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BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd.

English Course


Dan Br nescu



Text: Despre vreme (2) Expresii (2) Vocabular (3) Substantive cu plural neregulat (4) Timpul Prezent Continuu (5) Cum formezi verbele terminate in ing (6) Pronumele posesive (6) Exercitii (7) Zodiac Gemenii (8) Cuvinte incrucisate (8)

BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd. English Course


Dan Br nescu

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it says the American writer Mark Twain. It is true that everybody talks about weather, which is the most common subject of conversation. Isn t it a nice day? I think it s going to rain , are usual ways of starting a conversation. Great Britain has an insular and temperate climate. Summers are cooler and winters milder than in our country. Autumns are foggy. In spring, especially in April, the weather is very changeable. Here is an example of what a spring day in Great Britain may be. It is dawn. The sun is just rising. A cool breeze is blowing from the south -east, but there are no clouds in the blue sky. The sun slowly rises higher and changes from red to yellow and soon it becomes very bright. Gradually, the breeze becomes a wind. Clouds appear in the sky. At noon the sky is overcast with black clouds. It lightens and thunders. Large raindrops begin to fall. It is a heavy shower. But soon, the bright sun shines out agai n and we can see the rainbow in the blue sky. The air is fresh after the rain. The sun sets in the west and the sky is red and gold. The beautiful sunset promises a fine day tomorrow.

Do Englishmen often talk about weather? Of course, they do. When two Englishmen meet, one of the first remarks is almost certain to be about weather. What do they usually say if the weather is fine? If the weather is fine they may say:  A fine (nice, lovely) day, isn t it?  Not a cloud in the sky.  It s wonderful out.  The sun is coming out. What do they usually say if the weather is hot? If the weather is hot, they usually say:  It s a stuffy day.  The temperature is rising (going up).  It s 35 in the shade.  The heat is unbearable. What do they usually say if the weather is bad? It the weather is bad they usually say:  It seems to be a wet (dump, gloomy)  The sky is overcast. day.  It s a nice weather for ducks.  What a rainy (cloudy, foggy, windy,  It s pouring, lightning, thundering, stormy) day! drizzling, hailing.  It looks like rain.  I m wet to the skin. What do they usually say if the weather is cold?  It s getting chilly.  What a cold day!  It s extremely cold out.  Snow is falling.  What large snowflakes!

Day 5

BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd. English Course


Dan Br nescu

almost [ o:lm ust] adv. = aproape (c ) anything [ eniUi ] pr. = nimic (pr. neg.) to appear [ pi r] v. = a ap rea, a se ivi April [ eipr l] s. = aprilie autumn [ o:t m] s. = toamn bad [bd] adj. = r u, nefavorabil to become [bi k m] v. = a deveni to begin [bi gin] v. = a ncepe, a porni to blow [bl u] v. = a sufla, a bate breeze [bri:z] s. = adiere, briz bright [brait] adj. = str lucitor, luminos certain [ s rt n] adj. = sigur, precis to change [teindj] v. = a (se) schimba changeable [ teindj b l] adj. = schimb tor climate [ klaimit] s. = clim cloud [klaud] s. = nor common [ kom n] adj. = comun conversation [konv r sei n] s. = conversa ie
discu ie

cool [ku:l] adj. = r coros, calm cooler [ku:l r] adj. = mai r coros dawn [do:n] s. = zori everybody [ evribodi] pr. = to i to fall [fo:l] v. = a c dea, a pica foggy [ fogi] adj. = ce os fresh [fre] adj. = proasp t, nou gold [g uld] adj. = auriu gradually [ grdyu li] adv. = treptat heavy [ hevi] adj. = puternic higher [ hai r] adj. = mai sus hot [hot] adj. = fierbinte insular [ insyul r] adj. = insular to lighten [ lait n] v. = a fulgera milder [maild r] adj. = mai blnd

nobody [n ub dy] pr. = nimeni (pr. af.) overcast [ uv r ka:st] adj. = nnourat to promise [ promis] v. = a promite (s ) rain [rein] s. = ploaie to rain v. = a ploua rainbow [ rein b u] s. = curcubeu raindrop [ rein drop] s. = pic tur de ploaie remark [ri ma:rk] s. = replic to rise [raiz] v. = a r s ri, a se n l a to set [set] v. = a apune to shine [ain] v. = a str luci, a lumina slowly [sl uli] adv. = ncet soon [su:n] adv. = curnd, repede south-east [ sauU i:st] s. = sud-est spring [spri ] s. = prim var subject [ s bdjict] s. = subiect summer [ s m r] s. = var sunset [ s n set] s. = apus de soare to talk [ to:k] v. = a discuta temperate [ temp rit] adj. = temperat that [Ht] conj. = c the most [H m ust] adj. = cel, cea mai to think [Ui k] v. = a gndi, a crede to thunder [ U nd r] v. = a tuna, tunet tomorrow [tu mor u] adv. = mine true [tru:] adj. = adev rat way [wei] s. = modalitate, cale weather [ weH r] s. = vreme which [wit] pr. = care wind [wind] s. = vnt winter [ wint r] s. = iarn writer [ rait r] s. = scriitor yellow [ yel u] adj. = galben

