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1. Identify the primary key and foreign key from the above tables
2. Identify the parent and child table from above tables
3. Identify the type of relationship
1. Identify the primary key and foreign key from the above tables
2. Identify the parent and child table from above tables
3. Identify the type of relationship

Q3 a. Consider the following table: PURCHASE Write SQL commands for the following: 10

i. Display CNO and CNAME whose Quantity is less than 100

ii. Display the details alphabetically by City
iii. Display the details of all the PURCHASE
iv. Increase the field quantity by 5 of table purchase
Q3 a. Consider the following table: PARTICIPANTS Write SQL commands for the following:

i. Display PNO, SNAME, Class of all participants

ii. Display the details alphabetically by SNAME
iii. Display the details of all the Class 10 Participants

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