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Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a, "... rare heart
muscle disease in which ventricular filling is
restricted because of extensive rigidity of
ventricular walls," (Norris et al., 2020)

This disease is either genetic or

acquired. There have been, "more

than 60 genes... " (Lu et al., 2018)
found that can cause restrictive
cardiomyopathy. Acquired causes
include amyloidosis, exposure to
radiation, sarcoidosis, and

Clinical manifestations are difficult to
pinpoint. They often are mistaken for
respiratory problems. People often have
recurrent respiratory infections, and
difficulty breathing. Signs are often related
to diastolic dysfunction like hypertension,
edema, tachycardia, and dysrhythmias,
(Zangwill & Hamilton, 2009).

There is not a sure way to prevent this
disease. The main things to do are to get
regular checkups with a doctor, make the
necessary lifestyle changes to better your
health (no smoking, regular exercise, good
diet), and if needed taking medications that
help with blood flow.

Diagnosis can take a long time and is very
difficult. The main diagnostic tests are to rule
out any other options there could be.
Echocardiograms rule out constrictive
pericarditis and cardiac sarcoidosis.
Electrocardiograms check the heart rhythms
and a chest x-ray can look at the size of the
heart. They may also do a biopsy, (Muchtar et
al., 2017).

There is not really a treatment for this
disease. The main thing health care
providers try to do is to stop the disease
from getting worse and decreasing the
symptoms. In extreme cases they do a
heart transplant. The main medications
they give are diuretics and beta blockers.
Patients can also be given implanted
defibrillators, (Lu et al., 2018).
Lu, C., Wu, W., Liu, F., Yang, K., Li, J., Liu, Y., Wang, R., Si, N., Gao, P., Liu, Y., Zhang, S., & Zhang, X. (2018). Molecular analysis of
inherited cardiomyopathy using Next Generation Semiconductor Sequencing Technologies. Journal of Translational Medicine,
Muchtar, E., Blauwet, L. A., & Gertz, M. A. (2017, September 15). Restrictive Cardiomyopathy. Restrictive cardiomyopathy.
Retrieved March 11, 2022, from
Norris, T. L., & Porth, C. (2020). Disorders of cardiac function, heart failure, circulatory shock. In Porth's Essentials of
Pathophysiology (5th ed., pp. 683–683). essay, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Zangwill, Steven, & Hamilton, Robert. (2009). Restrictive cardiomyopathy. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 32.

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