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Sri Parasara (8.

32) further says:

na sudro vij i tendriy ah
duhec chilavatim kharim
duhsllo pl dvlJah puJyo
kah parityajya dustam gam
"Even if a respectable brahmana who has undergone all reformatory processes is
sinful, he should still be worshiped. A self-controlled sudra who is always
lamenting, however, should never be worshiped.

Manu sam-hita (10.01) as follows:

nrpater varnayor dvayoh
sad ete 'pasadah smrtah
sat suta dvij a dhar-minah
sarve 'padhvamsa jah smrtah
viprasya trisu varnesu
vaisyasya varne caikasmin
saj ati jan a-ntara jah
sudranam tu sadharmanah
"Children born from a brahmana father and a ksatriya, vaisya, or sudra mother;
from a ksatriya father and a vaisya or sudra mother; and from a vaisya father and a
sudra mother these six are inferior to the children born of parents belonging to
the same caste.
Sons born of brahmana parents, sons born of ksatriya parents, and sons born of
vaisya parents, as well as sons born from brahmana father and either ksatriya or
vaisya mother and sons born of ksatriya father and vaisya mother are all
considered among the dvijas, or twice-born. They are therefore all eligible for
accepting the sacred thread and the other brahminical samskaras Those .sutas,
magadhas, and others who are born through pratiloma marriages involving the
twice-born classes, such as sudra father with brahmana mother, vaisya father with
brahmana mother, or ksatriya father with brahmana mother, sudra father with
ksatriya mother, sudra father with vaisya mother, and vaisya father with ksatriya
mother, are all considered sudras and therefore do not undergo the sacred thread

The Dharma sastra co-mpiler Visnu (82.3-29) also states:

hmadhikangan vivarjayet, vikarma sthams ca-, vaida2a vratikan, -vrtha 2inginah, -
naksatra jivinah, devalakams ca, cikitsikan, anudha putran, ta-t putran, ba-hu
grama yajinah, sudra yajinah, ayajya yajinah, tad yajinah, parva karan, sucakan,
bhrtakadhyapakan, bhrtakadhyapitan, sudranna pustan, patita s-amsargan,
anadhiyanan, sandhyopasana b-hrastan, raja s-evakan, nagnan, pitra vivadamanan,
pitr matr g-urv a-gni s-vadhyaya ty-aginas ceti, brahmanapasada hy ete kathitah
dusakah etan vivarj ayet yatnat sraddha k-armani panditah

"One should reject the following brahmanas: those with missing limbs, those with
extra limbs, those who behave unjustly, hypocrites, those who falsely accept the
signs of some status, professional astrologers, professional priests, physicians,
sons of unmarried women, their sons, worshipers of many gods, priests of the
village, priests of the sudras, priests of the untouchables, those who have failed
take their second birth, their priests, performers of religious rites, betrayers,
salaried teachers, the students who pay the salaries, those who are nourished by
the food of sudras, those who associate with fallen persons, those who are ignorant
of the Vedas, those who fail to observe the sandhya rites (chanting the Gayatri
mantra), government servants, those who do not wear clothes, those who quarrel
with their fathers, and those who reject their father, mother, spiritual master,
sacred fire, or the study of the scriptures. Such persons are considered the worst
kinds of brahmanas and are disgraces to their line. Learned persons should
carefully reject these persons while performing the sraddha ceremony for their

It is stated in the Kurma Purana:

yo 'nyatra kurute yatnam sa sammudho na sambhasyo
na veda patha m-atren-a yathoktacara hmas tuyo 'dhitya vidhi vad ved-am
sa candhah sudra kalpas t-u seva sva vrttir ya-ir ukta
svacchanda caritah k-va sva pani krty atman-ah pranan
tesam duratmanam annam
anadhitya srutim dvij ah veda bahyo d-vij atibhih
santusyed esa vai dvij ah panke gaur iva sidati
vedartham na vicarayet padartham na prapadyate
na samyak tair udahrtam vikritasuh kva sevakah
ye vartante dvij adhamah bhuktva candrayanam caretnadyac chudrasya vipro 'nnam sa
sudra y-onim vrajati
go r-aksakan vanij akan presyan vardhusikams caiva
trnam kastham phalam puspam dharmartham kevalam vipra
mohad va yadi kamatah yas tu bhunkte hy anapadi
tatha karuka s-ilinah vipran sudra v-ad acaret
prakasam vai hared budhah hy anyatha patito bhavet
"0 brahmanas, one who does not study the Vedas but carefully endeavors for other
pursuits is certainly foolish and ostracized from Vedic life. Brahmanas should not
speak with such a person. "A brahmana should not be satisfied merely with studying
the Vedas, for if he does
not act accordingly he will be as helpless as a cow that has fallen in the mud.
"One should know that a person who has studied the Vedas but does not properly
consider their purport is like a blind person or a sudra and will never attain the
supreme goal of life. "Those who describe the occupation of a servant to be like
that of a dog are unable
to give a proper comparison. How can a freely wandering dog be compared to a
sold out servant> "If one eats food cooked by fallen, sinful brahmanas who have
sold themselves to others, then one must atone by observing candrayana "A brahmana
should never eat food cooked by a sudra If ot.her than in an emergency one either
willingly or mistakenly does eat food cooked by a sudra,
then as a result of eating such food he is born as a sudra. "Those brahmanas who
protect cows, engage in trade, become artists, take the
occupation of servants, and loan money on interest are no better than sudras. "If a
brahmana does not accumulate grass, wood, fruits, and flowers for religious
purposes, he becomes eligible for falling down as result of such actions." By
seminal consideration, the descendants of a brahmana are also brahmanas t h i s
belief has been generally accepted for a long time. There is no shortage of
evidence from the smrtis, Puranas, and histories in support of this belief. Yet by
the evidence that we have presented regarding the degradation of brahmanas, the
disqualification of brahmanas who commit sinful activities, and the uncertainty of
who is a real brahmana, every listener will be able to understand how qualified the
present day descendants of brahmanas are. Why should those who are brahmanas by
birth but have taken to other occupational duties and not shown any interest in
acquiring the characteristics of properly initiated brahmanas be respected> The
word bandhu generally means relatives like one's son, but the word brahma bandhu -
cannot be simply used for those who are related to brahmanas by birth. Since the
word brahma bandhu h-as been used in a derogatory way, such descendants of
brahmanas have not accepted this designation very proudly. Women, sudras, and
brahma bandhus -all belong to a particular category that is inferior to the class
of topmost brahmanas These p.eople have no qualification to study the Vedas
Brahma .bandhus -are those who are devoid of brahminical culture, engaged in
abominable activities, and brahmanas simply by birth.

When those brahmanas whoknow the condemnations of the Visnu yamala hear such
things, they should keep their mouths shut. The Yamala says: asuddhah sudra k-alpa
brahmanah kali s-ambhavah
"The brahmanas born in Kali-yuga are impure and no better than sudras "

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