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Doplň otázku v budúcom čase, v každej otázke má byť „will“ vyjadrujúci budúci čas /10b/

1. Will the Earth´s climate will change ? I think the Earth´s climate will change.

Will we find life on other planets ? Yes, we will find life on other planets.

2. Will you get married betwen 25 and 30? Yes, I will. I will get married betwen 25 and 30.

3. Will animals become extinct in the future ? Many animals will become extinct in the future. /become extinct –


4. Will people take holidays in space ? Yes, people will take holidays in space.

5. Will you go to his birthday party next Friday evening? Maybe I will go to his birthday party next Friday evening.

6. Will Dylan introduce to my best friend Nina? I will introduce Dylan to my best friend Nina.

7. Will latest robots look after us ? The latest robots will look after us. /look after: postarať sa o/

8. Will you grow old because we will be in suspended animation? We will not grow old because we will be in

suspended animation.

2. Prelož 5 viet s tvarmi WILL /vety sú v budúcom čase/ /10b/

 Ja nahrám ten zaujímavý program pre teba. ..I will record the movie for you.......

 To bude nový domov pre ľudí/ľudstvo. .........That will be new house for people....................

 Zavolám ti ohľadne /about/ nášho stretnutia zajtra.

I will call you next day about our meating............

 Netráp sa, dnes večer pôjdeme na tú párty spolu /“dnes večer“ prelož ako“ tento večer“/.

Dont worry today we will go on the party together.

 V budúcnosti bude na cestách viac bicyklov.

In the future on roads will be more bikes.

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