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ISSN: 0378-1844
Asociación Interciencia

González-Espada, Wilson J.
The role of the scientific community In school science education
Interciencia, vol. 32, núm. 8, agosto, 2007, pp. 510-515
Asociación Interciencia
Caracas, Venezuela

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The Role of the Scientific Community
in School Science Education

Wilson J. González-Espada


Scientists’ involvement in school science benefits science suggests specific ways scientists can help science teachers.
teachers, students, and the scientists themselves. This article Also, the benefits of scientists’ involvement for science stu-
familiarizes scientists with science education literature through dents are discussed. Helpful hints to improve oral scientific
research that supports their importance in school science and talks are presented.

n our highly techno- providing students with research oppor- accuracy of the science content and im-
logical society, scientists tunities, science teacher enhancement, proves their professional development. In
have the responsibility to participation in science contests, and addition, when scientists help students,
do more than good science. They should donation/loan of equipment were identi- it provides scientists with opportunities
be involved in activities that disseminate fied as the most common activities of to interact directly with school students,
science knowledge to a broader audience, scientists in school science education as well as clarifies misperceptions about
too. Scientists should present their knowl- (termed “K-12 science education” in the science from the perspective of a knowl-
edge to the public, which enriches their USA). Unfortunately, the involvement of edgeable practicing scientist. Scientists’
culture and provides opportunities for the scientists in school science seems not to classroom interaction through effective
development of future scientists (Gastel, be widespread (Druger and Allen, 1998; presentations shows that simply talk-
1983). One of the ways scientists pres- AIP, 1999). ing about science is not equivalent to
ent science is to become involved with Because of their ex- teaching science successfully. Scientists
schools (Timourian, 1993). pertise, professional scientists are in a should place themselves in the shoes of
A gap exists between unique position to help science education school students, an audience with vary-
those who teach school science and those at the school level in significant ways. ing cognitive capabilities and instruction-
who do science. Teachers, on one hand, Scientists contribute their perspective on al needs they might not be familiar with,
are expected to teach how science works the overarching themes of science, sci- so that their presentations lead to mean-
without significant research training. Sci- ence process skills, subject matter knowl- ingful and long lasting science learning.
entists, on the other hand, are experts on edge, and hands-on experience most Obviously, this article does not exhaust
how science works but they are rarely in- teachers and students lack. This article the subject of scientists’ involvement in
volved in school science education (Dru- familiarizes scientists with the science school science, but is more of a helpful
ger and Allen, 1998). education literature on scientists’ col- introductory reference for those scien-
Scientists have helped laborations with schools. Ultimately, this tists who are interested in contributing to
school science in the past. For example, article aims at maximizing their chances school science but do not know how.
Bybee (1998) found that individual class- of successful partnerships with teachers
room visits, science demonstrations, and and students. Scientists Helping Teachers
presentations on career day were shown In order to provide or-
to be the most common form of involve- ganization to this extensive body of lit- Stereotypes
ment of scientists with schools. In a sim- erature, three important elements will be
ilar study by Druger and Allen (1998), emphasized. First, when scientists help Many teachers see sci-
they found that presentations to students, teachers, it improves the presentation and entists as “smart” and “intellectual”

KEYWORDS / Science Education / Science Stereotypes / Scientific Presentations / Scientist-School Partnerships /

Received: 06/26/2006. Modified: 07/02/2007. Accepted: 07/03/2007.

Wilson J. González-Espada. B.A., Physics Education, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico.
M.A., Science Education, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico. Ph.D., Science Education, The University of Georgia, USA. As-
sociate Professor of Physical Science, Arkansas Tech University, USA. Address: 1701 North Boulder Avenue, McEver Hall 203, Rus-
sellville, AR 72801, USA. e-mail:

