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JIFSI 2020 52 (2): 164-172 RESEARCH PAPER

Dynamics of temporal foraging and feeding index of Labeo rohita

(Hamilton, 1822) in East Kolkata wetlands, a Ramsar site

Avinash Kumar . Sudhir Kumar Das . Dibakar Bhakta

Received: 11 June 2020 / Accepted: 04 September 2020

 IFSI, Barrackpore, India, 2020

Abstract Temporal variations in the foraging and promote aqua-farming and fisheries of the species. Fish
feeding index of Labeo rohita collected from East usually spend a considerable amount of energy
Kolkata wetlands were studied for one year. The gut searching for food items in an aquatic environment. The
content analysis was carried out on 232 fish samples of analysis of gut contents provides an idea about food
size ranging between 149 mm and 331 mm in total length. consumption, feeding and assimilation rates,
The observations indicated that the fish diet comprised metabolism, and even habitat segregation. Feeding
of 19.2% Chlorophyceae, 10.2% Cyanophyceae, 10.4% habits of fish help to know the inter-specific
Bacillariophyceae, 7.7% flagellates, 2.7% relationship and the productivity of the water bodies
macro-vegetation, 9.2% rotifers, 4.9% copepods, 6.3% (Verma, 2013). Nutrition and feeding habits influence
cladocerans, 7.2% protozoans, 11.8% decayed organic the growth, reproduction, and health of the fishes and
matter, 7.5% sand and mud and 0.8% miscellaneous their response to physiological and environmental
items. The feeding indices varied in different months stressors (Lall and Tibbetts, 2009). Studies on the food
and were relatively higher during August and September and feeding habits indicate the species niche in the
and lower during June and July. The forage ratio ecosystem, their food preferences, and food spectrum
indicated a preference towards phytoplanktons overlaps (Padmakumar et al., 2009).
(Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae)
in large size fish and preference of zooplanktons in small Understanding food and feeding habits of fish is useful
size fish. to analyse and promote management plans in various
aspects of fisheries. It is known that potential food
Key words Labeo rohita; Food and feeding habits; resources of fish consist of various items present in the
Forage ratio; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton aquatic environment. Fishes have been known to feed
on a wide variety of items ranging from sand particles,
phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, leaves, roots,
Food is a significant factor in the ecology of fishes as it crustaceans, insects, insect larvae, worms, fishes, etc.
is required for growth, reproduction, and locomotion. (Yalcin et al., 2001; Shalloof and Khalifa, 2009; Omondi
Studies on food and feeding habits of fish are useful to et al., 2011). The amount of feed required in warm water
conditions is higher than that in cold water because of
reduced digestion and metabolism of cold blooded
Avinash Kumar . Sudhir Kumar Das ( ) animal at lower temperatures (Skelton, 1993; Gamal et
Department of Fisheries Resource Management, Faculty of al., 2005).
Fishery Sciences, WBUAFS, Chakgaria, Kolkata-700 094, West
Bengal, India
Dibakar Bhakta In general, the feeding intensity varies with seasons,
ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, availability of preferred food items, maturity stages, and
Kolkata-700 120, West Bengal, India feeding intensity decreases during the spawning
season compared to the non-spawning period

