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Hex Workshop v6, the Professional Hex Editor

Copyright 1995-2009 BreakPoint Software, Inc.

32 bit version - hw32v601.exe

-[ Description ]--------------------------------------------------------

The Hex Workshop Hex Editor by BreakPoint Software is a complete set

of hexadecimal development tools for Microsoft Windows 2000 and later.
Hex Workshop combines advanced binary editing and data interpretation
with the ease and flexibility of a modern word processor. With the
Hex Workshop, you can edit, cut, copy, paste, insert, fill and delete
binary data. You can also work with data in its native structure and
data types using our integrated structure view and smart bookmarks.
Data editing is quick and easy with our extensive features that allow
you to: jump to file or sector location, find or replace data,
perform arithmetic and logical operations, binary compare files,
generate checksums and digests, view character distributions and
export data to RTF or HTML for publishing.

Hex Workshop supports drag and drop abilities and is easily used from
your most frequent workspace. Hex Workshop includes a Sector Editor
with disk imaging tools, a Base Converter for converting between hex,
decimal and binary data types, and a Hex Calculator supporting
arithmetic and logical operations. Also included is our Data
Inspector that allows you to quickly edit and view data in decimal,
floating point or time and date representations.

The Hex Workshop Hex Editor is available at a retail price of $89.95

(with volume and academic discounts and site licenses available). For
more information, visit the Hex Workshop web site at or send e-mail inquiries to

Key Features:
- Rich Feature Set
- Highly Customizable User Interface
- Data Interpretation and Parsing
- Integrated Binary Comparison

Rich Feature Set

Hex Workshop features a broad and powerful set of features ranging
from the ability to color map data sequences to the interpretation of
data though our integrated structure viewer and smart bookmarks. Our
many features include: binary data editing, importing and exporting
blocks of data, searching for data by hex strings, text, Unicode,
bitmasks, or decimal values, viewing character distributions, sector
editing, embedded data operations, binary file comparison, and
import/export capabilities.

Highly Customizable User Interface

Hex Workshop allows users to customize the look of the main editor
window through highly specific color definitions for the data and
backgrounds and also through the ability to define how and what data
will be displayed. Users can adjust the grouping of hex data, the
number of bytes display per line, offset lengths, offset bases, etc.
Windows can also be docked or pinned to maximize your editing
Integrated tools allow users to color code and tag data within the
editor. For example, while viewing a structure in Hex Workshop, users
are able to color graphically see the data ranges of structure
members. All color coding is user definable.

Data Interpretation and Parsing

Three integrated tools are available to help parse and combine data
within Hex Workshop. The Structure Viewer applies C-style structures
to data within the editor and allows the user to visually view and
edit that data. Smart Bookmarks allow users to add bookmarks to a
file with functions, mathematical operations, and data types. Users
can view and edit both the bookmark and the bookmark's value. Color
maps allow users to apply color attributes to hex sequences or
character ranges to help identify data within a file.

Integrated Binary Comparison

Integrated resynchronizing binary comparisons allow users to compare
binary files and review each difference. Starting offsets, lengths,
and compare parameters, and color renderings are all user-defined.

-[ Specifications ]-----------------------------------------------------
- Microsoft Windows 2000 or later.
- Administrative access for installation, registration, and sector
- 1 GHz x86 processor
- 512 MB of system memory
- 20 MB of available disk space plus

-[ Changes ]------------------------------------------------------------

Hex Workshop v6 includes: enhanced color coding; quick goto feature

located in the toolbar; additional comparison options; SHA2, RIPEMD,
Tiger and Whirlpool hash generation; new and reorganized preferences;
view structure validation result when adding; the ability to launch Hex
Workshop from a network drive or USB key; plus much more.

For a complete list of new features and product enhancements, see the
"history.txt" file located in the installation directory or visit us
online at

-[ More Info ]----------------------------------------------------------

Check out our WWW Home Pages,

for the latest Hex Workshop information (including new version

announcements and betas) and to join the Hex Workshop Mailing List.

-[ Upgrading ]----------------------------------------------------------

Upgrade Notes:

Any one purchasing Hex Workshop v5 within the 6 months prior to the
Hex Workshop v6 release can upgrade for no charge.

Hex Workshop 5.x or earliers customers may upgrade to Hex Workshop

v6 at a reduce cost. Please see the "UpgradeNow.html" file in your
installation directory or visit
for more information.

-[ Unlocking ]----------------------------------------------------------

Unlocking Hex Workshop:

Hex Workshop can be unlocked from the Hex Workshop About Box
(located under the Help|About Hex Workshop Menu) by clicking the
"Register" button.

-[ Distribution ]-------------------------------------------------------

You may copy and distribute the unmodified demonstration version of

this software in electronic form. You are prohibited from charging
for or distributing this software with other products (commercial or
otherwise) without the expressed permission of BreakPoint Software,

-[ Contacting Us ]------------------------------------------------------

Please direct any inquiries to BreakPoint Software:



Hex Workshop can be ordered for $89.95. See the "OrderNow.html" file
located in your installation directory, or visit for more information.

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