510 0378-1844/07/08/510-06 $ 3.00/0 AUG 2007, VOL. 32 Nº 8

(McDuffie, 2001). When asked to make a 1993), and the National Science Educa- and the responsibilities equally. The
drawing of a scientist, teachers predomi- tion Standards (NRC, 1996). teacher’s role is to keep the school ad-
nantly portray scientists as a serious or These documents are ministration informed of the partnership
crazed male, middle aged or older, with the basis from which most state stan- and its positive impact, and to prepare
glasses, laboratory coats, and pocket pro- dards have been developed in the USA. his or her students ahead of time so that
tectors. Teachers often draw scientists These publications are not a preset list they can adjust their routine accordingly.
alone, surrounded by objects of research of science topics, but a guideline of Also, the lines of communication be-
(lab equipment, beakers, and chemicals) what students should know, understand, tween the teacher and the scientist must
or knowledge (books). Teachers rarely and be able to do in the natural sci- remain open by sharing contact informa-
draw scientists from a minority group ences over the course of school science tion such as work, home, fax, and mobile
(Moseley and Norris, 1999; McDuffie, education. For example, the National phone numbers, as well as electronic and
2001). McDuffie (2001) compared preser- Science Education Standards (NRC, physical addresses (Massell and Searles,
vice and inservice teachers and reached 1996) are divided into one category 1995).
the conclusion that “Both groups describe applicable at all grade levels (unifying
scientists as intelligent, hardworking, and concepts and processes in science) and Advocacy
theoretical, but also as impersonal, bor- seven categories specifically tailored for
ing, and nerdy … teachers’ stereotypes elementary, intermediate, and secondary In a world where most
are the same as their students on most schools. These categories are: science of the population is not scientifically lit-
significant characteristics, that is, their as inquiry, physical science, life sci- erate, scientists must promote teaching
drawings of scientists did not evolve with ence, earth and space science, science quality science in public schools and de-
professional maturation”. and technology, science in personal and fend science against those pseudoscientif-
Challenging the teach- social perspective, and the history and ic, religious, metaphysical, and commer-
ers’ stereotypical images of scientists is nature of science. cial forces that aim at undermining rea-
important because it shows that the way In order to align any son and scientific thinking. Bybee (1998)
teachers portray scientists discourage fe- collaboration with the school science cur- suggested that scientists talk to state
male and minorities away from science riculum, scientists must become familiar and local school boards to declare their
careers (Rosenthal, 1993). with such curriculum. Scientists should support of a) science teachers and their
Scientists ca n help talk with the teacher and ask what topics professional development in science, b)
teachers correct any stereotypes about are appropriate for a talk. They can also improved school science programs, and
scientists by challenging erroneous ideas obtain a copy of the curriculum, usually c) better textbooks. In addition, scientists
and presenting the successes and chal- available online or through the school can advocate for an increased emphasis
lenges of real science. They can also an- administration. in hands-on, inquiry-based experiences,
swer teachers’ questions and establish a and the appropriation of adequate funds
professional dialogue. Partnerships for science equipment, materials, perish-
ables and technology.
Standards alignment The development of sci-
entist-teacher partnerships is an excel- Scientists Helping Students
Many science topics are lent way for scientists to get involved in
not part of the formal school science school science (Timourian, 1993; Massell The nature of science
curriculum. As a consequence, even the and Searles, 1995). A large body of liter-
most interesting talk is not very helpful ature suggests that such partnerships help Scientists can improve
if the scientists’ topic is too specialized teachers develop inquiry science projects; students’ attitudes toward science by
and it cannot address the prescribed sci- create hands-on teaching aides; write clarifying what science is and is not (Ry-
ence topics that need to be covered by and implement state-aligned science cur- der, Leach and Driver, 1997), as well as
the teacher. A science talk that helps the ricula; model good laboratory safety the limitations of the scientific method
teacher fulfill the schools’ instructional practices; obtain new or surplus supplies, (González-Espada, 2005). Scientists, sci-
goals is said to be “aligned” with the equipment, and publications; build sci- ence teachers and administrators should
curriculum or the science standards. ence self-confidence; integrate other sub- have a common, accurate view of the
For the scientists’ col- ject areas into science lessons; and pol- nature of science. For example, The Na-
laboration to be more aligned with ish their science process skills. Scientists tional Science Teachers Association, a
the content needs of the students, they also benefit from scientist-teacher part- group of science teachers, scientists, and
should become familiar with school cur- nerships by experiencing teaching in an science teacher educators in the USA,
ricula. In many countries curricula de- inquiry-based context and learning from developed a position statement on the
veloped by the government’s Ministry of someone trained in teaching strategies, nature of science that should be consis-
Education (or equivalent entity) must be assessment, and classroom management tent with the scientists’ public views of
closely followed at the school level. On (Alper, 1994; Massell and Searles, 1995; science. Some basic ideas about science
the other hand, in the U.S., where there Roy, 2003). that should be stressed by scientists in-
is no centralized formal science curricu- For a scientist-teacher clude (NSTA, 2006) the tentative na-
lum, the science education efforts of the partnership to work, planning and open ture of science (“Having confidence in
American Association for the Advance- communication are essential. The indi- scientific knowledge is reasonable while
ment of Science (AAAS), and the Na- vidual scientist and the teacher, work- realizing that such knowledge may be
tional Academy of Sciences, through its ing as equal collaborators, must decide abandoned or modified in light of new
National Research Council (NRC), have what to do; set short-term and long-term evidence or reconceptualization of prior
produced three seminal documents: Sci- goals and objectives; meet as frequently evidence and knowledge”), the complex-
ence for All Americans (AAAS, 1989), as possible before, during, and after the ity of scientific endeavor (“No single
Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS, collaboration; and divide the workload universal step-by-step scientific method

