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Nuclear apocalypse was postponed / pushed back in 1968.

Now it is back on the agenda

As the world remembers Hiroshima, it must also renew its commitment / recommit to the
increasingly fragile / weak non-proliferation treaty.

The alternative is simply unthinkable.

A crucial event for the future of international peace and security (and the stability / sanity of the
world) took place / got under way from 1 to 26 August at the United Nations headquarters in New

Given / Due to / Seeing the lack of political and media attention it received, you would / might be
forgiven for not noticing.

The review conference of the landmark / historic 1968 agreement, the Treaty on the Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), brings together / involves / gathers 191 signatory states.

It is one of the few international agreements that enjoys near-universal adherence / support,
although the nuclear-armed countries of Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea are conspicuously
absent / shameful hold-outs / notable / noticeable by their guilty absence.

Simply put, the NPT is designed to prevent nuclear war by encouraging countries to disarm /
disarmament, curbing / halting / stopping proliferation and promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear
science and technology.

So far / Up to now, at least, it has prevented / helped stop another nuclear disaster / catastrophe /

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