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KAPLAN/ 2-40m HIGH 15MW 300-1000 RPM
FRANCIS 25-350m MEDIUM 200MW 75-1000 RPM
PELTON 50-1300m HIGH 16.89WATTS 1000RPM
CROSS FLOW 2-200m HIGH 3MW 1000-1500RPM
TARGO 50-250m LOW 10MW 50-400 RPM




These turbines are generally used for sites with heads greater than 300 meters. This type of
turbine was created during the gold rush in 1880 by Lester Pelton. The water in a Pelton turbine is
moving quickly and the turbine extracts energy from the water by slowing the water down, which makes
this an impulse turbine. Pelton turbines can be big. The largest Pelton runners in the world have a
diameter of 4.6 metres and operate with a head of over 1,800 metres. Each runner is fed from a
Penstock that is charged to 200 bar pressure


A crossflow turbine is designed using a large cylindrical mechanism composed of a central rotor
surrounded by a "cage" of blades arranged into a water wheel shape. These blades are generally
sharpened to increase the efficiency of the turbine by reducing the resistance to water flow. Water is
directed onto the turbine through a nozzle that creates a flat sheet of water, and then is directed onto
the blades using a guide vane. Water first hits the blades and moves to the inside of the turbine, with
the water hitting the blades one more time as the water exits the center of the turbine. A cross-flow
turbine is a type of turbine that is suitable for low head high flow applications. This is probably a more
frequent application than the high head low flow application for which a Pelton turbine is designed. Also
a homeowner can more easily build a cross-flow turbine because the turbine blades are a simple shape
compared to the complex buckets of the Pelton turbine, however you can buy a Pelton wheel only. The
cross flow turbine is designed at a head of 13 m and flow rate of 1 m3/s to generate output power of 90
kW. It is applicable to wide range of flow rate adjusting the runner length. In this research, runner
diameter 0.8 m and runner length 1 m are used.


A Kaplan turbine is basically a propeller with adjustable blades inside a tube. It is an axial-flow turbine,
which means that the flow direction does not change as it crosses the rotor. Kaplan turbine runner blade
design was chosen depending on head, flow rate and desired power.


A Francis turbine is a type of reaction turbine used most frequently in medium- or large-scale
hydroelectric plants. These turbines can be used for heads as low as 2 meters and as high as 300 meters.
Additionally, these turbines are beneficial as they work equally well when positioned horizontally as
they do when they are oriented vertically. Francis turbines are the most frequently used turbines for
hydropower plants.[2] The water going through a Francis turbine loses pressure, but stays at more or
less the same speed, so it would be considered a reaction turbine. Water enters these turbines radially
meaning that it enters the turbine perpendicular to the rotational axis. Once entering the turbine, the
water always flows inwards, towards the center.[2] Once the water has flown through the turbine, it
exits axially - parallel to the rotational axis. Francis turbines were the first hydraulic turbines that had a
radial inflow, designed by American scientist James Francis. A Francis turbine is a type of reaction
turbine used most frequently in medium- or large-scale hydroelectric plants. These turbines can be used
for heads as low as 2 meters and as high as 300 meters. Additionally, these turbines are beneficial as
they work equally well when positioned horizontally as they do when they are oriented vertically. Water
enters these turbines radially meaning that it enters the turbine perpendicular to the rotational axis.
Once entering the turbine, the water always flows inwards, towards the center. Once the water has
flown through the turbine, it exits axially - parallel to the rotational axis.

4. P = m x g x Hnet x η


power, measured in Watts (W).

mass flow rate in kg/s (numerically the same as the flow rate in litres/second because 1 litre of water
weighs 1 kg)

the gravitational constant, which is 9.81m/s2


the net head. This is the gross head physically measured at the site, less any head losses. To keep things
simple head losses can be assumed to be 10%, so Hnet=Hgross x 0.9

the product of all of the component efficiencies, which are normally the turbine, drive system and

For a typical small hydro system the turbine efficiency would be 85%, drive efficiency 95% and generator
efficiency 93%, so the overall system efficiency would be:

0.85 x 0.95 x 0.93 = 0.751 i.e. 75.1%

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