AUG 2007, VOL. 32 Nº 8 511

captures the complexity of doing science. gested several tools for testing arguments sider science careers as an option and to
Science includes observations, rational or evaluating the validity of a claim. receive recognition from local and school
argument, inference, skepticism, peer re- These include an independent confirma- newspapers. Bundenson and Anderson
view and replicability”), and a rejection tion of facts, evidence-based debates, (1996) proposed additional benefits of
of the supernatural to describe and ex- testing multiple hypotheses, quantifica- science fair projects for students, includ-
plain nature (“Science demands natural- tion and measurement of data, and Oc- ing the encouragement of creativity, the
istic explanations supported by empirical cam’s Principle (if there are two hypoth- development of opportunities for indi-
evidence that are, at least in principle, eses that explain the data equally well, vidual research and the exploration of
testable against the natural world”. “Sci- choose the simpler). Students should be individual interests by students choosing
ence, by definition, is limited to natural- suspicious of arguments supported by au- their own projects.
istic methods and explanations and, as thority and not by evidence, people who
such, is precluded from using supernatu- refuse to examine competing hypotheses, Career orientation
ral elements in the production of scien- complex arguments without logical con-
tific knowledge”). nection between constituting parts and For students interested
Scientists should clearly hypotheses that cannot be proven wrong in science, deciding on a career can be
understand creativity, multiculturalism, (Sagan, 1995). a difficult task (Waltner, 1992). Scien-
and personal judgment in science, the Scientists help students tists can help students reflect on what
difference between theories (inferred ex- when they shift the perception of the factors might influence someone to con-
planations of some aspect of the natural role of the scientist from an all-know- sider a science career and what career
world) and laws (generalizations or uni- ing authority to a facilitator, a guiding options are available (Timourian, 1993;
versal relationships related to the way figure that provides effective direction King and Bruce, 2003). Scientists can
that some aspect of the natural world be- and posed questions for students to think share how they perceived science in
haves), and the influence of the existing about (Lawson, 1994). Ultimately, if stu- school, what school experiences can help
state of scientific knowledge, the social dents get used to the idea that knowledge students be better prepared for a science
and cultural context of the researcher comes from an authority, they will be career and how to make good choices.
and the observer’s experiences and ex- less likely to question ideas coming from Students should have the opportunity to
pectations on science. Scientists should questionable authorities, such as pseudo- develop a personal connection with the
emphasize the fact that basic scientific scientists. Scientists can not only empha- scientist and learn that he or she is a hu-
research is not directly concerned with size the role of expertise in science, but man being no different from other peo-
practical outcomes, but rather with gain- also suggest that even experts are some- ple. As one of the authors (Bruce) said,
ing an understanding of the natural world times wrong. “The physical presence of a scientist in
for its own sake (NSTA, 2006). the classroom seems to have a tremen-
Scientists should also Research collaborations dous impact on the way young learners
point out that there are areas of knowl- view the profession and the way they
