Dust Bowl Documentary Questions

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Dust Bowl Vid Link

Name____Jesus Anaya_________

Dust Bowl Documentary Q’s

1. What industries were big on the plains?
. [Farming, cattle]

2. What states were involved in the dust bowl?

. [Texas, colorado, New Mexico, kansas, oklahoma ]

3. Who were the “suitcase farmers”?

. [Nonresident farmers there to make money ]

4. How did the land of the plains become barren (empty)?

. [livestock and farming ]

5. What started happening as a result of the wind picking up the barren and dry soil?
. [Big dust storms ]

6. What was life like as a result of the storms?

. [The high wind caused the dirt/sand to rise up to 15,000
making day to nighttime. Also it hard to see and hard to

7. Who were the Okies? Where did they aim to go?

. [tenant farmers from oklahoma]

8. What does John Steinbeck talk about in his novel The Grapes of Wrath?
. [The journey of the okies. ]

9. What did these migrants find in California? How were they treated?
. [They weren’t treated well and some got kicked out]

10. How did the government try to help the farmers after the Dust Bowl?
. [They made a farming program. They helped the how to plant
and revive the plant. ]

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