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Do you think abuse is a main concern in society?

Out of 31 responses 51.6% chose yes as their answer. In my words most people chose yes
because child abuse has many negative impacts on society. Victims of child abuse often grow
old and start to pick up violence. Some victims will also abuse their own children thinking its the
right thing to do

Do you think there should be more awareness about child abuse?

Out of 31 responses all were yes. people should be more awareof child abuse in order to help
the victims. If more people step up in the fight against child abuse the number of child abuse
cases will fall

What are the physical effects of abuse on children?

According to the graph, the majority of the votes are they become anxious and fearful. Children
would become fearful because they think that everyone around them is going to abuse them
and this affects them mentally

In which way a community can help reduce child abuse?

In the bar graph it shows that 51.6%of people propose that people should know the signs of
shield abuse and know how to report it. If members of communities know the signs of child
abuse and how to report it this can cause a great decrease in child abuse cases in communities.

What do you think are reasons children are being abused?

Financial problems is the leading answer. Parents who are financially unstable find it hard to
take care of their children and this will lead to stress resulting in parents abusing children
because of the stress.

Which is the best way of ending child abuse?

There was a tie in the votes of this question with behavioral parenting programmes and
treatment to lessen harms of abuse and neglect exposure with both reaching a number of 17
votes. Behavioral parenting classes will help parents to be more caring to their children and not
abuse them and treatment to lessen harms of abuse and neglect exposure will help the children
who are victims to get through the abuse

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