edge other than science. These are not Students can also take view science as a discipline. If we really
necessarily better or worse, just sig- advantage of the scientist’s expertise want to increase the size of the science,
nificantly different from science in their through research collaborations and men- engineering, and technology workforce,
philosophical foundations and their vali- toring programs (Waltner, 1992). These perhaps we ought to send more scientists
dation of knowledge. An interesting ex- collaborations have helped students expe- into school science classrooms”.
ample is religion. Religion asks one to rience authentic science, share their re- Females and minority
believe based on faith, that is, religion search results with peers, solve interest- scientists are strongly encouraged to par-
knows the truth (or truths as there are ing science problems, feel a significant ticipate in school science. Reports from
many religions!) before consulting nature. part of a larger project and apply the ac- the USA indicate that minority students
In contrast, science “consults” nature quired science process skills to new situ- are more likely to attend inadequate
first, asking one to understand based on ations (Fougere, 1998). schools, more likely to be taught by un-
the evaluation of alternatives, evidence, Moreover, scientists can der-qualified teachers and more likely to
and reason. In science, tentative expla- mentor students interested in completing drop out of school. They are also less
nations must be consistent with nature, science fair projects. Most of the litera- likely to graduate from high school, at-
even if a better explanation is developed ture agrees that science fair participation tend college, succeed in college, attend
later on (Lawson, 1994). can be a valuable experience (Czerniak graduate school or receive a terminal
Scientists should warn and Lumpe, 1996). Many science educa- degree (USDE, 2003a, b, c; González-
students against pseudoscience, a set of tors think that student involvement is one Espada, 2004). Not surprisingly, females
ideas based on theories misleadingly put of the best ways to develop their science and minorities are also underrepresented
forth as scientific when they are not (Sa- skills, positive attitudes, and important in science employment and training (Ed-
gan, 1995; Shermer, 2002). Examples of knowledge about science and the scien- wards, 1999; NSF, 2004).
pseudoscientific ideas are astrology, ex- tific method that might lead students to Surprisingly, schooling is
tra sensory perception, intelligent extra- consider science careers (Grote, 1995; a possible reason for this under-represen-
terrestrial life forms landing on Earth, Bellipani and Lilly, 1999). Galen (1993) tation. Lack of preparation and motiva-
haunted houses, ghosts, faith healing, argued that science fair projects have tion in science among minority groups
communication with the dead, and lucky positive long-lasting effects on students in the early elementary grades under-
numbers. (NSB, 2002). by helping them to identify their science mines enrollment and success in second-
Scientists should talk to talents, to engage in scientific endeav- ary-level school science programs and,
students about being critical thinkers, ors, to learn how to use the library ef- ultimately, in college and career choices
checking things for themselves or to ask fectively, to meet community resources later in life (Clark, 1999). For females,
basic questions about the validity of a interested in science, to obtain a deeper researchers suggest that factors such as
claim (Shermer, 2001). Sagan (1995) sug- knowledge in one science topic, to con- gender-based disparities in classroom in-

