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College of Zoology

A Bardic College for Friends of Nature


College of Zoology
he charms of bards are not reserved for  

humanoids. In fact, a bard of the College of
Zoology finds it easier to make friends with
the animals around them. Believing
animals to be bearers of true wisdom, these
bards can be found gathering information
from, and enjoying the company of, any
animal they cross paths with. They’ve even learned to
summon these creatures and inspire them to perform
beyond their normal abilities in battle.
The following subclass is an option available for
bards to select at 3rd level.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Zoology at 3rd level, you
gain proficiency with the Animal Handling, Nature, and

Survival skills. If you already have proficiency in

a given skill, you gain Expertise in that skill

Friend of Nature
Also at 3rd level, you learn the animal

friendship, and speak with animals spells. You

have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling)

checks made with beasts you have observed for 1

Additional Spells
At 6th-level, you learn the conjure animals spell. The
spell counts as a bard spell for you, but doesn’t count
against the number of bard spells you know. While you
are concentrating on this spell and use your bonus
action to grant bardic inspiration to an ally, you may
also choose one of the summoned creatures to be
inspired as well.
Animal Lord
At 14th-level, animals are instinctively bolstered by your
presence. When you cast a conjuration spell that
summons creatures, such as the conjure animals spell,
you can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration as a bonus
action to grant each creature temporary hit points equal
to the number rolled on the Bardic die.

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