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THE Coorerative univeRsiTY oF KENYA KpnnizA RUTH HEPHZ1 BAH Bemcoy loaraloog. Bapm BioG Sante sic MANPGEMENT DR mMicHAEL: O+ NGALA MAYERR 3 Semeciea J - ASSIGNMENT Question Pesessin any argonizotions’ strategic plan and the achual ochwhies bein unberleken’ idenbfy and qve specific examples where 1) tended | deliberate 2) Emergent. 3) Imposed | forced Wrealized ard 5) Unvedized sbabegies ; are incarporated (25 marks) » - | Strategy canbe defred as the debrmrabur of the lary tom goals ard rbecives OF or enterprise und the ddaptisn of the curses of achon ond the ellacabion of resources mecessary for ceeryirg aut the goods. Sbalegies ore Suggested to be fies theary ir developing campe bhyve adar tage according bo Haclley ard Bouncy. vhs Keryg , the agriculbured ndusly 1s Considered as the backhire of | Ube counbry’s con amy - Poort Aan using the crops substurhally. they ove alsa “exported ced oven sald im loca markels ard thus creahrg | orhicprereuship, growth of Stvings ard credit Gepcrabve cecieties ard growth of the country’s Grass Domestic Praduct - The Bragkside Dury, 1s ane of the greatest Keryan tcrsuned compar Lin the fod bud ishyyurder agualtue sect kaning mode a “tormmendable venation over the years,circe ils eclablichwent un 1993. | Ms headguartis are in Bra Kerya- His part af the | Day Products Nanufac baring Industry » Brasléside Dairy Limited has | { vched| beyond the Kenyan borders into courtnes such as Rearda Varzeria ond Burued.- They deal with mik related products such as yghul, cheese, buller ghee s ice-creana emung others |The Brapksde Dary is a company thad bac sel ced incorporated _ Yonous [shakeges ip ackiow their set mission ard vision. They incase j the bibaoeg fo OV Delbevahe Ths siwhere chukaes conewed by senior managers as ¢ planned reponse to the challenges conhartirg an oryorzahan after systemmudi onalysss| of the organization omvuranment and resources. ee One Brankade Dary Liwited del berate sbabegies = oti TcHOrtel rw the year 2917, Brarkside Deary Lirstad went oT - or to | cl devolved unite as new frochers t gre the Aver 6 raglet Quip add brord vision+ The Nuprniva County develaped a Aanrewarle tht uiwed al using orbihcial inserinahon ard in- breeding b Sale ug produchor thus the prowssor was cet to vide on the gain< % the sad pabays This move made Braskcide Dairy pravde feos dain famer$ an dean milk production and handling, franaal |; vocy ocd | edge ceping - This ue to encourage Aarroors engage ov vather invest | mow oh the dainy induchy for mare prafls for the farmers aed als; the Arpaksde Dairy: 4) Qo, 4 the leader im the Dairy Markel. | In the bear 2017, the Braskcide Dairy Lincited bed anraurced &. yew ‘plan {of further cement its market leader position to the packed milk markell. The Sums markehng director, then, Dy: Moxy mechured Mat l e@ fim wast Planning 4s rake Ga Not of mvectment incudin brand 4 thraugh uagrescve media adverkicements and billbond be exe lead in the market which then stasd al 672 Lic ced thal the top ‘Managers have the will, mobvabar and the OD ve ed | Management change Prac hces ¢ right indeel tb effechvely wonage th ed ange Pracess in the argerittion. The Company managers ale oxtirnal trends, issues ard oblems confrunling iL. The company identifies and discucses artuc! polunt Cbeg oY Muysy opportunities through rigoraus SWOT Cobeongths, weaknesses , oppo tunibes, threat ) analysis by the. ag erent. Kt Ms dso noted thet team work, i tea £ ence dh the management during the chonge process» The anaace rate that the cowpury crudbs c vice Gnd cbbs uy bely guide the chenge! effort ard ensures this i¢ shared wilt omplayccs by 5 canker audy using available channels bo cummuniea! the vision | aes why mib.