512 AUG 2007, VOL. 32 Nº 8

teractions, differential expectations for and organizing the received information, this analogy, if an atom were the size of
males and females in math and science students have ideas that are not current- the football field, the nucleus would be
classes, and a tendency of females to at- ly supported by the scientific community the size of a grain of rice, with nearly
tribute academic problems in science and (Wandersee et al., 1995; González-Espa- all of the mass of the atom within the
mathematics as a lack of ability work da, 2003). grain of rice. Other teachers use veg-
to decrease females’ confidence in these Alternative conceptions etables to teach the relative size of the
subject areas. As a consequence, fewer are tenacious and very resistant to change. planets of the solar system. In this anal-
females take advanced mathematics and First, unlearning is extremely difficult ogy the Sun is about the size of a giant
science courses, and when they do, they if the information “makes sense” from pumpkin, Earth can be compared with a
perform worse compared with males the uninformed viewpoint of the student. small radish, Jupiter with a grapefruit,
(Kardash, 2000). Female and minor- Also, the strong credibility of media is a and Neptune with a small peach.
ity scientists can serve as powerful role stumbling block to overcome. Finally, tra- Including as many ex-
models to challenge the perception that ditional methods of teaching science are amples as possible is another impor-
only white males can become scientists. thought to be far from effective in fight- tant strategy (Gastel, 1983), including
ing the students’ stubborn incorrect prior examples that are shocking, humorous,
Stereotypes knowledge (González-Espada, 2003). Con­ and specific. Concrete examples are
sequently, the scientists’ effort to create the best since they serve as a means
As previously mentioned, engaging and informative talks might be for both students and scientist to check
media often unrealistically portray scien- wasted if the new information cannot be their understanding and reduce reliance
tists in television, fiction, and textbooks. reconciled with incorrect previous knowl- on limited short-term memory. Ideally,
Through these media, students develop edge. examples should be presented in a vari-
their own images of scientists. By the An alternative to chal- ety of different contexts and with many
second grade, students start to develop a lenge the students’ conceptions is to different “representations” of the ideas.
stereotypical image of scientists (Fung, use a conceptual change teaching model Scientists can also use counterexamples
2002; Leslie-Pelecky et al., 2005). Sci- (e.g. Posner et al., 1982; Suping, 2003). to demonstrate exceptions to a general
entists can help students dispel errone- A scientist preparing a talk around this guideline.
ous and stereotypical images of science model will a) probe what prevailing al-
and scientists. Research suggests that ternative conceptions students have, b) Know your audience
most students think of scientists as white demonstrate using multiple techniques
males wearing a laboratory coat. When that the students’ conceptions cannot ful- Scientists can help stu-
students meet and work with scientists ly explain the science concept discussed, dents learn science if they take into con-
who do not fit the stereotype, they real- c) introduce a new, intelligible, plausible sideration the students’ characteristics
ize that a career in science is not just for conception, and d) direct students into (Gastel, 1983). The students’ developmen-
some (Massell and Searles, 1995). hands-on investigations on the correct- tal level is another important characteris-
ness of the new conceptions. tic. According to the theory of cognitive
Making Effective Presentations development (Piaget and Inhelder, 1969)
Use analogies and examples frequently most school students are in the third
Individual classroom visits, level of development, known as “con-
science demonstrations and presentations When preparing science crete operations.” In this level, students
on career day are the most common form talks, scientists should use as many start to think from different perspectives
of involvement for scientists with schools analogies as possible. Analogies are at the same time, with a thought process
Bybee (1998). In order to use the avail- defined as bridges between familiar that is more flexible, organized and logi-
able time in the most effective way, sci- and unfamiliar phenomena, between cal if the information is presented in a
entists must understand that presenting what is known and what is less known concrete way. The resolution of complex,
at scientific conferences is very different (González-Espada and Trantham, 2005). abstract problems and the development
from talking about a science topic dur- Analogies, however, have some limita- of hypothetico-deductive reasoning are
ing a school visit. Some suggestions for tions. Most importantly, what the in- not achieved by many students until they
scientists include: structor might consider analogous phe- reach high school, while some psycholo-
nomena might not be from the students’ gists suggest that not all adults reach this
Be aware of students’ misconceptions perspective if some prior knowledge is final level, known as “formal operations.”
not there. Also, analogies are limited As a result, scientists should use as many
Before preparing for an by nature, so there is always the risk concrete experiences as possible, such as
oral presentation, the professional sci- of over-generalizing or creating errone- audiovisuals, hands-on activities, coop-
entists must be aware that students will ous analogical connections. It is recom- erative learning and demonstrations. Au-
probably have some prior knowledge mended that scientists follow research- diovisual aids should preferably be used
and a number of misconceptions or al- based models for teaching with analo- after the students had the opportunity to
ternative conceptions related to the top- gies (Radford, 1989; Glynn, 1991). experience a science concept firsthand
ic to be discussed (Henríquez, 2002). Also, researchers sug- (Lawson, 1994).
Throughout their lives, students have gest placing numbers in a familiar con-
received all sorts of scientific, pseudo- text by avoiding scientific notation and Keep it simple
scientific and non-scientific information unfamiliar units (Gastel, 1983). Relating
through their daily experiences, their magnitudes with those familiar to stu- Science education re-
own environment explorations, their so- dents is another way to present quantities form and the U.S. National Science
cial interactions, media and formal in- in a friendly way. For example, some Education Standards emphasize a “less-
struction. As a consequence of constant teachers compare the size of an atom is-more” approach (NRC, 1996). Scien-
constructing, deconstructing, processing and the diameter of a football field. In tists should limit the points they make

