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Princess Yvhie R.


Readings 1: (Travelogue) Antonio Pigafetta’s First Voyage Around

the World

Pre-Reading Activity

A. Background of the Author

Antonio Pigafetta who is also known by the name of Antonio Lombrado or Francisco Antonio
Pigafetta. He was a famous traveller and explorer. He was born around 1490 and died on 1534 in
the city of Vicenza, a town about a hundred kilometers west of Venice, Italy. His eldest child
among his siblings of two and his parents is Giovanni Pigafetta and Angela Zoga. Antonio
Pigafetta studied astronomy, geography and cartography. He also served on board the ships of the
Knights of Rhodes at the beginning of the 16th Century. He was accompanied with Ferdinand
Magellan Pigafetta. He is considered as the first circumnavigation of the world since he was one
of the 18 men who made the complete trip, returning to Spain in 1522, under the command of Juan
Sebastián Elcano, out of the approximately 240 who set out three years earlier. These men
completed the first circumnavigation of the world. Others mutinied and returned in the first year.
And he also joined the expedition to the Spice Islands led by explorer Ferdinand Magellan under
the flag of the emperor Charles V and after Magellan's death in the Philippine Islands, the
subsequent voyage around the world.

B. Historical Background of the Text

First Voyage Around the World by Antonio Pigafetta is a classic of discovery and exploration
literature. Pigafetta's book he created contains his personal journal in which he wrote the countries,
year, language, and events of every place they had visited. This book was created during the
expedition made by Magellan from 1519 and ended in Spain in the year of 1522. It contains 288
pages and survived in four manuscript versions; one in Italian and the rest in French. It is a
narrative and cartographic record of the journey (including 23 hand-drawn water colour charts)
from Patagonia to Indonesia, from the Philippines to the Cape of Good Hope. It is also an accurate
ethnographic and geographical account of the circumnavigation of the globe.
Pigafetta gave copies of his work to a number of influential people upon his arrival in Europe, but
sadly, his original journal has been lost, and it is unknown what language it was written in.
For me, the intended audience of his work is first and foremost is the readers of his journal,
the European people and even the Filipinos and the future generation because he wrote more on
the events happening in their circumnavigation around the world that can helps the us people and
other generation to visualize and revived the past events happened in the history. This book serves
as both a source of information regarding the actual journey and a historical Western account of
the people and languages of the Philippines. It documented all of the activities and experiences
they had while on the excursion. Because it contributes to comprehending and revitalising history,
Antonio Pigaffeta's creation has become his greatest accomplishment. It gives a number of insights
into the pre-colonial character of the Philippines as well as how the Europeans' new eyes view an
extremely foreign landscape, people, and culture.

While-reading Activity

C. Content Analysis of the Important Historical Information Found in the Document

While reading, I found certain significant aspects in Antonio Pigafetta's book "The First
Voyage Around the World '' that serve as proof and evidence that the world is round, not flat. We
also find out the different dates, places and even their discoveries in the particular events that occur
in their expedition. Since Magellan and his crew crossed the International Dateline, there is one
day added to the original dates that Antonio Pigaffeta wrote in his book for the better perspective
of us Filipinos. He travels to various locations as Magellan's assistant and a traveller during the
time he is writing his journey. Although he is not a writer in the traditional sense, his journal,
which he has kept since the day they began their journey around the world, has helped him become
well-known up to this point. Magellan discovered the Pacific Ocean and proved that there was a
way to the east by sailing west. Because the author describes both the good and bad aspects of
what happens during their adventure, I can say that the author is not biased. Because what he does
is he simply records what he observes around him at the time, and it is obvious that he is really not
supporting anyone.
They arrived in Samar, then known as Zamal, on March 16, 1521. The island is now known
as Homohon and was formerly known as Humunu. The residents of Zamal welcomed them with
warm-heartedness approach and give them something to eat and drink such as the different native
products that Samar has. On March 31, 1521, the first mass in the Philippines was held at Mazaua
known as Limasawa now. It was attended by Magellan, Raia Colambu, Raia Siaui, Spanish
voyagers and even the local islanders. On April 7, 1521, they arrived at the port of Zubu in which
Magellan and his men encountered some struggle as the "King" of Zubu wanted to pay tribute to
them but Magellan refused and threatened him with war.
A week after their arrival in Zubu, on April 14, 1521, they celebrated mass with Raja
Humabon and baptised 800 individuals. Pigafetta also presented the queen with a picture of the
Child Jesus and a cross, asking her to preserve them in place of her idols. The Child Jesus is now
commemorated in Cebu every January as Santo Nino. On April 26, 1521, Datu Zula, the chief of
the island of Matan (Mactan), greeted the Spanish explorers. The battle of Mactan was initiated
when Datu Zula asked the captain to destroy Lapu- Lapu after the other chief, Lapu- Lapu, refused
to submit to the King of Spain. Natives outsmarted them and defeated them using "patibongs." The
battle was not going in the voyagers' favor. The commander advised them to abandon this futile
battle the following day,
On April 26, 1521, Datu Zula, the chief of the island of Matan (Mactan), greeted the Spanish
explorers. The battle of Mactan was initiated when Datu Zula asked the captain to destroy Lapu-
Lapu after the other chief, Lapu- Lapu, refused to submit to the King of Spain. Natives outsmarted
them and defeated them using "patibongs." The battle was not going in the voyagers' favour. On
April 27, 1521 eighth of Magellan's men were killed, four Indians were killed by mortars.
Post-Reading Activity