Feeding of Labeo rohita in East Kolkata wetlands 165

(Chakraborty et al., 2017; Khngngain et al., 2017; Sarkar The intensity of feeding was determined by the degree
et al., 2017; Bhakta et al., 2019; Borah et al., 2020). The of fullness of the stomach, which was grouped into dif-
analysis of the stomach contents of fish could ferent categories such as full, ¾ full, ½ full, ¼ full, and
provide information about the niche of a particular fish empty by eye estimation (Pillay, 1952). The wet weight
in its ecosystem and this has become a standard of the stomach contents was also measured by using an
practice in fish ecology works (Hyslop, 1980). The gut analytical balance to the nearest 0.01 mg
content analysis gives an overall reflection about the Most fishes have a scale of preference for the
type of food material available to the animals in the food organisms in their environment. A quantitative index of
chain and ultimately it is a representation of food in the such differences called the forage ratio was calculated
ecosystem (Babare et al., 2013). The study of the diet by using the formula:
based upon analysis of stomach contents is now
standard practice in fish ecology but surprisingly little
literature exists upon the range of methods that may be
Results and discussion
Labeo rohita, commonly called ‘rohu,’ is an important
freshwater fish species cultured in Asia, particularly in General diet composition
the Indian subcontinent. L. rohita culture contributes
Labeo rohita samples with a total length of 149 - 331 mm
to about 35% of the total Indian major carp production
were used for the gut content analysis. Month-wise food
(FAO, 2001). It is a natural inhabitant of freshwater
items found in the gut contents of L. rohita is presented
areas of the rivers. In recent years a comprehensive work
in Fig. 1. Food constituents were mainly of two types,
on biology and food and feeding habits of certain fishes
viz., food matter at the recognizable stage, and food
has been carried out from West Bengal water bodies
matter at an advanced stage of digestion rendering
(Dey et al., 2016; Chakraborty et al., 2017; Khngngain et
individual recognition impossible. The food matters for
al., 2017; Sarkar et al., 2017). There is a need for regular
which recognition was impossible were grouped as
bio-monitoring on biology and foraging of fish due to
decayed organic matter. The other food constituents in
climate change (Vahneichong et al., 2017). There is a the gut of the fishes were plant matters including
gap in such studies on L. rohita occurring in various various groups of phytoplanktons and macro-
wetlands of the South 24 Parganas district of West vegetations, animal matters including various groups of
Bengal (Kumar et al., 2019). So, the present work can be zooplanktons, insects, and nektons as well as sand and
useful in this context. mud with several unidentified items grouped under the
miscellaneous group. The major food items present in
Material and methods the gut of L. rohita were algae and phytoplankton,
zooplankton, decayed organic matter, mud, and other
The gut content analysis was carried out on miscellaneous items.
232 numbers of Labeo rohita with the size ranging from
149 mm to 331 mm in total length. Fishes were caught by Plant matters and phytoplankton
dragnet from the Bheri and immediately preserved in ice
to prevent further digestion of food items. Fishes were The plant matter found in the gut of the fishes were
transported to the laboratory where dissection was done green algae like Chlorophyceae and Desmids,
and foreguts were collected and preserved immediately Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms), Cyanophyceae (Blue-green
in a jar containing 10% buffered formalin. Food items algae), filamentous algae, and parts of macro-vegetation.
were identified up to the genus level and quantified. The plant matters altogether comprised about 50.2% of
Keys used for the identification of planktonic food items the total diet of the fish throughout the study. The
were those of Edmondson (1959) and APHA (1998). Diet Chlorophyceae was the main food item in the gut
composition was calculated using the formula: comprising about 19.2%, followed by Bacillariophyceae
(10.4%), Cyanophyceae (10.2%), and flagellates (7.7%).
Where, N = Number of a specific food item in the gut, P
= Total number of the specific food item observed in ten Chlorophyceae
fields and C = Volume in ml of the sample in the Petri
dish. Chlorophyceae were the most dominant plankton group

166 Kumar et al.

present in the diet of L. rohita, representing an average and larger invertebrates. The rotifers were the most
of 19.2% of the gut contents. The average percentage dominant sub-group present in the gut (9.2%), followed
composition of various food items in the gut of L. rohita by Protozoans (7.2%), Cladoceran (6.3%), and
is represented in Fig. 2. Its contribution to the total diet Copepods (4.9 %) (Fig. 2).
was found to be maximum in April (25.4%) and minimum The zooplanktons were an important
in December (15.4%). During the monsoon months the component of the diet of the L. rohita accounting for
values varied from 21.6% in July to 18.5% in September. about 27.6% of the total diet during the period of study.
During summer it varied from 25.4% in April to 21.3% in The groups encountered in the gut were Rotifera,
Copepoda, Cladocera, and Protozoa.
June. During the winter season, the values fluctuated
from 15.4% in December to 25.4% in April. The genera
encountered under this group were Volvox,
Ankistrosdesmus, Closterium, Euglena, Phacus, and The rotifers were the most dominant among the various
Chlamydomonas. zooplanktonic food items in the gut and comprised about
9.2% of the total food of the L. rohita. The average
Bacillariophyceae monthly composition of the group is represented mainly
by the genera Brachionus, Keratella, and Rotaria and
This phytoplankton group was the second dominant taxa varied from 4.7% to 11.9% in monsoon, 8.2% to 10.4% in
in the gut of L. rohita with an average percentage winter and 8.1% to 11.5% in summer seasons.
composition of 10.4% (Fig. 2). During summer the
percentage contribution of the diatoms varied from 8.6% Protozoans
in April to 10.5% in June. It ranged from 8.3% in August
to 15.3% in July during monsoon season. In winter, it The protozoans were represented mainly by the genera
varied from 7.7% in January to 12.6% in December. The Amoeba, Trinema, and Paramecium and were the
genera encountered under this group were Navicula, second dominant zooplankton group in the gut (Fig. 2).
Diatoma, Cyclotella, and Synedra. It was found to contribute about 7.2% to the total gut
contents during the entire period of study. It fluctuated
Cyanophyceae from 3.5% to 7.4% in monsoon, 5.8% to 11.5% in winter
and 5.9% to 8.4% during summer period, respectively.
The Cyanophyceae represented considerable amounts
(10.2%) in the total gut contents of L. rohita (Fig. 2). In Cladocerans
winter the percentage composition fluctuated from 8.3%
in December to 11.3% in November. In summer, it varied The cladoceran Daphnia, Cenodaphnia, and Moina
from 8.7% in May to 13.6% in April. It ranged from 9.5% comprised about 6.3% of the total gut contents (Fig. 2)
in September to 11.3% in August. The main genera and ranged from 4.2% to 8.3% in monsoon, 5.8% to 8.3%
encountered were Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Microcystis, in winter, and 4.7% to 9.4% during the summer season.
Nostoc, and Spirulina.
The monthly variations in the percentage composition
of the copepods to the total diet in the gut are
The flagellates comprised of Spirogyra, Ulothrix,
elucidated in Fig. 2. It contributed around 4.9% of the
Zygena, and Oedogonium and contributed about 7.7% total diet throughout the study. It was varied from 3.1%
to the total diet of the fish (Fig. 2). It varied from 3.8% in to 7.7% monsoon, 3.7% to 7.2% in winter, and 2.5% to
July to 8.7% in September during the monsoon, 8.3% in 5.6% during the summer season, respectively. The group
December to 9.6% in January, and 4.5% in April to 7.9% was represented mainly by genera Cyclops, Diaptomus,
in May. and Cypris.