AUG 2007, VOL. 32 Nº 8 513

or the content they cover and then go more information when effective audiovi- Acknowledgments
into enough detail so that the students suals are used (CTL, 1992). According to
can understand. Talks that are too broad the literature, audiovisuals: a) clarify lec- The author thanks
tend not to result in significant under- ture material, b) provide additional cues Daphne LaDue, Center for the Analysis
standing and long-lasting recall. Also, for memory, c) cater to students with dif- and Prediction of Storms, Norman, OK,
they should avoid jargon so they con- ferent learning styles, d) provide intellec- USA, and Joy Moss, English Depart-
nect with their audience. Excessive jar- tual stimulation, e) offer a cost/effective ment, Arkansas Tech University, Russell-
gon use is probably one of the most alternative in terms of time, and f) help ville, AR, USA, for their feedback in the
widely caricatured behaviors of scien- the presenter to get organized. preparation of this article.
tists (Gastel, 1983). Avoid technical Harshaw (1995) discussed
terms whenever possible, or define them a number of interesting suggestions to References
clearly when first presented. enhance visuals. Many of them sound
obvious, but are often overlooked even AAAS (1989) Science for all Americans. Ameri-
can Association for the Advancement of
Think about organization and context by the most experienced scientists. One Science. Oxford University Press. New
suggestion is to plan ahead of time. York, NY, USA. 246 pp.
Scientists can help stu- For instance, scientists should plan to AAAS (1993) Benchmarks for science literacy.
dents understand the content of a talk use a certain kind of technology, learn American Association for the Advancement
better if it is planned using an effec- how to use it in advance instead of be- of Science. Oxford University Press. New
tive organization (Lawson, 1994). Scien- ing caught off guard in the spotlight. York, NY, USA. 418 pp.
tists need to organize their talks going If possible, they should visit the class- AIP (1999) Joint statement on the education of
future teachers. American Institute of Phys-
from the simple to the complex, from room before the day of the presenta- ics
the concrete to the abstract. Research- tion and assure that the projected im- Alper J (1994) Scientists return to the elementa-
ers suggest that concepts build on one ages are readable from all areas of the ry science classroom. Science 264: 768-769.
another, with the understanding of some classroom. The day of the presentation, Ausubel D (1978) In defense of advance orga-
concepts being a prerequisite for subse- they should have it ready in at least two nizers: A reply to the critics. Rev. Edu. Res.
quent learning (Gagné, 1977). The be- formats, such as a Powerpoint CD and 48: 251-257.
ginning of the science talk can take the overhead transparencies of the same Bellipani LJ, Lilly JE (1999) What have re-
form of an advanced organizer (Ausub- slides. On more than one occasion, the searchers been saying about science fairs?
el, 1978) or the presentation of the most author had to use “Plan B”, the over- Sci. Child. 36: 46-50.
general ideas of a subject first, with head transparencies, when there were Bundenson ED, Anderson T (1996) Pre-service
elementary teachers’ attitudes toward their
subsequent content presented in a pro- technical issues with the computer or past experience with science fairs. School
gressively differentiated way in terms of the digital projector. Sci. Math. 96: 371-377.
abstraction, interconnections, and detail. Scientists should be Bybee RW (1998) Improving pre-college science
The end of the talk should summarize conscious of the best way to deliver their education: The involvement of scientists and
the main points. presentation, including using visuals and engineers. J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 27: 324-328.
The science talks should computer-created images only when they Clark JV (1999) Minorities in science and math-
include materials or activities that stu- add to the subject, instead of distracting ematics. ERIC Clearinghouse for Science
Mathematics and Environmental Education.
dents are interested in. Students get bells and whistles. Numbers and statis- Doc. ED433216. 4 pp.
motivated to learn if the content is pre- tics reinforce a point or provide context
CTL (1992) Media in the college classroom.