Day 5

BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd. English Course


Dan Br nescu

1. nva

pe de rost substantivele cu plural neregulat:





2. Niciodat nu folosi urm toarele substantive la plural, chiar dac au n eles de plural:







Pune NTOTDEAUNA verbul la singular cnd folose ti aceste substantive:  THE NEWS IS VERY GOOD . STIRILE SUNT FOARTE BUNE. Red ideea de singular prin expresia
 A piece of advice

a piece of :

 A piece of information  A piece of knowledge  A piece of luggage

3. Fi atent nc odat

i folose te aceste substantive NUMAI la plural:






Formeaz propozi ii cu aceste substantive i folo se te verbul pentru plural:  THE SCISSORS ARE SHARP . FOARFECA ESTE ASCU IT .  THE POLICE ARE THERE. POLI IA ESTE ACOLO .
4. Ai grij c n limba englez exist total deosebit:

i substantive de origine str in . Ele formeaz pluralul

datum phenomenon formula

data  phenomena  formulae 

analysis basis crisis

analyses bases crises

5. nva

substantivele care nu au form de plural:

deer sheep fish a lot of fish

cerb, cerbi oaie, oi pe te mult pe te


a lot of fishes fruit a lot of fruit a lot of fruits

specii de pe ti fruct multe fructe diferite fructe

Day 5

BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd. English Course


Dan Br nescu

Timpul Prezent Continuu

, S presupunem c intri ntr-un birou al unei firme mari, chiar n momentul acesta. n momentul n care intri, fiecare persoan face cte ceva.
You enter the office. The secretary is staying at her desk. The phone is ringing. The manager is talking to an employee. A sale agent is making his daily turnover. A gentleman is waiting for the Sales Manager. Intri n birou. Secretara st la biroul ei. Telefonul sun . Directorul vorbe te cu un angajat. Un agent de vnz ri i i calculeaz vnz rile zilnice. Un domn l a teapt pe Directorul de vnz ri.

, Toate aceste ac iuni pe care le surprinzi n momentul vorbirii sunt la Prezentul Continuu. DE
CE? Pentru c prin Prezentul Continuu exprimi o ac iune continu , n curs de desfa urare n momentul vorbirii.

Affirmative I You He She It We You They am are is is is are are are Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are

Interrogative I you he she it we you they I You He She It We You They am are is is is are are are

Negative not not not not not not not not




, Po i folosi, pentru a sublinia momentul ac iunii, adverbe de timp specifice: now right now

acum chiar acum

in this moment in this very moment

n momentul acesta chiar n momentul acesta

Scrie i vorbe te corect:

, Anumite verbe nu le po i folosi la aspectul Continuu al nici unui timp. Acestea sunt:
to be to want to wish to have to understand to forgive to see to gather to remember to hear to forget to love to feel to think to care

, Hai s conjug m mpreun verbul a ncerca

Affirmative I am trying. You are trying. He is trying. She is trying. It is trying. We are trying. You are trying. They are trying.
Day 5

to try
Negative I am not (I m not) trying. You are not (You re not) trying. He is not (He s not) trying. She is not (She s not) trying. It is not (It s not) trying. We are not (We re not) trying. You are not (You re not) trying. They are not (They re not) trying.

Interrogative Am I trying? Are you trying? Is he trying? Is she trying? Is it trying? Are we trying? Are you trying? Are they trying?

BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd. English Course


Dan Br nescu

Cum formezi corect verbele terminate n ing

, Sunt anumite reguli care trebuie s le aplici atunci cnd adaugi termina ia ing la verb. 1. Pentru verbele care se termin n e, sco i e i apoi adaugi ing.
hope - hop ing date - dat ing

2. Pentru verbele care se termin n y, indiferent dac este o cons oan sau o vocal inainte de el, l p strezi i apoi adaugi ing:
try die start try ing dy ing start ing study - study ing

3. Pentru verbele care se termin n ie, schimb

lie -

ie n y i apoi adaug
ly ing


4. La verbele care se termin n dou consoane ad aug doar ing: 5. Pentru verbele care se termin n vocal , verbele dintr-o silab cu o vocal , dubleaz consoana final
stop - stopp ing
, verbele dintr-o silab cu dou vocale

i consoan ine cont de urm toarele reguli: , verbele din dou silabe i prima accentuat adaug doar ing
listen - listen ing
, verbele din dou silabe i a doua

adaug doar ing

dream - dream ing

accentuat dubleaz consoana final :

prefer - preferr ing

Pronumele posesive
Adjectivul posesiv My Pronumele posesiv

Your His Her Its Our Your Their

Mine Yours His Hers Its Ours Yours Theirs

[main] [yu rz] [hiz] [h rz] [its] [au rz] [yu rz] [Heirz]

al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele al t u, a ta, ai t i, ale tale al s u, a sa, ai s i, ale sale, (lui) al s u, a sa, ai s i, ale sale, (ei) al s u, a sa, ai s i, ale sale, (lui, ei) al nostru, a noastr , ai no tri, ale noastre al vostru, a voastr , ai vo tri, ale voastre al, a, ai, ale lor

, Folose te pronumele posesiv pentru a nlocui un substantiv. , Studiaz urm toarele exemple. Cite te -le i tradu-le n romn .