Animal matters and zooplankton Decayed organic matters

The animal matters found in the gut of the L. rohita were It included decayed plant matter, detritus, and other
comprised of zooplankton, some other unidentified items, matter in varying state of decomposition. The

Feeding of Labeo rohita in East Kolkata wetlands 167

Fig. 1 Month-wise percentage composition of various food items of L. rohita

Fig. 2 Average percentage composition of various food items in the gut of L. rohita

168 Kumar et al.

semi- decayed plant matters which were not in the state content more than ½ full) were observed during August
of recognition and artificial feeds which were being and September, while fishes with empty stomach were
provided as an input to the Bheri were grouped under found in June and July. The occurrence of full, 3/4th full,
the decayed organic matter. It accounted for about 11.5% ½ full. ¼ full and empty stomachs during the study pe-
± 1.0 in an average of the total gut content. It varied riod are presented in Fig. 4. The feeding intensity exhib-
from 11.5% to 13.2 % during monsoon, 10.6% to 13.7% ited considerable variations during the period of study.
during winter, and 9.9% to 13.1% during the summer It was relatively low in June (10.83%) and July (10.00%)
period, respectively. and maximum during September (20.00%).
Sand and Mud
The qualitative and quantitative analysis of food items
of L. rohita revealed that the fish mainly feeds on plant
The percentage composition of sand and mud to the
matters (about 50.2%) and animal matters (27.6%) indi-
total guts contents ranged from a minimum of 4.5% in
cating herbi-omnivore feeding habit. According to Das
April to a maximum of 9.5% in May and August with an
average value of 7.5±1.5%. The value varied from 6.8% and Moitra (1963) as well as Basudha and Viswanath
to 9.5% during monsoon, 6.2 to 8.5% during winter, and (1999) the herbi-omnivore fishes feed on a wide variety
4.5% to 9.5% during the summer season, respectively. of food items although the fish mainly feed on plants
matter. Sarang et al. (2009) classified Labeo calbasu from
Length-wise variations in food and feeding habits Jawahar Sagar and Kota Barrage of Rajasthan as
illiophagic as the diet of the fish predominantly con-
Diet composition of L. rohita was analyzed in four length sisted of phytoplanktons or detritus, whereas
groups. The number of samples was 10, 92, 83, and 75 in zooplanktons were the second choice as the food item.
categories of I, II, III, and IV, respectively. The grouping Shakir et al. (2014) reported that L. rohita from Ravi
was made for convenience of interpretation as category (Pakistan) river mainly feeds on phytoplankton and zoop-
I (100 to <150 mm), category II (150 to <200 mm), cat- lankton.
egory III (200 to <250 mm), and category IV (250 to <300
mm). Similar food items were encountered in all of the According to Alikunhi (1952), zooplankton, particularly
size groups in varying quantities. The variations in the entomostracan crustaceans and rotifers, appear to con-
diet composition in various length groups are elucidated stitute the “main food” of the carp fry, while planktonic
in Fig. 3. In all the size groups the Chlorophyceae was algae can only be considered as “emergency food”. In
the dominant food item with values ranging from 15.4% the gut of 100-150 mm length fishes, the phytoplankton
in the 100-150 mm group to 16.6% in the 200-250 mm size and plant matter occurred about 46.7% of the total diet
group. Bacillariophyceae was the second dominant and an increasing trend was observed as the fish grows.
group contributing 8.5% in 100-150 mm group to 18.3% It accounted for 60.7% in the gut content of 250-300 mm
in 250-300 mm group. Animal matter like zooplanktons size fishes. The gut analysis of the L. rohita measuring
and others contributed relatively more in the gut of the from 100-150 mm, 150-200 mm, 200-250 mm, and 250-300
100-150 mm size group. It decreased with an increase in mm have shown an increasing trend of occurrence of
the size of fish from 36.4% in the smallest length group phytoplankton, indicating an ontogenic change in the
to 19.0% in the 250-300 mm length group. The decayed diet of fish.
organic matter was minimum in 100-150 mm group (8.1%)
and maximum in 200-250 mm group (13.5 %). The per-
The decayed organic matter has little deviations during
centage composition of sand and mud were ranged from
the study period. Shobana and Nair (1980) reported that
a minimum of 5.8% in the 250-300 mm group to 8.5% in
monthly variations in feeding intensity and dietary com-
the 200-250 mm size. The percentage composition of the
miscellaneous food items sporadically. position of fishes are influenced not only by the matu-
ration of gonads but also due to the availability of food
Feeding intensity in the habitat. Nikolsky (1963) noted that the shift in
diet occurs according to developmental changes in the
The month-wise variation in the feeding index is pharyngeal dentition of carps. In the present study, there
depicted in Fig. 4. Fishes feeding actively (stomach were not much variations of decayed organic matter with

