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ZPPC FAUJI FERTILIZER COMPANY LIMITED P.O. GOTH MACHH64450, SADIQABAD DISTT RAHIM YAR KHAN, PAKISTAN December 14, 2013 Ref. No. FFC/6003025598. M/S FIDA Construction Company, Tarbela Road Topi-Swabi H. No 313 St. No. 12 See F/S Hayatabad ase 6 SERVICES TO CARRY OUT CONSTRUCTION OF COAL FIRED BOILERS PROJECT SUBJECT: Please submit the attached “Request for quotation” by fulfilling the following: © Your lowest price quote © Your sign and seal mark. Please sené your sealed bid indicating the subject title by December 31,2013. Regards, SEMNT (P&S) sultcerali@@fle.compk ‘Tele : PABX [068) 5673001 - 09, (068) 5788420 -27 FAX : 066) 5786401 com AGREEMENT 1PS-02 SUBCONTRACTOR ‘Sabsemintcor: MS Fiu Construction ‘Wes Sie: UPS ang Se i aad WN 381 Na 12 Seo FIs Pinas “Pest USAID Coren NO SECS Rayatabod (CD Consors, Cotet COFSC-L-6715-002 eigenen en PR TH eosoin2 ‘Prt Mame PPS Bling foe opines (COD Conse ne TROSLAIL-TIN236, Gl Seabee CONSTRUCLION OF HEAD OF ACE FOR TAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF FARLIAMENTRY SKRVICES PtP) ISLAMABAD “FAV arr Sal prsanarnaeplpe tipo vow jie al poral Sil tomcog pean — ‘eration as tad eof wok eee Mer inorgcraig tail corms, sb cake 9 deer Bad eepct and wo so opi ea ipa. erin be cing pasts aaa Risin pee 4 tunpSon Counc Pice: FARR 1.78400 1 Onan 20 %ofeamactamaine «5: Onconpien of eld was W% ofcourse On iain ad arene ielrepo ad ber avenbe a price sek 30% 1 ois cel wills wih it fom Nove 72008 a Darwin of te coma i 2 as Alivio wl be orp by Novena 7,208 4 Th exe work ibe sonplens hy 18 Desenber 2305 CONSULTANTS FOR SMALL DAMS FEASIBILITY STUDY Gentek Consult Ltd. Gesseh Gesseeavieat toaiae ‘Tay Ott anatot OFeca (euch Getcha apherig a Com t He aoe (Gest ote, Cove Cad a TR aaa (S80 Cavagh Anon Torey, [8 90 012 OTE Fs 0312) 488805 rane 8.836012 Fae otsta807 Wacwretgenaaneschcon Cee Inipeadeconacte Witewawameemgl Cal: prjtedu coma, Fido Construction HL Na. 315 St Na 12 Ste Fis Pe 6 Haystabadl Posbawar Our Ret SDRS/108 May 25.2012 Subject: Ws ‘Acceptance Letter for Geotechnical Investigations of 1. Maobi Dato Site 2, ‘Thiru Khoi Das Site 3. Sibval Khiager Dare Site 4 Tarmas Dam Sice 5, Injeee Dani Sive 6, Poldan Dam Site 7. Nalter Dam Site Ref cur fetter No, SDFSVIUI dated Muy 22, 2012. You have proguocd the required documents con May 24, 2012. The docunaents provided 4 us by you, as per the sequiremests of tbe WCAP and World Bunk, apparealy seen complete for te-jdging your post-qulitcstion. Furtier you ‘ygoe 10 fill he eoaitons to ecescte te works within the tne limit preserived in tbe Tender Docurnerns. ‘Tae lowest tes offered by you in your bidding documents have been upprovediaasspied by the Cormpeteat Authority. You are requested to attend this ollce insnediately for signing of the (Contract Agreemeot slong with perfomance security With Best Hi ‘ Ai ‘Geatek Consult Lid, Turkey C1 Project Diteotor WCAP/PMPIU 2 Team Leader WCAPPMPIU % Team Leader Gemel: Cons d. Turkey NESPAK-ELECTRA-ICS Joint Venture ceseiees Raeaa aner, (Parone Hou ba sto SONSULTANTS ines ent DETALE® DESIGN AND CONPTHUCTION EUPERRAHON OF AEMODGLLNG — Yammrernataaarn ‘OF WANSAK CANAL SYSTE& IN PESHAVINR & NOMSHERA DISTRICTS pate oo Ret: 3379/065/AM/BSIO 6 2S Date: July 09, 2012 ‘MIS FIDA Construction Company, ‘Tarbela Road TopisSmabi ‘A. No 313 St, No, 12 See F/S Phase 6 Hayatabad Subject; “REMODELING OF WARSAK CANAL SYESTEM. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WORKS PACKAGE 6: INVESTIGATION ALONG WARSAK GRAVITY AND LIFT CANALS METTER OF AWARD Reference Dest St, We are pleasod to natiy tat the conipetant suthoity has aceepted your Bid dated May 15,2012, for Package B: Investigations Along Warsak Gravity and Lilt Canals for a Contract price of Pokistanl Rupees Seven Million Five Hundred Thirty Seven Thowonds Four Hundred Forty (As. 7,587,440) This Contract price is the result of une meeting for negotiations for euduetion in tha td price ‘eld on May 31, 2012 between Project Consultants, Contractor and Citent Represantatives at Pestuawar. In accordance with sub-clause 2.8 of the Bidding Documents you are directed to furnish & performance security (nthe forms of an unconditional bork guarantee within 03 Celerndar days ia vn ‘mount of ten percent (10%) of the Corxroct Prca, The Yorm of performance secuety prouded ln the Bidding Documents may be used. Vou ace dieetas to ater into ved aeacuta wlthin 08 Colanday Bays from the date of isue of Letter of award of Comiact Agroennent wht the Froject Manages, Rewodsing of Warsak Canta System, NESPAK, Water Resource OWvlon, NESPAK Howse, 16 Blade, Model Town Extenslon Lahore. Accepted by Projet Manager ? Waocad oi Panes (Pv) Laie He DAES Seter D5. ‘omar us few fenees er nt Pa) Fae gaa Poin, + Bear oreramtn (eo essTS Seow Pra Wreywapecoene aitate fe Sng Gowvary Seve ry Ute Zim Me tank orm cance FOl8 OSH

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