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FDR and The New Deal

New Deal = [FDR’s plan to fix the depression ].

Detractors = critics or “haters”

What was Hoovers Response to the Great Depression?

● Hoover believed in [self-help ] , not [ help from the fed gov’t ].

FDR offers Reform, Relief, and Recovery

● Americans were ready for [ change] , government to get involved.
● FDR believed the depression required [ strong action from the fed gov’t].
● FDR wins big victory over Hoover.
● Offers Americans a [ “new deal” ] - new agencies to help with the depression.
● Intended to help with recovery and help with people’s problems.
● First 100 days – proposed new laws.ccccccccccccccc

FDR gives his first Fireside Chat

● Describe FDR: [great personality, liberal, democrat, big gov’t].
● Describe the New Deal: [fdr’s plan to fix the great depression].
● Describe the Emergency Banking Act (Bank Holiday): [closed all for 4 days].
● /pDescribe the fireside chats: [weekly talks on the radio to explain plans 0 he

Sentence Summary: [ FDR was a person with a lot of personality and wanted a big
government, he further wanted to fix the great depression.
FDR has a great personality].

Reactions to the New Deal

● Government promoted the general welfare and protected citizens more = [became
more involved in people’s live].
● Government began deficit spending= [Spoending money it did not have,
borrowed it. ].
● FDR called this pump priming, giving money directly to [the people to help the
● Some people called this a waste as billions of dollars were spent.
FDR Reforms
● Truth in Securities Act – eliminate fraud in [ stocks].
● Glass-Stegall Act – prohibited banks from [ investing savings in stocks ].
● Wagner Act – workers had a right to [ join labor unions and to collective
bargaining ].
● Fair Labor Standards Act – Established minimum wage and maximum hours per week.

FDR and the Supreme Court

● The Supreme Court began to declare actions of the President and his laws [
unconstitutional (against the constitution) ].
● The biggest challenge to FDR became the Supreme Court
● FDR wanted to add 6 more judges to the court to help him [ court packing], people
thought he was trying to get too much power.
● Supreme Court started [ supporting more new deal legislation on it’s own ] ,
FDR nominated new judges.

Comments/Questions: [ How long did FDR last? Why did the banks invest the
money? Why was the supreme court the biggest challenge?

Summary: [ President FDR was known for his big role in democracy and role in the
federal government. He wanted to make changes to the great depression and
protect citizens. In the end, people thought he had too much power and
nominated new judges ].

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