Human Factors - DRM Dispatchers

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1. Evaluation of options in the decision-making process involves:

a. Positive and negative considerations
b. Values and costs
c. Planned and impromptu considerations
d. Assigning tasks
2. “Press-on-itis” is a:
a. Common dilemma faced by all pilots
b. Is only experienced by skilled pilots
c. Only happens to inexperienced pilots
d. Is rarely faced by good pilots
3. A decision is “good” when:
a. It can be implemented within the available time
b. Time is not an issue. The decision must be correct
c. Time can be an issue but the correct perception is the important factor
d. When other members of the crew agree
4. An “Implicit” question:
a. Is another name for closed questions
b. Requires deductions to be made before an answer is possible
c. Does not Require deductions to be made before an answer is possible
d. Requires a quick answer
5. The contents of a Transmitter’s message will depend on:
a. The Receiver’s image of the Transmitter
b. The Transmitter’s image of the Receiver
c. The Transmitter’s image of the situation
d. The Transmitter’s image of the perceived situation
6. Fatigue/overload:
a. Sometimes affects decision-making
b. Rarely affects decision-making
c. Never affects decision-making
d. Always affects decision-making
7. Lack of experience will have the following effect on the decision-making process:
a. Will speed it up (leaping in at the deep end).
b. Slow it down
c. Have no effect
d. Disrupt the process
8. What are the laws that the Gestalt Theory propose?
a. The laws of Perception
b. The laws of Perceptual Illusions
c. The laws of Perceptual Reception
d. The laws of Perceptual Organisation

F.D. inst. Farid Serchesi

9. What are the key points of a good briefing?
a. Individual, understood and simple
b. Individual, clear and simple
c. Individual, understood and short
d. Simple, clear, understood and individual
10. What is a dialogue?
a. A conversation between two people
b. A series of communications on different subjects between a transmitter and receiver
c. A series of communications on the same subject between a transmitter and receiver
d. A communication between two or more people or machines

11. In communications what is Hypertext?

a. The set of implicit information contained in a written text or spoken message
b. A recommended layout for checklists
c. The set of implicit information contained in a spoken message
d. A recommended layout for checklists and emergency drills
12. What is meant by the term “Synergy”?
a. Synergy is the state where the individual performances exceeds the sum of the group
b. Synergy is the state where the group performance exceeds the sum of the individual
c. Synergy is the state where the group performance exceeds the sum of the individual
performances by 50%
d. Synergy is the state where the individual performances exceeds the sum of the group
performance by 50%
13. Communication is primarily used for what purpose?
a. It is the main tool to ensure coordination
b. It is the main tool to ensure comprehension
c. It is the main tool to ensure harmony
d. It is the main tool to ensure understanding
14. Among the rules to improve crew co-operation are:
a. Good briefings and awareness of cultural differences
b. Good briefings and a harmonious cockpit atmosphere
c. Use professional language
d. Resist putting your opinion forward first
15. People tend to be biased to make a:
a. Risky loss rather than a certain loss even if the expected loss from the former is greater
b. Risky loss rather than a certain loss even if the expected loss from the former is less
c. Risky loss rather than a certain loss even if the expected loss from the latter is greater
d. Risky loss rather than a certain loss even if the expected loss from the latter is far

F.D. inst. Farid Serchesi

16. The risk of an Airprox (near miss) is normally:
a. Overestimated
b. Underestimated
c. Discounted
d. Accurately assessed
17. Negative events are tended to be overestimated when:
a. They are well published
b. Obvious
c. Under published
d. The results are unclear
18. Skill-based errors only occur:
a. In those with little or no experience
b. In those who are in the learning process
c. In those who have only part-learned a procedure/system
d. In those with experience
19. Knowledge based behaviour enables people to:
a. Deal smoothly and quickly with procedures
b. Deal with situations involving other people and especially with the flight and cabin crews
c. Deal with known situations
d. Deal with unfamiliar and new situations
20. In evaluating data dispatchers are influenced by:
a. Their knowledge
b. Their previous experience
c. Situational awareness
d. Their state of health

21. The refusal to move away from a theory once formed in spite of evidence to the
contrary is called:
a. Mind set
b. Mind bias
c. Confirmation bias
d. Decision set
22. What is the Jens Rasmussen’s Model?
a. “KRS”
b. “SKR”
c. “SRK”
d. “KSR”
23. Among the most important factors which might interfere with Situational
Awareness are:
a. Weather patterns
b. Inter-personal differences
c. Hopes, wishes and desires
d. Poor office layouts

F.D. inst. Farid Serchesi

24. The lowest level of Maslow’s pyramid of needs is:
a. Physiological needs
b. Safety and security needs
c. Belonging and affection needs
d. Self-esteem needs
25. A tendency to ask leading questions is a symptom of:
a. Increased awareness
b. Decreased awareness
c. Increased situational awareness
d. Decreased situational awareness

