince Oleg began the expansion of Rus in _________. Kievan Rus
ended when the territory was overrun by the _____________________ by 1240.

Questions: what role did each of the following play in Kievan


The Veche:
On the modern map shade in the territory of
Kievan Rus
What does ‘Rus’ refer to? __________________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________________
When did Yaroslav the Wise rule? __________________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________________________________________

Religious icon of Yaroslav the Contemporary image of
Battle between Sviatopolk the
Wise. Yaroslav the Wise from a coin
Accursed and Yaroslav the Wise (from
the 13th century Radziwill Chronicle)

What can we learn from these sources about Yaroslav the Wise?
Useful websites, videos and podcasts: [EASY] This ‘meanwhile,
elsewhere’ was designed [EASY] by: [HARD] Sarah Harvey

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