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GOD MATTERS XS IB CLE 2011-2012 Full Name Liam Ng 4G Section 7 LC#

Note: This is your digital worksheet. You will nd the instructions for todays module here. Perform the requested tasks using this Pages le. In other words, make it your own. Thank you!

Part One: YOUR Epistemological World Views Summarize here your ndings (even if tentative!) about your theories of knowledge. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Morality Religion Item #s 1, 5, 14 4, 8, 12 3, 7, 10 6, 9, 11 2, 13, 15 YOUR world view Evaluativist Evaluativist Relativist Relativist Relativist Brief Reason + Remarks None None None None Across different religions (not within Christianity)

Part Two: Ways of Knowing How important are the different Ways of Knowing in the different domains? Rate them from 1 to 10 according to importance, with 10 as VERY IMPORTANT. If there are other ways of knowing/judging, use the last column and specify. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Morality Religion Sense Perception 5 4 8 4 3 Reason 10 7 4 9 5 Language 5 6 4 6 8 Emotion 5 8 6 8 8 NONE NONE NONE NONE Faith (10) Others?

Part Three: AUTHORITY and/or EVIDENCE When you justify claims, how much do you actually rely on External Authority and Direct Evidence for every domain? Assign a percentage to each one per domain (Just make an estimate, so NO decimal points--e.g., 25.2321%!). Make sure both total 100%. Domains Natural Science Social Science Art Morality Religion % AUTHORITY 20 25 60 10 50 % EVIDENCE 80 75 40 90 50 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Brief Reason + Remarks Habit of researching Habit of researching I may swayed by critics words I made my own moral code No comment.

Some learnings, comments, connections... Based on the results, Ive come to understand that I am not completely sure about anything. My understanding of evaluativist is that while I may consider many different opinions and claims about a particular issue, I am more partial to one specic claim. This world view appropriately describes me because I never say that any claim is completely wrong because a well-thought out claim would have at least 15% percent of the idea to be reasonable, logical, and in context. In reality, there are always more ways to explain the various things occurring around and within us. That said, there will also be better ways of explaining these phenomena. Im a relativist in the elds of art and morality to an extent; I say this because I still have boundaries to being relativist. For instance, I, like many other people, think that killing is bad. However, my view on violent video games and such is denitely different from that of conservative groups. I guess that my view towards these areas of knowledge is that I dont have sufcient understanding about morality and art (and its relation to physiological functions, mental health, etc.) to actually make a stand. Ive also come to realize that I rarely believe in the claims of others w/o seeing evidence. I usually ask for gures, statistics, assurances before I believe people (unless there is an element of trust, but then again, that would probably be backed up by previous instances of success). I guess this has something to do with me being an evaluativist because the evaluativist world view calls for the careful analysis of evidence and data that supports claims. It could also reect my trust issues, but thats a different story altogether.

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