План урока на тему - Types of schools in Kazakhstan -

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Date: 18.11.

2016 Subject: English Grade: 7«B»

The theme of the lesson: Types of schools in Kazakhstan
The aim of the lesson: To know more information about schools of Kazakhstan.
The result of the lesson: Pupils will be able to speak about schools , to answer different questions on the theme
Main ideas: Working on the text, answering the questions
Methods: presentation, individually work, pair work.
Time Resources Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities
3 min 1.Organazation moment 1.greeting
Warm – up
Brainstorming Pupils have to guess the theme of the lesson, to
Pupils have to guess the theme of the lesson find nessecary letters and make the title.
SUBJECT ( types of school in Kazakhstan)

2 min Cards ( whiteboards) 2. checking homework 2. to fill the cards

To give cards
Teacher checks the words of the previous
material and evaluate the pupils with the help of Pupils have to write the words on the whitebords

A letter from Harry Poter

2 min 3. teacher reads a letter from Harry Poter Pupils watch the video about Harry Poter’s school
A video about Hogward
school (Hogward)
Hello! My name is Harry Poter. I’am from
London. I’am eleven. I have no parents
Pupils listen the letter from Harry Poter and answer
but I have two good friends. We go to
Hogward school. It is big and old. We different questions
learn magic there. Our school uniform is
Black. We have three holidays :
Christmas, easter and summer holidays. I
love playing qweedich there and fly on
my broom. People say I’am friendly ,
funny , and brave. But I think I’am a
normal boy who loves adventure.

15 min The text about schools in 4.teacher gives a text for each person, and work on the text, read and translate, underline the
Kazakhstan makes some instructions word combinations (insert method)

Education in Kazakhstan.We started pupils have to underline the following word

school at the age of seven. After four years combinations:
of primary school we went to secondary
school. Primary and secondary schools - We started school
together comprise eleven years of classes. - After four years of primary school
Nine years of classes are compulsory in - Primary and secondary schools together
our republic. Our school year began on the comprise
first of September and ended in May. It - Nine years of classes
lasted 9 months. We had four holidays a - A school year began
year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. - On the first of September
- Every lesson
On the 1st of September we got - Our school was not English
acquainted with our teachers and had our
first lessons. Every lesson lasted 45 Pupils have to translate these word combinations
minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6
lessons .The primary school curriculum
included such as subjects Kazakh, Maths,
Russian, Drawing, PT and Music.. Our
school was not English but we had English
classes which started in the 1st form.
4 min Questions 5. teacher gives a card with question to 5. pupils have to read the questions, to address to
pupil and asks him\her to read and address someone in the classroom .
this question to smb in the classroom.

1. When does the school year

begin in our country?
2. At what age do we start
3. How many years are
compulsory in our
4. What kind of holidays do
we have a year?
5. How much time does every
lesson last?
6. What subjects do the
primary school curriculum
7. How many years do pupil
study at primary school?

How many years do pupil go to school in


15 min Cards with grammar 6. teacher gives cards with sentences 7. Grammar
material ( present perfect)
which pupils have to rewrite in right way Pupils do this task individualy
using present perfect tense Change their copybooks with partners
and asses each other according to
1. He _____ (finish) training. criterias:
2. She _____ (score) twenty points
Mark mistakes
in the match.
5 1m
3. We _____ (watch) all the 4 2m
Champions League matches this 3 3m
2 2m
4. That's amazing! She _____
(run)  fifteen kilometers this
5. She _____  (buy)  some really
nice rollerblades!
6. Oh, no! I  _____ (lose) my
Teacher asks pupils to change
their copybooks and asses each
other( the right answers are
given beforehand)

2 min Evaluation Reflection 10.make a conclusion,

The tree of Evaluation
achievements Giving hometask
Pupils have to fix their stickers on the tree of
achievements in order to show what knowledge do
they have

Analyse What I want to change? Reflection

of the

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