Bring his book. And don t forget mine. I like cakes. Can I have one of yours? That dog is his. The red car is hers. This money is yours. These bags aren t theirs.
Day 5

This is our house. It is ours. You have a nice apartment. It is yours. His mission is clear. Which is theirs? Dan lost his job and Eva lost hers. Their task is completed. What about hers? His car is broken. He will take yours.

BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd. English Course


Dan Br nescu

Exercise #1
Scrie pluralul urm toarelor substantive:

Exercise #2
Scrie participiul nedefinit al urm toarelor verbe:

man, watch, toy, zero, child, day, housewife, office, woman, lady, foot, dictionary, dress, tooth, brush, shelf, box, mouse.

to open, to do, to put, to go, to dictate, to play, to close, to write, to have, to lie, to cry, to take, to give, to study, to look, to shut, to practise, to read

Exercise #3
Pune verbele la prezentul continuu:

1. It _____ (to get late) and Mary_____ (to wait for) me. 2. ___ you_____ (to gain weight)? 3. I __ (to do) my very best to face this situation. 4. A new plan _______ (to replace) the old one. Exercise #4
Scrie forma interogativ

5. How ______ you team ______ (to do)? 6. We _________ (to get hungry). 7. He _________ (to write) an article on American sports. 8. What _____ they _________ (to talk about)?

i negativ a propozi iilor:

1. 2. 3. 4.

We are seeing them off. Somebody is waiting for you in the hall. The sun is shining. You are looking for a job.

5. 6. 7. 8.

They are sending a fax. Our new partners are coming from London. She is talking to our neighbours. I am watching CNN on news.

Exercise #5
Tradu n englez :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Secretara scrie adresa pe plic. Bei cafea sau ceai? Ce faci? Deschizi fereastra? Ei locuiesc acum ntr-un apartament mare. Dna James l caut pe directorul t u.

6. Taci din gur ! M gndesc. 7. Vorbim englez n fiecare zi. 8. Sun telefonul! 9. Ei vorbesc despre o afacere important . 10. Plou .

Exercise #6
Trasform din prezentul continuu n prezentul simplu i explic diferen a de sens:

1. 2. 3. 4.

We are living in Bucharest. They are speaking Spanish. I am listening to the radio. Her uncle is buying a tape-recorder.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Our team is winning the match. She is going shopping with her cousin. You are going to lunch now. I am looking for a job.

Exercise #7
Completeaz spa iile libere cu pronume posesive:

1. This is my bag. It is ___. 2. That is your pencil. It is ___. 3. This is his pen. It is ___. 4. That is her typewriter. It is ___. 5. This is our camera. It is ___. 6. That is your office. It is ___. 7. Those are their files. They are ___. 8. We have a red car. It is ___. 9. She has a nice dress. It is ___. 10. All these students in this room have English dictionaries. They are ___. 11. I have a new watch. It is ___. 12. You have a new computer. It is ____. Exercise #8
Tradu n englez :

1. Ave i mul i colegi, nu-i a a? 2. Unde sunt ei acum? 3. Sunt la birou. 4. Ma ina aceea este a lor, nu este a dumneavoastr , nu-i a a? 5. n biroul nostru sunt dou femei i trei b rba i. 6. Al cui creionul acela ro u, al t u sau al ei? 7. Unde sunt c r ile i dic ionarele voastre? 8. Ale mele sunt aici. 9. Ceastul acesta este al t u, nu-i a a? 9. Tu nu e ti englez, e ti romn, nu-i a a? 10. Birourile lor sunt nc p toare, nu-i a a? 11. Este un bun coleg, nu-i a a? 12. Ei au mul i prieteni, nu-i a a?
Day 5 7

BranSoft Consulting Center Ltd. English Course


Dan Br nescu

the Twins, May 21 June 21

The planet Mercury rules Gemini, which is an air sign. According to astrologers, Geminis are quick-witted, talkative, versatile, and sometimes mischievous. They are known for their ability to express th emselves and are witty, clever, and often well-read. Possessing highly developed intellects, they place great importance on learning.


B: Dori i ni te fructe?

pepene verde smochin m r l mie c p un portocal prun cirea banan vi par ananas rodie pepene galben piersic greipfrut strugure vi in cais curmal B

Day 5

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