sented in a fun way or if the material is during a talk. However, they should be Center for Teaching and Learning. http://ctl.
presented in a way that creates curiosity. used sparingly to avoid overwhelming
Also, the material should be contextually the students. Finally, scientists should in- Czerniak CM, Lumpe AT (1996) Predictors of
relevant, related to matters about which teract with the students as much as pos- science fair participation using the theory
the students already know and care. Oth- sible during and after the talk instead of of planned behavior. School Sci. Math. 96:
erwise, the students will not understand, a one-way discourse (Harshaw, 1995). 355-361.
or will understand but will not be moti- Druger M, Allen G (1998) A study of the role
of research scientists in K-12 science educa-
vated to find out more. As Gastel (1983) Conclusion tion. Am. Biol. Teacher 60: 344-349.
suggested, “How to begin? With rain- Edwards LD (1999) Using multimedia to coun-
bows, not refraction. Influenza, not im- Few people question the ter stereotypes in science classrooms: New
munology.” She also suggests opening need to improve science education. As perceptions on who becomes a scientist.
a talk with a historical observation, an scientists, our informed perspective has a Annual Convention of the Association for
item from the news, an anecdote from fundamental impact in the science liter- Educational Communications and Technol-
ogy. Houston, TX, USA. 14 pp.
a famous person, or a personal story. In acy of teachers and students, and it only
Fougere M (1998) The educational benefits to
addition, the material should move away takes a few hours of our time. Visits, middle school students participating in a
from rote memorization or complicated classroom demonstration, partnerships student/scientist project. J. Sci. Educ. Tech-
terminology that might confuse students. and presentations will only be useful nol. 7: 25-30.
It should emphasize the development of if scientists are committed and prepare Fung YYH (2002) A comparative study of pri-
thinking skills. Students should question, themselves to do their best. As Druger mary and secondary school students’ im-
analyze, compare, evaluate, and infer as and Allen (1998) suggested: “Research ages of scientists. Res. Sci. Technol. Educ.
20: 199-213.
they are exposed to the material. scientists can individually contribute a
Gagné RM (1977) The conditions for learning.
reasonable amount of time to school sci- 3rd ed. Holt, Rinehart, Winston. New York,
Use visuals ence education. If each scientist does so, NY, USA. 339 pp.
the collective impact can be substan- Galen DF (1993) Science fair: A successful ven-
Scientists can enhance tial”. Following some of the suggestions ture. Am. Biol. Teacher 55: 464-467.
science presentations through audiovisuals. presented in this article is a step in the Gastel B (1983) Presenting science to the pub-
Research suggests that students remember right direction. lic. ISI. Philadelphia, PA, USA. 146 pp.

514 AUG 2007, VOL. 32 Nº 8

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Wilson J. González-Espada


Cuando los científicos profesionales colaboran con las escue- de escuela. Además, se presentan sugerencias concretas para fo-
las, todos se benefician. Este artículo familiariza a la comunidad mentar la colaboración científico-maestro y científico-estudiante.
científica con la literatura asociada a la didáctica de las cien- El artículo también discute sugerencias para aumentar la calidad
cias, en particular aquella que resume las razones por las que de las charlas que los científicos suelen ofrecer a los estudiantes
la comunidad científica debe ayudar a los maestros y estudiantes de escuela.


Wilson J. González-Espada

O envolvimento de cientistas com institutos de ciências e sugere vias específicas para que os cientistas possam aju-
beneficia aos professores, alunos de ciências e aos própri- dar aos professores de ciências. Também são discutidos os
os cientistas. Este artigo familiariza aos cientistas com as benefícios, do envolvimento de cientistas, para os estudantes
publicações de educação científica através de pesquisas que de ciências. São apresentadas sugestões úteis para melhorar
apóiam sua importância em institutos de educação científica as palestras científicas.

AUG 2007, VOL. 32 Nº 8 515

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