26. Action slip is an error of:

a. Skilled-based behaviour
b. Knowledge-based behaviour
c. Rule-based behaviour
d. None of the above
27. The tendency to call to mind past experiences and link them incorrectly to a
perceived mental model is called:
a. Confirmation bias
b. Action slip
c. Environmental capture
d. Frequency bias
28. Which of the following elements make up the personality of an individual ?
1. Heredity
2. Childhood environment
3. Upbringing
4. Past experience
a. 2,3
b. 2,3,4
c. 1,2,3,4
d. 1,2,4
29. What is the most effective way of analysing personality ?
a.Group therapy
b.Written questionnaires
c.Personal interviews
d.Two dimensional model

30. What are the personality traits of a good dispatcher ?

a.Reliable and stable
b.Stable and extraverted
c.Reliable and extraverted
d.Reliable , calm and extraverted

F.D. inst. Farid Serchesi

31. What “P” and “G” qualities should a dispatcher have ?
b.G++ P++
32. What should a dispatcher do before making a non-urgent decision?
a.Put his own view forward and then ask for the opinions of other members of the crew
b.Consider all the implications
c.Encourage ideas from the crew before giving his own opinion
s.Monitor his motor programme (flying)
33. Good Synergy is:
a. 1 + 1 = 2
b. 1 + 1 = < 2
c. 1 + 1 = < 4
d. 1 + 1 = > 2
34. What is meant by the term 'complacency'?
a. Physiological consequences on dispatchers because of stress
b. Careless negligence or unjustified self-confidence
c. To question possible solutions
d. An agreement between dispatcher and Captain due to Crew Resources Management

35. The process of responding to a sender by confirming the reception of a message is

a. feedback
b. redundancy
c. synchronization
d. transference
36. Which statement is correct?
a. There is no relation between bad communication and incidents or accidents.
b. Bad communication behaviour improves flight safety.
c. Problems in the personal relation between team members do not cause problems in their
communication process.
d. Problems in the personal relation between team members cause problems in their
communication process.
37. What is synergy in a team ?
a. The coordinated action of unrelated individual performances in achieving a non-standard task
b. The uncoordinated action of the crewmembers towards a common objective
c.The coordinated action of all members towards a common objective, in which collective
performance is proving to be more than the sum of the individual performances
d. A behavioural way associated with the desynchronisation of the coordinated actions

F.D. inst. Farid Serchesi

38. Success in achieving the objectives of a message requires:
a. differences in contexts for the sender and the receiver
b. a form of the message, which should not match the expectation of the receiver
c. different codes between form and meaning
d. the matching of verbal, non-verbal and contextual meanings
39. How do you understand the statement 'one cannot not communicate'?
a. You cannot influence your own communication.
b. The statement above is a incorrect .
c. Being silent is nonverbal behavior which expresses a meaning.
d. Each situation requires communication.
40. Which behaviour does most likely promote a constructive solution of interpersonal
a. Active listening.
b. Responding with counter-arguments.
c. Staying to the own point of view.
d. Giving up the own point of view.
41. DRM (Dispatcher Resource Management) training is:
a. intended to develop effectiveness of crew performance by improving attitudes towards flight
safety and human relationship management.
b. not intended to change the individual's attitude at all
c. intended only to alter an individual's personality;
d. is mainly of importance to dispatchers with personality problems
42. Nonverbal communication
a. is of no meaning in the cockpit
b. is always used intentionally
c. should be avoided by all means in the cockpit
d. supports verbal communication
43. The calculation of risk in a particular situation will be based on
a. situational factors only
b. perception and evaluation of situational factors
c. external factors only
d. the safety manual only
44. In decision making , the selection of a solution depends:
a. on objective and subjective criteria
b. on the objective to be achieved
c. on the risks associated with each solution
d. above all on the personality of the decision –maker
45. The confirmation bias of decision making is:
a. a tendency to ignore information which shows that decision is wrong.
b. a tendency not to look for information which confirms the decision
c. a tendency not to look for information which confirms a judgement
d. a tendency to look for facts that confirm what to expect before implementing decision

F.D. inst. Farid Serchesi

46. According to Rasmussen’s model, errors in skill based behaviour are
a. errors made during routine tasks
b.creative errors
c. knowledge errors
d. errors made when carrying out a check-list
47. Waiting for take-off on the runway, a pilot is informed by the tower that the tail
wind component is 12 knots. According to the manual, the limitation is knots
maximum. The pilot makes a decision to take-off . What type of error is this ?
a.decision error
b.skill error
c.knowledge error
d. this is not an error – it is a violation.
48. An experienced dispatcher
a. gets enough sleep before going to work, plans well the flight and is able to identify most of the
possible problems
b. does not need to come early to work as he knows everything
c. looks for difficult solutions
d. avoids using latest technology because his experience is enough.
49. What should a good team do if there is a difference in opinion on what to decide ?
a. stop communicating in order to avoid problems
b. everyone goes back to his job and let the team leader worry about the problem.
c. start a dialogue to find the best decision.
d. make a vote and the majority win the decision.
50. Attitude is defined as:
c. how one responds to people , either positively or negatively
d. knowledge

F.D. inst. Farid Serchesi


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