< a | | % 2) bre ent shategies Foie es be \, uP. Jone d achons ue 1a, Ves Ae ae oo Ae, elke ones thed stond out 30 “the oem Dairy Company = a) {xpuns jan_ard Ectablahroent - By the year 2013, the compary had set ils cye to acquire & cloke ¥ IoLlof Elentu Dury in Ethiopia + i year later, Grogkeside gor toon with Danone (an international expert in Fresh Duar froducd) , where Danone acquired 40% stake of Brookside The ortrership was cimed ot enabling Brasks:de om accelerahan by expapding ks product portfalio. and chery ening its geograp tical Presenca. in key workets in the East African Pegian 4) 150 kerbificction i” _ hn the ibe 2003, as part of Broskside’s growth strategy the com pony bought lara dearies- The Allaving year £40 Broakside awarded 150 90d) « The vecent vp. vode_ ix Iso 900112008» The el be ee aon with esate ne internal = external} Customer requurennents +. ne Wo dle Supp an Was mappe wrto key procssesand abjechves werr put in olece with the e. ral tustome in focuc. The Conrpony has also achieved HACCP cortheation ord cysteres have been upgraded {0 150 22000..2005: The carbhadar hes giver the brand beth recagrition in the doary seckor. 4 Terdlagcal advancement | Up-to- dake systems \he Byophside Dairy awarded « conbacl te Eoctya soluhon to design, § Svegly ard inctall Qrookcide Nury data and Unified [a j Aachined This involved building of the bal ava network, 1OG ; rt backbone, re-design cart network, ts accomudate Comporiee tabay . th ent cervices and pe mid, | grauth , seger S { on Idenh "iTeyaTaTseisr “ aVenposeed w tarced shalegies | Mrahges about which members of an organizabon rave Wi Ulle ehrebve chorce fuch thal the Tanager s wawd nol olherwice have chaseet iach @ Chabegy hut il cc forced on then » they include : D Rules ard vegalahone J Tho Law Nhe Mirisby of Nquaalhee publiched the doiry inducby regulations thal have mbvoduced ¢ gent cordibions where milk Processor in Kenge will no bngey col and odjuct faren gale prices af will, whid, thoy ugply when The 16 ether a chovlage or o qlul + The Bravkede wy cached yaw rile prices upword ore shilling per hbre to Kee 36 up fam Kee 36° bo cuchion farmers om the edfecks of thy QVID ETD pandemic - Neeadieg to the new regulations , the Agriudluy Cohinel Scvelary ©» covcultation with the Kenye Deary ard wil etemine dhe minima farm - gake prites baced an tachars yu as Pralecbow , bvanspan ond steabutony deduc biong, Thic will immer affect ‘the greal Kenyan milk processor cance the governmer will captrol “the prob thed can be gained by not unly Brookade (inv iled but ala other milk PYecessovs in { L) Taxation The Konyar government Slapped a 16% NAT (Valuc addled Tax) on Ugardon mile bein exported by the county » 2 Nove thal hed ! 4 y cal Leen jotendecl by protect the Counbry’< local milk morkeb. Kenyon brand milk campenies such as Braakside are the bi pracesdore of eparted roitk to Kenya The tux meors Ugendan milk will by crore expensive in Kerya ard hence tampel conmnrers to 9° } for Vogal milk bvards. 19 Ugandan fumes this ip a real lass fac ho Rammer bnilk Praceccor in Keg, a (Broskede) will be treed ib fake on loca) milk market m aide, ta cern profil . ertely he Cohn 4 and regiay el the Effels of the (ond-19 Pardemic ahs Byoaiide Dany qusl ue rw mid ) PY other Companies faced the wralh : Trib HOT.’ | of the Covi 19 Pardermes The Desvy war farced fo dase da F lula Ipwela Pegwnal factory duc 4 Fhe high cast of doing baste dry the purdeme The teclny s seid ty having to be close 7 as ob were numevove losses and coud ra longer be susteines lhe fajhovy pravded hundreds of locale with employment wherahid 45 1 of the tote milk production in the coastal weg? ») Radfeed shrabegies j thus ula combirahar of clvategies thod Gre 10 the end adopted wether intended, dehberade ,mpuced or emergent - Thc ave shategies Uhcel end up being inplemente 20) Bony Leader in the Dany Market Nie Fa hate y thal hor Yeedy been implemented , as Broakeerde Dairy studs | omanges all. other milk brarde iv the last Mica purchased or rather acquired Conorrunt ty. The compory hos cuccesc full cin the Kenya. Kain Merkel , marking lop | Other numerous byand. of the thor t in the dos inductry. the | t brand in ile forge pocket 16 Delemere , popularly knawn fy ils quality yoghurt , wos estubliched and ren by the most influonhol Bribch alten. a the luk oer, the brand hes been on conctand charge ard the moths of advertcing 16 quite impressive »Coxring mare profits tho ather yoghurt and milk Crand locally mode - by Vochtalag cal odvancenent / The Braokcide Kary Limited hes npraved its tecbralogical ure Lb, Sethrg up digital gna te input data and communicahoy< ty 2 vue by Ciechvelys This Posec a challenge b venous compebtor, the market who hove yet b update. their techrslagice.t Systeme in The rea shows thot the campery havin odjusted Bren firms of techrolagy oon the night wat ta cudeoss. Tat giteys HOT. | | ) The) Elects of the Covin-i9 Rardenic | Baspbd hosieg fired hana of ex-omplayees in the Gaslel rey. due tp the furdemic, Broskade Dairy pad oul ovey 100 millon ihdlings im coun boouses ta farmers Conbacked by the amar Te, campery 6 davetoy of milk pruaaement ond monutucturing » ohn Lathi), explained thal they made deliberabe eff ls b incertinze | farmers amid the shacks of the Guin -19 Rendemic+ This ensures) lays! bebveen the farmers ard the Brarkeide Peary Lionited «The veword scheme pod bonvses la farmers based on cell quality ard) fay Ji passing Luygly largels. ! 5) Uneahieed strategies: This bre interded oy “lolibevecte sbategies that do not hep pen a) Te \nolagica) odven cement | Dep heaing achieved the harchr of data and running Dranicabion ina diglal Menney here is still Q GaP > The Daim I vt to oslublk a digtol wccessory pont of sale to the Had Offre y this will be a digital platiom whereby farmers can eacily sell their praduce online| Grd ako for easy transpat bo collected fare ther veadences This will remove @ high cart of burden on the fwmer Gnd entwe lag by Ord locking _ I frrvertact fo the Companys to consider overstocling be ensure Abed luring shavlages there are mm acces bey experienced: Hithough the mille Aself Gn ga bad, skimmed roilk ee encure thal the Campery oes nat vun dul of aphons a clace down becinecs Sy Vuck of Yow product - 4 Mahagewant rege ree bik he campory 4 yel to achiew Was shudegy. Thie ay led far a shidy hut rommends the Brookside Nang ‘ ed Mone tess (lof in oder change mindsets soar bo Ae yl ratOT bing Proceder , the Broskede Deary shadd | reves fore in Coremunica bn their intended change Ovacesses i good Hme ord in the right rranner £4 thed employes can aw0 the pracess ond perfarm effectively. | CONCLUSION The Brookside Nowry Limited, ic headed t achieve ite set goal ¢ _ ond bibchwes ,ax it has more Pramicing achievable chactegies pul in plays than other competing milk brands ie the regian | “Tho Comppet tisn i“ reducing and 60 awider oppartueity for the “oiganvzebor bb evalwe and cabshy the morket demand: REFERENCES VBusinele Daly Nahar Mica 2016 aNahow| Media Grup 2017 3Drahaby Konya September 2417 by Bonjonin Obey - WING ng Mune Nyeri, Management Recoarch Prajeck , University ot — Naavobi , November 2016 East Arica Edition 2, Boskecide Par JEache} Golbhions , 2016 DFaod Buriness Africa » 2020 Moka dired » 2020 by Juma: pearing Today December 2026 by Morhr Sle

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