D. Contribution and Relevance of the Document in Understanding the Grand Narrative of

Philippine History

"First Voyage Around the World" elaborated the lifestyle back then and it described what the
local Islanders wore, what they ate, how they communicated, and how they lived. From this, it
helped people to determine and make people understand how these past events really give
significance to the Philippines history and how they coped up when Magellan and his crew arrived
in the Philippines. It is considered the best source today of the customs and usages of the Filipinos
in the early 16th century due to the daily notes Pigafetta took and details about expeditions that he
wrote about. This is when the war begins with Lapu-Lapu and Magellan within the battle in
Mactan, and Pigafetta's book helps researchers and students in understanding the context of the
Magellan expedition and how the entire Europe-Philippines conflict started. It also helps them in
understanding the context of the Magellan expedition and the origins of the entire European-
Philippine conflict. The Philippines is extremely grateful to Antonio Pigafetta for having written
his journal in the past and for preserving it for future generations because this book also offers the
first vocabulary of Visayan words ever offered by a European.
We may now look back on the past and understand what truly happened in the past due to
this book. We are able to preserve history for next other generations by studying this text.
Additionally, it can be useful because Lapu-Lapu, who struggled for his rights and society,
chronicled his life in this notebook. Businesses expanded as a result of the discoveries that went
into creating the various products. Collaborations were also formed that benefited the various
parties. I've learned about the ancient religion of the Filipino people, the rise of Catholicism in the
Philippines, and how our ancestors resisted the Spanish occupation for many years. Growing up,
we've understood this issue just simply as the start of the Spanish era and Magellan being the
Philippines' villain without taking into debate the context and different reasons for the expedition.
This book opened many doors for Spain together with many other different countries around the
world due to the different discoveries from this expedition. It led the world to be a more globalized
society because of how other countries were revealed to the European countries.
Pigaffeta underlined the native's compassion and hospitality to the expedition team by giving
them a very warm welcome, as when we think back to the book. It seems, if the locals of
Homonhon Island had not previously supplied the Europeans food and water, and if the ships'
provisions had not been refilled from local sources, there might not have been a circumnavigation.
The most important thing he discovered during his voyage, before he returned to Spain, was how
different people live in each of the nations they have visited, particularly how Filipinos live in
Cebu, how generous and welcoming Filipinos are to visitors, and most importantly, how simply
Filipinos live in our nation.

E. Relevance of the Documents to the Present Time

We all know that the book made by Antonio Pigaffeta regarding the First Voyage Around
the World was made more than a few years ago but is still being studied and talked about until the
present time. Until now, Antonio Pigaffeta was known. Since Antonio Pigafetta was the first to
record the Magellan expedition, he stands apart from the other survivors and Spaniards who
returned to their homeland. No one else has written about the Magellan expedition aside from him.
This document is also the only document containing the life of Lapu-Lapu that was useful for
understanding Philippine History.
In reading this book, we encountered many keypoints and realization that is not only
involved in our history but continuously can be seen up to the present time. Just like what marks
on my mind, are the traits of the Filipinos that are still evident to Filipinos up to now. Up until
now, the main personalities of us Filipinos are being generous, respectful and hospitable. Another,
is the continuously remembering the concept of being brave of Filipinos through the Pigafetta’s
work until the present time, because we can see that the life of Lapu- Lapu as the first Filipino
hero of the Philippines who conquered the Portuguese who attempted to colonize Mactan Island
is part of the content of this document.
It is still being remembered over the time because this document serves as the only way on
how people can clearly visualize and understand the past events in our life. It can broaden human
knowledge of the entire world in which we live, not just the nation in which we currently reside.
I've learned a lot about both Philippine and global history through this work.
People have been impacted by this work because, as we are all aware, we all have our own
perceptions and opinions about history. However, with the aid of this, people have become
educated and enlightened about what the actual events in our history were. We developed an
appreciation for those minor historical occurrences that have major historical significance. And
maybe most significantly, we are aware of and have learnt about all the sacrifices they made
throughout our history. And as a result, they truly deserved to be revered in all future generations.

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