Feeding of Labeo rohita in East Kolkata wetlands 169

Fig. 3 Length-wise percentage composition of various food items of L. rohita

Fig. 4 Month-wise percentage of feeding intensity of L. rohita

170 Kumar et al.

Fig. 5 Length class-wise forage ratio of various planktonic groups in the gut of L. rohita

the size of fish. The higher amount of decayed organic indicating relatively higher preference followed by
matter might be due to differential digestion in fish. Cladocera, Protozoa and Copepoda. The value
The occurrence of mud and sand in the gut in minor decreased with an increase in the size of fish. It was
quantities was noticed throughout the year with a little 4.137 in 100-150 mm size group and 1.332 in 250-300 mm
variation. Its higher level can be attributed to lower size group.
water levels during the summer season. The monthly
occurrence of sand cannot be attributed to any Forage ratio indicates the percentage occurrence of food
particular factor as it is consumed along with other food items in the foregut of fishes compared to the environ-
items. Thomson (1966) proposed that the function of ment. It was observed that there were not many varia-
sediments is to act as a grinding mill in the degradation tions in algae (Chlorophyceae, Cyanophceae, and
of the plant cell wall. Marais (1980) reported that a larger Bacillariophyceae) in the gut in all the size groups of L.
amount of sand particles probably assisted in rohita. It indicated all sizes of fish preferred algae more
mechanical breaking up of the diatoms in the compared to other food items. However, it was found
gizzard-like stomach in Liza dumerili. that zooplankton was preferred less in higher size fishes.
Selection of Rotifer decrease with an increase in the size
Forage ratio or Index of selection of fish. However, there was no definite trend of varia-
tion in the case of others. The calorific value of an indi-
The Index of a selection of various planktonic food items vidual food item and its cost of capture influence the
by different size fishes was calculated and presented in food selection by the fish. The fish may prefer to feed
Fig. 5. Cyanophyceae was the least selected organisms on those organisms for which the cost of capture is
among phytoplankton with values ranging from 0.417 comparatively less than other items of the same
in 100-150 mm length group to 0.436 in the 250-300 mm calorific value (Strauss, 1979; 1982; Robotham, 1982).
length group. Flagellates were the most selected group There was a significant difference (F8, 24 = 9.824, P<0.05)
among phytoplanktons with a value of 1.842 in 100-150 in the forage ratio of different items of the gut content.
mm length group and 2.348 in 250-300 mm length group, The present study indicated that the smaller fish
followed by Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, and preferably select phytoplanktonic organisms. The
Cyanophyceae. Among zooplankton genera, Rotifera detection of phytoplankton depends on the size of the
had the highest value irrespective of the size of the fish, fish, gill racker’s structure, pharyngeal teeth’s shape,

Feeding of Labeo rohita in East Kolkata wetlands 171

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