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Our project being one involving data collection and mostly man-work, the
hardware and software requirements in our projects are down to minimum.
However, we took the case in our hand to develop a website for our project
where students can find a mess that is near the college.

The hardware requirements can be taken as nil; however, instead we are

more involved in making contacts with the mess owners. For the process of
data collection, we have used help of Google forms in order to get
information by students involving their :

 Monthly Budget
 How did the find their current mess.
 Difficulties they faced while finding their mess.

As we are going to make a website which will be develop by making use of

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

HTML is in the continuous development since its introduction in the early
1990s. The majority of its features and functionalities have been defined
through specifications, but some of them are also result of good
development practices and the implementations of HTML in the popular
Web forms enable interaction between a web client and a web server. The
data in the forms entered by the user is sent to a server, which responds
according to the received values (e.g. returns the result of a search)

The markup languages are used primarily to define basic structure of

web documents and pages while on the other hand the final presentation
and rendering are usually defined with CSS – a style sheet language which
defines presentation semantics.

A module on Backgrounds and Borders enables the use of multiple

backgrounds which can be resized and positioned relatively or absolutely. It
enables the re-use of images in several different contexts and more accurate
filling of various areas. The module enables also the borders to use
gradients, rounded corners, shadows and even border images. The border-
image property allows an image file to be used as border of an object. The
gradient property enables the borders or backgrounds to shift from one
color to another programmatically. The Color module defines different
capabilities for setting all colors in the document. The new rgba command
enables the specification of the color as well as the opacity of an element.
Red, blue and green colors have to be defined with an integer value or with
percentages while the alpha value should be between 0.0 and 1.0. For
example, the alpha value of 0.8 defines the element with only 20%

Hardware Requirements:


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